The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-03, Page 10t. PAGE EIGHT o 41.411111 THE .1CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . TuiJ .,. JANUARY '3r4 1952 LADIES' & KISSES' FLETTE NIGHT GOWNS AND • PYJAMAS GREATLY REDUCED, WOOL SWEATERS—(Ballarrtyne's make) White, & olors, short sleeve', Regular. $3.75 ..,. •.,.,... • LUCKY KY FOR ,THE • MAN''' WITH BIG: ••FEET ' ,• ;MEN'S FINE WOOL. SOCKS, Nylon socks, sizes 111/ and 12,, regular length or shortees, Reg. $1.50: ' , $1.19, pr,' CHECK FLETTE BLANKETS, large size, Special $5:10 pr.... SNUGIGIES & VESTS -25 percent. wool medium size,'; ,to .clear at `' ..t r,. '9$c'; CHILDREN'S 'S ; SLEEPERS= -Fleeced lined, two`piece Sites.. 3-7' years'. Special' $1.89x: em.. i etaon THAT there were scores of holi- day visitors ' o:. an • rom community. who ' are. not men- tioned in. The Sentinel's 'per-. ,Desi . column. r.,Tl a reason•,' is that'';we didn't, have -the par - titulars of 'who, • where :.and when, and. no one infor¢ned•'us of these items, which we; would have.been glad to -receive.. THAT our .apologies: g� to Dun- -aeLee "John". in our Christmas issue.. . We knewbetter of course, but • . the pressure under which this issue •was . published makes the Mistake: understandable : (to us at least) but none the • less re- • grettable THAT 'Donald MacLean. is ..able oto be about again. 'Donald 'suf- ' fered a back injury late in the fall •in . a tumble •while;picking apples.con -'a couple of ;.'occas- ions The Sentinel "had' him in a cast".: Although .that was the intention. of .his medical . at'ten- dants,, they never supeeeded `• getting. Donald "encased"., TBakirthe holiday season -provid- ed a.headache for municipal. of.. . ficials, in ..trying. to keep road Open, , and to .reopen: theses.. which were : badly blocked. In Kinloss;' Kerr's big "cat" was pressed into. service • in open ing.. roads inthe:southern part of the Township,nd• it too ran . into 'trouble " and got bogged down for . a time. . THAT, ' speaking of errors,' •they tell' one about the Doctor. Who was • remonstratuig with the:. Publisher. for the mistakes he. Made.. To which :the Old Edi- itor• replied: `"They' 'read .My' mistakes, but they bury'; yours". '• moo- THAT Bill Johnston has '.conclud- ed . his term': of ;five years' Ser - Vice in the •Canadian Navy.' and• lasreturned to the. home ' of ia_,eas, Mr. and Mrs: Noble Johnston... ; THAT 'the•• carol ' singing' tour planned by the Boy : Scouts, for the . Friday preceding Christmas had to be ' cancelled 'because' of the .s+tornr.:Members of the School Band were -going, to ac- company. • the Scouts on their tour of the . town: SENTINEL THAT Mr:, and Mrs. R. T. Doug-• : • las'..observed their 45th wed-' ' ding •anniversary on Christmas Day which they spent at',Wing- ham with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Davidson", (Donalda), , and with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.'FoWier (Winnifre&)'. THAT Margaret and Helen Salk- eld "who are ' teaching , and studying ' in England, spent The Christmas . holidays ' in Spain, ' Sentinelreaders were greatly : interested'in the story '• of their 'bicycle; tour last 'summer,' and we're hoping ..for an account of their Spanish holiday. We. are ---alsoxicipating letter frprn' Alex 1VJiaclnttyre, and hope he'll. Mind . time for it :after ''he coni pletes his holiday hockey tour on .the continent. THAT meQnbers: 'of :the Lucknovi• District High •School Board re- ceive' $5.00 a meeting and:. mile- age --and we think deserve Membersof the Village Coun- cil are among the fast disap- pearing municipal Boards who receive. no remuneration;' for their services: • THAT at the '.morning 'service' in the Presbyterian • •Church on• Christmas. Sunday, •Rev. •Chas. A Winn conducted''a service of ordination• of three new elders, James '. Henderson,,_ Innes Mac - r Sween' •'and Robert teed;' TWAT among ° those : _ who have been sailing this'. summer 'and have returned: home since '.the close `,of ; navigation are Jack, Stewart, .: Harvey McQuillin, Bob' McNay, Cliff Crawford, 13111 • MacPherson, Jack •M,cQuil- • ;lih and •T:., 'W Quigley. wouane■■rias■eaaeeaaaaiiaeaaaeaillaaae■mete■■■ onsims niumasaaaiaaannaeias ■ 7 t : ▪ ''l inter Da SPE ALS :•• • Campbell's• ° • -:-.r TOMATO SOUP _' for25c:: : • gilvies sa Quick CoOking Oats, '5 lb. ba : '.KRAFT .DINNER :MACARONI . r 0: WHITE :BEANS __- mark's-' ' ::Pjork and 20: oz. tin. mS 49c'.. 2. for 29c 2.14s. 27c 2 .lbs. 27c PRIZE DRAW WINNERS Wan:�Stunsonm.! M � ..• •:. s, cwt. of sugar Mrs. Mustard . Hamper. of Groceries Mrs. N. ' Taylor Basket of Groceries Mrs. ` McFarlane ' .....: Chocolates Mrs. F. Gilchrist •, : Chocolates AlVin Johnston Chocolates .2 for'33.c VITA B, ;large size. 30c ipt iii RED ••ROSE TEA, '1/2 lb. _ .52c ' Chicken Noodle Soup •■ Ogilvies All Purpose .Libby's , 11 FLOUR,. 24 Ib,. bag .__ $1.55 • CHILE CON .:CARNE,15..oz. tin .:.35c ' °, E.ORANGES 1"2's _., 43t.• .. LEMONS• ' 11 . 6' for '25c, .• ■ ■ ■ • i - - r- ------ 34c, •■ ■ ■ 2'for 2Scr• ■ Lb: 39 ■ Garden Boy .. �; CELERY _ • bunch 1.5c : lit Thompson s' Waxed ■ • TURNIPS . ' • 0 lb: Sc :•; Ala .• THAT Mrs. •Frank Brown won in e • $5.00 in merchandise in • an. I.D.A.• contest for the' best household hint: The prize was 6 ' ',received through the local tisu aiIaanennOiiass■esa■,swanuisssa.uau.a■■■siaai-amai'eesia.eees. • 1 D.A: drtiggist; Elmer Umbach. asasi�aaa ..., . .. - ; . iiiiiii�•iiiii.-•iii. iiiiii%!iiiiiii-iii,•iiiiiiiiiiii ii QUR, SINCERE BEST WISHES THAT .THE NEW YEAR. MAY „BRING YOU'A FULL MEASURE OF r4 GOOD' HEALTH, PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS • , At this Time of • Near we wish to sincerely thank our Customers , for their patronage and loyal • support • and, look. forward to being of continued service to you,, and to ,a • . ,continuance of ourpleasant business associations. r . TOT -TO -TEEN and LADIES' :WEAR phone, 89:-w' Lucknow, Ontario 4,10; �.��� ▪ A j ' 1. -AL2 ones►; S .THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR We Have• On ,Hand . A Complete Line O , :JOHN DEERE TRACTORS coinbinessnd---General-Farm Equipmen t It's Wise To Suly Now To' Assure DeliveryAnd To AVOID:. HIGHER :SPRING PRICES: 'JOHN DEERE SALES. and: SERVICE Huron Rd , ' soderich : -r :'Phone' -1132 THAT Mrs. ' Dame, Lawrence of lint Mich, suffered a fractur ed arm :recently, :i friends here• aren't aware of'the details of the mishap. ' THAT .Mrs.': Melville 'Henry. re turned recently to ,her home in Huron, Township, .after _ being. 'hospitalized in London forsev- eral ,weeks -receiving to trrient for infantile 'paralysis. Mrs. t Henry's left leg. was . affected by the malady and she requires a Walking,. aid . to move, ' about., Her condition,' however, ha's showed encouraging improve- merit since • her- return home. .THAI it is. subscription time for m' a n y Sentinel subscribers. Prompt renewal will be ' ap- preciated: -SAT. Mr.. an -d- -Mrs:' -Ken 'Mow- bray -and Mrs. W. V. 'Johnston --'left-on:Frid for-Stoughtoo; Sask.; and hoped tb. spend New ' Year's Day *ith his brother, Dr. John 'Mowbray. and •',Mrs. , Mowbray, formerly.. Catherine Johnston, They made • the trip West in : a new Ford which Ken. ' • delivered to his brother ... • THAT Ronald Forster received the : R.A.M.degree, also, at 'the special night Ihe1d : recently by >' the local Chapter. : --o-� . : THAT work is• progressing in St. Peter's ..Rectory Ted. -Collyer' has completely, rewired . the . building -arid' }n'stalled new fix- tures and. AfaCLennan ,and ix-tur'es..and.MacLenn_anand Mac: Kenzie have put ;a • new floor. in • the kitchen.. We hear. that •the ; Synod• of Huron has,. in- structed a . competent 'firm to; construct a ' coMplete new heat- ing system to. be installed; in a : day or 'two. The Sentinel hopes that the Rector and;his family may shortly be able 'to enjoy the comforts . of. horne.. 'S MENS '1'VYACik; 'NAW PANTS All wool; heavy weight. • waist! sizes 32 to 42. h' PATI $8,5 'r • •'.; • ' MEN'S TWEED; PANTS English cloth tweed pants made of the famous Rhodes Hardistan t Tweed w. aist sizes 32 tc 46. ' PMR $7.50 MENS' COTTONADE' PANT Heavy. weight, : striped cottonade pants by Snag .Proof. 1 , ONLY $4.95 1 AIR . ;, ,, iiia iiiii' ilii•,•