The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-18, Page 5951 • D 4444444.• 1 31-J: zie r. lo 97 • T1 -1101Y, F61, Fait' 'Fri- , - continued 'from La* Week,. • Vara Alexanders, L o r n e Woods: baldwins. T. J. Salkeld, Wood Ben Davies, AustinMartin, Wal- Jace Miller; .culiverts, Woods, Martin; Red Streaks; Woods; Duchess, Woods, .l.rwin Carruth- . ers;._ Talman Sweets, Woods, Sal- • : keld; Cranberry Pippins, Woods; ' GraVensteins, Woods, Salkeld; ealthY, Woods, Miller; Canada ed, • Woods; Tompkins County, 'Woods, Salkeld; Peewawkie, Mar- tin, Woods; Mann, Woods, Mar- tin; Wolf River, WoodsSalkeld; King pippin, Woods, Carruthers;. • Blenheim Pippin, Martin, • Bunter; Ribson Pippin, Woods; • Ontario, Woods; Greenings, Mat - Woods;. Delicious, Woods, Sal- • keld; 'Russets, :Salkeld, Miller; SnoWSalkeld; Spy: Wctods; Salk- eld; Wagner's; -*Hunter;i, Woods; McIntosh, Woods, Salkeld; Fall variety, Woods, Salkeld; • winter variety, Woods, Salkeld; three fall' .•' • :varieties, Woods; four winter Var- ieties, Woods, iSalkeld; collection, Woods, Salkeld; crabapples, w90,4,--Milier;. fall pears, Roy • Alton, Miller; winter, pears; •" Woods', Alton; peaches, Lorne Woods, Elmer Woods; blue Plums; Woods, .Salkeld; red plums, Mil- ler, Woods; yellow plums, Woods; Alton; blue grapes, Salkelc1; red rapes, Salkeld; collection -grapes, alkeld. Miller; quinces, Miller, •. Alton; cone, WoOds, Salkeld; hamper Wealthy, Woods, miner; hamper McIntosh; Woods, Sallt7 eld; hamper. Spy, •Woods; hamp- • . er Talinan Sweets, Woods. WoMen's • Clothing • Night dress, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs. • Bryce; ile.)ed jacket; , Mrs. Bryce; Mrs. Salkeld; slip,. Mrs. Bryee,. • Mrs. M. Johnston; pyjamas, : Mrs• . - Salkeld; housecoat, ,Mrs. H. Mc'- •Keriiit shousedress, Mrs. Salkeld,. Mrs. Johnston; •• kitchen 'apron, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs. BrYce,;,,hostess apron, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. John- ston; blouse; 'Mrs. C. Steward, Mrs: Salkeld; •Pullover; Mrs, • arkee, Mary Nrurdoch; sweater, • Mts. Salkeld; •gloves, Mrs. Salk- eld, Mrs. Bryce. . • • • •• Men's Clothing ' • • Shirt; Mrs: Salkeld; Pyjamas, Mrs: Salkeld; mitts, Mrs. Wm'. "McKenzie, Mrs. Bryce; gloves, Mrs. • Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; . fine • ,socks, Mrs. Steward; coarse socks, . Mrs. Bryce. Mrs, Salkeld. , • Boys' Clothing -' ' • Sweater, Mrs, MeCharlesi, 2nd; suit' „knit,' Mrs. Salkeld; socks,. Mrs. .MeCharles, 2nd. : • GirlW Clothing • ' Diets and bloomers,, Mrs. Salk, eld; • dross, Mrs. Salkeld, lst and 2nd: sun dress, Mrs— Salkeld; • sweater; Mrs. McCharles, ' Mrs. .•Salkeld..,• • ••• ---- •• , Infants' Wear. DreSs, IVIrs.. Salketd, Mrs. Bryce; rompers,.. Mrs!: Salkeld, • Mrs. • Bryce; jacketand bonnet, cro, cheted, Mrs. • Salkeld, Mrs. Kirk, et.tvglikac' WCKNOW SENTIEL. 1.'TittViliQW, PlithIP • land; jacket, bonnet, knit, Mra. ,Salkeld.; carriage cover, wool, r$.' Salkeld; •covorl 'other kind, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs'. MoCharle.S. „ • Clothes Skirt, Mrs.. Bryce; coat. Mrs, •Salkeld, Mrs. McCharles; trous, •ers, Mrs. •Salkeld.e " .„ „". Linen' • • ' Table cloth? Mrs. Bryce;•Junch-• eon, cloth, Mrs, Bryce; buffet set, Mrs, lime, Mrs. Salkeld; doilie set, l*.s. &Yee, Mrs. Salkeld; • Pillow case and sheet, M. Bryce, Mrs. Johnston; pillow case, em- broidered. Mrs. McCharles, Mrs. Bryce; Pillow case, colored, MrS.: Irwin •Carruthers; Mrs. ,Salkeld;• cross stitch, Mm• Bryce', Mrs. Sal- keld; table runner, Mrs, Bryce, 'Mrs. R. McKenzie; shopping bag, Mrs. Johnston, :Mrs. 'Salkeld; low case, lace, Mrs. flryce, Mrs, Salkeld; guest towel, Mrs. 'Guest, Mrs. Salkeld; bridge set, 'Mrs. Carruthers,. Mrs, Salkeldr needle point', Mrs: •Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld; -chesterfield set Mrs. Br "yee, Mrs., ,1_ohnstOri; tatting, Mrs,' Bryce,. Mrs. 'Johnston; • work bag, Mrs. ,Salkeld; Purse, Mrs. Salkeld,, Mrs. Miller; tea' cosy, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs, H. McKenzie; lunclron• set, Mrs. Salkeld,' Mrs. Johnston; buf- fet set, Mrs.. Bryce,,. Mrs. John- ston; cloth, Mrs. Bryce,. Mrs. Sal- keld;. apron; girls 15 and under,' •A. Carruthers, Irene Rputston, • • ' • • Pieced, Cotton, • Mrs.• •Salkeld; Mrs., 11. McKenzie; applique, Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. 'MCKenzie, 'Mrs. Salkeld.; • • ,pieeed and applique, Mrs: • Carruthers, •Mrs. ,Salkeld, Mrs. McKenzie; 'fancy quilting, Mrs; Johnston; Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs, Bryce; pieced, woollen; Mrs. Bryce;,comforter,,IVIrs. Roy Alton, Mrs. C. Steward. •• Bed Spreads, • : .•" • Knitted, Mrs.' MeKenzie;•• Mrs. McCharles; any other, Mrs.. Mc - .Charles; . afghan, knitted, Mrs: Salkeld; afghan, crocheted, Mrs. McKenzie; • hooked rug, •Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. McKenzie,.• Mrs. Bryte. . . • - • Cushions , • Embroidered., Mrs. BrYce; Mrs: McCharles; porch cushion,' Mrs. Bryce,. Mrs. Salkeld; wool cush- ion; • Mrs. McCharles; other kind• , Mrs.. Johnston, Mrs. t:Salkeld; thrift articles, 'Mrs. •Salkeld, Mrs. McCharles, Mrs. McKenzie; Cen tre piece, Mrs. Bryce,: Mrt. Salk- eld:, .tray cloth, • Mrs: • Bryce; Mrs. Salkeld; wool embroidery, Mrs, McKenzie, Mrs. Salkeld; cUtwo,rk, Mrs, Bryce, *Mrs:: Salkeld; •fanoy work, Mrs; Salkeld; Mrs. Scott; toys, Mrs: Salkeld, Mrs. 1V1cKen-: Christmas gifts, M.S. Bryce, Mrs. 'Salkeld, Mrs. Kirkland, .'• , • Women's organizations, St. Hel- ens Women's Institute, • Lucknow. Women's .Institute, )Cairshea Wo- men's Institute. • • JtMior Club • Work, St.. Helens Chita. . •• , , • RA04 rIva,‘ ' 111 ..•"•,.. • '. • The,reckless driver is public menace. He •has no regard for his owns safety or that o • other users, of the streetsand highways Passing on hills or cucves, excessive speed, 'Cutting in or • out and similar con- e duct are reckless acts. Severe pencdties ore provided and will be applied to the rack- •• less driver. , • • , • ACC/4,1 *ORD to, Ahtnet Fine Arts • '• Poster, Mrs :Salkeld;. iiapshots, ei, Mrs. Johnstone; decors. ed table, Mrs. Johnston,• Mrs. Sal d, ' . FLOWERS . Red aster, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Solomon; white asters, IVIrs.'Solo- • mon, Mrs. Lockhart pink asters, Mrs. Lack.hart.1- blue asters, Mrs.' Lockhart, Mrs, IVIcNay; collection. asters, Mrs. Looldiart, Mrs. Sole - mon; cactus, dahlias, Mrs. Me - Charles, Mrs.. W. A. Miller; decor- ative, dahlias, . Mrs.: McCharlet, • • • • 4, 411.t.kte • 114 , • • a • 14' t • C. Rathwell:' show dahlias; Mrs. Steward,. Mrs. Mccharles;'. collec- tion dahlias, 'IVfis. •Solornori, Mrs. Steward;. porn porn dahlias„.„Mrs. Salkeld; collection gladioli, Mrs, Solomon; Mrs! Salkeld; red glad-: (COntinued on Page' 8) • Zt 1,1 • , 11. 11: rt.tt ft- fp im,4c, • 1,r; • .••.. ••••.:'. ••:•• • .: ';•. !•::::::•• .i*i:::•:.•,,;, :::: .,..4,..4116*:.$4;•,,iNo.iiildigiiiill; '''''''''-r.1.1.sw,. ••:.NA.il,;.;'•ii.,•': :4!:'. •••,::•; 'i.:j;.'.:.::-,i.ii:::::•.?":'•';'""••••• ii:::::ii,iiiii0.' ''.."'''''r."''''•"'WoUnoresszi:,:..•.',.;::::•:''''''''''' ''' . ''' .. ' ..,.. ::::.:.:,:.. s*,;::•V -4, .: ::•!... • • 1 'v. • - ' And hogpitalt know,it,*0111 In this gleaMing'hOspital . ' kitthen; aluminum'cobking utensils do ct double . . job:They meet the highs i hygienic standardsbecau6 aluminum is ideal in contaat,wiih:fOod;And jher cook .. -• • ho813ital meal's thore quickly beCauze a)uminurn ... 'heoo-eveniy-. trillions of Conordiat homemaker* too, ' , . , , , protect theflavOurand cri_iatitY of everything, they '• •,' . CoOk by ugingialtitninurn 'ilien8i1g. ' AttiMINIth 14 PPIENDLY TO REALTH i ..I - .. :41AtTIVIIN . 0 .1 % +V AM or cAwfAbAk' ' • •r • • _ 4r.ft°44 ' • ""Atre.t.4.144% — r•-i'l " '" I 1ff' ' ' bePartsa...at or, . 441.2A °)*rA'11.94 OS'Air.41. '°174i1V/44 Rettlemed: CaoadLtd AItaulawft co larararation 4 Aufloot itositreur 1P113.)' Or . • • ; .. . • • ' ' , ,.. Theo 01.116 .ErOaji.$tal oi eaiwt 'SW 4304603'i...11)44i • da,..,:ao.t:t ..io .6,47. a.tx ..katared beds iota Ilitti beati deaor.tbad Ai an' .otJtatandlite. examlila of k.k0431140 osiael'ihik. . •. . ' . 1 • ; . • • , 141.1.,1 Zit a pse a twO hantIres2 a:4 fatly. bed Paii)104•Wais edded • . ter bepotdietitVatita•aw`a itteear a ,Atleota 6.64 115 294d. the •StrithObbe-reetotloo ilesp.ftet iv/0i •one holutted dud forty -tips • • • hedd wide 'Abided uhder tio • co 6.61 tit &ha trusteed et the. Cifr,10 • • • I . , , , I . :ell:217: ;0.1. the toeln hoolta ,bUltd/net•Jeed °hailed *Lth eriult .. . • , . • -qa.P6,4u14 Pelth prepe.r regent. Le the d.l.k•odt,loa. le it'll* the e/t) • • . eettld,eirptind. tt cooi.,,totz, or son* thir,ty itot'e,ii .04' •C'41.1iie . . AiodoUlt Oppoetto 'the l'Aemlotob Irpettefeete.4 ;211ti'sa. ' . ' ' . ., . . .. , .. .. • / . • •; i • Ititeh toOr daMe'tWeilt)t‘ 4:tiiro theddeed pet/elite ere admitted,. tort.). ' Iltre.thousand *it •estlent treetkehts ere g.tveh„ teency4tOur hutt. • . dred babied at% boon, sPONUthustaly sletsin thOnisand opseeitt.dait ' • , • cira" dohs .and oas and ona-nal.r al1,1.11ot Meis/tr tire. eereed. Zt•lb .441/ /open thei the'ttleeet.thd et de) hedeltal le one it*, most ietocrtatit't..rahOhea....1$4106 :the o.peelog et 40401.44 • : • cludd•utd Obok•:'Od. Oted4ild hdiehmeh used eerletst041,7 ti) the •• • • r • . ' • con.plete aett•etadt.ton of tat ateelocia 04 .egeilaidtratteli brehoheit • • et th.lo heepltelrehd tiro ploastwo 424 .411,joyoie4C Ot „Its *t•O's" am 1)Atiette.• . I I" • • ... , 04 verk ttitt, ' ro - ` , . ,i • ' I, • " ,)44 g$1. • • ; • , I • . • . .. • • ' I ' • • . . • • 0.! 1 0 4 l• • •4 .1