The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-03, Page 9• "4'. e. • ;0 Le h , A. . 3e td ' I- nt •„' 4 • • TELUX.S.,b, JANUARY j952. . , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LTICKNOW,ONTARIO 4 , • PAGE •SEVEN eetin .•‘ At the New Year • I wistt' to extend best wishes to all. the , People of Bruce Riding, In 1952 I hope. to serve you in every way you may require. - < . DO , •MP FOR BRUCE E etisiipoilaftwoorMwomooi.o.iii.8,84.484.•6.94•41ANIAttomorteseloto.i.o.0..481.toltsoimv KIN.L0 GH • Happy New Year o All! Mr. and Mrs,. Ed Hedley, Norma and. Helen Ruth Of Kincardine visited Wednesday with Mr. •and Mrs: Bert Nicholson.:„.;c, Miss Annetta Forster , returned to her home • in Ripley after grandmother; Mr. J. W. Colwell. Mrs. Ronald Burgess andSonia visited • with relatives in. Owen Sotind:* • • , • • i'aind Mrs'. George Grattan) entertained relatives at •a . dinner on. ,Christmas. They. were . Mr. • Wallace -Hewitt of W'aterford, • MY. ad.Mrs Dean .Hewitt, Bar- bara and Catherine and Mrs. Catherine Hewitt of KinlOss,. .Mr. • and frs. Russell Hewitt -Of, Ber- , Vie; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cainp- bell 'Of Armow; Mr.' ana. • Young, Mr. 'and Mrs. Glen Young of Kingarf; Mr and Mrs. 'Jack' Hewitt, Alex; Dianne and Brenda, • Mrs and Mrs. Wm. Wall were visitors. with :Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shatimacher, Culross.,'. iss Iona Terry Motdred to her' home at .13ellemille and spent .• . Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Terry and with Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon . Foster., • Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Walter Forster. On the arrival of a baby son. Mrs. Forster was the . former Isobel •COlwelL CongratulatiOns to Mr. & Mrs. Norman Fry. of Wingham on .the arrival of a babv,boy.' Mrs: Fry, was. the- former,Frorence Halden- by. . • , Deepest. sympathy is ;extended. to Mr. and Mrs; Donald McEwan in the sudden passing of Donald's mother. Friends froth here at-. tended ,the ...funeral at Kincardine on Saturday afternoon. • • , .."--MrHand-Mrs:-Clarle-Needhant;- -- ---Nancr-ancl--Helen-spent C-h-rist- in.as with Mr. and. Mrs:, Mervyn, •• Anderson, Millarton. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson - :End the girls were at the home of " Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson, •• South Line, joining other Mein ber*, of, the family for Christmas dinner. Donna stayed and spent Perey, R.N..; Wood- . • •stock, Was home Over the holiday. . Miss Irlma Hodgins; R.N.,. of St. Louis spent the. Christmas holiday with her parents, Mr. & •'Mrs. Tom . Hodgins. • • One .of the village ' landmarks ..._.weakened.to_the. weight .Of ea v.3r • . SnOw and. collapsed Oh 'Friday , evening. It was the ,barp en the•: corner owned by -Gordon llodg7 kinson. Formerly it belonged to • Mrs. W. J. MacLean: •± • P Mr. and IVIrs, George Haldenby and Mr. H. Bell *spent. New 'ear8 With other relatives ,at the honie of Mr,. arid Mrs. Lovell McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haldenby,. Sheila and Barry. were visitorS ChriStanas clay with Mr. and Mrs. • Arthur Breckles • of Luckriciw, stayed in town •for the holidays. ••• • Mr; Charles, Collins, Mr. and Mrs. H. A,' Graham misited Wed- • hesday at the home of Mr. and VI,Ti• Art Graham with Mr. A.. E., • Haldenby..' • Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert NicholSon • entertained the. Nicholson fain- ' MPS on New Year's Day." Mi and Mrs. Harold Percy en- tertained the , Members of the Percy 'fanii1y at dinner On Christrnag: Mr. Charlie Gillespie Tor- onto spent Christmas with mem, •beta of his gamily at the home • ▪ • 0 . 111 • 0 • , . 0. O • • ' . O • , 0. 0 ■ • . ..0 awl's • 1111 . • 41 • A t of Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins. •' Mrs. J. W. Colwell' spent Xmas .with her family at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Colwell, Holyrood. •• Mrs. M. Dudley-, Mr. Ralph Hkilcleriby;..Mr. H. Bell, Mr. and .Mrs. Geo, • Haldenby •were., XMas visitors with Mr.. and Mrs: Wm. E. Haldenby. ' • • rs,--Ge'orge-Fialdentay- . spent Sunday at Walkerton. with: Mr. ancV,Mra. Clare Sparling. Mr, Ralph Haldenby is spend- ing Ms.:vacation with Mr. '..& Mrs. WM. Haldenby,. • • • : • Mrs. John' Cox, Rev. G. B. Cox, Mr.' and"Mrs,, Wm. Cox, M. and Mrs. lVfairrice Hodgiris and 'Ell- wood; Misses Edna. tolay Boyle and Iona ,Terry,. Mr. and _Mrs, Wm. ' Lloyd and Doris,•:Mr.. and Mrs. Ivan LlOyd, Mr: and. Mrs. Karl Boyle, :Marilyn and Carol. were guests of. Mr, and Mrs.. john 8cOtt: on Sunday: • Mr. Chas. Collins' spent •Christ - 'ma e at HOlyrood.' • • • :Oritended for Last Week) • .Misses 'Margaret Ann and El- eanor. Murray : of- . Torontb.' are: Spending their'.holidays,at-their home here. • • — • • The Sr. W. A. meetingwas held .on 'ThesdaY at the horrie , of Mrs. Roy Graham. Mrs;Tom gins ".presided and the 'meeting opened with. theChristmas carol Come All .Ye Faithful". , Mrs. Maurite- Hodgins readthescrip, ture.' • Prayers followed. , Minutes and roll call followed, :each Mem- ber answering:with !`a Christmas •carol". .• A • letter of thanks :was received from. the principal of the :MoOSonee school acknowleag- nig the two bales of clOthidg and treats. Which Were 0 Psent from here. 'Programs for ' 1952 were read.. This:. being . a-- devotiOnal- meeting..eaeh Member took part be' held -.Lon day, January 3rd at the honre Misses Edna and May Boyle : Roll call,. health hints; convener, Mrs. • E. ACkert;, assistant, Mrs. Wes- • ley Guest;, topie, health; mato; good -health must be lost to be •appreciated; • dernori.stration' of crocheting, • Mrs: 'Tont Barris. Mrs: Jim Smith °(s), Mrs.. Ji„In Boyle (t3; Mrs. Jack •,Ackert'. (c), • with Christmas readings,' also ' a ,Christmas quiz.. The • meeting closed with ;the. WA: litany ,and: prayer. Dainty ,refreshments were • served ,by the hastess.• ,• . ' We extend sympathY. to Mrs: •Eldon 'Eekenswiller-inT'the'death of her sister', Mrs, Jos, Conley, who passed away at her home at..LucknoW. . • Miss Helen .:'Malcohn 'of Tor-, onto is spending the holiday with Misses Nellie and Margaret Mal- colm ,Corgratulations to Mr. & MrS. Pinnell of,1739. Arthur Rd., Windsor, on the gift of • a daughter on December 12th at Grace Hospital.. • ' Mr, arid Mrs: Clare Sperling of •Walkerton, spent Sunday with Mr. and ,'Mr, George Haldenby, A ,foriner resident, of this com- huMity in the •p.erson of Mrs. Thoma s Atkinson passed away, on December 9th in hospital at Win- nilieg, Man., after a short illness. • Mrs, Dtrothy Thompson: spent the holiday with her father, Mr. A. E. Haldenbr and with,. Mr. & Mrs, ArtGraham. ' , ., •Mr, and. MrS. Roy 'Graham en- tertained their -kers • of • the Gra- ham family on Christmas. • The December meeting of the WAS." was held kt the horro' • SON OF THOS. STOTHERS DI.ED IN TORONTO •tilhe death �f John .Milton (J. M,) Stothers occurred recently in Toronto in his. 68th year, He had been in failing, health: for a time: Mr, Stothers • was a ommercial •traveller. and Manager-nrSilicS Limited. • • ' • • He was a son- of Thomas Stoth- ers of Durigannonihis father having predeceased him only a few years ago. 4/ .7.• M. was predeceased .by two brothers, .Ellis • of Toronto and Gordon -4•Calgary and by a sis- ter Edith. • • Besideshis wife' and family,' two sisters survive, 'Janie ,Who teaches in 'Toronto .and Mrs. Rae Bishop of Chicago. .• - • • Mrs. 31 -Burt. Mrs. C, Needham Was in the chair. "Sixteen' answer- ed' the roll can' with Christmas verse". Mrs. Maulden had charge of the program taken._ from the Glad Tidings, Margaret' Robert - Son, MrsGuest, Mrs. P. Hoc1.7 • gins read scripture portions. Mrs. Maulden read a Christmas story by Nellie McClung, Mrs. J. ; Ern-. merson favored with a solo: The mission study was prepared ,by Mrsn‘flaulder&and read -by -Miss Nellie Malcolm, •MrS. 'J. Ernnier: son, Mrs, W. Guest, •Winnifred. McFarlan, Mrs. F. Thompson and Mrs. H.' Percy.. Carols Were sung. Mrs. Scott CondUcted'a Christinas contest.' The meeting.,closed With •the' Lord's prayer. Grace was sung: Lunch was served. OBITUARY • MRS., ROBERT S. HAMILTON Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Hamilton, wife of Robert S. Hamilton, pasa- ed away in. Winghams General Hospital on Wednesday; Decem- ber 12th, She had' been ill for the past si)e weeks and had been in failing 'health • fCr, the at tWQ years. . .• • . BOrwin Kinloss Township, only daughter of the late Mr. end Mrs. • James Young, she had resided at Holyrood, LuclEnow; Ethel arid: Gorrie prior to moving to Wing - ham in .1927, Sheis survived by her husband. and two sons, Ross • of Wingham, 'Benson of Oshawa and one ,igranddaughter, Mary Ann of. 0Shawa. • • Mrs; 'Hamilton'' *.a5: :a. member of St. ' Andrew's Presbyterian' Church, Wingham. A 'private .fUn- bral service was conducted by Rev. A. Nimmo, with interment in Wingham 'cemetery, Pallbear- ers were Charles Lloyd; William Ford, J,arrnes. McIntosh,' Alex' Hac- kett, • James Henry •and DeWitt Miller. JOHN MaerEIEE. •• John MacPhee, a resident of ,Edmonton for 45years, died •re- cently in that city at the age of 83.. Mr. MacPhee was a native of •this cOmMunitY, and as a youth lived ,near the South Kinloss. 'Mans e and attended,public school at the Second ,Concession.• • HiS wife was formerly .Caroline (Kate) MacDonald, Who was also born and raised' iri this commun ity..She Predeceased her„h1413ancl: in 1927. • Mr. MaePhee :worked in. East, ern Canada and. in U.S. before going to ',Edmonton where he en- tered the real estate business prior to the First Great War and later practised. his 'trade • as, a stationary-cngin0erWith'thielgitY At • , . . i•• •waterw„orks department for 27 • years, „He 1.1a.s. been retired far. about 20 year. •• • In the east he, was an engineer with the Thomas A.,,Edison Cor- poration when the, first electric 'light plant was opened in -Chi- cato • about 60 years ago. Later he' was an efiginler ,for" one , of '. the Hearst, new Pers, inChi, cage, • . . • • BORN; . • • . . • ;LE8Piaannounce the'birthr7-4acunkandliVeo ar; happy toPn their • son, •Barry •John, in. the • ' Wingham. General Hospital, on Saturday, DeCeinber bro- ,ther for Donna'. HUNTER—in . Wingham Hospital on Monday, December 24th to •Mr. : ,and Mrs. Allan Hunter of'luck- now,•a daughter, Patricia /Ann, a brother .for Douglas. • on Wednesday, December 19th, to , Mr. and Mrs: William Pappas of Lucknow, a son, James.. Evan. ,TODD — At General Hospital; Stratford, On, Decerriber 17; 1951, to *Mr. and Mrs. A. Neely Todd, • Stratford, :a daughter, Mary Eliz- •abeth. • ' • 0 ' • • • " . • , • . ' , 1. • • . • ' • :St P- • • • • 0. • . •, ..• , • • . • . :. • • '- , OR many a farmer the •farm is boss , it runs him, instead of •• • him running it.. Too many farmers • underestimatethe worth .of their time, MO few know what they ,are . ,being paid_ 'tor „their: work Let the B of, M heip. yoti 'Make a . fresh start in '52 ...so you'll know exactly what your 'farm is paying •' you „so. . and whith, operations are making or lOsirig "money for you'. •Your ' •B 'of M.Manager will gladly :.give yOu, a, simple" Farm 'AicoUnt Book that will help you rim, farm for .Maximum profit Call or, .• •• write for your copy. There is no obligation. ••• • • • • • 4 4 • ' • , • '• . , . A ' • •,'•• I.• • • • 44 . 41. 44 • •• to • VI t , • • And, when you've planned your Farm Improvement Program ior. yott may find your , •manager a handy , man again if you need.extra tribriey,to make those.: gg'...LakeefLplans_cofne.true.. , Whether it's for installing more • electricity or doing some other im- proveiiient job suitable for !Winter4 •time . . sowing' more 'seed: next... spring.. . 'getting more machinery to speed the busy summer . or arranging for more heat in the house. riextfall you'll find y9ur1 9f M manager the man to so. Have a Confidential .chat him soon. He'll help y90 a,11 'he can. in 152.., 4. BA 11' 704 1411i10N CANADIANS • workinii, with Canadians InAvery walk of life Ante 181.. . • • • • . : BAN,K OF MONTREAL e:sadeed:4 701-g‘reua • LucknoW Branch: • C. II: SMITH Manager • • . ' ebt.tS6 • • • • a 4