The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-17, Page 2PAGE: TWO THE' LUCKNO'W 'SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO KINLOUGH. Winners of the 1951 School Forestry Competition have been announced this • week,' Mr. J. C. Jackson, Zone Forester ,..has.. rcis- sued-the s-_ sued the fallowing-: --1-st;- ,S,�.S, Na._ 3, taught by Mrs. McInnes, $8.00; 2nd, S.S. No. 2, taught. by Miss. K Gibson, $5;00; 3rd, S.s; No. 1, taught by 'Mrs. Young, $2,00. The pupils participated in ,the plant- ing of, trees; on- t h each Later, Mr. Jackson visited school, judged. leaf displays, sand conducted ar} 'oral questionnaire on :the value of reforesting waste areas, windbreaks and the re- -trees.. Pu f.,.,. ur-ds a . rt rori o 0 e 11 -5176 -been very interested in this. work. and we offer thern,our con •gratulations„' Mr: . Glen.. Hodgins returned. home ,,from , visiting with London fends Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Percy and family visited recently with 4r, and Mr; .Elson Arnold, Bervie. is Winnie Perc R.N. of lVts* W y� Woodstock,. visited during the Mrs. Wm. week, with her mother, Percy and. oilier relaties here. Mrs...C�eorge Haldenby was l os- tess to the Sr; Women's Auxiliary on • Thursday afternoon. ° Mrs. Toni Hodgins presided. The,hymn "Jesus Shall Reign” .and pryers opener e Hodgins read the scripture,. The' word .tor the roll call was "Bless- ed", Minutes, ,and business .fol-, lowed. Plans. were made for a. congregational, ' pot luck supper and program on. Thursday even - annual Vestry Meeting. A quilt was then quilted, to. be forwarded to an Indian Mission The Rev THUR..SDAY, JANUAW 17, 1902 H, E. Janke closed the meetin . , and refreshments were served by: the h`t stess, . On Sunday, Mr. Harry i.e11 c 1ebrated' his 87th birthday. He ,is eipyin4 fair health., and ►best wishes., go to him at this. time,. ' n Mrs. �owai°d Thom l • and H p. th:e. son._si�.ent:S.unday -with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy. . .rave o renewed your s.ub- a e � Scription? Ir FWWww WWW.7.Fr — — — Real Values! Quality Merchandise! 4 . We have marked. down to a fraction of their former selling , ' prices an seasonable items. so necessar..y for you and: yours, and, feel, certan: that you 'will make substantial savings on your purchases here. Come . to the store. 'and, be convinced. '. Men's Yama .Cloth PYJAMAS Reg. $5.25. Sale'. Boys'. COMB I NATIONS Mason Knit. y . Long Sleeve, . L.ong °Leg Sale $, .0i "•9 STA'NFIELD'S: SHIRTS and .DRAWERS • Red : Label. 10 PERCENT OFF iiii�i� ii•i-iiiiiriiiiii-iii=iiiii=� site Blankets1 \. ,` Ibex and . Kingscot � . Size 70 ;.z.-./.90. . •?..' White . with Borders.. \Csrey , with 'Borders.: .M •c 1 Sal a Price a. 442 Gauge 45 Gauge - !• size Stock Up and Save od These:. • lanke� 6.0 x-80.' Sale Price 6. inches wide, Good' Weight: Reg. 59'c'' Penman's Heavy' 'Wool Ribbed . UNDERWEAR for Men. Shirts and Drawers 3.. Each hildren's - Cotton ANKLETS: 15,c . Pair Misses'. Short: Sleeves. Pure Wool Color.. Green, Rose,. White. Sale Price, STAN•FIELD'S SHIRTS • :and. DRAINERS, Blue Label.' 10 PERCENT OFF ens r ress OAC KS Fine Wool Sale gC) r .f ....4Ve,"✓,i�iy,",i-••-•".."% t,"4"A..,",-- •/• t/ ✓tiiyv_ • .. ti%/• i'v"k" LUCITE BRIEFS • Medium as Smal 4110, 1144 ZN'Aiiiiitvaltutto t'i,."s ..'