The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-22, Page 71951. 1:$07 . nesh ahh Med,. was . Wide mare who; With, twQ�. Mrs Q4; 4ndy • tr,A. 'olice 1930 and 11ow Jas., 11" -of Id on 1 . the :Nle, 'by eter'S nhill s act- uil- n, of; rl Car J,a:ck nloss. acted and rffin,: Mc4. Mina, N lafER 2214 ,1951 TH$, 1411.0 O ,SPI TINEL, Lt CKNQW, ONTARIO. • EDDING BELL$ w r ' JQNSTON,,,-}lIYDGES A ..quiet wedding was .solemn—' ized at, Trinity Anglican .church, age was read by Anne Stanley. Blenheim,' on. Saturday, Novem Mrs, Norman TaYlgr spoke•inter.- her hath 'when Margaret Eliza,-estingly 'on the topic-. concerning • beth, '.daughter of Mar, arid' Mxs, Mobammedism ,and its .defects as W, `, Bryd€es, Was. united in rear- ' compared! with.. ChriStiann.ty,.. A, 'i,age• with, William �C Johnstone, `pianci. solo by Elmer Umbachh'was. • son Of .Mr, and Ms, J. R. John -roach enjoyed. Ruth Johnston .& it stone, cknow. _. The cererxro Y G1ael3�s<Ch n. sang. ,a•duet A hearty Wks. `- performed lay the hector, singsang was enjoyed by ,all, Rev. John i., H, Henderson; for rnerly oaf Belgrave, . Whom 'Would You Save? The bride. was becomingly at- If, the world were d,.,obrrred and tired in a street, length dress of you could. choose only 44.persons brown brocaded. nylon net over for 4.new life on another plane' • taffeta and wor a" , corsage of whom would you save' Author ' 'bronze roses. A dark brown vel- Philip Wylie,'writing in this Sun- 1,,10 h"at, , with feather trim : ,and. 0ay's (November 25), issue. of ThF :"dark,'brown:accessories com'plet-, Amer can Weekly .excluSiVely ed her costume, Miss -;Jane John-" with Detroit. Sunday Times; tells. stone, sister of .the „groom, room, was whom he wQ, id se ect .under such g >� .l r T rliridestxuaLd arid -,:wore a brown bengaline 'dresswith corsage of �+unday's Detroit. Times. roses and green accessories.. Mr., Jack Treleaven :was groorrisniaxi: BORN After the cerernonY the bride donned a rust velvet tap. Boat for travelling. Mr, ' and ` Mrs, John- stone ar ohn-stone.:ar. a spending their honey:: moon in. Milwau+kie,, Wis,, ; and. 'Detroit, Mich., .and 'on their re-, turn will reside in 'Lueknow. Presbyterian Guild • Themeeting on Novemmber, 12th was opened : with 'prayer offered. by Mr. Winn. The scripture pais - circumstances.' Be '. sure to get• :Unite& Church W. The Novenibeer -meeting of the : Hall -Andrew Group w.as. held on Wednesday, afternoon,. Uovembez; '14th: at the home of Mrs, ' Philip • MavMViillan • With, 'a; good ' attend- ance. The Meeting opened by the ..s4.104of hydira 511.:with' Mrs: •, Hall in .the ' chair. Mrs. •Mun ford led ' in • prayer. The program:' in. charge of MTS... Scott . Consisted of an :'address on the subject of clocks making:: application . • to everyday ' livingwas given by - Mrs. `Murn'ford and .was much en- joyed; Mrs: 0; Jonesgave. two" readings suitable to, the tune of., year.:. 'A . ,'very . interesting. Bible contest was carried'. out by Mrs.' Torrance Anderson. The closing: num'ber; was given. by Elizabeth Webster when she persented 'her.. speech' on Pauline Johnston, •, Which she had. given • recently' at the Public Speaking :Contest: The miizpah benediction' brought the meeting to a . close • after • which delicious refreshments were ser.:. ved. by. the :committee in ,charge. TRADE MARK REO. NOTHING TO PREPARE.. NOTHING TO CLEAN UP CHTSH( Llj---at. Alexandra Hos- pital, . Goderich, on 'November 9, 1951,. _ to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chis- holm, 1'1.'3, Goderich,: a son. VOICE OF TEMPERANCE • ' Group II of the W. ,Pi► 'The, l,Qvemper meeting of Group , 11 of Lucknow • *United. Church' was held, at the home of Mrs,. Glen Walden with' 23 ladies present.' Hymn, opened the meeting with a passage Q. scrip- ture being read by ' Mrs. J.. C. ¥cNab.. Mrs. Webster led in pray- er. Mrs. Jack Ackert took charge: of the program.. A true-to-life reading on "What Kind of a Per- son are You?" was given.by Mrs=. Hoag. 'Mrs, Joynt favored with a solo followed by- a reading en- titled "Life's Best Years" by Mrs. Thompson. Mrs, IL • Houston entertained with a piano instru- mental and a contest was 'con- ducted by Mrs. E Taylor. The. meeting,'concluded by' . repeating the mizpah'benediction .and. lunch •stkr0 • served' by th+e•hostels• , and. •committee in •:charge: • . BgRN SIMVIPSON—at 'Kincardine . Hosp'i'- tal on Wednesday, November 7th' •to Mr; and Mrs. ' Bonald Simpson 'of Kintail, a son, Alexander, Ar- thur r thur John, a brother for . Eliza- beth Ann. -Vlore •outlets .MoreLiquor: —More liquor, --More drinking; .More drinking—More bootiegg That's . the way it goes. Thee. Canada Temperance Act forbids outlets.. -Advt. ' • ENGAGEMENTS.. ° Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Connell:Of Winghain announce'' the engage- ment of ' their daughter, Mary' Lou, to John Hiram.'. Grisdale, ,of' Clinton, son of' Mr. and... Mrs. F 5: Grisdale, Reed Deer, .Alberta. The, wedding. to take place on December 1.st," in • St. ;Paul's Church, Wingharn. "And ' Why. is it called the. ' rpother;'tongue,: dad?" ' `'`Because fathers' hardly , ever get a'• chance to, use it; son." Presbyterian Guild The Presbyterian Guild held one November -19th, was .opened with• the call 'to. 'Worship read by; President Ray Stanley. H rrpn' 58. was sung, and the I;.ord'S prayer repeated. The scripture, .psalrin .96 was read responsively : A duet was sung by Ruth. Johnston and; Gladys Chin ' Eiiiller • Urnbach spoke'• interestingly on •the topic: concerning Hinduism:: ,`; Marion MacDoriald ''played. a ' piano solo .. which was 'Much enjoyed.. AGENT iN T11IS 0ISTRICT FOR * PrOdilictS .,IYZSTQCK:MINE A ... AN) STOCK TONICS', M;ac... enna R. R. '. 3,, Lucknow 'Phone Collect, Dungannion. 68 > -4 KIN.QUG.H Mrs Arthur Graham spent the ;week -,end • with'' het 'sister, Mrs, D, Thompson at Stratford, Mrs. Bert Nicholson and. 'Eve- lyn. visited on, Friday with her sister, >l/Mrs. Glen ..Campbell, Aria berley, • Mrs. John Cox visited' Thurs- day with her nieces, Edna and May 'Boyle, • Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby,. Mr;. and; Mrs. Clare :Sl?' arling and ' g Mr;, M. Bell were'$uridey visitgr with Mr. and '1Vlrs. •,Howard' Mc:. quire,Olivet, • • The H.W ;I. will hold their At Home'and bazaar on Tuesday ev'. -ening, November 27th'.,' Mr.. and, Mrs; Arthur Breekles have. Moved to. their :new hone '• at Link -now. , • • Q4,44 ;geSeirrat £ , ..�,� ,�,,r,4,e , • r.•; c t a.«! G ,44 ,,.• ( ,a1414:: .al..Cl!'f 04/A.A144.44..0wo'44 40�/gvJ....s...__�� _..._- ;44,4 4';a n ivea4en-dao A., v teeehtt ie4t;Ti,%T r i1 jfse , 1010,;s0tnef°r. , t;+�./4, ,e� 14A;i , s„Avra!• ora aoe;4.4,4 toe nsan:47;00 �,om:d eg Aro'+d.40 ► • fry j .44,04ray*.� ;:. ,i t4/4a0l im,+ i• +'► '; ;414 4w;;: Vas e i; ArkeisiP,wn.1.,► Argos Asoialrt eri41 6044 iG;•16,4itivai 424,04i.0.• 1,*.ago,�feJ�ra(�yL: ►csnanad,r0Fei►ti JJ t '!ir4arkir0e0To ar td+ya ,Gsrrberwr.w.d: JYMr+� �st�era�,�rd�i,�.Ul ld,V,ov f%1rL, ,�l1ws 9raki •t.(lftl�MrNr, rt Glc„�i-,.f/t�7 Ow w',as►vros,eis,4ra,ee;g�, r • • _i�..rw�G,U�.�i.%,.4r�'•,Ar.:�..,.�`%�'•.�eiryr+ev.�`.�ilosue,N.,�d�,"./.'1i ""ra'r . , , mow' RTIFICATES ort Term -5 years' 3%%a Aterest payable hall yearly .. Principat. and'interesf uncbra'- ditional ly;iguarartteed Authorized investment for Trust Funds . 'No fluctuation in Principal Amounts of $100 OO. nd. 'may be invested *� . RUNG T CORPORATION Heald Off les 371 fist�rt'.� totonta ; • ung men ... Here is ChczHenge and OPPORTUNITY Training and, expel► ience in leadership :are: two of the most valuable assets you can. possess, no matter what lifetime” career you select.. You may , obtain both training and experience as a leader tinder a new plan. whereby. the. Canadian' Army is training young men with Junior. `Matriculation or Equivalent Educational; Standard as Officers ,in the Active Force:. • i: .But there • is a 'challenge .in` the standards you ' mtist:rmeet .--. in . the • courses •you joke, and pass before. you , can ,qualify for a commission. • And, i there . is opportunity in the privilege of leading..Canada's , . soldiers at home and abroad.: If accepted you' begin training at Camp Bordenas an Officer Cadet 'to, qualifyas, a' Second Lieutenant in the Active Force.. Y'ou•wi1l •receive ' Second' Lieutenant's a" while in. training;.' When ' ou`are ranited a cora- ' You.of 34 t ears• as you c�oose. undere Short Sev:ce, Con..ss on'I n. A; the• encl. of .this'service . 'you may apply for a permanent comrinissnon, To: a l . nue must bei: ---Single '.._= Ph 'sicaf y fit -- Between 18 and ewEquivalent , Educes: 25 "years Age , and 'have .� �uniar 1Vfatratculat�bin or E uiv • tional -Standard. • • • 4, . APPLY tODAY TO :THE RECRUITING OFFICE NEARES1` YOUR HOME Na. 13'Persennel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau and Charlotte'Sts„ Ottawa,:OM., Na,'5' Personnel Depot, Artillery •Parlr,.Begot 'St., kingstoto, Coif. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 ilichmond St. W., Taranto, Ont: 1Jo 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseteytlafraci<s, Elizabeth Street, London, Old; Army Recruitin4 Centre, 230 Main Street West, North' say, Ont., Army RRecretting Centre, -tartlet Street Armoury, 200' Jami Si. North, Hamilton,. Ont A41sa.it r Listen' fo.'Voice of the' Army"..— Tuesday and'thursday'eveilings t,borttinrart Network,, • .4 •