The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-29, Page 81'ACa►E EIGH1 THE,, LUCK QW S:ENTINEL,,. 'ZiLTICloro WE'RE...TR R TO `OFFER LITTLE Our custofters go on ; a buying spree when values Ile . this come in luxurious, lovely LUXITE slips by Holeprooh • '. . This one-the'LUXITE 7056 in easy washing, fast drying Nylon Tricot: is outstanding for, style. and quality., i•satikiesOinar*rwsprim iiritta*aitlitoorpitp 14400 Tot ' PERSONAL TOUCH ,IN 13 OF. M. ANNUAL REPORT' • Something :entirely new in the interpretation • of bank statements has been initiated by. the • Bank of Montreal this ,week, .in report- ing its, financial position to cus- tomers •at the end of its. 134th year, of operations .The B of • M's'mes- sage , highlighting the most sig nificant' aspects of. its, 1951; state- ment, presents' a striking depar- ' ture from the: traditional pattern of Canadian bank reportts. Strong- ly emphasizing the personal . ap- proach, itis published as' a signed statement from the local B. of M branch manager, Charles L. Smith. Headed "A , . Special' Message from Your .B of M,..Manager", the report is no`'longer 'a bank state ,tient in the ordinary' sense of the word but, a plain-spoken ,re- view of the main features of• the. bank's : experience throughout the :past +' 12 months, Written in straight -forward, non-technical language and illustrated by ap,. propriate thumbnail sketches, _the report represents:' a further ad yance in the direct "grass-roots" approach pioneered by.the.Bank' of ` Montreal in , its ' annual reports for the past seven years. In • the preamtble of this human- ized . report, the local. manager Makes ' several down-to-earth. corrixnentssupon the • Canadian way of . living. He emphasizes that .the people seem ,to combine stability ;with a •go-ahead spirit and , sums. alp the Canadian way of life in• two: words, "steady pro- gress". ' SEE BY THE w SENTINEL • (Continued from page 1)' THAT Inspectors J;'.Q,. Lewe and J S. -Chambers are spending this week at the Luckhow. Branch of the Bank of Mon- treal. TTHAT the Lucknow Dramnatic :Clulb, staged the final-presenta- tion inal-presenta-tion of their play "Auralia Bridge, from Hemlock Ridge" in the Town, Hall last Wednes- day night before 'a small ,crowd. It 'was a repeat performance . here. The Club has financed the remodelling of the ,stage"_ from the proceeds of . several pres- entations this fall. THAT =John W. Hanna, elect, • was in town on ':Saturday evening .• expressing •apprrecia- tion of • the • support .given him, in Luicknow • and District. J. W. • -was accompanied by L. E. Car diff, M,11.„.and Bert •1VI'itchell .of ;'Winghamn: Mr. and 'Mrs. Hanna are planning a holiday. in :.the ,South this 'winter 'THAT Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C`lenn have taken` un residence 'in .the, Anderson Apartrnents' and ..Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MacDonald. have moved' '.into the new apartment •at urdon's .Wall- paper Shop: --o-, THAT "Tinker": Ashton after be- ing missing for a week, return- ed home thin and. exhausted last • : Thursday morning, soon after the paper came out. May be the. jag can read: ' JOHN IIIIDSO,N .,WON' o— CARTER gegoiA4giurr THAT ,Rev:'. Matthew Baillie -of. • • Downpatrick, County Down,. :Ireland, has been inducted ' as . 7 pastor o�` Bluevale, and Belmore Presbyterian '• .Churches. H,.e dOnununity, . ron'the first . prize succeeds the•.late Dr. •C. 1!.: Mac - Carter scholarship award . of .$190 • Donald. (for highest standing : in ' LIP,pper.— '' School examinations., THAT according to the advance John was also aw•arded.. th. e ticket sale, ° there' will be cap- Robert.Mc'Iay scholarship of $200 acity crowds •at ,the -High School and the. 1950; Hugh 'Innes Strang . 'Coxnunencencienit 'On Thursday Memorial scholarship. of ' $625, • and Friday. • nights.' The' Public which includes• four years' tuition School concert is the following at they. University' of • Toronto. week. • John Hudson, son -of ,Mr, and Mrs... Roy Hudson. of-Goderich, and formerly, of the Lucknow. • •■IIii.aa■fsi■■••iitchi■.f eiaaia,u a•uusu•uu■au■ u■inisaw iifsiiaia milisiaiU ■ ■ '/ ■ . • , ,Free 'Gott Coupon With Each $1. Purchase On Our (hr.stmas ; Craw Dec1 24 See 'Phar Com ` i `• ■ plete Selection ■ S FOR YOUR CI-I'RISTIVIAS BAKING' • ■ • 1st+100,' Lbs: -':Redpath Sugar. is y - E azYiperaf Groceries. Yorlf-Dessert Pears, 2 for 27c2in �. Molasses, : uart . , __----- 32c ;3rd. .Bas. ket of . CirocerYes.: ''• q � • 4th, 5th,. 6th -Box• McCormick's • i-Welsh,s Grape Juice 42c, :. •�' ' Chocolates. Chiver Valley Baby Roll. Cheese 45c ■ ■ .. •rzeinz' Spaghet#i . _ r 2• ,'for • ,3.3: ■ ■ , . • MARGENE',-. Lb.'33c -s _Campbell's ■. VEGETABLE• • 'H.P..SAUCE 33c ■ ■ SOUP ,,2-, for 27c ■ _ ELOTHES ('INS, '3 doz. :25c,'.; ■ McCorrni'ck's ■ ■ ' • ■ SODAS, salted or plain, lb. Ogilivie __ PEEARL BARLEY,.1 b. Monarch • • ■ MINUTE. OATS ■' lndividUal Cereal Bags 31c ORANGES, Full of Juice ■ 252's --40c. • 1: 17c • GRAPEFRUIT,. 9'6's ; 6 for 39c LEMONS 6 for 27c• 47c • CRANBERRIES ° 29c •" I .. ■ Five Roses. .• GRAPES 2 lbs.2 _.5c' j WHEAT GRANULES, 3 lb. ,bag . 26c BANNANAS, firm ■ . • • : fa 19c ■ .11nizn::• • We Deliver,. ■ ■ NTARIQ Tguirts., NOVEIV EIS, 29th1951 ter*Lottootastraaitiattortetittintormysitrienogriowoutrovookis4otiolo' . TiristaS• �... ::.0. Oats . . Should you be thinking • of a gift of' a Housecoat, drop • i' ; n; and look over our stock of All Wool Plaids, Bengalines; fi C Plain or Patterned Nylons, Tafettas and Satins. We ikiwould be pleased to Iay one away for you �• ti r • until called for, PYJAMAS .., •LOUNGING .. �. o E With quilted P 4 jackets satin,., brocaded or . aisley print tickets ri good styles and, •shades. • 1 NYLONS See the "50th• Anniversary" • Corticelli Nylons, in special Christmas 'gift ,boxes .at no extra cost, -while' they last, ; • , - a Drop in sand *do your gift;sboppindg while the, selection: is good, ,Christsnlas parc,01•a .may be left until;•called for., • Ne N:9 deposit, necessary. TOT -TO -TEEN and LADIES' WEAR 'Phone • 89-w Lucknow, Ontario•.. 44augrlbc44110R40u 4414. ?4 44tWi i ReltOli nbartrw 11 u,, tu,4Q: evolving F �RIDAY ONLY-- ALL DAY.' .. FINAL CLEARANCE OF. FALL .DRESSES. • Samples, oddments ;ancl ':factory clearances, •; ranging in broken colors, juniors',' misses' and women's. sizes Crepes, Wools, Prints; Etc. NO ALTERATIONS 2' NO LAY-AWAYS ., 9.30. to .11.30 -� _.____ 75 Dresses' " $10.00 1(.30• to 1.30. Balance $8.00 7 Balance - $5.00 Balance . $3.00 5.30 to 6.00 Bglance $1:00 1.30 to 3.:.30'__,` 3.3.0 to . 5.30 Boys' BREECHES Exceptional buy, Sizes • 24 to 32. $1.95 to . $3.50 •Boys' REEFERS Zip -up' fronts, navy 6 yrs.. to 12 yrs. Special, $3,49 ` Knitting WOOL .; for heavywork sox and : mitts, colors. 85c •LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR THAT' reports have been numer- ous;-this- pas--wee-k�==-of quick. results from... Sentinel., ."Want • Ads." Roy Culbert and . Bill, 'Brown.report sales of, stoves, generally regarded as. a "drug �._on ;the market",, and, Mary and Hugliie. MacMillan' 'sold' their skates in short order:. • THAT. there wase a large rowd at St. Andrew's Ballo Friday night under- Kairshea•- I titute auspices. Scotch. daneing :was 'a feature to . musics by Piper 'Wil- fred -McQuillan. • ' THAT. Gleiil , Walden and Jack Ackert bagged a 10 -point buck, in Greenock on the .first day of the : deer 'hunting season: Glenn:dropped the big 'fellow g _ s, that weighed over 300, lb o THAT Shoot Club winners the past. two weeks, were , Mr. and Mrs. Bob • Reid and 1uIrs:.'Lorne THAT there was a 'large crowd- _ rowd _ at the reception :on Tuesday , night in: honor of•Mr;_ and:Mrs, Wm. C. Johnstone They': were.. presented 'with a. generous • gift of money on' behalf of. the gathering by ' Allan Hunter 'and `Myles MacMillan. DEER SEASON RUMBLES„ STILI TO BE HEARD The .official deer, sea on sn y be over,;' ,but . according:. 'to reports there are a : lot of dissatisfied hunters who took out licenses"and. equipment before the last minute announcement closed L several areas.. Prospeets .' of getting • the license fee refunded 'are. no'ap=' ,easement to Many' In Huron a •three-d'ay • season. 'had '`been scheduled for the first week,' and•there have :of 'neat " • • • . Phare 20 • been rumbling's that some licensed • ■ ■� ■Fifa'■ rr■■�fir�i tsr fl■���fifi fi�■■fi■�t•�.fiE■�■%iii"ii.�fifi�r` � Ar��tA��� ��� "•- -Johnston and Albert. Chin. deer.' :dosed •Season 0r ."t, • #' lleoit 0irt�t b r 'D a • e ivietW Dtolk nti tt0, alt ,1 Dt�trtix>ilk'br'itthtsitOtitt'DtitaiaOtttiltre-Pnrii>en wo, nirnrods threaten ' to get' their SPECIAL CLEARANCE •tALE OF , LADIES' AND MISSES'COATS This season's' best, in lovely all wool' fabrics, .; . We Have A cool Selection' of x .; chamois ;lined, .•f rami ' � '� • 20 TO, 30 'PERCENT OFF CHILDREN'S:.TOYS and, GAMES for XMAS A.. goodselection for all: Make The Market • • Store Your Shopping .Centre fir Christmas.. PILLOW .SLIPS, TOWELS ,And :,,ABLE' CLO'I;HS , fo. r lovelytg if t w are.;�' •• . lar .v ar�u � r vhwo ltio n u u te ,.4. a, rtaii1a u iitit i4t +r v. twa v v..t rfu vo a�a4 u �����+i ' l t 4 ii.4