The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-21, Page 8• ra.e+srrwe �+� THE L"iTGKNOW SENTINEL, LT,ICKNOW ONTARIO •, •• . • For not being able to wait. oil all our customers ,on 'Saturday, the • first day of, our store; wide sale.. -R FIRST . ... SECOND • o For ,not having'more me. •• rchand�se out, for your selection. THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING more and different goods at:: prices that proved -so popular: 'with our.:customers last week. COME IN AND ;LOOK AROUND. m1eton Store. iGion` W.M.S., Zion W.M.S.'.met, Thursday' 'a f - ternoon, February 14th at ' they home of; Mrs. W. 0. Hunter with 13 present.; 1VIrs. Gordon Ritchie, pi esident, conducted the day of prayer service, interspersed with readings,by, Mrs. Jim . Hunter, Mxs Kirkland . and. Mrs.: Wookey, „ Mrs. ''Bill, Hunter. conducted 'the; Worship. service: The scripture Was : read,; by Mrs. W. Ritchie. .Prayers were taken by Mrs. Jake, Hunter, ',Mrs. C. Wilkins; Mrs. G. Hunter, Mrs F.,.Ritchie:and Mrs.: • :W..•:O: •Hunter.' Rev C. B. Woolley gave: the .•address, "What your ' money : does":Hunter': read an article: on' Christian ste- wardship. Letters of . thanks .were read .from. Mts.'' Will Helm and, Mrs. Allan '.Ritchie. At ,the ,short business session it was decided to use the 'talent ,• money plan' the. same as last. year... Mrs. ins. was 'appointed to. prepare he. program for-ne-x4 meeting.---Mr-s.- C. Wilkins, see:' pro' tem, read. the 'Minutes and' called the roll, ,and• the ladies were . asked to. ',bring their' flannelette quilt patches •to the next.: meeting. God Save The Queen was sung and. Rev. C. B. 7W9911- y;' clic edti €r wW:1GI;S; - with prayer: •Mrs. Geo. • Hunter,. pres. of the .W.A, they; took' .over. Mrs. •Lloyd Hunter read psalm ,46.:Mrs. Jake .Hunter , :readtie, minutes. anl.: reports. `A discussion on quilt; patterns fora the .bazaar followed and . blocks : were distributed. Plans fora blanket club, were discussed. ••'The, ::afternoon ' closed with.. the serving y of dainty 'ire freshments by ' the. hostess,:as, sisted 1by`:Mrs.. Jim Hunter and Mrs. ' Jake 'Hunter: I• SEE, BY THE • SENTINEL. o. (Continued' from page 1), THAT' special outdoor shorts .will be shown on Thursday and Fri- day along with the week -end If e a t uge attraction "Go For Broke" a t t h a Playhouse . Theatre; On Thursday and Fri- day •,shows will start at 7'.00 and 9:00 and a prize draw will be made at' each show. The :,pict- tures are being filmed in coni junction with the Lucknow 'i Fish and Game Protective As- sociation, which. will share in the proceeds; for the promotion' of their conservation activities. Advance sale tickets are .avail, Able : v rn Public • and ' High School students. ' ' • TIAT Gilbert •• and 'Sullivan's • "The Mikado", presented by 70 boys and girls from the Brant- ford School for the, Blind, will ibe presented in ' Brantford' on ' March 22nd and in the Eaton, Auditorium on March 27th. One • of ,'the leading. roles,. Sing", is •being; • played: by Eunice Helm, :daughter .of Mr: - and Mrs.. Wm. Helm `of Zion, and a former student' at Luck- now High School, until failing eyesight made• it necessary ;for her to complete her education at: Brantford. Many of, .the cast . have•learned their tines by ;hearing and ;their dances by feel rather than 'sight.' -o- TIIAT the death . of; .,. Charles. • •, ,Swanson : of Wingha'm occurred on Sunday following a severe, stroke. • He • had barbered in Wingliam fox 50 :'years. Mrs., • Fred . Steward of. Ailsa Craig • is a daughter. THAT last Week produced,. some • clear and snappy' winter wea- ther. It was four belowlast Wednesday, aid on .. Thursday -St Valentine's Day -the' low • locally was 6 below. • . .TRIMS., FEBRUARY . 21st, 1952• J! • " CHS ILDREN'' , Snowsuits, g Coats i I. nowsuits' Parkas, Station Wagon , . YOUTHS' and 'MISSES' Parkas •and Station Wagon' Coats. LADIES' , •, Station Wagons, Dresses: and. Coats. ' Before .moving. we -are anxious to.clear' these items and ,. • THE PRICES, HAVE BEEN: CUT �...': -i f - °.:-; THE. PRIGS that will mean a great , saving ,to our customers. TOT.TO-TEEN :and -LADIES' ` WEAR, i • 'Phone 89-'w 'Lucknow, Ontario• °I • Brantford, Edmonton,' Winnipeg FORMER RECTOR REST', :. LAID . TO S Early on- • 1�Io idday aillOrritrigT February 4th,: Rev. Canon Charles Wesley Saunders, B.A., 'B.D., died at. therectory in Stewiacke, Nova Scotia,, in which :.parish he., had ministered for. 23 :years, He was, 75 years of age.. Rev: Saunders was a former: rector of • Lucknow` and St:. -1 -1e1 - ens parishes• andwas,a' resident here from 1905 'to ' 1919.7 It was in 1910 .that :the bell: was iestall ed in the tower ::of:. St:- Peter':4 .Church. 'Rev.. Saunders returned to .Lucknow :for ` a; visit . with old friends during the •. Bruce County reunion. ' The late Canon Saunders was. born at Exeter. • He studied at I•iuron College, London, and was ordained . t'o the • diocante; in 1903. and raised tb the priesthood the following :year `by:•the. Most Rev- erend, Archbishop ' • Williams • of. Huron Diocese. He served in par- ishes at Port: Rowan, Lucknow; • ■monsm■uu■• ■ E . • ■ • nca:Ke.:s: A MUST 'for 3'H�t01FE 'TUESDAIF •• . 0 ■ ' Ready AUNT : J'EMIIMA mi. 2Oc PANCAKES. BUCKWHEATS :22c Are 'Delicious With ■ ▪ BEEHIVE.'CORN SYRUP 2 lbs. 34C ' ! OLD..; COION3 .MAPLE,. SYRU -..... ... ,.. 55e.__:' • • m MacSWEEN'S HONEY' 2 'lbs. 45c ■ ' • SILVERWOOD'S BUTTER,, lb: : • ' . 72c ■ °. M&CARONI 2 lbs.' 27c a MED.:FACTORY-CHEESE, -lb. = ' ' " 55c— ■ Eat 'gm.. anytime anywhere a • I. ■ 0 ■ :, 0 • THAT' ,Rev Harvey. L. Parker,- - rector at iChesl,ey and Tara,;has •0 been appointed by,' Bishop Lux-' '` ton to the parish of St. ;Paul's; ■ Wingharn where Rev.' and ,lVIrs.'- • Parker. and. their one .. young • • child will •take up .residence in '-�- - mid April' During his:student ■ • 'days at Huron College; Rev. m; ' Parker assisted as curate -in .St, sr Peter's . Church.. • THAT John Thompson of West 'Way -raft -sins recuperating from pneumonia, from which he' had twice • 'been' ill, In within three r months.' ■ ' • ■ ■ In the ■ Bjig�ht...Alow r ' ■ Cefophan. ' .1• • Bail: • Quakei'p° 11.' MAPLE LEAF CHEESE, '/2 lb. .............,:... 32c- ' Spocial' n.t o-ductory er ■ ■ POSTS SUGAR CRISP 2 for 29c ■ CAKE OF CAMAY SOAP --1c r th - urchaae f—Tide. or--C'hreer: ■ : at 39c -- Both for 40e r • ' 1b. 39c'.. • i', ■ ■• • • • WE DELIVER 4. 444 ib. 39C for c "FRESH FRUIT and. VEGETABLES SUTKIST ORANGES, 252's' • FLORIDA 'GRAPEFRUIT,, 96's HEAD LETTUCE Garden Boy CARROTS; '3 1b b ■ .. • .. ■ 45e 6 fo>)5c • i 14c. ag, 29c 00 ■ i 'r ■ ■ PHONE,'201:•. ummu i milmommo■mummi immia■iiimmiimiaa■■i iBnimini0oi ■aiiani sin Guelph: THAT dui i -rig the --past week -a: 7triurn•1 r-`of-m-apie trees` that . surrounded The -.bowl-ing gr-een- have been eiit down, They were felled ibecause 'they shaded the ,_areen_too m.t fjy�and kil led Out the grass. ' THAT Mrs. Dan Wylds (former and in : Y.9284w, as. appointed to • . • Holy Trinity . Church in Stewi- . a eke,' where, he had since -cred---until his -retirement in',June of•ast' year. Since last fall he had .been in failing . health and . had been hospitalized much c 'the . tirrie. During; his 48 'years in .lie• rnin-• istry__J e,_was_noted_...-as _a' a-ithftu-1 , . pastor .and for his ability to e1 Press . eternal. truths • in. the Lang-• nage of plain people.: During hi • rectorship at Stewiacke ..he bap- • tized nearly 600 persons, • prepar... ed:' nearly: 500 for ,confirni'ation, conducted'' 300 funerals,: and •of- ficiated. at 215 weddings,.: as well as condiicting' five :.services each - Sunday. He was a veteran. of World War I• and .chaplain, , of Stewiack. Branch'o f the • Canadian.: Legion. , He was* chaplain of the Masonic Lodge 'and . some;' years ' ago had Grand. Lodge honors : conferred:, upon him, • In ''1950 he was elevated to the •• rank of .Canon in his , church; ' Mrs. Saunders, ,' formerly of Stratford, predeceased hei• •hus= bandtwoyears ago. He is sur- • vived 'by'a son, Gordon of Lon- don, • and • a . daughter :.'.Marie, 'widow of the late ; Rev. .Capt. • Kenelin Eaton who was killed in` Italy in World War IL The funeral servicefor• Canon Saunders was. held in the a parish church where he had .served' so long and: `well: Intermen t was. in • the .: _family :plot in -Stew-ia'cke - Cemetery . • sammilmmommompegommommomm 1,VEE K;LY ..'. '.'. ' ..,.t.:. ,.. ......... ... . 11.1......:,____ .:, _., 0 • n The Legion Rooms, LUCKN.OW . , '. ly Ethel Taylor) :was among ,• . those who have ;played the ' • Organ field Presbyterian . • . •: ver organ in Ash , to� her marriage, Church; 'Prior • _Mrs .Wylds .was- organist for-. - -• .. • Y _ seven ears from "191.3 to 1920. •' '� , oit,A- -THAT "Save (lay -Save Money" Y ' ::boolclets:hav'e:-•been-••prepared -at ' . the O•.A,C, 'and are ,'a.vailable : - • '8,30' p.m. • . . from the' office of the local ag= r,icultural representative." o r directly f r .o;m ' t''h e O,A,C,,. rrrrrr r'rrr�rrrrrrrrrrr.c� .. . /eS"tlye/L%%/1/ /%/'/ %%/9/4./ %---,— %'/%/'1����`/`//'/1S/R4r4,4/'1�%�44#4,1/./ /WS -S 41/*—v. ,✓%% . WHEELING YARN " New Lowes '"Prjce 'on O. V. Wheeiin.g Yarii NOW ONLY' 19.c per 4 'oz, skein 44. HOUSE DRESSES Ladies print Hoti<se Dresses sizes 14-24. ' Good ,assort- ment of patterns •and colors► $2.98 Each: • •'/4 w.,, Auspices Canadian Legion 444/4%,"1"'"."" wiz 11416111.11rf1•1•11l)111111.1)•i ll40•11!11.11.1111111.1141.111111111,�1, (1411111111.11.11Mi11 4•1011.1111O0114.1(411.(I11111.1yS.111111t)411111I, SALE OF •DRESS MATERIALS! '• • 1 ' r Ladies' 'better quality dress .mate( iais't .clrepes and failles--3% to 4-1. ard .ends,' • regular to $2.50.•. ,. , FOR Z NLY • YARD, :. $1.1.4. : ' ; ..: �A�.►1YAfl 11A�nw0• ►nsl% ,1�il:41 6iiirifawr1� 41 1fw • ': 1, /./, 4.'4 • .ice � 4444•�ii•/ 4v*. ../,i►%___ /4 4.4" +/✓.-- /vy�//✓-�/�/ /4.44.4/18.44 �✓./.moi.%-i i / /�,z/ 4,147*, 4#. 1't d l • • •l'