The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 9THURS., NOV ER 1st, 1951 THE g. KNOW SENTINEL, fUCNNQW, 'ON`ARIO. MONK • PAGE NTN$' Lyceum Theatre I N H. M, .r Two shows, Each Night. FIRSTSHOW . AT 7.15 Thursday. -,.Friday; .-Saturday NOVEMBER 1, 2, 3 BARttY $LIT -4 VAN, AR.T,ENEE DAHL, . ' . . GE.04GF. -MURPI Y. in No /questions Asked MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday NOVEMBER 5,. ; 6, 7 ' SUSAN HAYWARD, WILL]AM LIJDDINGTON ;in I'd Ciirib The Hg . i hest Mountain Thursday, Friday,, Saturday • November 8,'0, .10 "THE 13TH. LETTER" BOUNDARY EAST Community night was ,.held, again- to, start off a new • winter's activities..A large 'crowd. attend- ed ..the masquerade and concert.', Vice -press Mr'..Gordon .Elliott pre=, sided for the following 'program. community„ singing; readings' by Clifford` Coultes, of• Belgrave ',and. ;Charlie • Moore, duets by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rice, Kathleen' &. Mary Margaret Fisher, numbers by the Whitechurch Cowgirls, violin solo ,by Mrs. •Walter James with, ac.- companirnent by` Mrs. E ,:Scholtz; 'a vocal solo by Mr. Ted Rice.' The two public speaking . contestants, Paul Groskortl and. ,Mary M. • Fisher gave their • five-minute speeches. which . they gave in Holyrood on Monday night. Af=. - ter 'the iprogram a 'parade was held, wit Dustin :Beecroft,.•.Mrs. D. Craig and Mrs.. R: Gaunt as judges: Winner, . of. the 'biggest manin the parade was Mrs. Jack ,Burchell.; .the comic dressed, Mrs. Nichols; the'•btest 'dressed couple, Miss Lois- Crowston• asthe gent. and Elga Stapleton as'his• lady :friend;, best dressed child in cos- tume, 'Karen-_LGroskorth:• Lunch • and dance: followed. . Local .music 'was provided :,for the dance: The next community ', night Will. be held. on November 23rd. • The W orin.en's•.:Institute catered to the Huron Federation and had over: 210• guests at the turkey' dinner: Special speakers were 'Mr.' 'John Broderick of St. Cath :'arines, RevIeNinuno of Wingham, CU.LR,OSS CORNERS. • • Mrs: • Earle Hodgins and Shir- ley just returned ,home later spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Einery of .Cuyahaga Falls; Ohio. Mr. and Mrs Jack ,Schumacher, sand Helen; spent An evening with Mx. a,n''d Mrs.. wtn Wall ,of Kin- 1°Ugh Mr.' Doug.. and'' Donald Bell- of Toronto spent the week -end with Er 'e•'Hanna, and Mrs. George B. .Hod- gins and Mr., and Mrs. Harold Couch ..of Woodstock ,spent the week -end • with Mr. & Mrs. Earle Hodgins sand .Shirley: ' ' Mr. •and,, Mrs. Clayton Meyers. and 'faxnily, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whitelead .and Mrs. , Whitehead visited Sunday. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall 'and •fame }ly,. . We regret the loss" of Mrs, Chas. Schtunaciher and Mary who mov- ed to their ;new home in 'Walker- ton "last week. •. , Mr. and • Mrs. Bob. • Million of Toronto visited with,Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. • .: Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins visited .Sunday evening With. Mr.. and Mrs: Earle Hodgins. Presbyterian 'Guild • The Call' to Worship read by the president Ray Stanley, ,open .ed the ' meeting of :October 29th.. Hymn 552 'was sung: The 'scrip- ture cripture was read:by .Mrs. Winn. Mr.' Stuart'_ Robertson• took the topic, "A Christian ChoosesHis Voca- tion",. A sing song led by Marion MacDonald at the piano was .en- joyed by a11: .The meetin'g was- closed with prayer by Mr. 'Winn:' and ' the inizpah benediction. '•'The Guild has ;been 'invited" to= a' masquerade `.party to'be held. on 'Friday, November. 2nd'gat. Ery skine Presbyterian Churph, Dun- gannon ' at 820.' pan. Any of our members wishing, .to : go please notify`. the transportation `com- mittee, Susan: McNaughton, -Betty Durnin, or Dorothy ;Gammie, im- mediately. Presbyterian EveningAuxi'liary , The Presbyterian Evening Aux- iliary w held .;their, October meet- ing . at , the home of 'Mrs Morgan Henderson with Mrs. Jack Fisher in charge. ,Following the opening hyiunn and the. Lord's• :prayer , in 'unison, Mrs: Jack MacDonald had the scripture reading . sand the Bibl'e•stu'dy, on the Eighth; Com- mandment 'Was :taken by ' Mrs. Gordo n•Fisher Mrs. a Hen- derson' gave a very interesting 'talk ' on thein, trip to . England :and' Scotland 'and on -the contin- ent that she had: this past- sum- mer. The meeting, concluded with hym:_n_G71and prayer b Mrs. Roy .Finlayson'' Mr. 'Montgomery and Mr. Butler, the Ag Reps: for Huron _:and Mr. Wilfred Musical numbers ` ' •by Clark Johnston and Mrs. Ross :Hamilton .and readings 'by Cliff .Coultes of Belgrave:•.,Music ',for the . dance• was supplied by Bruce's orchestra.' Feeds,' Fertilizer Phone 71 Groceries Phone' 27 Town Delivery Service " On Groceries FLOR O -LAC VARNISH' he discovery of years of research. 'Discover it for yourself.. Easy to apply '. • quick drying ..:.. water repellent e -Ba'ek Guarantee Mon .1� THE BEST' IN• .COAL NUT, STOVE or ALBERTA , A • ear ofdLethbridge Alberta Coal to arrive ' a.li;proximately' November 1st. .This; is a bard; bright coal. PHONE YOUR ORDERS!.. FEEDS and CONCENTRATES Complete line oh hand .at • all times. GEHL HAMMER MILLS -L -Ask• the man Who, owns, one. BUY' CO -013 QUALITY PRODUCTS • istrkt Co.OperatiVe DUNG,ANN`ON Huron County Junior Farmers on Friday night, October 26th,. held; a public speaking .and ama- teur entertainment, contest in the Duprgannon Parish Hall: Ag. Rep:. Mr. J. i.. ontgornery, Clinton,; sup ervised an : interesting evening. for a large attendance; Mr. Harry Dougall, • Exeter; Was. chairman, Mand -Mr:: -John 1—Butlei t -assistant Ag- Rep., introduced the judges who were Mrs. C. Trott, news- paper . representative, Miss: ,June Fisher, member ',of the teaching;. staff of Clinton 'Collegiate•'•and Mr. R., $• Atkey,'•publisher 9f'. the Clinton Record. The' program be- • gan. with 0;Canada and Mr$. Don McNall - accompanying ' At the piano. ; Miss Isabelle Spi , rus selsr voiced •"welcome' to- all p s''-" ent• in behalf of the' Junior,' I stitute. The' first . contestant to: speak. was Miss Margaret ,Hol land, Clinton, choosin gfor a Sub- ject "Our ub-ject"Our New Canada",who was placed second,by the judges. The second speaker was. ' Campbell, Bi own, Corrie, Scars' on oiur, Landscape"; . Isabelle Spier, Brus/ sels, "Club Work" and,related, her. experiences ' On ..her. .trip_ to Chir cago .last year. Harry Lear, Blyth chose as his: subject "Why I as a Youth. stick .to • the Farm" and. was given . first ,, •choice by the. judges . and he will 'go • to Toronto for the Provincial Speaking Con- test this Fall. The last ' speaker, Tom • Easton; Exeter, ' gave a 'speech, "Soil 'Erosion—Commune Ism" ' and in .a' versatile.', manner brought out some truthful, points, 'and made the audience laugh. R. ,S. Atkey.: announced •the winners, Harry .Lear 247, sly: th and' Mar- garet Holland; Clinton; 242 and. the ' otherspeakers rated. closely :behind. Mr. iMontgoniery.remark- ed on their fineperformance and thanked 'them •for their interest' they ,had.. taken. •` A musical . pro- gram followed and those ' .Win- ning '•were. the Clinton male quar-' tette from „the; ',Clinton Junior Farmers, Bob•Allen, Jerry Elliot, Waiter, McEwen and . Don And-. rews' accompanied. by Eileen Gliddon: The -. Colwanash , Junior: Partners and Institute ,grave a skit. proving quite humorous and. was, introduced 'by Ken Petrie posing • as; an advertising ' agent for • an ;automobile :company. 'About eight members Of the Club demonstra-' •ted the car in action. They were given' second choice by the judges. for their efforts...Other, numbers on the program ' were • Ron ;car michael and Campbell Brown,- a vocal : s duet; reading by Roy Bridges. ; The.• North, Huron . Jun- ior :Farmers . 'quartette ` sang ac=. companied. by MrsDon 11�Ic1va11 They Were; Dan Youngblut,: Har- ry Lear„?. Murray. Bradburn; piano sole's•. 'by Agnes; =Bray;' -Exeter`' and. vocal by by. Jayne, Mary Snell,. Clinton:' Coffee. and sandwiches were :served `and`;.dancing 'follow .Lantern, • slides on . ."Korea". were shown at ,the Dungannon United .Church ori Sunday even- ing. The : disagreeable weather hindered a 'larger attendance' but ' it was remarked by those press- -enttbat-th'e Ser-ivice--was-,inter-es -. ing. Rev. Geo. Watt, pastor, led the service: and was assisted with' the pictures: 'by: Wilmer Erring- ton. The :choir sang•. a aniSisonary song."Gro Arid Tell the Story." and also f porn the hypinary "Hills of.' the •:North'.'.;•'•"Jesus• Paid. it All", duet by . Ruth and Marron .Or-, °ser... The , ur ose, of; the collect=- p, p ions were for missionary main tenance. • •• • , Visitors with••'Mrs. S: J..• Kit- .p'atrick this week. were Mr. and Mrs -•kl.: E:ugene Hanson,,-. ,East ,Tawas, Mich., .'and M'r: and Mr: Fred. Anderson of. Zion ' one day last ' week, ..,: • Mrs, Lilly Hoffman, St. Thorn as, visited her ..cousins," Misses' I ,ebina and. Nettie Sproul for a few •days. St. Paul's Anglican ,Guild held ,a successful euchre ' pal ty ih the hall on .Wedfesday evening of last., week._ `Ten tables' were o- .•cupied, for progressive .euchre The winners were .Mrs. Mary, Rivett and Bill Caesar. Consola- ,tions prizes went to Miss .Gwen' Steiva•rt and Tommy • ]±owlet. The November meeting of • the Anglican Ctxild: will meet on Fr,i-, day, November 2nd' at'the• home- • of Mrs, T. Park. • • Presents ... • -Thursday,:Friday, " Saturday, November 1, 2, 'Mother goes tocollege and What a slick chick she was A; comedy -that will -spread -smiles and laughs: ,.. otherVa A ` Freshman . with'.'L ORETTA. �OUNG.-.&. . Y � VAN` JOHNSONr Plus : Chap. 'Y of.. "The .Drums 'of, Fu -Man -Chin'. ' 1 MATINEE AT, 3.0.:11)111, SATURDAYS. M' y, : y, , W` , .. y , �ovenbe . ` onda • ' 'Tues'da Wednesda r Si5 ,Fast-moving action—with 'a. thrilling climax= - Copper Cany'on with..HEDDY. LAMAR & RAY MILLAND .%0,', The Dungannon 'Branch of the Women's Institute , met Friday night at the home of Mrs: J. J., Ryan. Mrs. 'Omar Brooks :presid- ed and the.• meeting opened ,With 0 Canada, Ode and Mary Stuart Collect. The' minutes of. the 'last meeting .were read andapproved, correspondence read' `and treas- urer's report given Mrs. W. Brown land'. Mrs. C. Fowler` made motions 'that • the braided rug should be :auctioned. arid: Mrs. J. Ryan 'acted as auctioneer:. and the rug was sold• to'• Mrs. Otto ' Popp: .Mrs. .Eckmier, •. County . librarian,; gave an interesting •• talk on. 'County Libraries"..- •Mrs. • 0., Brooks -thanked.: the' ladies for being sent to the. 'convention ' at • London. Both' Mrs: Brooks and Mrs.:C . Blake gave interesting re- ports': Mrs. Emily :Durnin' was: chosen as, leader for the Junior of recreation followed Institute; taking course ' at '1C4nf tion. ton, Cotton Accessories for the Club ' Girl's Bedroom. It was• de- cided to give the children a Hal- lowe'en party in the Parish halll,, The Dungannon :'United church' Young People's .Union had .an' el- ection of offieers during the reg-, .alar Meeting ,on Monday 'even-' . . ing:' These' officers were • elected: •press, Wilmer.' ; Errington; .:vice. press, :Donna Hodges.; sec., • Waite;. ren Zinn; treas., ;Ross Rivett;, pianist, Lillian' 'Popp; publicity,, J. C. Maize;. conveners ---•faith evangelism, 'Marton Zinn; stew,. . •ardship and ,training, Clar. k: •Zirittz citizenship and ''community 'ser- . ser- vice, Jean .. Free,•' missions and world , outreach, Margaret Joy • • Durnin;' . recreation and 0 culture, Lois '•Webster, Ken' Petrie. The topic."Our Influence" was; taken. by :Rev. 1.'. D. Watt:•and a period'' :assey-Harri. lenients elect - ' . Offer The Latest In Modern -Farm Machinery. SEE . THE NEW • R � ' � ER � �ith Co T • FORAGE HA VEST ..W rh.able. USED 101. JUNIOR` TRACTOR ALL SIZES OF 'M. -H. TRACTORS`' PLOWS MANURE'SPREADERS, ONE-WkY• DISCS; RUBRER-TIRED '•WAGQNS ' • FULL LINE OF REPAIRS ON HAND BEATTY ' BARN SUPPLIES i. S 'PHONE 70 -in, L:UCIENOW Located In The : former, Boyes' Implement Shop. t1{ fi .IS-(HALMERS MACHINES TWO.SECOND HAND `TRAC`TORS: .Allis-•Chali Timers 1.cF.• Allis-Chalmer#.. C Drop .In And See The .. ' ♦ '.MILLS : FA�hRBANi�S MORSE..I-IAMM'ER • FOR...YOUR ; SOW'S a'nd SMALL. PIGS tljse Sow and Pig Chow Complete or your own grain and Sow ' and Pig Concentrate. • See Us About A • • HOG -FINANCE: CONTRACT AT NO C JST TO )(Ott HAKETT.,, andLUCKNOW, ONTARO •