The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-14, Page 6PAGE SIX..; • TH 0 L CKWOW" 'SENTINEL; L- UCKNOW, ONTARIO. LOCAL MEN MEMBERS OF • ABERDEEN-ANGUS: BOARD • The Ontario; Aberdeen . Angus '.Association named, the following officers and directors at the an- , *Mal meeting: president, • W: I1. • Ham, Fergus; 'vice. president, Got -- don Berry,-Glanford :Station; sec- etary-treasurer, S, B. ,Stothers,. Lucknoiir.. . Directors are; one year, G. B', Beatty, Richmond Hill; Don Ed- wards, Wajtford T. Alex Edwards, London; J. R. Kohler, Brampton; terms expires' 1954, Malcolm Bail- ey, Uxbridge; Gordon Berry, W. Redelmeier; Richmond) Hill; Thos. J.T;odd, Lucknow; term expires, 1955, W. L. Hann; 'Thos. Hender- son, Guelph; Harold Huffman, 'Blenheim; R. B. Paterson,, Tara. Plans, ,are' being made to hold two sales, in 1952. The spring sale will be held on June 7 •somewhere• In Cental Ontario. The fall sale. will be held in, London, Oct, 6th. ti A' a • U1 N ••. ud 1-x//-�� 10C' ., O n -i �LI Q 1 Q, zVis-. 1. S Y,I f4 SORT.:. SEPOYS AND LONDESBORO STAGE' CLOgE BATTLE, f. ucknow . edged' I ondesboro 10-8 in a close ;battle in the Luck- now arena on Friday, night. The Sepoys were clinging • to a one - goal ;margin as , the third period waned, when Abe: Chin broke away for their insurance mark - Short on reser:ves as it was, •The Sepoys. 'lost Roy Havens,. when he suffered ,a broken • bone in his right hand, • • Harold ,Greer was• top ' Marks- man :of the night, with 4 goals.. Albert 'Chin got 3, Morley Chin 2 '.pod Joe Howald: 1.• The • local fine u was; goal, Tigert; def., Hall,, Chisholm and McLeod; 10 line,. Greer, A.•'Chin, M. Chin; alt.,, Harold and Joe. Howald, Bill A. Johnston, • Al Hackett, W. C. 'Johnston.• • * * .* „ SEPOYS FINISH ON TOP, NOW MEET TEESWATER T,<' u c k n o w Sepoys trimmed Brussels' on their home ice Tues- day night ,by: a scare of 10-5.., It was, a sudden death firsrt place -tiebreaker tussle—Luckno=w-.--now meets' Teeswater in thegroup semi #i.na1's Tentative arrange- ments, call for the. first of the .3- gatnc series in. Teeswater, tonight ( Thusday..):...:.and back in : Sepoy= v ille on Saturday night. ' Marksmen on Tuesday. night were Ab :and Morley Chin 3 each, .with singletons to ' Grant Chis- holm, : Joe Howald, Toby Grer and Al Hackett , *:*.* *. MIDGETS LOST. Lucknow. Legion Midget drop- ped'a 9-4 :decision to.MVlonkton on. Tuesday nightin the first game. of the •:group: championship. The two :teams go back at it tonight„ in Lucknow, and.the local lads have to, win it or else.... . Kenny :McNay, stellar • defence Man, is out • with the :mumps : far the series, • an, d the'locals. have •been defied; -the use of Ralph Haines, anotherhusky ' defence - man, because Of 'mileage regula- tions, despite.` the fact that the lad .,, attends. •Lucknow , H is g h School.: Looks like there's: some, minor hockey, regulations that 'could stand. some attention, P'ee-'W,ees Edge Dungan/toil Luckrrow,`Pee=Wees-edged .the - Dungannon : lads '5=2 in an -, ex- hibition •game:.in• the local arena err Saturday morning Rev. Watt � .as ,n charge of the ':visiting., squad' with :Otto' Pedersen, iiia- .ning' the, local. team.. • *.* •* * "` TIMBER' TIPS • T. LTR$,, FEBRUARY ' 1:4th, "1952. MADE LIFE MEMBERS OF'' SOLTTH KINLOSS' V.M.S. The February meeting; of the South Kinloss W.M.S. was held Februaryat the home of Miss Dean : MacLeod. Twenty ladies .& three children were present. The President, Mrs. Harry Lavls, oro-, ened .the meeting and the., sec- retary, Mrs. Ir;a Dickie, read the minutes. It was decided that the W.M.S., would: send their used Christmas cards with the Faith and Fellowship 'group. A motion was made by .Mrs. Baulch that our next :meeting' would, be held on ' February. 29th, the, World's Day. of 'Prayer. Mrs. Travis then =gave the scripture, and...ned ta:- tion, Mrs. Wm.. MMcIntyre read a poem,on''?rayer. The roll call was answered 'Jay Bible • 'prayers, 1VIrs, Tom MacKenzie sang a very 'ap- propriate 'solo for this.special .day—when, we, heard of, the ud- den passinof our beloved King George VI. Mrs. Baulch then pre- sented the next ' chapter, of our• study book. It ' was ' :Made 'more ,:interesting , by others reading re ,ports •on .early noted men and missionaries., Mrs. 'Tom MacKen- zie read' "Testing Times : in Tito Land". . Mrs. 'Alex:; Sutherland' present' -ed: 3ife;mernbersh-ip-c-ertifieates:::Io._ Miss Dean 'MacLeod and Mrs..' Ed Little. in 'their, appreciation of their :work and: interest in the A two-imrnute ,sil'ence was held in memory of :our king and then Mrs. Steer, Mrs D. Graham, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. A.. Maclntyre, took part •in the • prayer; -circle: Mrs'. Baulch conducted • some: splendid Bible quizzes A vote ,of thanks Was given the hostess and those taking .part. After singing hymn 450 the closing prayer 'was' given by Mrs. Ted' Collyer. A delicious .lunch was served by. the , •hostess. assisted .. by Mrs Baulch and Mrs. • Tem Macken- zie., , A .hangover is ', something:. to. occupy' a head, that- wasn't used the night, ,before. •schedule. »immediately in front. If .Crawford's:steadily improving. ..Cats do .not knock them off' the top, rung tonight, it will. be up to the other avainty to do:.just that next Week.,• ` Team : Standing . • Chirpy Chipmunks 5'0 Tigers 4'8; ,Beavers 44; Gophers . 42,. Cubs 42, Pole Cats. 39, .'Lions ,. 36, Zebr. ras..35. • 41.14444 ,. Your Coal and WOod•Boridng KITCHEN 'RANGE Enjoy` Gas Stove Convenience NO DIRT :.141O DUST . NO WORK Whether you're in the city or on the farm here's the handy modern :appliance you need for firing: your coal'' and wood range. This•pot- type ;range, burlier works just like your oil :heater— lights with a snatch no wicks-' no rings or, electricity needed. • ' iii fhlr , r"ttibte Sup.rllaiw ' Iurbfr TODAY I Greer Radio Electric THE' VOICE ' OF TEMPERANCE ''In the U. h re is a 'Con- ser.mation pledge that is :creating much interest. "I' give my .pledge as an •American; to save' and. faithfully defend from waste; the natural :resources. of . my'eountry, its soil and 'minerals, its forests,- waters orests,•waters and ''w'Qd life". All will • agree that •it is important to • con- serve our natural resources, but liow, aboilt . ourselves?. The peo- ple of • this - land are of :; greater value than all of the forests and. minerals. And the 'wastage.• of human„'resources by. strong drink is far greater. :than • the wastage, of : timber by' fire—"I will do- all in -my.,power 'to discourage. and restrict the use of strong: drink" That's the, 'pledge,, to • take 'if we want ,to conserve• our. wealth of . .• men and women' and. children— Advt... o ximsommusimmosionemossimisiminimmissonsimmta Prompt ,Delivery `'Orn New 195'2 ■ ..aE•.•itr IPontiacs : •evry s .. • ■. • ■ • • Choice of Color _.:._Kes_w trailing Lions . demon '. to strated lastweek that' they will IN be, anything but pushovers' from :here in,�T.hev .piled • uP' one• of the ” .highest' team totals of the •season as they downect the'.other leading Dungannon entry for the full count The Zebras Won in'. less convincing fashion. Although outscored on total they were able to' squeeze through" •with a five- point •win over the Beavers. MeanWhile the Chipmunks and Tigers racked 'llup wins to increase their leads. The rampaging Ti - cats came from behind to run up the seasonal from: team total of- 31.73.pins. _ w Lion Hodges was the Most: va'i uable player 'to his team.' a week ago. His flat of. 652was tops -with. his 745 with handicap • bettering Ticat ,Andrew's 719. Bob's 254 flat single, however, 'washigh for the.,overiing. The most . valuable lady was Chirpy ,Chipr'unit Nor- THVli ADT W.0 Tlie� • stitute • '•.at the' Eadie=1 Mr.I a •toucl A' Sfi of Mr of he Hanoi] Mrs. •VVI • in ,.bei Mr.., 'left aecom Bird • The at th� Einer: large, ' meets` Nlrs;: ..Mrs ..opera Wedn Mrs cards caveri atiori. ' Mrs daugii Saturtl Th. sin n dayn . a'nce.. was Was the factor contr. • 4,44 !' Get a dy 'T'o "`alce-To1Ilig1tways This Spring :' IirAny : Qne OYf These ■ st,__ BIG VALUE CAR5.. ■' ■ is ii .1952• PONTIAC.; STYLELINE , SEDAN,. BRAND NEW, •.o i ` 1951 DELUXE', STYLELINE COACH,: ✓ 1950 CHEV .DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAAnN..IN is • is 1950 PONTIAC DELUXE' STYLELINE SEDAN. li ■ N 1950 DELUXE CHEV. COACH,. 1 ••'• e•, ■ • ■ 1949 OLDS FLEETLIN'E SEDAN, fully .equipped. • i ter. 1949• CHEV-FLEETLINE •COACIir ` ■ S '1949 CHEV STYLELINE 'COACH` ■ ▪ . ' 1948 CI-IEV. FL1 ETLINE COACH, fully equipped., ▪ 1942:,GHEV. SEDAN.. . 1941 DODGE SEDAN. si ■ 1941 MERCU Y ■ . �. R' SEDAN..- ' ; . • • 1 1940 • DESOTO SEDAN, completely ■ Mreconditioned. ■ ma ■ ,McDonagh, Her 621■1939 PhYMOUTH total - SEDAN. , � .` , nosed out other stalwai ts' like T17.' 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH' . completely reconditioned. oats • Jane Johnston, Anne. •San ■ 1937 'CHEV. COACH Berson, Beaver Helen Hackett .getiher with Pole' Cats Hazel ■ 1950 CBEV.TON° STA:GK•• ■ ebster $i Ze11a' Crawford. Nor ma's teatnrhte, Gladys Gibson, turned in the big .208 flat' x. To - night e Pole ats and Gophers will p 'oh y take ad- vantage of a glorious opportµnity to cut .down' the gap between them and 'the' leading teams-- Chipmunks and Tigers:, it is!.is!.only fair to warn the , Madera that there 'is . plenty of. grief in the, ■ ■ ■ I,E• c., it • r s.e as Otors• ▪ . �,,.. The Homof Better :Used Cars" 1` ■ "Cash, f Trade Terms --•- Open Evening Until 10 •Cities Service Dealer 'Phone 73x, Brussels *; I�N■iaa�i, 'i�il��i■■■w�M�,,■ii��i4oit Vie.. ;n �ap.o�,+wsri!r_w+ rI N