The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-18, Page 6, • • • • Thanksgiving Sunday visitors with Mrs:J, W, Colwell were Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary Ann and Dick, . of -Purple' Grove and Mr, 'and,. Mrs. Waiter Forster of' . • , • --- The Girls, Auxiliary met at the . home of Mrs. Allan Coping on ThankagiVing ' tay Mra. Bert Nicholton presided and the open- ing hymn was "Rejoice the. Lord is King". Mrs! .Tom Hodgins read 'the *scripture lesson, This 'was followed ' With the General ThanksgiVing, the members pray- er_ and •the Lord'sprayer • all in unison. Miss .Edna 130ye read a :poem 'Thanksgiving°. The ", roll call was 'an.swered Aw.rith• the, word "Mercy". Readings we given by , • -Miss. Helen Nicholson, Mrs: Ron- ald Thacker.. Misses . Donna'Nich- , olson . and May 13oyie each eon: - ducted a Bible quiz. Several vis- itors were welcomed and also the Rev: and Mrs. H. E. Janke, and their. small son. It was decided to hold the annual bazaar on Thursday, Oetober 25th 'at the • church.q:tev. Janke led the. Jun- ' ior Girls 'in .a. sing song and • also - closed the Meeting with praYer. Dainty refreshments' were served. Miss Kay Gibson, and Mrs. D. McInnes attended...the teachers' , , • olnvention at Chesley an Thurs- .,: Friends from here attended the . • • • . • • • • VaIROMMitiiiffittigra,"2.7,44.771111k 'Aillistiormesiemag, • WCKNON PENTInt, *LUCKNOW, ONTARIO shower at Purple Grove. on Wed- nesday evening for 'Miss Olive R.11' bride -elect A number. from here attended' the International Plowing Match at Weatistecir, during the week. Mrs: Ethel. IVIitchell 'left 'Wed, -nesday-on-her_return trip tio.Aran, couver after lvdsiting with , her sister, Mrs: Wm. Cox and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Burton 'Collins andfamily of Purple Grove vis- ited on. Sunday with Mr.: and Mrs. Clark Needham. The Si„.W.A. net on Thursday afternOcin at the tome of Misses Edna and May Boyle. The presi- dent, Mrs. To Hodgini, was in charge. Following the devotional .part and roll call with the word Thanks, coin cards were .received :for the Huron Diocesean ,Chureh. 'extension. This •being a work meeting the afterWatin "Was 'spent in sewing in preparation ifOr the t)al e which.will be ;packed at the next • -meeting to- beheldat the. ,church With Mrs. Jim Smith con- vener. At the close 'of the meeting a dainty: lunch was served by the hoatesses, Mr. and Mrs. HoWarti MCGuire : Olivet .spent, Sunday with Mr. H. Bell and Mr and Mrs. George Haldenby. • ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Wni. Bushell of.: IA:du:low spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Friends from- here were pleased to welcome back a foriner pastor, the Rev.. J. L. Burgess who was the 'guest speaker for, the 7anni- versary services at,the, Presby," ierian church on. Sunday. • Mrs. Wan. Wall. visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shu- macher:' • • Jackie,- CP1well of.. Holyrood 'V + spent a day with his. grandfather, Mr. Charlie Collins,. M. and 1VIrs. Arthur Breckles rid Mrs. Harold. Haldenby were Toronto during the week at- tending, the funeral of the form- er's sister. We extend sympafhy to Mr. Breckles. Mr. and Mrs --.Ft:ed.13.laakwell visited' on Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Guest. . Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Burgess & family, also Mrs. Kerr, of Ehn- vale, spent Sunday With Misses Nellie and Margaret. Malcolm; Miss .filma ,Hodgina,. is spending her vacation at her home here.. • Mrs: Dorothy . Thompson Of Stratford spent •the week -end with her relatives here:- .. ' . • '.' 4ANG-4Irig. . • • • The W, M: S. ' Thankaffering meeting was held .in the church en October 5th. Mrs. ,Neil: Mac- Donald presided. Mrs. R,. D. A. Ctirrie gave the scripture, reading .and meditation. 'Mrs. Bert Mof- fat and. Miss :anima Richardson gave readings en "Thanksgiving". Mrs. Robert MOwbray of 'Wing- -ham Was the guest speaker and gave a very timely message; Mrs; Jas. Riehardson sang a. solo. The y.P.S. met on Mpliclay ev- ening at the. home of Mr. and Mrs.. Farish Moffat Douglas Simpson presided George Mof- fat gave the -scriptur - reading. The film strip "Chris an Stew- lardShip" was .show-n.'1V1i. & Mrs. Tani? Richardson and.;Mr. :and Mrs, Hugh Sinipson, recent new- . ASTWeds,, were preSented, with el- ectric lamps. • ' The Ladies Aid : bazaar was held in;the chUrch.-on Friday ev- • 4. • • • • •• . -• • .. • • 14 r.„ .31 •• • a ••• . • • 44 , • ,•rsa ., • ' ' 4 : ' • 4 r.% - 4 . :o. r • • •••• r . . • ; , ..N.,•„.. „.4 ''''''...7..":•••••••• 4...4-' '"' . ' • St . •\.• rZi.r•s'....1.-1t,' '‘=-•rs' -.:4..••••:;;,..,,,,,;,4.z:,-.=`,:.-.. ,, • • ,,,.; `.... - .:-.„,..„ 1:,=••1*-- *kt.: 4,.._ .• •.: -.4..... -,- -. • • • , BRED $OW ,DOES A TRIPLE jOB:.(1) builds her litter (as Much as 25. to 30 lbs. for teoyoung pigs); 2 maintains;het own body weight;. - 3 stores up materials to give 'a generous milk supply for her litter. A "freshmix" ration ,maite with' National Sow and Pig 'Concentrate provides ekddly wkiat she needs -- abundant animal and 'Vegetable pro- tein to build' .sturdy •;bodies and • siithulate zi1k production extra minerals for strong bones--- and added vitamins for fast growth. And it's so 'palatable, she'll eat •all. she. needs for her triple building task — and . so produce a money -making liter. • " ' See youriATiONAL Dealer toda4--, • Look ior, the bright Orange O and Black Sign • 1 1 1 1 .... - - FOR 00.00 -SIZED LITTERS • . • 1 . . FEED. SOWS WELL BEFORE BREEDINo. •'" 1 As you .may have found, Selection ..ot, 'goad beeedng-" ...ill'. r I: stock' isn't' always enough to 'ensure goo's-szed Otte , ' I, oThe nuMbel of pigs feutowedis' irmitedbY the number II. 1 7 . ;at produced d . by the. sow in. oestrunr-'•and this itaff eteocif. •••• • , b the do genetatondtiOn., '; ' • . Yo get a good return on you/ investment; remember tra ..; g s',... teed your sow a ;balanced sow tation at all lim e i and to 1 'fed libeiallj, between weaning,tirne and beeding, to ' get hefintofirst.claSi condition: ' . , ,. .i.• ino rm. iir wet mii irii:iii,,in rriiii....iimu iiii ligi soli I:* air ori WILLIAM STONE- SONS'; - -LIFAII'ED: ' • ' ' . iNdEltioLL • , . , .,.: .- - ONTARIO".. . • Fertilize Your crops with NATIONAL well -cured, prOperty-13160041 FERTILIZER kr- ' 1 . • • 1.0, 195 • e TIIURADAY OC"I'QB ening. Rev. Currie presided for. the program of quartette .IMM bers from Calvin, 'a' reading by, Grace Richardson, solo by Harold M'acGillvary and an instrurnen, tal by Ruth MacGillivary: Twp filth strips were shown, "Scot- land Yard" and 'Orphan Willie". Mrs: -John Richardson.land_grace Richardson were presented With cups and sauerS. Mrs. Bill Seett, , Mrs. Billgimps' and Mrs. -Farish Moffat Or*. pat in the presen- tation. A very 'successful sale of baking, sewing, cndy, vegetables etc, was held and lunch served by the * ' Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Todd and AdreW, Mr: 4 Mrs. Neely TOdd; David...&,,Jatiet of Stratford Were: week -end. Visiters with Mrs, D. .Todd. . • :Mrs. Gordon . IVIacIntyre of Bracebridge 'spent the Week -end. with her paents,: Mr, and Mrs. W,.1. Miller. • . • Mr: and 1Virs. Gordon Miller &I Larry and 'MiSS Doris Taylor of London were hotrie for the week-`. .end. ; • ' • • Mrs.' Woods,. Miss Charlotte .attended the;..75th anniversary pf *Johnston and Mr. Lorne Woods) Orncefield United . Church On Sunday .morning: . • ' Anniversary Marked Successful anniversary Services were held in the United Church on Sunday, With large :corigrega-• tions • at both services. Among the beautiful autumn flowers that de- corated the churh. Was a basket of chrYsarthemurnS placed there by the Todd Family in memory of Mr. David. Tod.. Rev. ,George Watt of Dungannon was,the guest Speaker. and gaveinteresting and inspiring addresses: :at both ser,• vices Music , at. the morning, ser- yiee. Consisted- of an, anthem by the Choir,. a. Men's chorus posed of Mssrs. • W. I. Miller,. .E. W. Rice i Gordon .Miller and: Don CainerOn and a quartette by Mrs: Gorge Suart,,. Mr.: arid Mrs. E. W. Rice -and Mr, W. I. Miller. In the evening the choir Sang two nurnbers arid Mr. and Mit. ,Rice avored' With a• duet.. . , . "Miss :Beatrice •Mc9tiillin,• Mr. .and Mrs. Win.• Purclon; ;Mary and Barbara Ann were Visitors -in Hamilton. on 'Sunday and were: „fortunate in having a :good view. of Their , Royal Highnesses,. Prin- cess Eliiabeth „arid the Duke Of Edinburgh 'Wee. • .., Mr; and Mfs. Jack ,Wilon and children. of 'Nile. have taken Up residence in Stanley Todd's house in the , ASHFIELD. NATIVE: AS:B.LISY CAREER wmellitkirrwiz.t.ottiTpagylyricivsa9sz The following article from The Assiniboia (Sask;) Tithes, has re- ference to Ed Kilpatrick, a nat- ive of Ashfield Toyvnship- and of the late Mr. and 'Mrs, John KaPatriek and ;Was: 'born and- raised on. -Con. , Ashfield,.and before going West taught schont 41 atfiCerela7aei brother of Milton Kit: . patriek of Goderch, and �f Miss • Susje Kilpatrick of Lucknow, who has been visiting at Pgema several Weeks, ' . • , • wiTthhehTeirm:Ostahyeisr: for, the' pas. „ . "Looking:'at the record Of E, A, .1g1Pati7ie),. Popular insurance and' real -estate num Of :Ogernac, one can easily Seethat, during the past forty. years Mr. Kilpatriek hes been a 'hnaY men and One. that has been closely knit with the growth of the -town 0gema. Arriving An Ogenia in 1911 froni his native` Ashfield Township, he has :seen the town; and district expand intothe now lively Cm- munity shopping district that it is. In .1914 he became tovin clerk arid in the same year ,was also appointed ' :as scretary-treasurer of the Ogetna ISchciol District. During these past 36 years he has done innumerable service to •the community. He Is 'also. ecretary treasurer and Member of the Hospital Board at Ogerna, besides being secretary -treasurer of the District Credit Union 'which • has a membership of 490.Despite The fact that the above jobs have kept, hitt busy he 'has, fOund tim. to be clOsely assOiated.With the, activities of the United Church in °genie and during the past M years he has been the Bible Class teaCher. • : . . "Mr. Kilpatrick,, in attending t� his own - ausineSs, haridleS alt. kinds qf, realestate, leans aryl insurance. 'He represents some dozen insuranee cOmpaniesartiong whiCh are the Wawatiesa and. the Sskatchevrian Government stirance. With a .reputation such as his, it is: no Wonder that so • Many people •contact Mr. Kilpai- rick• when' they peed insurance. "Mr.-', Kilpatrick, .:who Was pre- deceased last year by his wife, has a family of five: Joyce; a sioriary Bruce, with the Massey Harris, Toreno;T Mrs. Froehlich Of 'Marquis, Keith of. Sinipsn'o Ltd.,. Regin a, and, Brian with the Toronto General Trust Co., Regina": Owing to. _illness iri , the cast, -,..m...., , the, Lueknow play whichwas to • . 4?' ° have beep' held under. the auspices of the St Heleds,.Women's In-. • Lote ly ,ifi : .. stitutehad to be postponed.. • Mrs.. EtWood Barbour was hos- tess for the October meetingsof the W.KS. arid the WA. of the United, Church when 12 ladies were presert. •Mrs. W. 1. Miller was hi the chair and the theme -11-PIECE PLACE SETTING of the service4g:"The Church] of the Par -Flung FrontierC.-The •'' T: only 75 scripture. lessons Were read ,by Mrs. Barbour and by Mrs. E. W. Rice. Th d treasurer reported that A63.60 had ,been forwarded to the Presbyterial Treastirer tor the three quarters. It was agreed that we invite Miss Sybil COurtice of Chilton as 'guest speaker for the Autumn Thanoffering„ In her interesting Manner Miss W.• Rutherford took the?topie on The Church' in Little Places and Stu- dent Missions from the,. study.: book "From Lakes'to • Northern. Lights".. Mrs. W. A; Miller read of the experiences of -Claire Ste- vens, a -sttdent tnisionary, Mrs: Charles McDonald presided for the irneetin.g of the W.A. which opened the therne hyinn, prayer and' creed. The theme of the wor- ship :Service was The Great „,$4,1)-, "per and Mrs. 'Frank read, the scripture -lesson and Mrs. McDonald the 1 e o thoughts. 'A diseutsion followed regarding the bazaar which will 'be held in the AuxiliaryRooms, Lucknow, on Saturday, Novrnber 17th. Lunch was; served With Mrs. W. Ilkeiand Mrs. Chester Taylor as hatdeS. Woman to credit Manager! "1 imagine the reason he hasn't kept up the payments ,'fhaf he doesn't inoW. I bought it ye". • • ' ' THE Milt: SILVERP.iATE. •,Trodornorks of Ortoido 1/4 • Packed in p lovely gift box, thS CmmunitY plade-setting in these i five gracious .patterns -:- Coronation*, Lady Hrrillon*, Evening Star*, Milady* and Morning Star*. m A1 Schmid I ' rr • • • • ?r!