The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 4ti• • i • • PAGE FOUR THE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; LUGIiA.NOW# ONTARIO THU�RS,, N!O'fTE+R. 1st,• 1.05.1 "WANT .AD" RATES i st insertion 2 cents a .. word, subsequent. • insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents, Replies care - of The Sentinel- 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents, per count line .first insert en. 5 -cents per line subsequent insertions. FOR: SALE --50 bags. of : cement. See Sohn Wraith, Lucknow. FOR SALE , -. well bred Oxford ram lainb, Janus Forster., DWELLING WANTED --;-house .9r • . 'apartment. Call .,'178-w, Lucknow after 5.30:• FOR'. SALE - Cedar kindling (rails) $4.00 •a cord' delivered. Joe Weiler; R. 6, Lucknow. FOR MSALE-Daisy BB gun, Red, Ryder, Al•'condition. John Mow- bray, Lucknow. ' FOR SALE' hospital bed and. •. springs in ,good' condition. • Please apply to The Sentinel Office. . FOR SALE -- 'spring -filled mat- , trim's, and, springs. 'Apply to Mrs.: Jim' Mathers, Lucknow. ti:•WAITRESS WANTED for Queen's Grill, Wingham Sundays and holidays' free:,: FOR SALE -r .100 Rhode Island Red Pullets,, 51/2, months old Ap- ply oto Jack Curran, ,R. 1,.Y Dun- gannon, 'phone 78=3 Dungannon. CATTLE ,WANTED -can feed. 12 mor '15 :head of cattle :;for the win- ter. Lorne Ritchie, •R.. R:;' 1, Port. Albert., phone 68-16` Dungannon. INFANTS WOOLLIES, knitted • or :crocheted,;Far particulars tele phone 145=w 'Lucknow, or tall, at residence.' Eva'. Greer. • " • APPLES -for • good . Spies off a sprayed orcJard•, call at Andrew's Implement 'Shop, Lucknow• Ap-: • : pies priced according to grade. FOR 'S Q Red Rock •.pullets • 4 months .b1d.• Apply Gordon Ari= derson, R: • 7, Lucknow; : phone Dungannon 77-r-12. • FOR SALE --Cedar fence posts, 1 fence {brace, : •telephone poles, quantity • of .hydro .poles: Joe �:. Weiler, R. 6,: Lucknow. • FOR SALE -cement •septic tanks, approved by the Health` Unit: We: • deliver., these.. Forster's ' Welding .Shop,. phone' 206-r-11,: Lucknow, APPLES FOR SALE- choice quality 'McIntosh- 'Reds; Talman .Sweets, Snows• Delicious; : also taking orders for Spys fo layer delivery. Apply • John W. ,Pritch- ,..... ard,. R.::1, Lucknow,, phone :•64-r-2.'• DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE Of 16. Registered Hereford cat-. t1e,: the, entire herd: of Wilfred E. Stevenson,, . at the Stevenson. Farm Bluewater Highway at Port Albert on • Friday, Novemn ber 9th at 2.00 p.m. Forced ' to • -------sell-� as ---prop 'etor is in hospita ... ' For particulars .;lor .catalogue, write George Kennedy,, Lucknow. Donald:B. Blue, Ace.; Wilfred E. Stevenson, Prop. . • A CAR. OF HARD GOAL BRIQUETS • due ,to:..,arrive ,this .week. • A.' splendid 'fuel, no dust. Rosedale Alberta' coal, in, stock, this is 'one of the hardest' coal from. the Alberta field .. Lucknow .coal 'co., • contact, Wm. Murdie ' & Son. '$ • NOTICE : ' . RE' COURT' OFRE I I `� S O A Court of Revisionon the 1952 Assessment .Roll' of West Wawanosh Township will beheld at the Township Hall on Monday, Noiv'ember 5,th`.at 10 a.m. Durnin Phillips; Clerk. NOTICE q To • Blue, Cross '' Subscribers of K,airshea Women's Institute: sub- scribers may pay 'their fees by November 10, 1951;.to the Group Leader. Mrs. George : Lockhart. NOTICE 'RE ,COURT OF REVISION Court • of. Revision ' on : the 1952 Assessment . • Roll of • the Township of Kinloss will be held at the Township . Hall,, Holyrood, on. Monday, :November 12th, .7951., at :2 00, o'clock in the afternoon. Those appealing their assessments please;take notice. J. R. LANE, Clerk.. NOTICE 'BLUE ROSS' SUBSCRIBERS Members of Lucknow Wom n's Institute who hold ;Blue Cross In- surance, . ,pleasetake note that payment/ 'of ;fees may be 'made' Until November 10th, 1951..Fam- ily group subscription is $19.80; .single subscription, : $7.80;7_„,, , , Elizabeth G. Welsh, .phone 122-w, Group Leader. of Lucknow W.' I. SPECIAL. AUCTION SALE Of "10 'Sharthorn ;bulls, .about 1. .'.year gid, 'with pedigrees;- 30 head of young cattle and 6 grass cows, at Lucknow Community Sales • Barn on Monday, `Novem ber 5th : at. 1.30. 13411s. of Clay-. jCOMING EVENTS MEN'S CARD PARTY In the Recreational:' Centre,,, LL cl ow, TuWay, November 6. Bridge, ckiixb)a e, . shoot, Good lunch.; Admission • 50c. Proceeds. for renovating Girl . Guide . Hall,, .. DANC . . In 'Community Mem ►rial {fall, Whitechurch,, on., Friday, •Naeem. ber 2nd. Western Five 5 -piece or chestra. Admission 50y, . Lunch. counter. Everybody welcome,• . • BAKING SALE SATURDAY Don't forget the bake sale and afternoon tea: to ,be•:held,.at the. Legion Rooms. on Saturday, Nov - .ember.' 3rd' from 2.30 ,to 5.00, by 'the , ladies W. A. of St.: Peter's Church. Everybody is 'welcome. RECEPTION In St."Helens Commnuity. Hall' 'on Monday, • November 5th in honor of ' Mr., • and Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey. . .Tiffin's orchestra. Ladies .please, bring lunch, Every - one welcome.. . . :• HOCKEY MEETING In the : CommunityCentre on Thursday, November, 1st (to- night) ` at' . 7.3.0 o'clo This 'is ' a general . hockey /nee ing. ' and all ages . and all who :are interested are urged to attend. ` • , G. ALAN WILLIAMS Otometrist Office on. Patrick St., just off the Main. St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Service" • Evenings • by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. , JOH�NSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76. Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices South Kinloss W.M.$. 'The 'October meeting of the. South Kinloss W.M.S. 'was. held at the home of Mrs. W. F. MacDon- ald. Owing to the absence of the: presidi t, Mrs. Herb Buckton :oc- cupied the chair. The . scripture .and meditation was taker{ by Mrs. L. C. MacIver. A trio consisting of 'Mrs.' D. L. MacKinnon, Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton 'and Mrs.,: Lloyd MacDougall accompanied by Mrs. Don MacIver •• : sang "Anywhere with Jesus". The topic from the study book, introducing.',Formosa, was taken by Mrs. Don 1VMacver. The roll call was ,answered by.a' `Thanksgiving Verse". Miss An- nie MacKay .gave a very interest- ing ;talk, describing the different`. churches, she and;;Jessie attended. during '.their trip to 'the 'West coast., Miss' Dean MacLeod read a letter she had, received. from ..a' missionary. Those taking part : in the prayer circle were Miss. Dean: MacLeod, . Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs. Philip ' Steer :and Mrs Gib Ham- ilton. Mrs. L. C. MacIver closed the meeting With prayer's ' more -Ransom. breeding, . can be :. inspected at farm. of Morley John- ston, Con. 6, :.West , Wawariosh. „Neve a reactor in herd. Emile 1VMacLennari Auc. AUCTION SALE ' of farm stock and implements, Lot 9r •Con, 12, .Huron Twp., 11/2 miles east : of Ripley Road, on ;Friday;: Novem- ber 9th at L30 sharp.: See bills. Wm. Walsh, Prop.; Emile Mac- Lennan; Auc. PROPERTIES FOR SALE $9;000.00 buys 15O acres, brick dwelling, ' large . barn / painted, silo,. hydro, .good bush, very -Jebel, ,farm and highly . productive. Some terns. ' • 250 acres near town on 86 High= way, modern dwelling, hydro, .good barn, filled' to capacity, good. soil. Some terms. • 150;•acre farm; '200 -acre :faun;• 110 -acre fain, ;new .barn, and all modern; 100 -acre farm near 'Tees- watery 91 'acres near Teeswater. `"Dwelling and 10 acres of land �n ,Lucke sw, easy 'terms:' . General store, very modern, in Teeswater. • Store space on Main.St3; Luck no'w, modern apartinentl Implement business in. Wing ham. Fine. dwelling in Whitechurch, .,very modern- .•! ' Three, hotels 'in Huron County. Have many. more dwelling list Ings; wanted. Apply Box ' 511 or Phone ' 505 , Winghaan, Ontario, AUCTION, SALE .of4livestock at. -`farm of -_Ernest . Walden,- -.Blue- water Highway,, 1/2 mile north of Pine River Store, .5, miles, south of Kincardine on Friday,- `Nov- erber '2nd at 1.00 ,p.m. An extra good herd. No reserve. `,Ernest Walden, Prep.; Emile .MaeLen nazi, Auc. . CARD; OF °'THANKS • Marguerite :MacKenzie wishes -to thank- ;all -those -°who remem= bed her so kindly with ' cards and, gifts while: in the hospital and since ' returning .home. These thoughtful acts were ' indeed "ap- preciated ATTENTION • FARMERS./ / HENRY AMONEIT PAYS TOP. PRICE • FOR ".EAD OR DISABLED- ANIMALS ISABLED ANIMALS .Day or•'. Night and ,Sunday pick-up. Driver , pays ' cash. Don't wait till they die— will pay' n HIGHER PRICES for LIVE ANIMALS that'. can be used for • mink meat. HENRY AMONE1-T Phone collect, Clifford 39 $15.00 per 'cwt. for Old Hogs., Service.`andSatisfaction Plumbing . and Heatjng New' Automatic Oil Furnaces. N i[n5talled ' .Now In Stock FURNACE' REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures &" 'Repairs' • SEE TO OIL RANGES: EAVETROUGHING • AIR CONDITIONING . . rt,' G:tlntore R R. 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone.: 61-r-13, 'Dungannon Insure With The (uir�ss:Mutual ._FIRE INSURANCE 'CO, • for Reasonable' rates; sound 'pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory ' settlement ..of• clairri , ; FARISH MOFFAT' Your: Local Agent R. 3,1 Toeswater. 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-11 MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE' FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral ;Home Available) AMBULANCE -SERVICE. (Day or Night Service)' FURNITURE 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Ont. (Day or: Night) gnews A ��ency Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew • MEMBER -OF Ontario Insutance. Agents' Association: GENERAL INSURANCE. Established Over 30 Years. Ago Telephones: - Business' 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co -Operative .Life ;Insurance • Co=Oprative Automobile ft --- Insurances- Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance ' Economical and. Reliable.' See' T. A. CAMERON LUCK11lOW • Phone ' 70-r-10 Dungannon. Dlt. T; B' cLELAN'D • VETERINARIAN; Havelock" St,, south 'of Supertest Garage .L:U'CHNO;W Telephone 175, 0 .. BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE •• `MONTHLY AUDITS n" For,: The Small' Merchant, Profe signal. •rnan and' the Farmer, S. •J. PYMM P.O. Box 14 Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST OODERICH . FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 • For Appointment or Information See Wm'. A. Schmid, 'Phone• .167-w. Lucknow Unsure', In Sure Insurance Western Font -es" Weather . FIRE Howick Farmers' Mutual Car, Accident, Sickness Consult JOHN.; FARRISI.. 'Phone 1694, Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY; AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To .Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONACW R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon -Keiin,eth J. MacKenz e Po R.O. • , Optometrist LISTOWEL, .ONT. Will be in :Ripley every' 2nd Wednesday' at Eugene Wrorta's Jewellery Store from' 3.00 to' 10 mm., Eyes examined -.Glasses fitted For . appointment .'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. NOW IS ,THE TIME • ,To Order A Threshing Machine 3 sizes -22x32, 22X38, 28x48 Roller Bearing Cofnplete EARL H. H DdINS 'R. R. 1, Holyro 'd, Ont.. 'phone 36-r-13 Teeswater W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor' , LUCKNOW, ,ONTARIO Office lithe Joynf Block ' : f Telephone: Office.135 Residence 31-3 Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and ;'Solicitor WALKERTON; '.ONTARIO IN -LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN, ; . HENDERSON :BL:OCI ' R.S. Hetherington,. • Barrister, Etc. Wingham and. Lucknow • • - IN LUCKNOW r Each Monday • and Wednesday- Located ednesdayLocated on the ground Elgar. � in the front of . ' t 4 Klpatrick's Building 'PhoneiWingham Office 48 Residence 9'