The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-27, Page 91951. sting cried the area's. Mac flail rnzie; 'Mt - 1, r,. TH[TaIIS;,, SEPTEMBER 27tht..1,95°1. 4:111110-$11101E, -$IMPLIE TEST`. t ALL SHOW" • •HOW TO E TgE ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE Separate yata Then take' the find that milk with your :SKIMMILK and out of Nie skim. ip.ewnt method • nn, it through o milk you ort up. of .epar.ounp n ' •D. Laval .. to 23% odd•N• oaccly at you 3.poratoi. Koval aea.R. ' Prove To Yourself' That The. Croam, YOU Aral NOT Gettin Vilma Probably,. . 9 111.. Pay For A Naw Di Laval Separator 1n. just 15 minutes you can prove ex. actly wtiat a new De Laval, Separator will mean' to you, in the way of bigger cream checks You will see �• for yourself how• amazingly soon a new De Laval Separator wilt pay, for itself. • Make this simple test ' described' above. Ask, us• to bring a new'De , Laval Separator to 'you, farm sing make the test fol you. And let the test speak for itself, WHY .NOT DO IT NOW? • EASY. PAYMENTS D 4avgt- `s• iaew•'44V.-tr Delavet World's Dej.aval. • • . 'Junior • Standard' " •' junior. Series Electra. Cioanest shim, Newisl m.de. . Iseat ter Oa tnmp,eatwsI to. Ma and per. smaller ,herd clean sepatetio torments . No ' .ownei . , 'Da • avec built 3 'rens{ mo twits; . •'lava{ quality at sues,hind a Ip OMR COW- lowest pace: 4. ' molar drive . 'sty 400.116, per • sues, band or hoar , : motor dove. Soles smith Phone .20f LucknorV,-. W'".SkIN'ny!'GIrJS lovely. Carves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep, T.houeande who never could gala wet'Bhi before, now • have shapely, Who, figures No more ,bony ;limbs, ugly hollows. TTbey thank Ostrex. Itputs flesh on bodies' skinny because blood' lacks Iron Peps' you up, too: Improves appetite, digestion. so food nourishes you better. Don't fear getting too f at. Stop. When you gain figurer you wish. introductoiy • or "get -acquainted" sire onto 804 Try Ostrez.Tonio. Tablets for new pounds. lovely curves. new pep.: ' today. At all druggists. OBITUARY DAVID GRANT` STEWART , 'The sudden passing. of David Grant Stewart last Thursday While- engaged in threshing on his own farm, removed, an out,: standing neighbor' and friend. He was in; his 62nd Year. He was a son of thelate.David•Stewart and !Catharine MacDonald and, had lived all ,his life on 'the farm where he died on .the Ashfield Huron boundary near Lochalsh, exceptir' 'a• shgrt time: in .' 'the Canadian, West., ', He was .a,very. successful farm- er and his .well kept farms shows his industry and thrift. He. also coupled cattle raising With farm, Ing. DavieStewart was fair, just and Honorable in all his' dealings:. Possessed ofT a pleasing . persoii- ality' .accoanlpariied . by. a• genial and . `friendly disposition and words df cheer, he made many.. friends, 'Het never paraded his re- ligion but was'a humble and. true servant of his Master: ,f =Ie will be greatly missed • in his. accustomed eat in his beloved church.'• He is survived by one 'brother, B.$..& of Toronto; one, sis ter, Mrs. ,Elizabeth ,Rose and. .a nephew, Dannie ;Rose. • • , The • funeral . service was 'held in• ' the Ashfield. Presbyterian. .'church,•When a very, large num- ber of sorrowing friends. aathered'. to • pay their' last respects. His minister, Rev. J. R,, MacDonald, spoke eorkf o I '. ward's- 'to. all. The I,ueknow Lodge of; the ,Mas onic Order, No. 184,• Was' present in a body and took part' in the burial: service- of pile of their bre- �threnin Kintail cemetery where interment` took place::•There was profusion of beautiful' flowers, among which •was one from the Department • of Agriculture, Luck- now School, and •the MacDonald' Clan. Friends were .present': from Detroit, Hamilton, Toronto, Mil waukie; . Brussels, Blyth, Freston; 'and Windsor.' The: Pallbearerswere Duncan Finlayson, • David' MacDonald,•. Finlay MacDonald; Jack'.l1►IcLeod, Ewen MacLean, Frank M°ehen nan. HEART ATTACK FATAL . q AT KIN' TAIL HOME .Walter M. Yaenien, . district' representative fqr British Knit products, died) suddenly from a -heart`'. attack .abolZt • midnight on Friday at his home at. Kintail He had not been in robint health for a time due 'to, a head condi- tion. Mr, Yaemen was formerly it the • restaurants business in Wing - After selling the business to: Jaen. Lein of Lucknow, the'• Yemen family. moved to London until moving to 'the. Kirftai1, rom ' munity a few months ago'He 'wa s' a veteran of both world wars; • A private: funeral servicer was held at the Walker Funeral Hgm'e at,i ` hsell on Monday, conduct:- - b edby' g, Rev: W ' A.• Beecroft. In ierment was In,• Wroxeter stein- etery. • Surviving besides his wife, .for- merly; Jean. Fralick of Wroxeter, is a young , son ; Billy, • also two•.' sons by a ferrner "marriage,; Don- ald- and:Fred in ' the Canadian Navy. Readings were gie by Gladys MacDonald and Gladys 'Chin. A •busiriess•discussion was held con- cerning, a new slate of•' Office's, ,and the' rollcall taken. The topic "The*C;hristian and: 'Alcohol": was 'interestingly explained' by Rev. Winn. Hymn• 283 was sung-. and the. mizpah • benediction repeated ' in • unison. We have Ibeen greatly encour -.aged ,'by. • the showing . of new mernbers and ''would• earnestly, urge' all' young . people to. come • on Manday,night ,'at 7.30 p.n. Presbyter"fan Guild The Presbyterian Young Peo- ple's .:Society : •resumed ..their weekly meetings. on Monday, September 24. The call to` wor= ship was read and, hyrnn'270• sung. ` 'r • A PRIVATt`INC+ imero LIF utoit N` OU itrow7,477,7 • • Vet; Security costs so little v•then yoU .00e: money Is iuoronteed 'by the... CAN'T OUTLIVE' YOUR .111COMEI STARTING AT•iii • I DS:Oddment •of Labour, Ottawa. (POttoge Free) Men 18.90 31.44 Women 22.08 28.08 38.80 49.88 26 nXii 26.20 MY halt(' isi 30 35 38.80 41.88 40 Odle whenAisnuitY to I 1 sillfANCH. bete • a e Salvation,, my Presents. A . • IN' THE TOWN HALE,;, 1UCKNO at „3:,00 P.m:, featuring The Barton Citizens' Band, Hamilton, Outstan ding `music by.y"top,' musicians, featuring one of, Canada's most ,outstanding cornetist, . , Lieut. and Mrs.• Kirby, Wingharn, . � offi c rs in charge, Cowattetnet PANAIUAINT LEGION, .•WLr EDAM IN THE WINGHAM ARENA tember at 9:00. p.m.. •' , OVER. $800 IN CASH PRIZES S ,c al'for $500 '; 3 Specials- for 50 16 Regular Gaines or $1.00 ,• First. Ringo on Arena's, New Marble Floor. 7,• SIXTH SERIES GO. ON SALE • OCTOBER • l Sth Back .of the Government's decision 'to offer. a Sixth Series of 'Canada Savings Bonds is a determination to. en-, courage personal "as an important and constructive influence in helping to stabilize the Canadian „economy at this time.. a.. ,1 of Canada, like other' .nations of the free' .world; is -acting in the realization that survival requires the nation to re -arm. An ever increasing share. of our national production' is being :devoted. to this purpose. N THIS cIRCUMSTANCE, PERSONAL SAVING 'BY • CANADIANS TAXES ON 'AN Ariligr) IMPO4TANCE. The terdis of the.$ixtriesmake-tlie-ne-*--lbond-the-----. most 'attractive security .of its kind. yet offered:, Canada Savinis Bondi pay,ik E.itar. rite of 'interest than anY.Othei investinent .that is '''rtiediately.'cashable atany at its full , face value.. PEOPLE ),Nr171(1. SEEM LUCKY TeDAY BOUGHT CAN415A.SAVOIGS BONDS YiSTE*D utt •