The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-17, Page 2P.'►.GE TWO T "v5 4,1111111 • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUGO .W , ONTARIO ti THURSDAY,' APs, X7thp • 19..4 .' CC UHCIL MINUTES KINL'OSS TOWNSHIP' • • Kirirogs Municipal Council met 'April 7, 1952, as per "adjournment;; Couneillor 'McKirmon absent; • . The minutes. of .the last regularj ,.rneeting wrch 10th as . read I Were •approved• and signed..___.. An order was given to CIL for 45 gals Herbate Esterfor weed killing ,acid 5 glals, of Brushkill. ' The Clerk was instructed ,to Write Engineer "McGeorge re in. speetion.••of Gaunt Drain. ',' A cheque:• for $8.00 'Was issued torone-11a1f ,'hospital account re Mrs. Margaret ' Pinnell. . The ' lerk ' was instructed to write Drs. Little! of`L Cknow an d iviacD,onaldof :Ripley accepting the n• • rate of $5,00 per hour for school'children' de ntal' care.' The tenders of George Radford of Blyth - were accepted ' for the 'construction df. the Ackert' 'Drain Extension,and the Nine' Mile River Iiri ravement. A. drainage .petitionfor the re-. pair and extension of the Pinnell Mtiinicipal ' Drain was accepted. • Council adjourned to • meet again.' on Monday, the 12th day :of :May' 1952. ' " Cheques 'issued. Mareh 25;'1952;- H o l y roo d Women's . Institute', grant,. $300.00;',A13#1,1', 1952 "John Downey, operator W. F. '. spray,: 66.00; Edward Thomps6n, tractor, W. F. spray, '99.00; . George Hiltz S5 -spray, 9.62; :Chester F' an, refund tog tax' ek'i4g :. . g 1951, 4.00; Donald .Huffman; 12 fox . bounty, 24:00; Frank 1VTiller, .''inspector• W. F: spray, '75.00:. Lucknow Sentinel, ads and'' sup- Plies, :.33.64; • ' Weir • Eckenswiller., 1 fox bounty, 2.00; ,Daily Comm nierciaL : • ie*; drani ads, 17.20;• .E. Uinbach, :supplies, W.. F. *ray,• 3:;45`;; Rae* St Porteous, supplies F. Spray, ..7.45; ' J. R. Lane, unem- ployment stamps $4 2°0, kOld Age .pension. • $2.50-0.70;' D. i!'orrester,. iia : hospital:. acc. Mrs. 'M. Pinnell, 8-.00.• •Hi hwa 'che ues;: PayRoll No. g • Y .. q. 4,$350.0O;/Dominion . Road Mach - .inert'. Co.; repairs & labor; •500;46; Armco Products, culverts; 156.80; E. R. Gaunt,. trucking, 93:00;'Har= :old ' Kerr, .• �sno!wpiowing, '.530.00;: Fred, Trout,. gravelling, 973;70; A. • Hughes, gravel, 58.35;,R: Forster, welding; 9:00;. 'Rae &. Porteous; plugs, 145; ;'George .Hiltz repairs and labor, 15.00 C, A. '.McTavish, PURPLE GROVE Mr, and Mrs,, Burton Collins, Mary Lou and Johnnie :•spent. Easter with Mr. and; Mrs, Jerome Schmid of Mildmay..... Mr. ,Scott' Walsh has been help-. ing Mr. Calvin, Robertson. • Visitors at the home; of Mr.Land Mrs. Will Walsh for Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd,M Teer *of Glamis, •Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Avis of Tiverton, Mrs. • Harold Bannerman of Kinloss;, Mrs:: Davis: •of St. Catharines. They women of the Anglican W . A. Were 'guests at the • Thankof- 'kering , meeting; •' of the, • Presby,. terian WDM S, °; at the ' home •.Of.' Misses Nellie and Margaret 'Mal - 'i colm on 'Wednesday';afternoon of last week with a, record, ,attend ince of, both societies, presided• over by the .president, Mrs. Frank Maulden. ' The scripture :was read by lVIrs..Barr. and prayer by Mrs:. Baulch, .The Easter scripture and lesson was. given by ,Nr* Helen Malcolm of, Toronto, who illus- trated her reinarks with the use of a flannelgraph 'on the trial crucifixion and resurrection. Miss Malcolm :emphasized the 'constant need. to _ study the Bible' so that -i`ts-eterrial_.truth _may enl hten' and warm • the hearts andlninds of people. This' inspiring: Easter message, was greatlydppreciated' by all those present. The minutes Were read by Mrs: Perry Hod-; :gins who also conducted tire con- test's. Roll` all • was answered by a verse 'of • scripture;- containing the word resurrection. Mrs.; John Emerson sang "The Old •Rugged - Gross". A dainty lunch •'was sere- ed at the .;close , of. the .ineeting. Mr. and ' Mrs. •.Victor Gawley visited with relatives at :Pine River on 'Saturday night,' ' Mr: -and Mrs: John Tr'itiS of De,- troit. visited With `Mr. and ` Mrs. George S. r Emerson Monday'' Mr. • and Mrs. •• G. Rhody and. 'babe: visited with Mr. 'Frank Dore. en . Sunday.. . Mr,' and Mrs. Edbert •;Bushel', Katherine • &. George spent, Easter With ' Mr. and Mrs. Rex . Stewart' of .Millarton. . Miss 'Velma. Gawley is 'spend= ing.,the :holidays at Ripley with; Misses Ada'. grid Lettie 'Gawley:: Ruthie..Forster is visiting 'with' her cousin; Mary McCosh: grease and oil, 73:44: r:. •, i• • 4 ,s. LANGSIDE Mrs and Mrs. Eric Evans, Diane and Allen of Hyde Park spent the weekre*d with friends here,' Miss 'Doleana, -Orr of London. and Betty Ann. Lapp .of Wingham spent the week -end at William. ' •Mrs. Parish, Moffat was a dele- gate to the Synodical.. meeting held recently in Hamilton. Mr. and; Mrs. Graham Pinkney. and son of Ajax ,were visitors with • Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer. Mr. Marlow Crowston of Rin- cardine , spent: 'thea week -end at his home: Mr' Freeman of Tee ater .gave the' recording• of° the "Hallelujah Chorus"-' ;!by the • Teeswater 'Pres-, byterian Choir' during the Easter service on St n'day The W.M.S. Than ring was held. in• the 'church, on Thursday evening. ':Mrs. `Farish- Moffat pre- sided. • Mrs. Wim •'Orr gave . the scripture reading and ineclitatiOn. Mrs. Bert Moffat led in prayer,. Mrs: Feagan gave •a reading; and :Gordon Moffat. played' an instru- mental. Mrs. Elmer Scott gave .the offering ' prayer. 'Mrs;' James' Richardson sang a solo. Mrs. Far. tsh: Moffat ' gave ,.Ia summary .of the 'Synodical meetingswhich she attended in Hamilton. The' film strip "The King Cometh": was shown. Rev. Currie ,,closed the ;meeting withi 'prayer, Thie next meeting will be held, at the -home of -.- M Wm rs.L •acDox aid on •Thursday;, Alpril- -24th at 2:30 p.m. (Note change ,of, date) United Church W. A. • Gronp I: of the W. A. was 'held, in the basement of the church on 'Wednesday evening After "'the opening exercises, the scripture lesson was read :by 1Vfrs. Cliff. ,Crawford, Cheerio and sickcom-. mittee • reports were ,then given.. The roll .call was;; answered by the most . nei'ghBorly° thing` that ever happened- to me, by 18 lad- les. "1 come to the : Gamlen" was sungdby Marilyn Kilpatrick, Anne :Crawford; Donna Johnston° . and Elizabeth Webster "What consti- •tutes"true frienness was. given by,Mrs:' Thelma MacDonald ;and prepared` by Miss • ' Cameron. - "What ' it means to.; be a good citizenship" was taken by Mari- lyn Kilpatrick: Margaret I Rae sang a solo An address was given by Miss Dean MacLeod. A social hour wasenjoyed at; the close of the meeting when a successful bazaar ; was held. •'RIIPLEY FAIR DATES have,been advanced' to September 16th° -and 17th 4t' .-was" decided at a' recent: directors'-rneetrirg pireside-d -o ser ,.by, -PreS'ident Austin Nostril; WAA'LKERTON will have a tax rate this year of 76'• mills. ' :.DONALD : BLITE has been re-elected.,president Of the Ripley ' Women's Institute. ' Asl„red-why-he ersisted in the- ,, habit of talking to himself, Uncle Zeke explained, "Firstly,. Ah laks: V) talk' to a •smart man, and,. sec- ondly,', At laks to :hear'• a smart man talk". • '• • LOOKING B�ACKWA,'RDS THROUGH. 1 Sixty ears Ago, • WereR MoCar,roll and James. Lyons were awarded the contract for the erection -of "the mammoth stables and sheds for the new hotel 'orr the old• McIntyre property":, Rev. and Mrs., Connors of St.. Peter's. Episcopal chu li4w. ere•'be- reaved by the death,of their little daughter. Mr ent Webster', resid, .' ' . James - •a. , of Ashfield since '1854. and ,tine of • the original settlers,; 'died on the homestead at the age of 70 I:e was ' buried, at•Zion,; the service .being conducted by . Rev. J. w, Coiling, •• • .• • . Wheat ..Was :90c, oats. •28e, 1po- taatee.s 25e a bushel, butter 15c,. eggs •15c, chickens 25c •. 'a pair; dressed . Pork 6c, -hay $12 •to _ $14 . a : ton:' a , The two. daughters of Mr. and Mrs.. Elliott' Traver ,;• died' i•ri. Strathroy from diphtheria:' Mr. Traver was• a, former . Lucknow barrister. Peter iorrigan. _and Wm Val- ens represented Bruce Patrons:of Industry at the grand lodge meet- ing in Toronto.. '. The Village. 'Council licensed three' taverns and: one• liquor she Council :voted' a.garnst "ensing a 44tlh tavern.-Taverii lic.= enses were $80. Ag o' T irty.. � ..iveYears g . . Mrs Kenneth. McLean, a pion-: 'eel; resident of . Kinloss, died: at her; home just, east of Lueknow in, her 80th year. •' Mr. ;and'IVIrs'.: D S:' MacDonald received word that their•. son Dan, Who, , was woundett overseas, . Was being' 'home. • • Theprice of hogs 'early ,in 191.7 was, $13:75 per cwt:'' They were referred. to as; "mortgage lifters" ,: Bill, 14abick,..twice:'turnei down because of . defective eyesight, finally' 'succeeded in enlisting With a: railway; construction bat- talion. Miss Agnes '1VIcQuaig'' sailed .from Montreal tate in December' 1915; with a. group of 25 nurses', bound 'for overseas. Duncan McTavish . of, Hurc ,n. Township entered. college • to pre, • 'pare for, the, -Methodist ministry:' John Inglis': -died, in Wesit wanosh at the age of 83.' nt , `rs: Twe q . e _.a . ,Ago , • Rev. C. H. -Dickinson' was chos, en pastor' .of American' Urnted • Church ' in ' Montreal..Wm..'E Haldenby' was "County..Y. . Master..'of West • Bruce I:.O.L. • The death, occurred Suddenly of Pocher McCharles.,. " Eunice Newton: won the W. r. Bald medal' for obtaining' the highest marks in Wes$ Bruce in. spectorate °at the - entrance ex,. minationS: The honor' : had come ,: � tb •Lucknow on seven .other casions, the winners being Gladys Spindler, 'Margaret MacKenzie, Mary, Connell, -Louise Garbutt; Bessie Murdie andJean Stewart. Peter=Watson w-as__president the .Agricultural Society, John'. 'D. MacKenzie'of the• Lochalsh com unity died l in, ' his 80th year. ; ' • , Ten :Year s" I Rev J,W. Donaldson ' 'arrived here as' .rector: at St. "Peter's,:. the •. parish having been, vacant since Rev A. :A, ,Maloney ' enlisted in the chaplaincy service Rev: John : ,Calvin Maclay, a native : of Lucknow,• was chosen rr bderator of . the, Free 'Church . Of Scotland, an honor.' that was con-. ferred' on his. father,';Rev. Angus MacKay,; in .1916 :Melvin: Irwin died Suddenly.' at, .. the ;age of :47 years. ; :"• Mr. and,. Mrs. •James' 'Salkeld .: (ripe Margaret, Sandy,) were kill= edt`:in a ,level' crossing`'crash` in -London. Ross 'MacKenzie died .of. injur ies received , when a light truck. ,Which he ;he' waspassenger slid into a locomotive: at the .crossing near Cerglil•1 depot. y . ) „,, •r P • • You May never meet her. But you • have talked to her, heard that. friendiq "Voice with' a smile. The' Bell :operator has, 'through the; years, lscome: a symbol .of ;courtesy valid competence She is one of'the thousands of telephone people everywhere .responsible for proviiting :you' with the best possible telephone .service. Withher. they share a conimon'pride in. the Berl tradition' of treating customers the ;gay they. 1' I ' like to be treated. i"E'"Bg[:lE.pEpifi0'N•E 't'opi,PANY 'OE CA• • `Im ADA Po1it'icari=-a man why divides his time between, running for of-' 'fide and running for cover. CLUB' 'OPERATIONS BRING COURT FINE ' Thrirnas Koviak, manager 'of the Vicltory Club at'Dungannon, pleaded 'guilty ,to a charge ..of' keeping licjuor for sale contrary to the Canada Tem,perance Act' when 'he appeared in; court in. Goderich' Thursday..•, before ' Mag- istrate 11 E. • Holmes, Q.C. • He Was fined •$50land costs and ,liquor seized in' ' a police 'raid was . ordered confiscated. ' Frank Donnelly, Q.9,,, said ',that the' Dungannon Club had operat=' ed' it a much smaller way than the Goderich Club, ;against which a conviction had been previously, registered. He said his client ha given up the i ,ea of operating the, Victory Club and was: going. back to his old job 'of p ming', 'A second charge:• Of k .bringing liquor. into Huron County con- ,ntrary, to, the CIA, Was with -1 drawn.. • •u Let Coke j6in' your 'gay circle' of friends: Serving Coca-Cola serves, hospitality .. adds to the occasion.•' :8ottf(ICarton including tedera1 Sales and Excise 'faxes • .. 1?lasire osi2c Per bottle t•, •Antiror,t,e(i bottler of Coca-Cola ander contract with Coca-Cola L GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS. Goderich, Ont'. ' 'Phene .• 489 •