The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-10-11, Page 6• 14th,• INNING RUN GIVES • yVIl1TGHA11'IX SERIES OPENER -. • By punching home an unearn- ed' run in the top 'half .of the 14th inning, . Wingham Crosset Merl curys edged ' Lucknow Legion<, -:naireS; 2 to 1 in: the first ,of a' best. • in five ' series ' in the • Big' Ten • 'semi finals. • The game •was played' on Fri -- day night in the Caledonian Park: It was a'tense affair but So drag ged out that many of the cold and weary' spectators had left the , park before the winning . run. was scored at 'abOut 11.30; ::after three hours- of play in, which the Cros- ' sets event into . a° • huddle an o, , r. • argument ,on ,most every play.. "Cock" +Sparrow; capped ' his in- dividual grandstanding by rush-' Meat Hall in ,pugilistic f aghion, , • but .halted/ . 'hurriedly when he realized that' '.discretion . was the better part of "valour".. , The, Legionnaires after • ;a two weeks', layoff were woefully ,weak at 'bat. They got only two' hits off Sparrow, who whiffed 20 bats- , men and walked :but 3. . Hall: matched • Sparrow in strikeouts but his control was off a bit and walked Six risen, -while g iving up 7 hits. In the pinches Hall was at his best. In. the top half of the' .9th he walked three 'nen in a rove to' load the sacks and o then• fanned. the iCrosset powerhouse •Sparrow, Seli and. Crewson in that order. • • It was a scoreless game till the •'first of the 8th. :when Seli doubled. under the rail, "to advance on a Ibingle by Crewson and score on Groves fielder's choice. , That' looked' like enough until the bottom of the '9th, when Hall knotted the count' He singled to' open 'the''' 9th, stole. second: and • third •and .crossed, the plate on MacDonald's fielder's ehoice: Miley. was being intentionally, passe$ when, without stepping .out, of:. the box, it is iclain ned, • .he. reachedand clipped .one. ' As he pulled -Up • at second' the =13. .,,waved ,him out. - to cap sone'. pretty grin'. :officiating, and• set' off a bitter ar ument. • It Was i en the ow .'who won his' own gam t he •• 14th. With one • away Guy. drew: a Pass:' He, stole second, .went. to third as Crewson iiit. to .third ;and;, kept right . on, going at ,the, throw, got away'`frorn Morley Chin .at: first. ,/ • Wingham: Foster "•"cf Sparrow p, Seli ss, Crews'on'lst, Groves c. 1 ke rf, Te 'Aitchison 2nd, Nik� a , m pleman: lf, .Garda, r 3rd.. • Lucknow:' :Fal1 p, H. ' Greer :et -:McDonald ss;=Maley c;:; Cuniing, 3rd; C. Greer rf, M. Chin .1'st, R. Finlayson' 2nd, .Haldenby'lf, , • r Wingham ;x000 000 010" 000.1-4 :7 Lucknow 000 000 0.01'00.001' 2 Ui■lt U.■■•I■,i■I illlifii ltii••11• N . THE:'Li:JCKNOW SENTIN EL,IJUCKNOW ' ONT ARf O; LEGIONNAIRES' EVEN SERI. • .S WITH 3- WIN' Three, runs in•,the first inning were , enough. • L • kw to g Legionnaires a 3-2 win. 'over Wingham: ort Monday •• night in n. Huron Towand. knot the 'semi finals at a ;game, each. .These two old •rivals will go back at it again tonight 1Thurs- day) in Caledonian Park, Played on a ,greasy field and in, ,,`near -freezing weather,. the blanket wraTkoed fans went thru a nerve tingling nine innings of 'ball' with" the , Crossets coming within an ace of tying it up in the ninth. Hall opened the top half 'of the first by lacing one to left field, e ' on . He . d and. pulled. up. safe ats.c went to third on a: wild -pitch and .was ` held • there as H. Greer was . safe ,on a _ fielder's choice. 1VIiley walked- and' all three run- ners scored, on a sucee'ssion :of low. pitches that._got away from. Groves 'before. Sparrow retired the side. on strikeouts.. Lucknow had. good . scoring' chances in they 3rd,, 8th and 9th, but couldn't come through. In the 8th the side was. retired with the sacks. loaded; In the, 9th Hall tripled down the right: field line, but was called, out for leading off when Sparrow lobbed one on :pitch -out to Miley that retired the side.- : Wingham got one of them back in their ,half. of the first when' Sparrow singled and eventually scored on a. series of • three ' er -ors. In 'the 5th it 'was Sparrow again. He doubled for one of 4 hits 'he had in five trips, and scored' on Crewson's. single, With the• latter ;. romping 'to third on an. • outfield ,retrieving error. • Wingham didn't again threaten' until :the • 9:th, when; With two away Foster got' his lone hit of: the 'night- He went ;to second ''on a passed '!ball and to, third when Sparrow rolled' one. between 1st and second that Morley `.;Chin managed to knock down's to.: hold Foster at third: Sell, who. ' had struck out . on, four • trips, , laced a: hot, one to Hugh,:Cuming who' played it .perfectly 'to first to end. the' game. e. . Winghamr.got 8 hits . off , Hall, : who •:struck • Out 14:'and didn't issue 'a. pass: , Sparrow' liricaited Lucknow, to 5 hits, struck out ;' 16 . arid' gave . up four "bases on balls. • A donnybrook broke out in the. first' inning. With Hall at third the 'ball ' got, away from .Gardner. :Hughie•' went to 'break. and .Gard- .ner• ,grabbed him by; the jacket ripping it :'badly. When . Hughie saw' it he took 'a plunge' at Gard ner: The fireworks was -nipped in the' bud and the' two .teams set `tled :down' to •playing ',ball. -/rhea Lucknow ;.:. 300 000 0000-=3 5 `6, Wingham • 100 010000•-=-2. 8 5 ■tiaa■�■■aua�'�■nt0aa .. • r 0- ■ i,., ✓ '. r ■ ■ ". I • ■ •. ■ BRAND .NEW DELUXE PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN. BRAND-NEW CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN `, 1951 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, 3000 miles, $200 below list 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN, 6000 miles, $20.0 below list 1950 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE--: SEDAN. 1949 MERCURY ,;SEDAN, custom radio and many extras. ;,1• 1949 CHEV. DELUXE d STYLELINE : SEDAN4; custom radio, air conditioning. 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE. COACH. 1949 CHEV. STYLELIN•E SEDAN.' • ' ■ 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE C ACH • with Custom Radio ,, 1948 STYLEM4STER CHEV. . COACH:i • • 1947' CHEV: SEDAN. r ■• •, 1947 PO+TTIAC=.SEDAN.1■ lfls. ■ • ■ 1P46 MERCURY COACH: III 1940 MERCURY COACII.o 19461_1WIL_SEDA-N. LL >• •:1939 DODGE -: COACH: 1941 DODGE COUPE, ..i 'ul 1938. PONTIACSEDAN, . , .di. , .',. , S •DAN, waith xad><o,:• gooa4 , condition: III■ •. 1948 CHEV. 3(1 -TON STAKE 'TRUCK. •' a • ` 4 .... o r ▪ • NEW CARS ■ Chev., Pontiac, Buick, Olds, Ford, Meteor ,Approxiiiately 24-hour service with choice of colors. ■' REGULAR ,LIST, PRICE a in■ u: ■ ..” Brussels , It � •. ct . ,■ The Home of Better 'used• Cars". a ' la Cash Trade, Tering ...s= Open Evenings Until 10 ■ ■ t'' • Cities Service Dealer • — 'Phone 73/4. I russels ■ :, Na■■aa■■Rl■aud/1111■1 lama■ ■ aara■a■a•l:■a.na'l•i hili eilia '■ ■ ' •spent• the week -end with cher 'sis.- .■ ter. Mrs; E,verettEt•rington, ■� .A 0. ZUK WILL: BE' AROUND • Zuk will be around. for the, W.O.A.A. "Big Ten", finals He passed up chances to play hockey at Glace Bay and 'Sault, • Ste. Marie, and has, signed up with the Sarnia. Sailors • who will be'. coached by Norm Tltstin,, ,George will motor !back to the County • Town, for the silverware' series—which just wouldn't ibe a series, without the stolid little fireballer. 1?UNGANNON Visitors for the eek -.end with., •Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Fowler were Mr.' and Mrs. Perry. Ball of Bar - rip, Mr. • David Fig ins, Guelph; and sister .Joan a uaban rid � d . , 1V1r. McDonald of a ails;, Niaa,gr �F . Mrs ..'J, G. Montgomery and• 'daughter 'Mrs Allan Reed ..enjoy ed a ;party • at -the home of..Mrs. Duncan' Minn,. Ripley; ' one ,even- ing last/week. •• We' are sorry to `hear of the illness' of Mrs, Rosso Eedy, who underwentan operation ,for re- moval of appendix at • Goderich Hospital . on .Sunday evening. She hadn't, .felt so well Since a car accident abpu't a month ago when the light' truck which ,she was driving struck a' large hole:: on the 'river hill, and rolled over.. Though. no bones were, broken, calf, Jr.:calf, JMcDonald; cow, heifer, 2yearsMe- cow, Gaunt,, : , -she received' bruises and fortun-.Donald, Gaunt 2nd and 3rd; year- ately„ escaped . concussion • ,old' heifer, Gaunt,•]McDonald• 2nd • Mrs. H. Stothers has been nays- and• 3rd heifer ,Calf, 'Sr., Gaunt 'ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry . and'2nd •. heifer calf, _ Jr. Mc Hackett of the• Belfast district, 1stY who. is. i11'. ' Donald, :female,' herd Gaunt,. *Donald; Mr. :and, Mrs.. Irvine Eedy, Boh- by, and Patricia ' have moved.'into their nice new home. •built this• THURSDAY, OCTOBER :11, 1951' 'all. fair �'r�� �V��n�ers HORSES • l~Ieavy draft, spans Bruce Mil- ler, Paisley; light draft,. span, 'Bruce 'Miller; Percheron span, Frank Currie, Ripley; wagon and, general purpose, span in harness and. rig, Elmo Pritchard, Boss McKague, Belmore. Single horse, Elmo Pritchard, 1st and 2nd; Ross McKague. Light horse carriage team, Ross nt,1VlcKagixe. • .Single hackney, Ross Mgague.' Gentle- men's turnout, Norman Limber- tus, Walkerton; Ross •McKague, 'Beimore.. Lady drivers,'Mrs. Nor- man Larnbertus, Mrs. Ross Mc- : ue. Hackney. tandem; Norman man V 1; n team s. Ponies, u , .•Lambe t .. , Norman Lanibertus. Single pony, IV. Lam;berttis, 1st &: 2nd., 4 -horse 'tandem., Elmo Pritchard & Bruce Miller; • Stewart Needham & Frank' Curie; Best ' female, Bruce: Mil- ler, rlst. 'and' 2nd;: Stewart, Need-' ham. .Best •mare, Bruce :Miller; 1 est : gelding, Elmo Pritchard, lit and 2nd; , :Ross 1VrkKague: Best •groomed_ horse, Ross McKagtie, Elmo Pritchard. • CATTLE Shorthorns Bull,. 1 'year, ,McDonald Br•os.; Andrew' Gaunt,' MCDonal'd;3u11 calf; Sr., McDonald, Gaunt; bull l Gaunt; senior Junior' herd. Gaunt; ,Mcpopald; bull„ any` age, McDonald; get of sire, Gaunt,. McDonald. n summer. • Hereford§ :Mass Jane, Montgomery of 'Tees- George .eater spent two weeks with her Entire class won by rg w sp sister-in-l'aw, ;•Mrs. • J. , G. Mont-. gomery. • ' 'Mrs. Muriel Smythe of Brant fprd .Parents, --Mr. •spent. •the wee -end with her . : and •l�rs �' Albert Or ser. Mr. Bill Park and a chum `from'• Cain') Borden spent the' week -end. with the .former's parents,:.$c Mr. M'rs. 'Tom Park. '• • Mr'. and, Mrs. • Otto: Popp and" f ariait • ' Toronto, for h ' til in T o 0 the Y 'Were r -Thanksgiving : week -end. H.,. 'Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Pritchard •and Mrs: A. B, Pentland' . were,' week -end visitors • at the_-: homes • of the •latter -'s: sons,. Wilfred Pent='. land.'.Franklin. Pentland and .on Monday';were visitors with an- other member' of 'the; family, Mrs: Ralph' Foster, husband . and, 'fam- ily, which 'marked .the occasion.`,of Mr.. and Mrs: Foster's.8th ' wed'- ding' ,anniversary. •• . Harvey McIntyre is • managing the. tobacco. stand 'owned by Mr. Tom Koviak and a family from. Goderich has ,moved • into the apartfnerft . above the store. ': Mr. and Mrs: Russell ,Drennan, Reta • and' Charles of Brights'. Grove . were . week -end visitors' With Mrs. A. Morris. • . ' • Miss Clara . Sproul, Stratford, .spent • Thanksgiving •week -end with her sisters, Misses 'Rebina aid Nettie.Sproul. • ' Mr. and' Mrs:Oscar Cuthill and Tittle song Paul Of Walton were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Elliott, , Friends'are _'sorry to, hear : of the, serious illness'of Mrs. Chas. Congrain, who underwent" air op- eration < at Wingham Hospital a -week-ago. Mr wavey Congram a: son an d Mrs. -Lorne Ivers, a sister,' ..are frequent visitors. Mr; Keri -Brown, student at Queen's Unitversity, Kingston, was home with his; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown' and Wayne for the week -end. • •:' The .Young People ,of 'Dungan- non United, Church ' •'were' "at • home" Monday night for •a social, evenin0 for the Young,People of 'Port Albert and Crewe churches, :.Revue- G• --Watt, pastor; ' directed : a committee for the games con - testa, other- program and lunch. • A' "Harvest Home" service was Observedin St. Paul's Anglican church, Sunday evening at 7.30 The interior, was beautiful with autumn- flowers and, vegetables ,:• a .reminder of the bountiful hr - vest. Rural' Dan 11,814 II, L. Park- er, Chesley, ., spoke. ,Mrs. Ralph Foster; soloist, sang "If, ,you so 'Clothe the Grass", Miss, Grace Krauter • Toronto". t. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wiggins, Ruth and Mat iort Mr, and Mrs, Fred Young enjoyed' a •rrtotor trip to North' Bay at the Week -end,' Held' Shower • Mrs.• Mary Rivett • entertained: 43 guests 'on Tuesday of last week •at a miscellaneous shower, in hon= or of Mrs. Oliver Glenn. An ad- dress of best:wishes was read b M'rs.. Harvey Mole, and a decorat- ed 'wagon bearing many 'lovely gifts '.was drawn., in by No tris Sampson and Marion Mole.' ,, ,:a Kennedy, '14 firsts, 8 seconds, 3 thirds: Polled Angus i; • Bull, 2 years, Emke Bros.• bull, • 1 year, Frank,..Todd •& Son, ;Emke; .bull calf, Sr.,'Todd bull calf, :Jr., Todd; •.Emke cow,, ' Todd„, •'Einke; 'heifer, 2 years,. Einke, lst, & 3rd; Todd; 'heifer, 1 year, 'Tod,d lit .; 2nd. Emke; heifer calf, ..Sr., Todd,. Eriike;' heifer :calf; ---Jr., :Todd,'. ' Emke; female, Todd;.. senior herd, Etnke:Junior _herd,. .Todd, ., Emke; bull,' Enike; get Of sire, Todd lit. and 3rd. ' Emke. Grade • Cattle i Steer • calf, '. Eleanor :McNay, David 'Kirkland; • block animal, Flmer . Woods, .Barry ,McQuillan. Specials Champion .female, Todd; Gaunt,, Kennedy; . champion'. bull, Todd, Kennedy, McDonald Bros.; '.fat. steer,. Todd, Elmer Woods, Barry McQuillin; , junior herd,, Todd, Gaunt,McDonald Bros.; steer or heifer shown by boy Or girl, Ann ' Todd. Margaret M'cNeil, Tlvan SMC_ •Quill'in, ;Jack Kennedy' and Bar ry McQuillin; senior herd; Gaunt, Emke, Kennedy; beef calf, Todd:. • shire, cockerel, Kennedy, 14 t and 2nd; New :Ha�npsh're. pullet, Kennedy' lst, 2nd, 3rd; 0ti1ity Leghorn, cockerel, Kennedy, UtiI' ' ity Leghorn,, pullet; Kennedy st and 2nd; best cockerel. and •pullet, •Oliver MoQharles; pigeons, ,Jim, . Wilson; domestic pet, Ernie Ma- goffh . : . ; GRAN r`::•�... Timothy, Roy Alton; field corn, ears, Roy Alton; sunflowers,• Gar-. don Kirkland,, Roy Alton. ROOTS •&' VEGETABLES Potatoes, '2 varietie, Roy Al. ton early potatoes, Oliver Mc- Charles, L.:McKay;:late potatoes,: McKay;, yellow mangel, 'McKaor,. Mrs. Jack England; 'red mango,. • Frank Todd; Swede turnips, • •Todd; pie pumpkins,' Mrs. Harr Lavis, McKay; cabbage, McKay, .Mrs::. England; ,. squash, McKay, Austin' ' Martin; • largest s uas.: • 1Vrartin,' McKa largest q h, g purr! kin, Mrs. Bill ,S'cott, Mrs. Waalace Miller: largest ;cucumbers, . Mrs.• • : Lavis, Mrs George Locklai t; Par.' •snips, Mrs, Lockhart, ',Mrs. Kirk- lad, • carrots, ,..Mrs. `Oliver. Mac - Charles, McKay; beets, Mrs. Chas,' Steward, Mrs. McCharles;• tom- atoes, , Mrs. Lockhart, McKay; golden ' ban�ta.m • corn, McKay; • corn,- ,other variety, Roy Alton; celery, Mrs.. Kelso. ,McNay,, " Mc- Kay; white.• beans, Mrs. Lockhart,• Mrs. Steward; beans, :Mrs. Lock- hart, Mrs. • Levis; Dutch sets, Mrs.. Lockhart; top onions, 'Roy Afton- 'potato onions; 'Mrs- .Cliff -Geddes, Mrs. ,Steward; yellow onions, 'Mc- Kay,, Mrs.. 1Mc,Na'v;: three ve;e tables, Mrs.: • ockhart McKay; Coll tion a e ' ' ec nrod� ace., g Mrs.' p , Lockhart,••1Vl eKay; ` sheaf • of hay, Gordon Kirkl'and,: Roy Alton;' Kairshe collection ' 'ga'rden p.ro=„ duce, Ka rsl ea'Womens In tttuie DAIRY '& TABLE' SUPPLIES • Cake, Magic special; Mrs. Oli•= Iver 1McCharles, Mrs.. •Clif i ,, Ged- des; 'raisin pie, .Mrs.' Geo. Fisher, •Mrs. Kelso McNay; :white. bread, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. McNay; whole wheat bread;. .Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. ' Oliver 1VloCharles;..r:'o ll s,, Mrs.' Geddes, Mrs. •Heti'ry • Mac-' Kenzie;u , . •Mrs. b s;Ge' ddes 1n • n,is McKenzie., fancy buns, Mrs Ged- des,: Mrs: , Lockhart; fruit loaf, < .. Mrs,' Mo harles, Mrs. Geddes; tea biscuits; M.rs: Bryce, 'Mary Mac Leod `scones, Mrs. Bryce; Mrs.: (Continued on Page' Seven) DRINK 5i2; WORK R TRPDE NARK REEFRG ESHED halter broken calf,'; Iva lin. • SHEEP ' Leicester Aged -ram,' Irwin Vance.: Fred -�NfeQuill:i n-sh ea-r-kng-ra n=M4Quil ram lamb, Ernke Bros:, Vance; aged. 'ewe. ' Vance shearling' ewe, Vance • McQuillin; ewe lamb, Emke. • Vance: • Oxfords • ..• Bros:Entir.e class won , by Enike . t Shropshire Downs • Entire class won by Emke Tiros. Southdowns Einke Bros. • :won entire: class; with' excetption; of shearling' ram in. which 'section '•there was no, Entry. . Any Other Pure Bred Aged • ram, Emke,. Vance shear - ling ram,, Emke, .Vinre;. ram lamb. ' Emke: McQuillin; aged ewe, Vance; shearlind• ewe, Emke,. Vance, :ewe lamb, Emke, Vance; hest ram. Emke r narket• ewe make, McOui:I1•in; 3-m.s'rket lamb , 'Fmke; 'best .peri • of. sheep,--Emke 1st and 2ncl, McOuillin. • 1 SWINE.' Boars -August 1950; McDonald Bros.; . boar, March 1951, MVtcDon- • •al'd, -Austin '•`1VMartin; sor,r 1949, McDonald; sow, 1950, McDonald; sow, 1951, .Martin, :1st ' and 2nd; sow, Crawford special, McDon- ald '1st and .2nd; ..Kelso McNay:, ,senior boar, McDonald; junior boar, McDonald; grand champion boar,' McDonald; senidr sow, Mc-. Donald; junior ' sow',; Martin; grand' champion. sow, ,Martin; i senor •,'herd, • McDorialcl• junior. herd. "Mart:,:; 'McDonald; 'oeri 'of breeding hogs, McDonald ' POUL'I 1tY Rouen drake, Wm. ' G. Hunter,. KelsoMcNay; Rouen duck,, Mc - lay, ''H'unter; Pekin drake, :.Gor-; ,don Kirkland. 1 d • ekens of 195 e If You Milk a Small Herd . HOW TO SAVE TIME AND L_EARNMoRE-.---= • 4 Time Wiatfr '• 4 Slow, Costly • Uup•foasoaf 41'U*'rofltIlo 20 HAND -MILKED HERDS., Avg. size of herd •' Si cows Avg. no.'of hand milkers ..:. , , 13 persona :Avg.•milking time per day. .. • ., • ..146.0 min. -:Avg. time 'per milking • 73 0 min, Avg time per cow:..:... • . 10.4 min.. Avg. time' per day' to wuh utensils. 21.3 min.: • These figures, which so clearly show' , the faster milking and time 'savings 'accomplished by ; the 'De Laval "Speedette. Milker, are taken from • actual time studies.on 'average small herds under' normal every -day con- ' dations: • • 24' DE LAVAL -MILKED HERDS Avg. size of herd..: : , � • 9.6 cows Avg, milking time ,pet day,, s,.,., 16,5 min, •Avg,,time•pet milking . c..., 38.2 min: Avg. inilking'time per cow • 3'.9min: Avg. time to wash milker per (ley: .151min.. Avg, tjme to wash milker per milking., . •7,5 min. Avg: daily saving overhand' milking..., •90 ' `Saves 11.Mi 4 Fast Milking Easier Job. 4 More Profit z• . Di LAVAL SPEEDETTE Ni1,LKFR' In •addition to time and labor savrngs, raster milking and'morc pleasant Nvork, the l aancr De Laval Specdetrc Milker produces c milk. It is ape I.aval.qualtty,• depctsda 4n milker, Cow sn first cott,,inexpenrsre to -tis' stall, See us 'oda Fo fall details. Y r' ekiri duck, ,Kirk - an , ,Kirk -P4 �. rhi A B. Smith cockerel, Geo.: " • '` KeWhite hie rn •, �. • OW . n y hate 1eg,horn, pu.lIet, . Phone 20, L1ic Kennedy ist and 2nd New liani.p-