The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-28, Page 371•11,JRIP., F&13,111JARY, gith:1952, • • , , • . • THE 1,41.1C4NOW, •.arCKNOW,' •QkTARIQ 1 • •• • Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKen- . ...Mr. and Mrs. WM,. Blue and' •zie and Mr. and Mrs, ,Robert,Mc- , Ma•rgaret iwere eek -end visitors Omuairli\iynnanehildren Geo:Igo and 1v4ith:Mrs: Blue' »Par4,.. ,ts, Mr. and spent the week -end With. 'Mrs. J. D. An o relatives in the rnni conn y. Lucknow Presbyterian Church REV. C. A. WINN, .B.A., 'Minister , ISUNDAV; iV1-A116H- 2nd 11 a.M.:,Merldni:Worship 12.15 p.m,: Sunday School and Bible Class.. 3 p.m:: Ershine;')Dungannon, • 7 p.m4 Evening, Worship. • , • • LUCKNOW: . a UNITED, CHURCH' Minister: Rev, W.4..Mumford, ' M.A4 BD.. S.T.p. . • . 1 ,..ST.H INDAY, MARC2nd, 1952 • , FiRS'1' SUNDAY IN LENT ' . Ii1 a.m.: The Will as a Fashion- . • er of Character. - . • 12.15 P.m.;‘,. Sunday 7p.m.: Personalties .Of the Patsion:, 1. Peter. ' Too many fieople think of 1 religion • as ,a last .resort. • It: • • isn't. Why not resolve to'. at-; tend churOh• regularly durthgi - welcome you. to WOr- ship. • . . • • j ....• , . Anglican Church .' ... NOTICES . 4 Ail,. A., S. Mitchell, L.Th:„ " • Rector.. • ' • First Sunday in Lent, • . March 2nd, . 1952 • ' . _, _......• , 4 .. ... .. St. . Peter's. Church, 1.,ucknow 11 a,m.'. :The Holy Communion and - The.. Bishop's -Broad-, cast Sermon. ' .. ' . • Monday, March 3rd, WA. meets.. „at: the. Rectory. 7 : . , . . Wednesday, March 5th,...Lent .Service at, the horrie of Mr. • iThos.,W...;srnith,--LHaveloeltLiSt.„. .St Paul's.firittirclii, Dungannon' 2.36 Pan. Evening Prayer. --Thursday, 2.30 .p,M., Ladies• ', Guild at the home of • • :Mrs. Robert J. Durnin. • St. Paul's Church, Ripley 7.36' p.m.: EvenirigPrayer. 4 , . • TtleSdaY • March 4th, 8 :p..rri..) • The .Ladies' Guild at the' ., , . Rectory in l'AicknoW. Diocesan;Broadeasts,''KNX ,Sunday, March 2nd, 11.30. a.th, -'-•-• • and 3,15. p.m, •' Wednesday, Mar,. 5th, 7.25 p.rii, ... . , • . » YOU are» invited to attend the . • . Pentecostal (huich.• '.• RINI.,OUGH • Sunday„ Morning. Worship... 11.00. gem. • Sunday SchOol • PRAYER MEETING.' Thursday Night, February 14 • • at the honte of HarveY 110dgint, Riffle -Ugh Pastor Leonard' Thirsk, • , 1V1r.`"and,Mrs. W. J. C. Mitchell arid. daughter: Roberta of , Ham- iltOP Were Week -end visitors at the' Rectory, • Mr. Floyd Wilson with Rev. A, S, Mitchell attended the • Boy Scouts 'Father and Soriebanquet in Walkerton on Monday last. • . , Guest Mitehell entertained a Small "dinner; ,Party follewed by ,the dance at 'MikirnaY on,Priday Mr an4t1VrrS. HarveY7,..VreleaVerii :Mr, and Mrs. Harviey Websterand Mrs. M. Johnston spent the week -end in Toronto. • • • Mr. and. Mrs: Carripbell were at Rothsay last week visit- ing with. Jack's father, Mr. Sam Campbell • who is quite. poorly. Mr. ,Campbell is 87 years Of age' and. makes his home with his •daughter, Mrs, •: Harold MorriSon. • Mr. id, Mrs. Gord,on Jamieson of Kitchener, Mrs,. j. G. Splah, Stuart and Dongiai God.erich, Mr. and Mr -Ho -ward: -Harris, Mrs.,. Harris,' airtcl, Earl, also Mi. and Mrs. S;janiieson visited on Saturday evening .With Mrs. John Jamieson. Mrs: »E1»lidtt» Burns of LoS An-. geles • was a recent » Visitor. With her • late husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Burns. Her only son Toinmy, ,whp is now 21, is serving in England in the Am- erican Air Corps. He is Well membered in- '4udknow,, having frequently spent his Suminer hol- idays here with his» grandparents. DUNGANNON PAGE THItEE SEEK OPINION .LARGe. qAtvtE :CLUB' Special showings at The Play- house Theatie» last week tinder joint sponsorship 'with, the Luck - now Fish and Game protective AssociatiOn drew ..goed„ crowds. The feature a•ttraction Vas sup- plemented by interesting. outcloer shorts,' and a series of our prize •draws were made for flashlights. Local winners were Carolyn Gib- son and HUgh Cuming. Questionnaires were» paSsed out at the shows, With a' view •to ,de- termining the feelingof district fish and game .enthusiasts in re- g4- to. 1a ng4ttie district,And_ "accelerating the outdoor life propagation :program". • , • The,SP,'2'qUestion asked "Are you in favor of organizing Luck - pow, 1.Wingham, 'TeeswA.ter and adjoining Townships into one large tatub; under one executive?" No..3 question was:. "Are you 10 favor of more rigid. control of offenders of the law who are taking bird, game and fish out of Season?" , •,• Replies to the questionnaire are requested by March 1st: . . KAIRlIckA • 1VIEMBMS VA.VOR• STOPPINGFOR SCHOOL los .. • • Mrs. Lloyd , MacDougall was hostess for the February meeting of the.Kairshea W. I., which was held last Thursday ith» a good • attendance. Mrs. Houston preSid- • ed•over the meeting, which open-' 'ed in. the usual' manner.. „ During the business period $15 was » donated to the Wingh.ain General Hospital" to be tsed for. Our, hospit51 room. A donation of -$5, was made to the local cam- paign for the blind.» All the mem.- berg were in favor of Signing »the resolution' 'whereby -all motorists • .• . •must stop. while a school. bus is *edd in the•:act.Ot picking up students . 'letting them out The„' Calico - was held in the United . Church Ball is: to •be held on April' 4th parsonage; Dungannon; Sunday,' ' Februaryin the Town Hall with Carr.uth- , 24th ',at 7'. p.M. when- er's. orchestra •. _ Emily Grace DuWas stinited . in marriage to Herbert RiChard of , try The roll call, "Theadvantages Finnigan The bride iS• the third daughter. of Mr.. and Mrs. Win. sponded. to » life", was well re- . 'WS., W.:.,Scott read t e.eurrent events.. prepared by H. McClure of Diingannon- and .Mrs: Evans:the motto, "No.man the bridegroom is the fourth son 'On 'earth is. ever: poor; Who has ,of •and- Mrs. Richard Finni- garden at his door" was given. gan . of GOtlerich., by Mrs L...MaeLeOct. Qther sriurii7 officiated. at' the ,cerernony. The .bers the program were as • fol bride wore »a navy suit, pink felt lows: 'reading :"Women"" by Mrs. hat and ..accessories ,and a Mauve , SMaeGilli ,.. VraY, a piano instru,. orchid corsage She. was attended mental by.MrS.:W; Scott, a.duet 'by Miss Margaret Durnin. who 'by Betty and Joan Hamilton and •wore a navy:suit with pale, blue . a v• piano instrumental b,'• Allan accessories. COrsage was 13-1n'',Adattoopgall. A.• Hughes gave and .whitecarnations..•:Mr. Gor- .an -interestirig topic on, Cal-----ladian don- Finnigan,. brother of the an and ways of serving them, grobn:r;....-Was-best---rna-n7--After--the• 1(tlg' wedding ceremony the bride and'At7aEil1ifttlitriked7the groom left on a motor trip to hostess arid the was sung A Social .National time was -anthem ' s ' ..; ' Windsor .and Detroit,: They will :joyed. The he'd. meeting Will 'be en reside in Dungannon • . ':,. . .' • Mrs Tillie„kitson:_ancLitiree heldat the hOme.of MrsIra. • - - :grandchildren "Com_ptons" " of. •inoved into part .of the Thompson •hoinee, also: 6cxupi»ed,jkthe former'S,brother. Arthur .Thompson and •-sister • Mr. Will Walsh and Mrs. Har - Mabel ThamPson; • • • - • old•tannerman spent Sunday at The .Pee Wee hOckey.tearn has. T,Ondon. We are ,glad. to report enjoyed two games lately at Mrs: Walsh. is improving • .• • Blyth. with the Pee • Wees there; -.1VIessts. George S. Emerson and Monday Kight's score . was Myth Joe, Mr. John Elliott. and Mrs. '2,1itingarmon 1,, scored..by Wayne Dan Gillies attended the fimeral Brown. • • , , •of their aunt, Mrs Charles Do - Mi. Jack Odrser of ,Toronto was •berty of Detroit. , ; , • ' •.• recent Visit•rir .with: his.. parents,. • Friday;"Pebruary, 29th, will be• Mr. and ' Mrs. Albert.,Orser, ' the Worltts Day of Prayer The Mr. and Mrs Ted. Durnin,'Re- F•erVief! • will he' held in the Pres- trip:•East,L byterian-Cliurch,:;at...2.30 o'clock • . e. been , visitors with' their at Kinlough.• , .`• • • ,• • • couSiris,. Cecil ind fidw.ard blake• - Mr . -Stuart Dore is getting Wii- a1c) Mrs'. Mcconne.1,and Beth.* ,,ed for hydro; • - • The 'Ladies Guild of and. Mrs. • 'John ,Emerson Anglic•M 'church hi;I:d•sucooss- ;•spent .:Ttiesday at •Mr. and, Mrs: • hill, euchre :Mnnday night in the Olen Emerson's, » Parish,,Ifail. High prizes Went to arid• Mrs. Donald MCcosh, Mrs'. John Chisholm and. Mr. L. Mary and Diekie•Visited with Mr,: Tei 10 to\tv.:prizes., te- Mrs, John Ardell Mason on SUnday, • Pirmigan and Rev :A.'S,' Mitdhell, The ..Purple Grpve; the, »Har - Mr. Carlefon'Stingel. Ls Visiting .mpny and 1.0th Coni Farm. For- • his siSto.r; Mrs.. John Fennellat•urns inetin 'the, Purple :Grove BradfOrcl. • • .Sch )ol on -Monday evening, The The World's Day, of Vrayei-Vill eet for.,•discussion was "How -be obSerifecl• Friday; Pelirtiary ht rate increases affected the. -at 2.30 P.M. in the Unitcd'ehurch. fatrilerS. our fgrufh7, It »was 'ReV. Mrs, 'Q, 'Watt Wili. be the meiltioned that in recent years .speaker, " 'trucking 'has ,plaYed:..ati increas.7 A filth:A' Japan will be shown ing!Y large Part in trarisPOrtaSunday . evening at the 'United tion, Trucks can give a,mote,tonl.. ehoeh at 8'00, All service than the railways reguilarIbi„wbeity Dungan- for short hauls. Other idea g were 'non'United • Church 'Young Peo- given as' tO hoW the St. pies nteethig, wh.s, h6id 1,mo/1. rence Seaway 'Would affeet . day nighlt, February Z5th freight rates, .Mr.- Davis, • •• twL-Etit.coyti LADIES' AND MEN'S wEAR. TELEITONE '85 • HANDKERCHIEFS • Linen (1404. ImPoOSY fl "ailed with fine hems ..... . 50c • SHIRTS Nylon and Broadcloth in • • white, colors and 'stripes.. All sizes and outsize. • $2.95 to $7.95. SHORTS oltz. UNDERVESTS. • in cotton and broadcloth,' all sizes and: 014six.e... • WORKING 1%14N • Cgrriplete stock in overalls, ., streamliners, coveralls and • smocks ; Branded , lines in -sanforiied blue denim for • inen: ,and boys. • TROPICANAS A *c:spin4 DRESSES The most demanded dress in Canada in juniors, misses, straight, and half sizes. Wear them here, there and every- where, in comfort and style. Leave your order early. $4.98 - SPRING COATS • • The all-purpose. coats in worsteds and gabardines,. • - Showerproofed-7-so durable. HOSIERY ew» stock and shades in all weights and denier, 81/2 to 11]/2, in nylons. » ESTAE.USHED 'THROUGH SERVICE .. Man 'of . the Cream Prodticen.,well above,. the .price set. by the .;Marketing Board, gave » a very: government. • .. * • ••. •gt *.• • • • • • • '4,• • • r.' .4 , t . . • r• • .1" • r• • 4' • .1 • • • • . ; 4, • te. • . • , k• • • • , r •, • t• • • • informative talk on marketing » »Mran'd -Mrs-.--Feank7/". • • , boards and, 'how they function Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Colwell and and what the Federation 4..doing Allan.visited with :Mr. and Mrs. to help 'Markets He also pointed Donald 1VIcCosh on Sunday.' • out how\ the Cream •Producers . Mr. and Mrs. Jerome' Schmid have been active and had the and family visited With Mr. Bur - effect of keeping Our butter price .ton 'Collins ..onPWednesday.. , • . 4. • • , . • . • • .. • • . ere4 GIVE YOUR. GENEROUS. SUPPORT TO ' • lit.MON COLLEGE •; LONDON, *CANADA , . • • Mother »of the University of Western pntario" • HttrOin College, the Only Men' S Residence On the: 'University'S Campus, Serves 176 Men •Representing 10 benoiniiiations. •• ,AN INVESTMENT IN HURON ,COLLEGE • 18 AN 'INVESTMENT . IN. CANADA.'S FUTURE. • .• • • • • Campaign for 1.375,000 •OPens Marc.h 2nd • • '. », • r. • • , • • • rt.., " • •", • - • • — r. e . 4 k. . • • •P 4. • • • • • :•* 0 • 44 • '„• ;1' ' • , • • • eit • • 11 1 V V . -!4 • 71', 74.” 44 _ „•••,, , 141.1, 4,4 •