The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-22, Page 5par -: .r her : aid the malting • o we1r I even- ►e' Wo.; nzrnun- Short ancing, help Lad - , • (0 I f .. M'li A� w• ' (ems beaus r.! W INJ;...!AM: • • 'i7w4! Shows. Each Night0 FIRST 0.11KIW AT 7.15 Thursday,, ErtdaY," Saturday NOVEMBEI*. • 2,Z, 23, 24 GENE AIj`1Y • . WHIRLWIND Nt T EE S I URDAT Monday, Tuesday Wednesday. NQVEMBER:28, 27, 28 r iT(3HN WAXNE, PATRIC RICI,A NEAL, • WARD BONG • r . •Opera tion-PaciAc Thuradaay, "Friday, Saturday Nov'einber i9, 30, Dec..1 ‘‘EXCUSE, MY DUST"' ' WAR REMINISCENSES HEARD. AT 1174- MEETING ua /4VM NQW SENTINEL;: TATCKSTQW, QNTAR O The 'Lueknow Women's Tnsti tute held' its regular monthly (meetingon' Friday, November 10 with about la ladies present, The vice' pres., Miss. Margaret Rae, conducted, the meeting, in the :ab- sense of the pres,, Mrs. -a, R. Johnstone. In the transacttpn of vaicious 'business matters,, the meeting voted $25,00 to the Children's Aid• Society at Walkerton...4 .very in 'teresting program: •followed the business matters, The theme was. "Peace" Mr. • Kenneth . Cameron. gave reminiscences; of war-. ex- periences•from, the time •of his. enlistment,, untir his home -corning and it was. 'very. interesting,, Mrs. Stewart sang a solo. O 44 t . Philip. Land of °urs''. Miss Mary Alyn played` two piano. nuiinbers ex- ceedingly well,' followed by . a reading by • Miss Mary :,MaeLeod and'a harp selection flay Mrs, Jas. Webster. Mrs, Wm, Douglas con - esacted a'contest •.and. the hostess- Nerved lunch. . RECTOR'S : WIFE • AND MOTHER SUFFER,. INJtlitigS Mr, • F. C. 1VIcRitehie wife of the rector of Aylmer, Trinity Ang11- can' :Church "and Mr's. Alice.: Mc- ,Eitehie, 70, the rector's 'mother., BORN ' were taken to Chatham . Hospital TASKER-at Hotel Dieu Hopi- 'last ''week with',Serious' injuries Chatham, .N.13;, on. Sunday,' suffered .Monday, 'night in . an :November 11th; to .. LAC Glen: automdbile:' accident. Tasker and'Mrs. Tasker (nee. The •accident ', occurred .when Marion Gardner), . a : daughter, FMr. McRitchie drove: into the back'Sharon . Marie, a ,. sister. for Doug- , of a stalled truck on a , road three r Miles east' .of ._'Chatham. 'laa. .. , S - MOTHERS, . 1 441 nine To The, Gigantic nta BEING HELD IN GODERICH,,1 on S featuring fourteen :beautiful floats .g.. -4: 3 ter2 4 5.: FUN FOR •,YOUNG AND QLD �� �• �'1• .:. ''I :Square:'�'' • Santa Claus•' will remain on the • • , until `4 . itfo'tor b'ftoiszt or:9 too aa I,r a The Parade ,is sponsored by the . Ooderich Junior Chamber of Commerce .F URTH CONCE. $IONI Recent visitors with 1* • and Mrs, Waiter MacKenzie were], Miss' Margaret MacDiarmid of Windsor, .Miss Marion Macniar- mid of Landon and Mr. Siam Mae, Diarmid of Wells, B.C, A very Targe crowd, attended the shower given for Miss Vicine (lFaistnlaSaytuxn dayt the nsoophnoohouse Coiling brothers, were orturt, (ate in ,getting a deer near hone: one day last week. ' Mrs. •Lloyd MacDougall spent a feW days, mast week visiting her husband in the ;hos, ital in 'Tor- onto, Eiily. MacIver of Ebor, • Mani; , tgba,, 'visited his uncle,' . L. Mac - Iyer at. the home of Mr. 8 Mrs Ira Dickie for a 'couple of days last week. ' Anice crowd of children at? tended the South .Kinloss . Misr sion .Rand at the home o,1? Mr, sand Mrs, Ted .Collyer last Saturday-; Buy Masher Faris • The farm which has. been . in the• MacIver name for the past 80, years has been , sold to - Mr, Austin. Martin. Mrs. POn. Maclver sand boys ares residing; at present with her:,parents'on'.. the 9th Con, of Ashfield. . ' Mrs. • T. A. IVIacDonald.•of Luck., now visi