The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-01-03, Page 51it1'RS , JANUARY ,3rd, 1952 • THE LUCKNOW ' SENTINEL, LLZCKNC►W •ONTARIO RAG : rye, Lyceu.fli:.Theatre WIWGHAM Two Shows. Each Night, FIRST SHOW AT 7115: TONIGHT THURSDAY "TERESA" Friday, Saturday,January 4 5 ,FRED MacMURRAY, . • ELEANOR PARKER• in •,q • Millionaire For Christy MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, January 7, 8' TONY DREXTER, ' ELEANOR. PARKER The Life of Valentino tine Wed., . Thnrs., January ' 5, 10 PAUL . DOUGLAS, JOAN BENNETT in , • ""The Guy. Who Came Back, To Our Many, Many . Friends. In the .'Thursday edition of the Free Press . was. a`picture of Sam burnin ixi his workshop • with': his history and .family,. We ire -sorry one name, .Betty; was omitted from our family circle. They are, Lena, Mrs.. ,Henry :. Carter of . Rip- ley; • Edythe,." .Mrs. Joe. Leslie of Gtanto tho Braritfnud)_;. Perry of London. and Betty .at home. Mr. and Mrs:. Sam Durnin. • FQURTH CONCESSION Mr. Graham MacDonald: of Petrolia and. Miss Margaret Mac- Donald elf $'.arnia spent Christmas. holidays 'at their home or the Fourth. Mr, Rennie Graham of Toronto spent Christmas day with home, folks. Mr. Harvey-Macfou _,1 of" Masset, B C., ' and' a friend from. Toronto spent a couple of days last week at the borne of . Mr. Lloyd f the Fourth ' east. were pleasantly" surprised to see the •mailman Saturday after an absence of ten days Mr. Harold ` Johnson and fam- ily are enjoying a visit from IVIrs:' Johnson, Sr., ' of Toronto," • Mr. Harry 'Scott is the new schooltrustee of S.S. No. 12 and lily. Herbert Buckton of SS. No: . We are 'sorry. to hear. that Don- ald MacDonald, our genial mail- man•of Fourth, West is on the sick list. • Jack .Gilchrist of Toronto , spent Christmas' holidays at' his home, also Bobby MacClure of Paisley spent his holidays with his cous; in, Bobby. Gilchrist: PRIZE WINNERS IN LOCAL DRAWS Several local 'storeys featured prize':draws, t prior to . • Christmas with the winners being' decided in draws made on Christmas Eve. At Smith's Grocery, Wm; Stim- son .won a bag •of sugar, Mrs. -Mustard--a---hamper-of-groceries, Mrs„ Norman Taylor a basket• of groceries. 'and, Mrs, 'MacFarlane Mrs, Fred- Gilchrist and Alvin Johnston ;a box_ of chocolates, each. ¢ • 'At Ashton's Tot ,to -Teen • and Ladies' Wear Mrs, Harvey" Trey:-, leaven won a hand -hooked rug. At Hall's Grocery Stewart Mc- Gillivray won .$10.00; JeanRich- ards $5.00; Mrs. Wilfred .,Hackett, case of canned- goods; Ted Me-, Clenaghan, . case of canned -;good. s and Lane. Gardner, • 3 -115. box of chocolates, At ' . the Fruit 'Market, Jack Henderson won the $25.00 .in .mer- •chandise prize, and • Bob Morton, Jim Petersen, Alice Hal,denby and Steve Carnegie each' won a six' •months' supply of theatre tickets. At PUrdori's Gift . Shop. Joe' Wasney •won an electric clock, • •Mrs.. Les Ritchie a ' tea pot.. and A: E. Purdon ,a. cup and saucer. ' FRED ARMSTRONG'S. BROTHER DIED + i Presents •. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Januar • 3, 4, 5. • f ' �..Qee-the=-rnaking--of-Rocket Slips , A thrilling -modern adventure with GLEN FORD in The Flying Mi.siIc! SATURDAY MA .'INEE'ATr 215 MondayTue5dayi Wednesd *Jranu"` . 7 8 9 JOHN - WAYNE and ROBERT MONTGOMERY r' in a thrilling war drama They Were Eipendable' ter, Mrs. Ross• Shields of 'Anther- ' Bed with the latter's sister,'` .Mrs;.. ley on Sunday. Quigley of Lucknow for. Christ- Mr. and Mrs,' Ralph Hill visit- mas. - • ' • , 'The death • of George Howard Armstrong occurred„._suddenly' at Meaford on .Monday, December 24th. He was formerly super- visor of the; T. Eaton Company optical” department,,, and::had re- tired to Meaford 'to• reside. He is 'survived • by, his widow,° Sadie- Johnston Armstrong; one daughter .Mrs. James ; N; 'Harbin - son . (Lenore) • of • Toronto and 'Howard Johnston Armstrong of ,Windsor; -'• • •• Mr: ` F.T. Armstrong of 'God: eric, h and 'formerly of Lucknow is, a..brother. . The ftneral service was held in ordLon Wednesday -:-.Of- last. Week with• interment in Lakeview : mortuary, • Meaford.' e Feeds,. Fertilizer Phone 71 • Gr_oceries.' *Phone 27 SOUR' 'SELF` SERVICEµ SYSTEM • means' .SHOP` AT YOUR LEISURE TOWN DELIVERY ON- 'GROCERIES. .THE BEST IN' COAL NUT, STOVE ` or-, ALBERTA,_ • PHONE YOUR ORDERS . !. FEEDS and :.CONCENTRATESComplete line on hand at all times. I I . I (opOperativeDistrict GEHL HAMMER. MILLS -Ask the man who owns one. M: -BUY .CO OP QUALITY' PRODUCTS •:•hail. i•...cs o '4'o • .. . """4. Women's '�"�"�' � _ the Institute. ' •Boxes, were packed appropriate for: the 1 — — WHITECHURCI{ • Mr.' Wm'. . Henry has purchased. the Spencer house in the village; formerly' known, .as' the Carrick home. .' Mrs: Mac' Ross and daughter, Olive are, ,spending a few'Weeks at Galt and Fonthill.',. Mr. `'and • Mrs.' 'Groskorth and family:.spent Christmas' at `Union-. Ville: • The M•artin.' and ,Gillespie 'favi filmes ,spent Christmas with Mr:. and 'Mrs. Chas. Martin. The family of . Mrs. Kennedy spent Christmas With their ' ,moth- er in 'the ••village:- • We are sorry. to ;report Mrs. Joe 'FiffirrSr-•was rtaken4-o-Whig ham Hospital on Sunday.: She had beedri suffering, froma severe col. Some of Our.'sick, Mrs Chap: man,. Jimmie Currie; and Ab:. Mc- Quillin • are 'all ':inprovirig, also Mrs.. Groskorth. , Mr. -and' Mrs. Jack . Campbell, Mr. and' Mrs. Neil MacCallum spent • an evening ;with 'Mr. , and Mrs. Ab 1VIcQuillin, : also Mr. and: Mrs. Cliff Johnston and farnily' spent'.Sunday'at the same home. ,.Mr. , and Mrs": Glen Ernerson• were in 'Stratford attending the funeral- of the latter's. lather, the late Mr. Charles Fiddy. URPLE GR.OV Mr. : and Mrd. ",San Emerson, Hilda. and Goldie and Mr. and Mrs. Glen.. Emerson and family • LOOK! ------ (Mee _--- _ (Mce TQ Farmers HAVE : YOUR MEAT,.PREPARED. IN. THE PROPER WAY, AT Clinton, ' Ontario Phone: 282-w LET. US BUTCHER YOUR HOG LET 11S' BUTCHER YOUR HOG—Render your lard . Make-your-sausage-the---old-fashioned-way;(-Salt--and: pepper only) . Cure ; any part, of your hog : that ,you wish, which:•consists of: 2 'Hants, 2"Side Bacon,••2 Cottage • Rolls;' •2 Picnic Hams, 2 Back Bacon. 1' You can have any.of ;these, cuts cured or fresh .... We serve over five hundred satisfied customers .. '. If you ._don't have a hog ready, we 'will .sell you one' at; cost price,'plus the killing charges . Our• prices have neit advanced. They are same . as of ,four year$• ago • Our large turn- Over. allows us to •keep .our prices. down All meat goes straight to our 'new, modern refrigeration as soon •as .butchered:. ; BEEF BY THE QUARTER•. When in need : of beef by the .,quarter, see us ' We have a h. : choice. selection tq 'pick frokn, cid to your own tastes. 15 -MINUTE SERVICE We guarantee satisfied customers as all our employees are.. !_ _ .__._ ..packing -house ex • rienced'and are at your service ! Bring invisited with Mr, and Mrs Donald . your own container and we will fill it with Gillies on. Sunday. ": kettle home • rendered lard for only 20c per Ib. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wash 'are Ali ordery' spending a 'faw' days 'withtheir prompt,, reliable service we guarantees daughter, Mrs Gordon Avis off. i 'HOGS to getthe MUST BE BR,OUGIFit IN ON MONDAYS ONLY. Tiverton. _ • I: Mr.' and :,Mrs. • Edbert Bushell, ! For.' further instructions• and delivering. of .your hog, contact: E R E ALT •week -end' at their home, here.� � G O I . • at- all- times_ LARD ' SPECIAL ' . • • George and Katherine. spent the ! N ':.Phone' 84 -9, 'Dungannon •Shut ins were remembered by` i T ' s 'SECOND: HAND.:TRACTORS: • Alli 's -Chalmers W. F. Allis-ChaYri�ers •C . • Drop. In And See The FAI ..BANKS • MORSE ,HAMMER MILLS '' FOR YOUR SOW'S and :SMALL PIGS' Usg Sow and Pig ibow Cgmplete. or out ,own grain and, Sow and Pig' Concentrate. ' . .CONTRACT See Us bAT NO COSI out A HOGa FINANCETO YOU HACKETT ILUCK O'iV'ONTARIO. • Christmas season. Mr:. and : Mrs. 'John Emerson , • visited with •Mr, Donald .Gillies ...on Sunday. Mr, and. Mrs.', Donald McCosh, Mary and Dickie spent. Christ - inns• c4 ith; 1VIr, George Colwell at ?' to_ mplenients. isitors' toe the 'holiday with _ Offer. The Latest In Modern :I''arm Machinery • n • Mt a Mr and Mrs. Burton Collins were. d MI- Schmid and family, o•f • Mildrnav, Air.—and Mrs: Young'. • 1 of Kirigarf. Mr: and Mrs. Arthur' i Patterson,.• arid family' of Delhi,: i` Mr. and rs, Gordon Stanley 'of ! Ripley, Mr, and firs. AndreW • Patterson arid Gordon,: ' , Visitors With Mr, and Mrs. Vic- tor Gawlev were• Mr. aid'. Mrs. ' : and :.'' • :Bert. BrosLn • ar`d yi'r. and iVlrs Helwick of Paisley, Mr.. and Mrs: I IErnest Walden and family, 'Missies ' •Ada, Lettie and 'Ethel Cawley of Ripley. • Visitors with Mr. Donald Rob;:., ertson• for Christmas were Mr, 8:.' ,.Mrs, Goldie Huston of Pine River, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth• ltobe'rtson , . 'and famil,"yy.of Zion. ' ! Mss. George Emerson, Jr. and son Zl3obbie visited with• her sis- i' 1 USED 10.1 ,JUNIOR TRACTOR.:' ALL SIZE. S O.1?' MASSEY-HARRIS ` TRACTORS AI: MANURE SPREADERS RUBBER -TIRED :• WAGONS '-HAMMER MILLS d GRINDERS Both Tractor and ' Electric Powered FULL ,LINT OF ° REPAIfS ON HAND BEATTY BARN SUPPLIES • r 'PHONE 7O -m, LUCK:�fOW • Uocate . d In The nier Brn oyes' IrCnipleent. Shop:' Fer • ..iikatip.y..u+a�.aili•...rriii•t reV r' • •