The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-14, Page 81 PRE-ALTERA'TxCN Y: TZ, E LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW,. 4NUARIO eginning I I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) • THAT 1Vlr, •andMrs Bi]•,1 Eappa$ and family are moving to tthe .rearapartment over the Play house vacated by Mr. and Mrs,,,. Tom Quigley who have moved, to I4ndon,t .Mr. ;and Mrs Stuart Collyer and family Will move .tpa later in. • the themonth t a artme�t • THAI a new furnace was install- ed in the north' wing of the Recreational Centre, last week, and 'is doing an excellent job of 'heating the. building. THAT sixteen tables 'took part in ;,. (the Valentine ,Shoot party • on • Monday night,.; (which,eonclud-• ed with dancing. High score winners •were Mrs. W. S. Eadie • .and Philip .MacMillan, with tcorisolat'ion prizes going to Mrs.. Armstrong and Charles MacLean. THAT Russ ,'Button has been 'ill' with pneumonia but is conal= • ,. escing and 'will be out<'again THAT Mrs, A. A. J. Siinpson of not rise above • freezing ;all ' this week it . is expected: Ashfield must undergo an: op- month, ' with the 'low point • o-- eration for the removal .of cat- reaching. 34 below zero THAT 'D.. A. McArthur, regional • aracts restore -her �m� er-iif: the Betl- elephone eyesight order '.t THAT Elmer.Johnston of At Co , announces, that. 16 'tele- o rector wood,, and formerly of Ashfield, phones were added in Lucknow has been elected a director, of 'during 1951, bringing . the total the .Canadian Pony .Society. ' to 376 a■iaamit a niai■iimai■mam WEEKLY. In The Legion Rooms, .LUCKNOW ' Banes 8.30; 'p.m. • THAT --the annual . -oyster. _supper,_ : was :held by Old Light Lodge' following,. the regular meeting last .Thursday night., Presby'tterian..Guild '. The P.. meeting was held i i the '° form, of a' sleigh -rid. ing party • The 'devotional part of the meeting was .held laterat the 'Church. ' 'Psalm 113. was ..read responsively, . and ' a prayer ' of- fered. Bible. ;contests were con- ducted' by •Marion . ,`MacDonald. Hymn, '576: yeas : sung, after which' contests concerning' the :Young Peoples in Ontario were conduct ed. Hymn.' 556 was sung 'and the rnizpah:: benediction repeated: ` A bountiful lunch was served. Auspices Canadian LegionA trousseau is the 'clothes a bride .'.wears 'for six or seven Haiuuauauau au miaua■u years after :she is married: ■ a■■■■■aniiai■na■iis■■aaaaaiaaa■ii■arum■is■asii*I■t/iIaa■■iraa■UU■■a■/■= Ti ,TMrs: R Hamilton and Mrs L; Purvis held a Sheet- party the•'Auxiliary Rooms to raise. money ..to help buy a piano for the Auxiliary. Mrs. MacCallum was l4gh' lady 'and '.Mrs.:Frank . Hamilton won the consolation prize. 'Kenny. MacKenzie was. high nian: Fred Anderson' won over. D. McCharles in the draw for •the consolation prize: : THIJRS,r FEBRUARY ,14th :10,2 Of ; BRAS. Clearance' of odd sizes in, • manufacturer's discontinued..1n+--_ • TO'CLEAR AT -� 79c, 98c, $1.19. We' Have A ... WELL, KNOWN.MAKE; OF BRA , , Regular $3:95 and $3.50 in nylon, nylon net andnylon and satin. 1 REDUCED' TO $2.95; TOT -TO -TEEN and LADIES• WEAR., • 'Phone 89-w ' Lucknow, .Ontario THAT Eaekett's W MS held a ' - work :meeting' Wednesday after- noon at the . h(ome of. Mrs,.. Cliff Hackett; quilting two quilts and closing with a• social halfhour and 'refreshments, THAT , Mrs. Joseph Elliot of Tor onto,' forrrierly 'Ida Paterson of Lucknow, writes:. "I rind some- thing of interest to me in each paper' and', it is Surprising how. ■ ■ ▪ • i:.MhLKO' skim milk • :. powder __ 2 :.For. Coffee Try , ■.. CARNATION MILK _ --_ . 2 -for 33c•. ■ ` i'. National, 48 oz. jar , is .. - Bet Mixed°ICKLES- a_____ 62c ■ Save -on -co fee, -use IBRD: SAND-,COE aii •'' sit_ 38c y, 4'r , z4 $2,,,50 Cie .r : CHILDS' & MISSES. RED- PULLON,S: Reg. .'.$3.45 ''.Clearin at• GROWINGGIRLS'RED PULLONS Reg. $4.45. Flat heels. ..Clearing at WOMEN'S . RUBBER SNOBOOTS Black or .brown, sleerling lined. Reg. $11.50 Clearing , at BLACK OR 'BROWN . WOOL PT1 R,; LINED Regular $9:95: Clearing at Misses' /& Childs' Lined ZIPI?ER; OVERSHOES 'Clearing ''at .Men's: Black •Aiikleflt RUBBER BOOTS. Beg: $8;28. ° `Clearing at • �, many famiilar: names • appear THAT a collection will be taken, York 'Tender'sviieet, Pancy. ■ ;. from , time to time. I `surely CORN cream. st le 20'would be sorr to ' do • without . oz.:----:2'for39c :i y Y■:myb Sentinel". . well )t,UCKNOW, ONT. For The Best Soap Value Use `Ma le••Leaf Soap Flakes,giant P P THAT Ted Dexter tells us that 99c ■ his birthplace in England was ■ just 22 miles, "as 'the "i crow _Five Roses . -• �:.r_ flies",._ from Sandringham,. and. HEAT -GRAN --they—•fr-equently held ;Sunday- icinity , of the Royal Estate; 'w he r e King eor~ge_V)•a Pd,su:siiddsnly la Wednesday morning. THAT in renewing. his Sentineh• Wallace..Twamley, .of London says he 'enjoys the'paper which keeps him in touch with ' the .doings- • of the old home town. • Mrs. Harvey J. Lindsay of Clin. ton ..nr intents __ "W ile _l_._.do- notice • so. many 'changes up .there, The Sentinel is •a paper' • ▪ I' can't 'dor without"; TIiA'' it was. .18•: years ago this, • 'month, 1934, that, the. sub=zero February weather, froze, • and destroyed; •many apple trees in this district. The mercury 'did-, Inter , CATSUP ■ - - 24c .1: FRESH FRUIT and• : ' VEGETABLES Sunkist ORANGE. :Delicious. ' for Sowps , cello bags .252 •a --45c - - � 288's" -39c CA�aTS Crisp• HEAD LETTUCE. r'• Florida, GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 35c ■ . r (fitll of juice) r' a -117-•--Wt DELIVER aimitismintsassiaisisliintitessessmossasiaissiaimeassmosittailmisseassusaaairomi- ■ ■ • i 3 lbs.''29c" r CELERY, Florida' Pascal,.__ 2 for 2:5i : ■ 1 at the' Meinorial Service. .on Fri- day morning, with the • proceeds to be-contributed--tote-the--fund- for •thenewliome,for the blind..;, to • :Vic • , o-�- paraly2 •THAT. Mr. and: Mrs.:,Syd Rouse .. Lynda and family are now living at '• " ; : howeyf .___ Caznp.—$o c_d_en_Wlie ee_Syd„tit_..taken,._' tationed with_the_R:f A.E,�ie_ cbargi-r was . at C ntralia•. for 'the past; few years., • . . • =o- THAT four • very interesting soUnd And color shorts will be run at The '. Playhouse,. next' Thursday and Friday, along' with the. • sepsatioanl • war pie tore "Go For $coke". These feature shorts' . are: being ar- ranged for by the Lucknow _ _ iish..and Game Protective As-. -.. socation, with ,the Association's share of the proceeds going to- ward establishing 'a• stronger ' conservation'- area in this dis- trict. There will be,t?wo shows: ' each night,, and by an 'advance sale of. tickets ;you can secure' a seat for any one of the'show ings. . Al now, .:. :son; E: in above. with 1 FELL GIRL: Whi] • aeras d M3 pounce daught Clippe] • Monda, into a ton;;..ha for son scream spmeth deep caFled� 100• at. the Annie ; a� butte There button' Words, ` The .bu a frock -father: : LADIES! -11erei a' real bargain event at The'Nfarket Store On 'I'hursday aud Sa.ttirOoy- afternoOn.-thiS-Week.:-A.C. earoitct- . sale, of, WoMen's and.Misseie Dresses'and Ceats at prices. yoti Won't want to miss. Better Dresses Coats abric.oa.4 -Station Wagons—Discotmts up to 50 Percent from $24.00' each.' All'fgannehts will. be available In. a good alio rano and; an litlie$611601 staieSlad, y ,will. be' pn the: stori'lrltursday. and SaturdaY attern0OnS to hell) you Seltet . the righ style )431 . Site. Be stre to .ste theSI dreSses and. Coats• -,-and get stout :' *are Of .theSe Money Saving bargains: . I I , . • Windbrettker SMOCKS 'A !special purchase of a discon- 'tinned line by Snag Proof en- ablei ug to bring you thhi Prloeon men's denim whidbrealv: er-s-tyle =locks. All sizeg 36-50. .1,egular ,84:95.' While they ONLY $180 EACH REC WES Ontarie honor - Bill `I Maeltir MacKir ihg '0.61 ac be bud Council Honor