The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-08, Page 3f the was Bill Ray • with y the roll hat 1. tial", :. 1Q.00. Corn- waS ncrief are: Tori. pales. • ading given 'The tional" . was: ce . at, 1 last. inners rl, M. •bell• • onfie math; utton; comic man,' Web- Miss •} of. Ham, ani - tan : as lam. ral titin . =ups:, ,1'1 o J i 4t ant. 1951 E i;r,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK;NAW,: ONTARIO OBITVARY MRS. ARCHIE JOHNSTON Mrs. Archie Johnston, 9th Con, of Ashfield, 'Passed away at her homelm .Sunday after ;a lengthy illness,being bedfast .for almost five years. • She was a daughter of the lateMr. and Mrs. ,George •MacDonald and was. born, at St. Helens. She is survived by three' Sons,' B'ert, .1,0th Con,, Ashfield;. Fred of Belfast•.and William of. Goderich; There are five daugh- ters, ters, Mrs, Russell McCreight, (Marjorie); Mrs.. Albert Brown, (Mildred) ;. Mrs. T r.:.T.,, Drennan, (Gladys) of- Goderich; Mrs. Jim Neilson(Rtilby,), of Detroit; and: Thelma. at';home; also one sister, Mrs. Alex Moore, California. De - eased was 77 years of ages and, 'was predeceased by her husband ten years ,ago, " also "a; daughter Laura' • (Mrs,. Si Swan) in 1917. The service was held, on' Tuesday .at ;her late. 'home in charge of Rev. R. G. MacMillan of x.Knox Presbyterian .Church,, Goderich. Interment was in Greenhill' Cem- etery, Lucknow, t.4 • - St: Paul's Anglican : Guild Met Friday afternoon at the : home of Mrs'. T ;park; Mrs. Ben Mole, op- ened the meeting. by:• reading .a psalm A euchre 'party was plan ned and print material was pass- ed among" the. members to make articles for . the . bazaar the latter • part of November. The ,next meeting will be at : the home of Mrs. Harvey Mole. Mrs. T. Plunkett ; (formerly, 141- ( 3' 1y Elliott) and her .daughter, Miss Ada Plunkett. -of. Saskatchewan, are : visiting • with ...the farmer's. sisters,. Mrs, Lorne"vers. of the village and' Mrs. Char es : ton - gram; Wiagham.• Mr.. and 'Mrs; • Sas.: Wiggins, :St. •.Mr, and .Mrs;. R, ZI; Thompson . , Mr. and Mrs, Robert Heiim.er are visiting in • Elmira, nand. Tors. of; Chippawa and Arthur Fiske :onto. and daughter Patty Anne of Nla- ,Mr, and; Mrs.. Grant MaeDiar. Mid spent last 'weeit. in ,Detroit and Cleveland.: • Miss Gertie Treleaven 'of Strathroy _is, spending this week with. . relatives, ,here. ' Mr; and.' Mrs:.: Robert', Fisher of, ,Hamilton were week -end visitors here and; attended ' the . Masanic ' banquet on Friday night., Mrs, Horace Aitchison was the delegate: from; the *Ingham Wo- men's. Institute at the area ' con- vention held in Hotel London. Mr. and : Mrs. 'Fred Watcher of ••Str'athroy were guests of the' lat- ter's. ,parents, Mr, and Mrs. Troy McGhee, Jae• Irwin returned. to his.'home here last week after spending the past ' few months' . in Saskatche IVtr. •,and Mrs. Jack 'McCall and Mr. ,and Mrs. Bert, -Walden of Listowel spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs". Peter .McCall; Mr,. and Mrs. 4fred,Hackett �'i and Miss: Florence 'MacDonald of. ▪ Ripley were recent vnisitors• in Detroit. Mr,. and Mrs. Rod : Campbell. returned -home after spending; three weeks at• the'homes of Mr:' and Mrs. Harvey 'Brooks and Mr. and Mrs Harry Lavis. . Recent visitors with. Mr, a nd Mrs.: N. E, Bushell were' Mr. and:. Mrs. Tom'Aurey of Detroit,• Mrs. Howard Heritage: of, Toronto 'and• Mrs... W - J. Crawford:of Ripley., Lucknow Presbyterian Church l' REV. C; A. WINN, S.A., Minister 1"" 'SUNDAY, NOV,„i MBER llth Il a.m.. Morning Worship 12,15 p.m Sunday, School. 3 Erskine Church, Dun- gannon. T p.m.: Evening Worship. .UCKNOW ' UNITED CHURCH. "Minster:. ev: VPS: 1vIttitnfc;' MA , B.D., Sunday,: �Novembei' llth,'1951 REMEMBRANCE' SUNDAY 11 a.m.. Traits , of a Christian Peacemaker.. 12.15 "pmt.t Sunday School- • ... 7-p.m.::-Hide�antd.•Seek.� $m "Most of our sorrows spring ix , :. from forgetfixltev.=-,nf:.God"�r1 Come and worship with nus and 3' we will ' do you good. ng1can Chord NOTICES .. Rev. A. S. Mitchell, L.Th., Rector. • ti 25th Sunday. After Trinity November l'lth, 1951 REMEMBRANCE DAY • St. Peter's Churclir Lucknow._; Service tornrnences .at five: minutes before 11 a.m . Wednesday, • November .14th Ladies . uil& at ' Mrs Fred l�fikorr s... , ....: Stu Paul's Church, Dungannon,. 2.30' 1).111.! Holy. Coruntifio'n..' St. Paul's 'Church, Ripley.• p.m.. Evening Prayer:1 gara spent the : week -end with•.• R. Bakker of' town, . .Mr. and Mrs,,.Stewart Cameron and two children Mary Ann and: ,Roddy e f .Port' Colborne, , were week -end ;visitors, with his moth- er,•' Mrs., R.J. Cameron. The � regular . meeting of the Lucknow Women's Institute :will Ile held on: Friday, Noveinber 9th ' in the Town Hall, Hostesses, Mrs. MaeCalluni, • Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. MacFl arlan .• ." • -Mr. ,and. Mrs. George Drennan and, son .Herb spenta few days at . Dresden with 'Mr and .Mrs. Alex Lockhart and. daughter Phyllis, Alex is very much the same. . • Visitors, at the home` of Mr. and. "Mrs.' Wm. Bushell last week were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Awrey of• Detroit, Mrs. Howard Heritage of' Toronto,' Mr, and ,Mrs, Roy Web- ster and Miss •Jean Moore of Lon - 'don,. Mrs,.. George Colwell . and Mrs. Max'Bushell of Holyrood• : D�U.�GAiv�.QN• Mrs. (Rev:) - George Watt ,.vas ,.hostess at the United Church par-. .:sonage' for the November' -meet- ing. eet-ing'' .of . the W.M,S Mrs. Horton presided & ,Mrs: Mathew Shack. fetor led In . the worshup sexw'ice. ,Mrs. 'Horton read, several: pass- ages of scripture. ''M'rs. Shackle ton, •" Mrs, Horton :. and Mrs, E. Durnin were elected a norninat ing,committee "for the election of officers at the next. meeting,• Mr,•'S. Popp gave a report of the sec- tional' meeting at Westfield Mrs: �: R�wett read: from the_; study book and: ;Mrs. M. Reed and Mrs: Dirnin also read :passages. Mrs. ,Shackleton gave; a reading.: Mts Hodges read a paper on • Christ- ian Stewardship. • Mrs. • Horton gave the 'benediction: Mrs,. Watt 'Served. : a delicious lunch 4 Hallowe'en Party Was Disturbed By . Rowdies :The Women's Institute gave a party forthe 'children on Hal-. lowe'en: n�, ,ght °at the. Parish;Hall. The little : ones, enjoyed the -af- fair.' The Institute.. menibe `s who. had :i put forth'efforts, to make' it• a' : success ' were very much dis- appointed at grown. --ups' outside. who it„ is' thought came in from other . places and madethe door of the hall a target for tomatoes and even rocks.. It was: thought very,' inconsiderate : '• and • while some rather. , cute ' and innocent Neks were-�p1F ed on anagens+ this:" other offence showed- rather poor -citizenship: The" Institute has , for ;a., few Years made 'this an annual affair. and it is. -hoped more. co-operation .will be .given in - the 'future WILLIAM HENRY :CAESAR Nfi•v ,William, Henry; Caesar,' 6th Con:. of Ashfield, passed away at his home -Saturday morning; after a. ,lingering illiress of ---several- months.' :He was in his .63rd year and lived all his lifeon the pres- ent farm. He was a,son of James Caesar: and Elizabeth Fowler Caesar. ' He is survived by his ,wife, formerly Lou Elia Ryan; two:, dal ghters, 1Viadelife (Mrs'. Gordon Anderson), -9th Con. and and IDonanne, Lucknow;;, four sons, Wm., Glenns 'Hill:; Paul, 4th Con,, „Tack at home and Donald: at •.Oakville and a brother,. Adol phos of Akron, Ohio, Mr. Caesar, •of a quiet nature, will be missed. 'in the' community. He was 'mini.: act's warden in •St, Paul's • Ang- Bean . church, where• last rites' 'were• performed on Tuesday at 2,80p.m,' with •the hector, Rev. $, Mitchell, Lucknow,' officia- ting. •.Interment "was .in Dwigan- non errietery. ' r Albert Colwell, Passes • Albeit. Colwell, t3ervie: native, died recently. sn ' Sssbatoon. In- terment took orrice there, "He was 55 years, df age: gts. widow his mother; ;two sisters, Mrs. 111. It Mcgoilar, Saskatoon and Mrs. G. Swalwell,• Edmonton and a hi:other, Neil' Colwell, Saskatoon,. survive. He went West in 1913 and ries'tded ti Saskatoon and '. 1.e . ''Virtin p g+ PAGE THR: •t Afterftoon Teas make friendty, entertainment kl Catherines were, recent visitors' with ..the: latte''s brother; 'Mr,: Charles • ,:Fowler.; Mr• • and Mrs: ' Rich " Kilpatrick of Ashfield visited. Mrs. S.'''. KU-, .patrick on. Sunday. • , • • BULLS SOLD WELL AT OCA L. AUCTION 'MONDAY A. special auction sale was heft at the Lucknow Community Sales Barn. on Monday, when nine ,Shorthorn bulls owned by ,Mor- ley Johnston and 40 head of -cattle -owned 'by --jack—McIntosh sales manager, were disposed 'of at satisfactory ,prices,: again, prov- ing" the, popularity of this com- munity, sale. . M• r. McIntosh reports that ; the. ,bulls were a credit, to .any breed- .er'and a good investment for thei purchasers, They brought •good •.price$ in spite of .the • fact' that these animals were• not eligible, for 'the government• bull ..bonus,'; SPECIAL, OW RAIL FAR ROYAL ICULTURAL R FAIL TORONTO NOV, 13-31 FARE—AND .ONE-HALF FOR -THE ROUND TRRP Good going --November 12t6 to' lYovemberr 21st inclusive. Return-LeaveToroaw nodi* er. than midnight, November, 22nd. Parll.?irfonxirNo r Imo Meir r. CANADIAN NATIONAL Was in: attendance and .read •the, Harold' ; White,* sceretary the pedigrees.. Emile . MacLennan• was :- •Shorthorn. Breeders Association, auctioneer. • e : NATIONAL iresh•rnix'" wAY Here's an_easy ` way'to : convert your grain into'ready cash! :: peed • our.'hogs a .w‘ll-balanced.. "fresh.. n fixed" hogs -grower made by •: supplementing your grains with National Hog. Concentrate and ybu'llget themIQ market in record time. • • • National contains' a high level o i 'the newest growth factors for rapid. • development; itis also packed. with vitamins for health and balanced with minerals to give you apork-pr.oduc iirg• grower with'less. grain. So feed • • your hogs the "National fresh -mixed'• way" and, you'll save time, labor,,. grain:— and make more money. • $014110.16 40 1 KEEP YOUR FITTERS APPETITE -KEEN" • :'fee l vow. young pigs three times-daily—aria w never, .give; -them' more than they'll clear up: By giving diem frecuent, feedings in snic IIer; gvantifies you'll' keep, them trtways hungry so they won't need tdaxing to eat up their fees!. ma � J . r1**** ;+rw, kir � uii,.u. rw ,. tom crit01" 61!:1,14. L r See Ver NATIONAL Dealer ltiufd�-�%po;t. far the bright :Orange and Blaclt ` gn 'WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED •. INGERSOL, , • ONTARIO• u Fertilize Your Crop' with NATIONAL well -cored, properly-blendOd FERTILIZER • ..