The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-15, Page 91951... Vatt of..'. 1d with. Watt, to Mr. in tile ichard'' as held metery, r. Fred Ingham,. ined to: rought ,e Mon„ pass, nig the triable • tse. tatioti • (nett.. s :,said cOltl,µ tithe.:. theme )CA THURS VB• . 10th'i 190/ NFA. WHam` *LAN R iCoatiuued hon page 1) h�ch 'load' evlery , of price fi keg !and anipzilation:gf the markets, Mr. McGinneS stated th t only percent•.of the hags, marketed went to the atock yards' for open buying. The remainder go ;direct- ly to the packing plants and are paid 'fQr •at' the price of the 6. percent, of . �,' ' ercent, brie on the ++Market; The farm r fibbed a k�ar gaming power by this policy and doesn't know what- he will get for his hogeuntil he ?receives his" cheque, Aim. Is Competitive Buying It is to retain this +bargaining. power, and trestore. eot'npetitive„ buying that. the Centras .HOg Mar- heting, Ageney is ',being .advocated, It: is the found'atiori of • our •eon; "oipic, system, ;said Mr, : McGinnes. Corrlinission..'men' would be.. in. charge Of—the Agency that would. :require hogs to be bought by :the Packers on .an open • market, The. Agency is, quite. ' unrelated to a boor ,Price, It. is merely a selling ageney;that will have the power of selling that'' which .belongs to the farmer --his hogs, ;.and retain: 'irig some say 'and control of a business that,; runs to095 Million a year. •-< 'Coultes Disagrees Y` • :Charles' Coulter' said this pro- posal should, be . discussed thor-' • aughly • with 'the' . Packers, for. 'if they chose to. 'break .it, the Cen tial Marketing Agency could ` be ;the worst !blow ; that ever ,befell.. •farm organization. If the Packers Stayed aWay from' the : Markets for .two . weeks `.`they .could. bust • it', he •contended.' Live hogs :are 'a perishable.. commodity.: What we • need ; is to, get control of the pork produeta,:.which can be"held. Mr. Coulter disagreed that 6 percent • of the ,hogs'were„sset”ting the price He 'said there was 'competition -antong--the 1ruekers, taking—the hogs to the 'packing plants. It was' midright • before the .dis- cessions. concluded. Others who spokebriefly before the Meeting adjourned were Mr: Montgomery, Mr,.' Murchy, Cecil Johnston; add • Elmer Farrish. he Elect Officers `- Officers re-elected- we're E : 0,.. 'Zinn, hon prey. Jack' MacKen-. zie,p es.; Bill Gtabert, vice• presb; sec:-tteaas., Howard Blake; .lady director, r; Mrs. Jack MacKenzie; representative ,of' hog producers,' Cecil 'Johnston, George 1Vfonerief, Raymond Finnigan; :represents-. 'Live. of cream producers; Russell' Alton: School' Section • direotbrs werrCall re-eleeted. • e.: THE $ENTIt EV ',. TBAT seven tables attended the Shoot' „Panty ..on Monday night. Winners'. were Mrs. A. J. Wil- son and ' Howard • Harris,' Next •weel ,s party .will also be at the . Town .Mall,'• Tf1AT. tahe death. of D. C. Drlaper, .fernier Chief Of police. in. Tor- onto froom 198. to: 1946; .recalls .the, part 'he' played in organiz- ing .a Manhunt in 1930, after Constable . RoyMc ui '1' Q 1ln of. the Tdropto force and formerly of ..Luekngw, was shot , down in. cold blood by. • .fack Brocken- shire. Chief Draper ..,organized what was regarded :at, the great- est operation,:ever conducted by the Toronto- Pollee -Department and took .a personal hand in: the capture of Brockenshire near' • Oakville.: , The. rninderer .:later died on the gallows. THAI'. Leslie,.,Harris and his 20-. yeae old son of i.oridon are to receive . $1,388.. in an • out -.of-' courtsettlement of an accident. in ,Tune of 'last year... The soli, Roger, was riding a. niotoreycle .When struck .• by a car on • the. highway .;east of.. London Mr. Harris ' gets $882 for • expenses incurred by h•im' and Roger has • $506 'paid into court to h'is• cre- l dit until• he is 2i • . - .• 1. : THAT Hydro :,Chairman Robert, Saunders hasn't fotogtten West: ford School.. A year '.ago' he was)• 'responsible for. hydro being ..promptly :installed in the school) and recently the 'teacher, 'Miss olive: Thompson, -received word. i from him that' he ,plans to 'at= 'tend: their: Christmas.; concert ,this year. —o--- THAT A. A:.:Wall', • Who • has been, camp supervisor with the' On- tarso Farm. ,Tabor service for four years, has been appointed assistant agricultural:represent Mrs. Duncan Simpson' presider'. at. the piano.• GUARANTEE • CERTIFICATES Shari Term ---5 years *.31/2% interest payable half.. yearly .. Prineipcil and interest U;fcon- . ditioiicrlly:gv dntee'c% Authorized :invest.mont or' rust funds. No fluctuation -ins PrincteJal' Araou is.ol: $i bO:.Od tang up may be invested . •. a - THE STEitLING c aRPORAtioN iii ad • Office- • 372 :Boy Sty, Toronto 3 • • atir e in. Bruce': County. 'He suee cee1s" Doug Tipper. who was1. ` transferred • to Huntsville ' in , July' . Duint, the summer Ag, • f'tep.:. George gear. was assisted: by J'axnes Brown an Q.A.C. stu- dent, butGear .of . has been carry+ weeks on 'alone. • k • THAT the weatherman 1. did: its worst last -week to e1 g cow, tty roads. and lanes; thereby cutting the attendance on Wed .nesday at the Progressive-Con- servtative Association- nieetin, In Walkerton at which the Hon Leslie .M, Font, Premier .. of On- tario, was .guest apeaker. Bruce 'County cquncil which 'was in Session at Walkerton withdrew their pftex'noor 'meeting so that members might takes advantage of the opportunity to, hear 'Mr; -Frost. THAT Rev:, J, C, Leavey, fornn- erly • 'of the Riversd+ale' and ;:• Holyrood parishhas been tralis; f erred from .Ayton to become' chaplain of the Notre `Darrze • mother house at Waterdow•n. TIJAT • Mornay Taylor,,, manager - of the D.ominion Store at Wing- • ham 'has . been ill' with, pneii-.. monia and'sinus trouble..Mur-; ray • has beep at the hor•le of his parents, 1Vfr. and ,Mrs. Ches- ter .Taylor. of West . W awanoshh, •• and will 'Undergo a -sinus op- eration in :London; • • • / • •''.BORN, BLAKE =--• At' Wingham General, H'.ospitai' on Wednesday., "October:' 31, 1951, to Mr. :and Mrs. Howard. Blake, R. 7,'iucknow, (nee Ielen. Dobney)=, a. son,' Gary Calvin. PAgg. 141NZ te!I, attle Breediflg inc' 44Where . Better Bulls, .Are Used" REDUCED RATES u aceordaiiee with our . Co-operative non-profit r nc ,.,. ow rates haye•been .reduced. , ". . Effective November 1st,1951, to. Life Membership 25:00 O per Cow r for ' inemlieI'S: 6,00 per. for uau-?rr#exUbers We are a ' lieen ed .Co-operative, non-profit, mernber-owned organization. Service Fees For All Bulls. "Are The ' Same s Where is no extra registration: fee on any of the bulls. in service.. • , FOR SERVICE•CosTA' Mildmay, utario Phone 60-r-1.1 Before, 10;00 • TH THIr7PRQV'INCIAL MUNICIPAL'. FIELD, S rc.i: IT IS A DEMOCRATIC PRIVILEGE THAT SHOULD BE APPRECIATED A DEMOCRATIC RESPONSIBILITY THAT v5•HOULD BE: RECOGNIZE)? AND PERFORMED'. . ,a• T VOTE! in the service a the corn urnity by John_ fa' batt, �ec.cbBt�b>tlt�tl .. `