The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-12-06, Page 2PAGE TWO • • ' E' LUCKNGW :SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO THURS., DECEMBER ,(MI, 1951 GORDON MU LiJN .. REC, DIRECTOR Gordon 'A. Mullin,. 23. year-old son of Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Mut- lin, of Listowel and, .formerly of Lucknow,, has . heen named as, *Re- creation Director for the town of Listowel•and will- assume -his -new duties on. January 3rd, • • Gordon; is at present a member of the Arthur Public School staff, and the physical and health edu ration of the school has been un- der •his direction. • • -Gordon. •has.. had considerable. • experience in .the. field of recrea- tion, ,and at Listowel. has served: under the • retiring ; director,' Cliff Griesbach,, as • well .,.as •'his pre- decessor, Lloyd Ackert • •., Gordon ' was ' born S'at Lucknow. and ;went to Listowel .with ' his :iparents in 1941.. Upon graduating from Listowel High School he at- ,• tended Stratford Normal School and .later the University of, Wes tern .Ontario :Sunznner ' School.' While "at. Listowel, he ',was named :the ah around student in•his last year at high school. . His' personal sports skill .in - elude hockey, ,baseball,track and .field and : football. He • has per- formed, with the .Milverton, Ar-' th`ur and .. Listowel Intermediate puck :squads • and is .practising with this year's .Intermediate.. • team., from Listowel: , He won the. boars' senior championship in. 1947 at Listowel. H 8.. Gordon': isa grandson 'of Mrs.' Henry ,Mullin' of. towii. • Each time that .i :pass 'a church • I stop to; spay a visit; ' So that; • when ,I'm; carried in, The 'Lord won't`. say "Who' is it? • THE,'VOIGE; or TEMPERANCE: T is tirn it's , h The • 'Globe. and/ Mail that has .associated the Can- ada Temperance Act With ram pant bootlegging. This is just the wetro a an a. smear a _.in old g(a p g pgan . We who live in Canada' Tem- perance territory 'know' better.. We are in a. position to ''know that., bootlegging is not excessive in our . Huron communities: We also know that the law is catch- ing • up with the bootlegger in one .. place after ' another. If boot legging.' is •the, problem ' it •will certainly. not :be solved by wrap- ping,.the Canada Temperance Act in ;favor of . the •,Ontario 'Liquor, Control Act:' That' would mean More.outlets `and therefore • more drinking 'and- consequently more. bbotlegging., : Would ' the Globe. and. Mail careto comment on Bootlegging in .Toronto' or any other Liquor 'Control Act, urea? —Advt. Mother ;(horrified): "Good hea- • 'yens! .Kissing. a man.. You never saw 'me • do .a thing like that!." Daughter:' "No, but I'll bet grandma did!"..::: . ENGAGEMENTS • ' Mr. and ' Mrs. Lloyd McWhin ney,. Port Albert, , announce the. engagement ' of 'their. • daughter, Alice 'Irene, ' to Howard Gordon Sproul, son of Mr. and Mrs.• How- ard :Sproul, Auburn 'The mar- riage to take place 'in December. Teacher:. Johnny, :Why 'were you `:late', today.? .Johnny: t• saw. a sign. • What •has a. 'sign to. sdo "with your being late' ,heaIt .d'said:. ' `Slow'; down; school .' • s. LOOKING 6A` .KWAR•DS •TI IROL4GH • THE.. SENTINEL.: , FILES • Sixty Years Ago Application was, made for the formation of a- joint .stack -com- pany: for the manufacture of but- ter' and cheese on Lot 7; Con. 7, t . E.D., Ashfield; 'Officers..:of the proposed" ComparikJ)were : ,pres., Thomas, Edward Finlay; direct-.. ors, Wm.' H. Reid;Thomas Hus -' sey, John Kilpatrick and. Joseph Kilpatrick: Peter MacKenzie, sof • Kinloss was having 'a new brick • and stone house built. ' . Elliott Traver sold his • Ia!vt practice to' P. A. •Malcohnson: and moved to . Strathroy.. . Alex S. Campbell 'gav'e up:. the tailoring 'business. David McMillan,son of Mrs.' Archibald -McMillan and the late. Mr. McMillan died in Dakota .at. the age of • 32. Presentations were made to John McBain prior to, his return: to hist homeland in 'Scotland. • Harr"y. Hudaan taught at 'Para - Mount. ;Successful entrance- stu dentsfrom hisschool were, Eda 'Reid, John McKenzie, ' Kate Mur- chison' and. Lizzie McGill. • The death occurred at Lanes of f Mrs. William Hazbourn Reed, formerly Amelia Smeltzer. They. ;had lived in .Ashfield :since 1859.' JamesLees, son of Robert Lees, of .'-the; Lucknow Woollen •Mills; died . at, Siqux ,City, Iowa, from typhoid fever.. He .was ia his 24th . year., ,Thomas .• McLean and . James .Young hadshipped over 200' head in of :' cattle a • month, . most of them going 'overseas: • • Miss Lizzie Lawson and' Miss Lilla ' Bower' 'were. in charge of the millinery. departments at Wm. Connells, and W:J. Brurnp- ton's,' respectively. •• .• Thirty -Five Years Ago In ,the 'early summer of 1916, • Private 'Alex Macdiarmid, son of Mr. ,and '.Mrs. John, Macdiarmid, Con.. 4; Kinloss,' was reported "missing :in action". ' Finlay, Mc- Innes' was 'reported missing early in. June, but •ev'entually was re- ported •as 'a prisoner'. 'of war. • A turkey gobbler on the • farm -s' Rt ., • 1 • 1 L. 14 r«k• 11/2 t; 4 i 4 • 49 i r 4..i latul 01 a'. 2.0.0 where. FreeI'.OVA'S X11 reats FOR KIDDIES 00 SMALL 'FOR THE SHOWw t a • Will Be The Order Of The Day Treats will be handed out at. The Playhouse between 3 and 4 lint . Sponsored. by Business' Men''.s . Association i' f of Herb Ensign developed moth- erly ''gnstinictsand took to a, nest. of hen's eggs to hatch out 'five chicks.' Failure to obtain a .buyer.: for the ' ¥Garry House• resulted ' in the hostelry .being ' ,boarded " up. and the stra(blg.:yard fenced Oft - 'The Epworth League Of the M°etli bdist Chtirtii 'held -their -pit nit at Point Clark; with• "several bevies of young people" .prefering the ' horse-drawn carryall 'to the Motor ' car ' which had )become the rnore-favor.edLmeans_: of . travel at the'.,picnic: Mr. D..C. Tayler.:was presented with' a gold head cane. , in recognition of having 'served for. 22 years as president of• the. League: ' . ' Richard Martin''s Ford turned.' turtle on. a hill, in West Wawa - nosh, • and :when one of the oil. lamps' br, oke it: set.`,fire to 'escap- ing gasoline, and'the consumable' parts of the vehicle.. 'vvent up in smoke. , . ' . .. Two 'Lucknow' students were second. 'and 'third • in the Bruce. Inspectorate at the entrance: ev- aminations. Carrick Douglas had 544 out of 650 Marks, nine mark`s ' behind the winner frail.' Port, El- gin, Vera ,Hedley was third With 538 .marks. • ' Diavir Cathcart died at Kintail in ,his 33rd, year. • Robert Gra11arn, . 35;year-old son of •Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gra-, hail , died suddenly in Vancou- ver: ancou ve , • Alexander. "Sandy" Smith, long associatedas the operator of 'the oarrieal. Mill on Con. 5, Kinloss; died in , Lucknow •' at the age :of 70. ' Building construction in Luck - now, included 'a new brick resi- dence on-Haevlock St, being built by W. E. Treleaven; a residence, garage and stable on Ross St by W. P« Reed Who was Moving in from. Lanes; a busirmess ,block on Main Street by Messrs,. 'Ackert and Solomon, and improvements by W, L. MacKenzie to the resi- dence bought from T. Corrigan. , Twenty Years Ago Bih Cur -lin was found .dead, 'at his home north of the Village. The installing - .of ' Lucknow Water System was completed in September at a cost considerably .below' the $65;000 estimate. Rev; ' John S.Hardie, minister of , Ashfield, Presbyterian' Church for many years, died 'in London in hie 80th year. " , George Webster, Murray . Tay- lor and Freda Rintoul won .:the highest' points' at the West Wa-- wanosh Township .School Fair held at St' Helens.' ' John Joynt harvested 55 at. of ,„potatoes,. having . 'purchased planting, spraying. ;and ° digging. machines to handle the jdb., • Audrey Beth • Twamley, 3 -year- old daugh'te'r of Mr. and Ws: 'El- don Twamley of Chatham :died of •injuries received when, struck by a car. , .' . A sprinkler fire protection sys- tem ,was installedby the Luck - now Table Co. • • Thomas Henry died . at his Ash- field .nonie shfield..home near .Belfast. • Stanley Rivers resigned "as principal of •Owen , Sound Colleg-: iate•. to accept a position on Norith Bay .normal 'school ;staff. ` • .Kenneth "Cameron harvested a. large crop of choice apples. His favorite: spy. tree produced' more than ,24 barrels. • Mrs. ' James McCoy, died- in(/her 79th year. ; Ross ' .MacDonald` suffered „ a.• ,broken arm. and 'a f racttired skull when, he fell from ;a :chesnut tree on his Way home ;froth •school 'in.. Peterborough: '• Wirinifred Douglas •completed: her nu'rse's ° training course at Victoria Hospital. ., Ten Years Ago A shortage of tar 'forced'la stop=' page of, the .work of hard topping the Lueknow•.to. Kinloss Road. War•,time: restrictions curtail= 'ed, the hours' of: gasoline ' sales. from 9.a.in. to 7 p.m.. • Rev. G. ", G. ': Howse. • of New foundland . was Inducted as pas- tor : of Ashfield Circuit: Bert Graham of'Huron, Town Library Exchange Schedule The dates. in this, immediate vicinity of the.. Huron, • County Library exchange schedule• are: •Tuesday, December 1lth, Luck.: now 9.90 a.m.; Whitechurch 10;301 a.m. Tuesday, December 18th,, $t. Helens 2.00 p.m. Dungannon 3,00, .P.m—. , Form Pipers Association ; The Grey, Bruce. and Huron" Pipers. Association was .formed at. , . a meeting .in:Hanover, . With Jack Haris • of thattown as, president, Roy MacKenzie of Ripley and, Pipe Major of the ,Lucknow Band was named treasurer. ship was killed in. a motor' acci- dent near Seafarth Where he was. attending. the 12th of July, 'cele- bration. • Rev.. Reynolds. Este, of ••Ashes , field Presbyterian Chufeh:accept- • ed a call to Brantford;: • For the construction of a 10- , by. 10 'sectional frame pumphouse at the second well the tender of Henderson and Fisher of $23.7:70 was accepted. • • In 'a light ,•vote. of 94 ; to, 78 ratepayers" `'. !authorized the :Our- • chasing of :the. ' "Geddes Build- ' Wilfred Mintz,'. i 9,, died •in • Sea- • forth Hospital 'from head injur- ies.. received , in a car accident; ,'W.. J. Douglas succeeded John 'Leith : as,constable'•when the late .ter.rrioved. to Ram.'ilton. • A'barn on the Joynt farsouth. • of Andrew Craunt's'"m was destroyed .by fire:, Mr: and Mrs. Fraser Patterson moved to Q.oderich; • Mrs.., Andrew Nelson died in Ashfield in ;her 91gt year. ' A ibequett of '$:500.00 :was will- ed to Kinloss .'Township :by . Miss..' S. Purves.. • • • Rev: AA. Maloney,• rector.; of St. Peter's''Church, was assigned as chaplain 'at the R'.C.A.F.. sta- tion '.at ,Edunonton. • ` Dr. D.., D:• Carpeneto, Who, had: assisted Dr. W. V. Johnston, took over:.Dr. D. R. Finlayson'S .pr.act- ise at . Ripley, • irwo)C9:Ve& TRADE MARK REG makes good food taste better f. ittle buys a j, ot= of telephone ':serrzee IT'S one of today's, best buys grow- . COMPARE TNESE'PINCE Litt LASES DYAINC-TME PASTTEN TEARS fONOs UP f11 •cesi.or' LIVING* UP 65% ing in value all the TELEPHONE 5(RVICE" UP 35% •044..ftlet.rwolg b.iva . »'4.rop l.'."P' gobbri,emMi«' time.' For onething its � telephone servke.is one of;today's best buys.• cost hasn't gone up as much as most other things you buy. Your: telephone is one .item that , takes .less of your •budget than it used t• o. • 4 . Again ' it's bigger, value than ever because now you can' talk:'to I.. • • twice as many people as you could ten years ago -.and' more families':• are .getting telephones every day • ' In .addition —+We've been able to keep on steadily improving the `quality of this tradionally friendly and helpful service. Tf yoi5 haven't Yet ,. got'. service, -"-we want .you 'to know we re ytg y .working at it. You can be s� rery�ur place on t'he list is being protec` • ted and your telephone will be installed just as tlureltly ag pOssiblei ,�� NON( • THE. BELL LEI [PNON.E COMPANY OF CANADA. ''t