The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-11-01, Page 3l951 • 1 • ,. Tmm.1101tE.MBER 1St, ,100,1 • Loc at.. a,nd, • •••••. • a • A • THE 1.41XCKNOW SENTIN. EL, 1416CNOW,',ONT4‘.. Denzil. Slitters of Galt was a caller in towthis weeI. Mrs, Mary Sanderson of •God- • erich is visiting with Mr. and Aandersbri. vtrs. Harseey McDonald of Lon- don spot last -week witli Mr. and Mrs!. John Nicholson, ••Mr,, and Mra, T. J. Dennan and Goderieh .visited with. Mr, and M•rs. •Robert Scott • on under-. • • •Mr, and Mrs;' Clematis 'and Mr; old Mrs. Lorne Humphrey were up from Hespeler, for .1,4e, week. on. .• end. • ' • "s••• '..' • „ • 1W-17 and Mrs. Jake Minter. and Mi: ancr:Mrs, liff Nenary and " family 'Were rent ,guests, of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. iliunphrey, ' Mr. and Mrs. "Cecil. Robb .and • mies Rose 'AtlVlarie Robb of :picot ,visited. on &today ,Robb., .1Arith • Mr, 'and. Mrs. Eric E'dinanson. of •Toronto spent the :Week -end With. her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer. • , • Mr, and Mrs. Meditliotigh • and sons Paul and Billy of . .Wind- sor visited ;last weekwith Mr, and Mrs., E. a Agnew. '`. with. said„, end . the ling' ised ront• span fate, oMe just , e. stool done' sPort pict- broad- s and °Men. - twork. more tation e. She ograin !e' with °riven- ts 3esides. • toyer. red in )grains helps, saving ips tieing; lg the • oriA4)41141444 • , . . • . • Mr and and IVIrs. .Roy Alton and • Mr, and .Ditts. ,Adam Johnston spent a week recently in Toronto: • On Saturday, Octciber 20th they' attended the marriage- of ., Betty • •Howse, •daughter ,of Rev. and Mrs, G.,' G., Hoimse, formerly .of. Ashfield, • • •• Lucknow. Presbyterian Church REV. C. A: WINN, BA, Minister ' • SUNPAY, NOVEMBER 4th 11 a..1111; Men & MissionSun- .12.15 p.m.: Sunday Scbool and • Bible Class. . 3.00 p.m.: Erskine Church, • Dungannon.' • 7 P.m.: Evening Service. ,iirorormoirmodeorpaor,osibt;issegarmarotroiy, LKKNOW .UNiTED CHURCH Minister: Rev: 3: Mumford, ! • Sunday; Niiiber411'095 Men and Missions Sunday i.1.1 a.m.: Mr. Thornicroft, Kincardine, Ontario. **-1215 .Sunday Scheid. • i .1,p.nri.: "Be iliraVe"i f. Many United Church pulpits ! will be occupied :b3 Laymefl! i on this Meri and Missions Sun day. You, will eiljoy these serl. vices. Came and worShiri. • a .........4......~.‘,.............,............,,,.......0 Anglican church 0Ticgs• Itev. A. S. Mitchq11, Rector. 24th Sunday ,after Trinity, November. 4th; 195L Peter'S .11.4.ria,": Morning Drayer . ands • Address, • •„ ' :St,. Paul's Ch(nreh, Ilotngannon. 0 p.m. Everiing Prayer and Address. St. MO p.m.: Evening Prayer •and Address, , Tilts svrtittovt.4ii6 W, A, Will t'Aiitduct a, Sale of flaking atrid eerie tea Ark' thd tegion • • Mr. and M. Harold Et. Free- man of Erie, spent last week with his sister, Mrs, J,, W, ;T°Ynt. and Mr. Joynt. • • •Rev. C.,. B. and Mrs, Woolley • • . • visited at the home of their dau- • ghter, Mrs. Harvey IieheI, SOnth- ampton, Monday and - Tuesday; at- tending the movie he Prince of 'Peate" on Monday evening.: George •Robi'ef the RCAF was an -overnight visitor • 1st week with his mother, Mrs. Tyn- • dall Robinson. George had been On a Ilightlkorn Montreal to Cen- tralia, • , . • Mr and Mrs,, Wellington Nixon spent last week visiting :-With their 'nePheWand niece, Mt. Will IVIcQuillin and Miss Beatrice Mc - and with. Miss Beth .Mc., ,Donald, R 1 Lucknow. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 1V.IcDOn-. . . ald, Mr, .Neri Adam and Roy and David Lewis of •Loridon spent the • week -end wit • Mr. .and Mrs. Colite*Dona -; other rela7 • Lives •• Bob Doak returned, home re- cently. fiein Wingharn .HoSpital .whore he .was 'a patient for sev-. •er"al weeks with phlebitis and coMplications; Bob's condition is improving slowly, but- he is still confined to the house, • • 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haniilton and Mr:. and Mrs. Robert Hamil- ton ,were :in Croinarty on Sator. claY attending the wedding:in the Vnited Church of Mr; andlVirs.' Hugh ',Currie. A dinner and re- Ceptionfollowed .in the Com- munity' Hail. •: ' •I -MARKED ANNIVERSARY; • • • . E:DDING BELLS .". • -69NNETT-WALL *. On the evening of October 3rd • the United Brethren ,Church, 4th Concession of . Bruce, waS.: • the scene of e -.pretty candle light wedding when ,Latira Elanor, •second daughter of Mr.. • Harry • Wall of Lucknow, was united in marriage with •John.':' Cameron, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bonnett, Tiverton. The, Rev. . Glen Betterley ,officiated.' The bride, .given in. marriage by her •• father, -Wore' a gpwri of traditional White slipper satin,. With long lily point sleeveS, 'ted bodice and hip line accentu,- ated by , satin embroidered net insertion: Her embrOidered iveil Was hi Place .by a headdress of seed pearls and she carried -a white Bible bound with pink' rib-. bon and streamers. She wore a double Strand • of. pearls, the gift • grp01411. • . The. brideStriaid, • Miss • June Clark of Lucknow, :wore 'powder blue taffeta,, floor length • with, sheer yoke 'and a rnatching head- • dresS..She carried a -Colonial bou- quet of whiteand.pink asters'. Hugh' Bonnet Vcia$ his brOtherPs. hest roan, • , • Mrs: Nelson Hefwig played the. wedding Fringe' and Mss Loraine .Elliott,±Wingbani, sang `:ecauSe" befOre .the cereMony and "The Lord's -Prayer" 'during the7Signing of the -register. •• ' Following the cei:emoriy a huf-- fet luncheon Was served. . , • For, travellingthe bride wore a gold coat over a wine' Satin dresS•with black aceeseotiei. Fol - liming a- honeym.00n trip to. Windsor, and Detroit; Mr/ and IVfra, Bonnett have taken •up res,; idence ori 'the groom's faun on Coneessloo ,2, Bruce. • • • BORN. 'Whighatia General Hos- pital. on fl'usday„. OCtober • 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, MilVert, Reid, 3; Lucknow, a son. WALL -J.- At Winghai er ri Gen al • Hospital on Thursday. October ,18, viiiNti couNty , Mr,• and Mrs, g. A. Reynolds (nee Marion Fisher), 39p Manor •Rd. E:, Toronto, were "At Home" to their friends and Fp..I.a.tives on Sunday, October' 21st, afternoon 'and evening, en 'the occasion ef their 25th wedding anniversary, ,and • Mrs. . •Reynelds were • married • in, 1920 at the home ot.-' the late Mr, and Mrs, James Fish- er, 2nd Concession Kinloss, Rev. j, A.. James !being the offieiAting Clergyfriari.* Their home was tasteffilly d • corakd 'withflowers, • ot which were recely d . • frorn, ,friencli;:along AVith Many'beautiul gifts. The guests Were admitL,, tea- by :their son Deriald, receiv', et and welcomed, by the bride. and groom of 25 :yeati ago and escorted to the tea table by their. ,daughter Linda, • • Intermittently. during. the af- ternoon and evening vocal and - instrumental Music. by Lloyd Ste- wart, Mrs, jack Wilson and'Miss Peg Reynolds, was enjoyed : Pour- ing tea were Mrs: George Fisher; Hamilton; Mrs. Rat. Fisher, .,of Harnliton• -Mrs P S. SteWart of Lucknow;, Mrs. .flarry'' Levis of LuaknoW; IMiss Verna geynoldS, Guelph and Mrs, Leon Skelley, Detroit, Those .whO assisted in TfiTiA.E" •s1,1sItesuisemsisomme...s.ssisteeretsmesselsessressime-komse8!Relmes!tetskstisiitsemsessirt_,44.14!#•,1.4b • at the sldiilayFurniture Store (WO Large Sheutrusui,s At Mildmay) • SHOWING 22 BEDROOM 'SUITES Modern yinkr:xtuerdfialn; pesign$, walnut F ini.o; 3 • MESSER, BED, CHIFFONIER, only $88.0• 0. vArniry: pgrk cmrrig iFoiR • •• • • •$96.00 . . . A PIANO FOR 'YOUR. 4 • , • • , 12 USED 'PlANDS---refinished, plain ease pianos including Weber, Heintzman, Eavis, Etc. 6 NEW PIANOS"--r-sniall,• modern, 39 -inch and 44-inely high, including Welles,. Sherlock -Manning, 'Masan & nisch. Very Fine Selection of • Davenports and. KrOehler Chesterfields. • / • Selitiett, ft Son miLtn"y.44 MOUNT FOREST • serving were Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. •:!"'""7"mul."'"'"``"".'"'""4"'"''''''''......0.fitiii....46,.,:s..0....,..:.0...oat....;,,...,e 6., and Difts. Jack Wilson, Stratford; BRUCE MEDICAL CO-OP ' Mrs. George Newbold, Miss Peg 'SERVES.4,800 PERSONS Reynolds, Mrs. T. •ShortisS and , _____ •: : Mrs. W. :Jones; Torontb. The fol- At the :annual meeting of the lowing day Mr. and Mrs Rey-.' Bru4,.qo:-operative Medial,Ser- nolds' flew to •New York: •for. a vices, Lorne B. 'Eva& • reported Week's visit in that city. . • . thattional persons the past ' year, . with enrolment- of 1000 addl- . ;• O • BITUARY • -• - . ' A by' . ' 4 there is now a. total of 4.800 per-. ,,,, .. • • sons covered Provisions, of the • JOHN LEGATT .•: .c0-9.0rative. lle; stated that more Sold Two 1101steins . • Lorne W Reid.' of Huron Twp. - sold two bred heifers'. at the :41 - •:Canadian sale at Toronto which: .brought 'prices 'of .$675 and $599.„.. • Top price female.at the sale, con- • • signed by . Leo Baker of ,Lam- beth,. brought $3790.- The .buyer •..was Si B. Roman .of King. ' • The death �f John WesleY Le.$26,000.00, Or 84 percent of • :. than gait occurred on. October 14th in the earned income had been .paid - Wingharn Hospital -after an illout hospital cleiins for Meth - ' ness Of three months. ge•waa 64 bers thepast year: yeArs a age: Mr Leggatt Was a On recommendation of the son of, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Leggatt board of direotors, the Of Whitechurch, in which vicin- confirmed a by-law :Which au- -itY he spent Most f his life 1 thorizes the insertion' of a $10.00 He is survived. by his widow, deductible - clause ori hoSpital the ,former* Mable E.. Mowbray, claims .'' This has become neces- bY a son' Gordon of Winghani; a.( sary 'in order :to.. 'curb the tend- ency. to Use • the •hospitalization services On occasions when not really • required and , thereby Places anunwarranted financial daughter Lele, Mrs. Wm. Reed of Brussels, three grandchildren and;: • a brother, Sartmel of Drayton. • The - funeral •service, held at • Ctirrie's Funeral Horne,, con- strain on the •Co-operative. • . : ducted by' Rev. Alex NinntiO of • Winglia.m• Presbyterian Church rid. and interment was in Wingliarri Cemetery: The Pallbearers were. V.. Durnin; D. Kennedy, R. Bur- gess; J: Murray, G Gillespie„' E. •Mcpherion„ • • • Hackett's: W. M. S. , . mrs, Wm. Wareing was hostess • Tuesday, afternoon, October 23rd to• Hackett's •WtM.S. with a, fair attendance in spite Of inclement weather. Mrs. Gecirge Alton, pres- ident,. opened. the , Meeting With hymn 258 and the Lords prayer ' : in unison: Mrs. :George Henry' e read the: scrifitUre; Mrs: Wilkins •led in prayer; Mrs'Andy Ritchie, sec.. pro tem, read the tninittes and .called the roll. The -heralds, -Iyirs;.-131ake-,-Alton and Mrs. Bert Alton, gave readings on' the. conn - tries. they represented and Mrs. George. Alton read and explained • the fea•turein the Sept.' Missipri- aryMonthly telling how ;the mis- siondollars are divided in ex-. pencliture.. She also read 'aior an- nponcement of the' Rural Life Conference hi Wingham NoVern- ber 7th, QUiltPatches were hand 'ed in and work for the* baar ' displayed arid discussed and the date set for December 15. Xmas cards were sold arid hymn *562 .Subg, with. Rev. C. 13. WOolley Concluding‘ the, meeting with prayer. Refreshments .were serv-• ed by the hostess and her conv 4 • "What's wrong, Heriry?",asked the. wife. • "My razor",' boomed the voice from •the ' bathroom; "it :doesn't cut at .at”. • • "Don't. be silly. .Your • beard Couldn't be' tougher, than the lin- • oleum". . • • • TRADE MARK REG makes good food taste better • Ace , .••• • -0pp. • 0. • •-•-•- -,.--....,--- -'- w-•------... --------z..:.-----,.....0 •-.., • -..7- ....t• - .4•,.. 01. ct- ' 4. • L•‘‘. •,•• r • ' it's nice, to know yot! 'can sCaguon ciao O%fnu 65!.. i;.;. WITH ME HELP OF A'CANAIHAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY I • • ' When retirement age kills ardinid, a ntitn• weiits.td, sit back, and' refae „without. a. .: :. worry in thle world cind` tie heed to . be ci deOenderit. A .Ciiiio cilao GOverneseet. Annuity.On held.. It'sthe best• -and easiest -buy for future seasTity opywhete: • There's '06 teedttal eiominatidn. Ppyidents: are its.k and, should ydu miss one, • your contract .Vron't. lapse. , . Your money is..tjuaronteed, by the Government of ' ' • .' eiiriaaarOiiii:. : YOU -CAN'T outuve xovRiNcome 1 • , Start your .Canadian -Government Aititait y lit...Lai e ! . , . .• . FIND OUT NOW •LITTLE I WILL COST YOU ' ..; '• •. • • Meitql.ILY• MOM* FOR AN ANNurry. • • - • . • - OF WO:A. MON:tit STARTING AT -, , ' • , ANNUITIES -.BRANCH. • • ••• Act 65 . .AOE•60 . . • AGE MEN ' WOMEN. . MENWOMEN 7.2t $12','M $18,00 $ 18.18 . $ 21.12 _ • . . _ • _ 4 •___ _ , 1734. ,22:08 ' /5.20 ., 30 '18.96 • , 22.08 0.08- 'r'-.- -2.4.1± 72108 -56.60 40 • 31.4.1' -a6.45 :49:68 745 -42.60 . ' 49.68 •71.76 8205. " SO'.6.1.56 71.64 '116.40 . 133.20 , , • •. • ..••., 1951, t9 WI': a 110 Mr8:' g6rciart LIBRARY PRESIDiNT ' Wall, R. 3,, Holyrood, p ciaUghter„ . , WBLWO,OD-At Wingham Gen. - • • • • • • eral Hospital'on„Wodneaday, Oct - ,ober 170, Tr and Mrs. Norman.. Weiwoad; scqt ••• , •• PAISLtYIS'Acr1).w4th,ari .pepdituretif abo41$30,600 to- gf3tt.••a: filtratiofl plant 0 that "water for domestie use May be drawn from the SaugeeA:l River, .1 • • Ai the annual meeting. of the I Bruce County Library. Co -opera- • five, held at ColpOy's gay, honor 1. arras paid to the rettring,presiderit, Hugh McDiarrnid of Port tigiti, Mr IVIeDiarmid has boon Presi- dent since the. -organization was termed eight years . ago. He leaving Port. Elgin, and was isr. seated with a leather elub bag by -the organizatfori. • • I 2 . •• 32:16- r- 41.68 SC88 • CANAISA • DEPARTMENTOF • LAROUR • , • / • The biteiko, tohocikin Government Annuitiet, • • , Depart/4104ot iebotir, 0,4ewd, 1PostaticOrep). • Please send me inforrntition sfiewinq ow a Canadian, GOViti etnerit Anputty can It_ tecurity 'at loin, dost • ' •• home•,•,• 4 I . . .... ,,, 410-4.“ , • ,,,,, 1 • lied at • ,, ••••.+0ii4. ......... . 1..4141404;11.11..er .................... tO•111,0HICIII11•4,..•*•41.%4 .. Lei.,164.4 . 1 • . 0 iv!„,•,„ . •• ''11; •• , r4„ ' of Birth ..... Annuity to stprt at .... .. 1 endeeitend didthe litiedesittifidit i Wife will be held eanfideetiet• Tt• t admi emormi arilA 4,61•iiiiia•1••• aiwir ANITA ArAA.; rodA.•4.4* thiggi& (Mr./Mri./Miss) • , • r LI