The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-10, Page 5'THURSDAY, .A.1:11,114 10th, 1952; : )r. 4a ad Lls ip. w. , )c 'or ilt, in ills of bhe the eatre Two Showi Each Night Friday, Saturday, Aril 11, 12 AUDREY TROTTER E' SELLOUT MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, TUesday, April 14, 1 • TEXAS. CARNIVAL JOHN DERF4C, DONNA• REED ATURDAY'S HERO • Aervice +will be held on Friday taken br RoV: Hayward, assisted, by iteV: Watt. , , Mr. and Mrs. TOm Morrison spent a few.days in Toronto last Newman spent a few days 'in HarnittOn,„ after attending 'the Synodical meeting., TheY rettirn-. ed borne. on•Monday; spent the week -end bere, prior to being transferred' Mr. an.ci Vira. 'Garnet Farrier With ,Mr. and Mrs. Carman Far - Mr. arid Mrs. Victbr Emerson and her' mother spent Sunday With Miss Margaret - Taylor in • Mr, Stanley Moore and WaYne Heriry are laid up With MumpS. Miss Mabel Purclon is ill at the Mrs. Currie •is home froM the hospital Where she had been for ' Mr. Walter Bell is movink hiS -wife -and,'-baby- -daughter -this week, They are going to live in Part. of Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Mc - them tO Mit village. He moved the Acl:zinceCRegistry Yorkshire Breedirik Stock at 2,00 pan. CATALOGUES ON REQUEST Fuel feeds Fertilizer Fcine 71' Self' Serve, Staffed for .Seivice Phone ..27 G., FENTILizE .ti*Brand Von wolf *4011' You Want It- BLAC-IC HAWK FARM -EQUIPMENT This will be a. Complete line of farm machinery— Thd Right Start Means 'The Right Finish . QUALITY CHICK FEEDS ,chick suirr.FR,— Chick CRUMBLES = Chick PELLETS i• • CARD of TI4ANKS. wts.h...tolhanAc:.4.1krar friends who remembered me with cards, fruits and flowers while I was in the, hospital and since return- ing hoine, All these kind. acts ,were much appreciated. wishes AP most sincerely thank ',all those who so kiridly • and thoughtfully remembered 41 m :while in, Wingharn, HosPital, All the kind :acts and the, care'•and attention of dOctors and 'nurses. their appreciation to' the ,neigh- bors and friends fdr: the kindness. shoWn to theixi in their .recent bereavement; to those 'Whd ed oars, Pent floral tribiges and ,helped in any other way. I Wish to thank "friends and neighbors who sO kindly. rein,ern- bered me with -Cards' ,and. gifts and visitedine while in. Wingham Lucknow Doctors and 'to Muses and hospital.: Staff for excellent, care • and kindness which Was greatly appreciated. • Mrs. Harvey Hodgins:: .NOTICE TO.; CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons' claiming. against the estate of 'JOHN FARRISH,. late of Lucknow., 'are required to for -Ward full partieulari to Elmer .noW; on or...before, the 30th day Of •April; 1952, after which date the. assets •ofq,i,the estate' •will. distributed. , ich, Solicitor for the Executors: I 'wish to thank all ;ply friends' who remembered ine With cards, fruits and flbvirers while, I was in the hospital•and'since return, 'were much' apPrecioted, • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of Donald L. MC - againts estate )Of •Donald ,McKinnori, late of the Township Bruce, Farmeri, deceased, whp .died on' orp-about ,the 22nd daY of ..Jarinary, 1952, ore hereby not, ified to send' in. to the Undersign- ed ExectitorSi., on. or befere'the• 15th..day of April;. 1952, full A-ticulars of their claims:, •• • Irnmediately after the 15th day of April., 1952, the assets .of the estate Will be distributed amongst have notice. , Dated at •,'LUCknow, ;Ontario; -this-15th--day Of March, 1952. - .D. kraser McKinnon: and •JOhn now, Ontario, Executors. . ,Locknow. V. OUR' ,S14!2....P 20N • .ttriA PURINA FEEDS • Back again with'more laughs and new thrfflo; n he. Farm. See what haPPeni. to ‘4Pa'' gets 'electricity • Come early and" avOid the rush' for .seats; . Doors 'will open at 7.0o, • • , SattirdaYsMatinee at: 2:15. • ,I..Monafw,, T.u.' esdIty, .We4,riesif7 -April 14, . Once,- ingoa lifetiine .comes a 'Man' with a great voice—and in finding Mario Lanza tO portrav$ for'ont generation,, the ' ' life and career of that great man—Enrico Caniso—with a hea,rt-warnung story that will please all— • . , ... . ..`The Great aruso" . . in Teehnlcoler. his rounds on, the Four h East: A young fawn will ave qUite a- story to tell-its-frien s. Rescu- ed frorri ddgs it waS cared for at, the farm of W.' F. MacDonald. When it had recoVered, on. advice of' the game Warden, *it Nira* again. ,delegate.tO the PreSbyterian Syn- odical" in: Hamilton last week. ,d,augh.ters of Belwpod, Mr. an Mrs. Brock-MacKenzie...and-1a and Angus 'of Newmarket apex* 'Saturday with, Mr. and Mrs. An.. There It DANGER' In Fnrther. Delay o 'Secure the ehieks you want when yen want them . - ORDER. PROMPTLY (Canadian Approved) .Offers Healthy, .SturdY Chicks, front In The Estate Of' Denali' Thomas All r s (ins having • claims against. the eState: of Donald 1Y. .0f: Brute, Far -Merl deCea0ed, who' ori' aboiit the 1St. day of November,• 1951, ire here:' ,riotified to: send :ih. to the underSigned Executrix; on or be- Sull particulars of their Claims. immediately after the 25th day est'ole";;Will be distributed aniongi:t the parties entitreet thereto;• hay- ing regard. atilS: to the 'clanng which the Executrik ,shall• then' Dated at Lucknow, OntariP,' this 31st' day of ,Mareh, • FOURTH CONCgS$100' Mr., and Mrs. ',,John A. Dickie and Aleta Of Hope Eay Visited a feW days Ia§t,week With Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie and faniily, _.„-Owitig to road. conditions, the. mailman has been tthaiale to Make • Barred Rock. * White Leghorn •'• • R, L Red * Barred. Reek' Sustex x.R.hod, 'Island Red assey in le Harris ents DON'T. DELAY — ORPER .NOW ,. To Atiure Delivery-, And,. Avoici Pos6ble MANURE SPREADERS ' RtI1311E1C-TIRED WAGONS machinerY overhauled now and worn parts replaced. . • • ILLS j . 'PHONE 70-m,ILUCHINTOw