The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-20, Page 7TI URS;:: SNFTENfBER. 20th, 1,951 j TRANSPORT' DAMAGED 11N KINLOSS 'TOWNSHIP" .• Q 4 THE LUCKNOW. EE.NTINEL, LUCK�TOI?. , ONTARIO • PAGE SEVEN A taetor trailer Owned. by the Hayward :Trnsport Company of Milton, and driven :by 1VLr Har old Fiti:patric of Hamiltgn was • damaged to ttie extent :of $1500 :When it left th'i high. way in Kin- loss Township about. 1.15 •a:m. on Wednesday. It appears. that Fitz- • Patrick was' proceeding •east on -the 8th . •Cpncession,, near the Holyrood Road,,, when for some: reason he appliedthe brakes too vigorously and, the.- big machine jack-knifed and plunged •into the ditch; Fortunately the• driver Mir- . •aculously..escaped injury but, the :cab.. section• of thee vehicle. was completely., wrecked: The mishap NGS. :investigated by Constable 'f ugh..R•utherford of the Walker- -ten detachment • of the Walkerton Herald-Tirries. t. Paterson' Repeats Beii�ve i� .Underlies 6reenac�- ��a�np Claims "Ctalky Farm. Is Best Site ,For Test Driiis In ,Kinloss Township. . ; . Vancouver, B,C., . ` September 3rd, 1951, Dear. Editor: I have read with interest your comment on •oi .activity now tak- ing,.place in Bruce County and 1; want'. to add what I' can to en- cou•rag.e ,any such attempts to de- velop. what 1: believe • will he. a major source of, revenue in the Old Horne County,. •. I should, have liked more than anything else at.the time 'to have' been able . 'to have the necessary development done, but the On - v If you wish to arrange for additional listings in the alphabetical. section, or to make- any :•last-.' minute changes in your present listings, please Beall your Telephone' Business Office today. THE BELL TELEPHONE tario Government .• seems to be .deterjrr ed to prevent any .c ec velopment that ,require$" the co operation of individuals in way to insure success, for it rs an expensive business and one that requires determination and team work to .an: unusual degree, •.and the .co-operation ` of the govern- -merit in ; any honest, intelligent .effort to test but these areas.• 'From my.. investigation extending, .. over months.I,arrr convinced that. Ontario ';wi11 ye' `produce a bar- reh, of oil for, every. ',gallon 'that has been produced in the last 80.. years, •Wand : the •proportionate. amount of. 'gas. As: the laws are. nqw, only Companies like' the Imperial ' Oil • Co. •that have the capital can comply • with them. You Mention the :Green ek' 'Swamp and it ,will demonstrate' what I .would like to emphasize,.' as I. believe thatit. is •the',largest and; most productive : area' for many miles. .rounds. If you .will : take a 'large; scale . map 'Of,. Bruce- County you • will-. find that instead of the 'Greenock.' • Swamp .being in a low area as: '' you would. expeety .. trr :water ,courses prove that.''it is thetheight ,of ;land' in a very remarkable way':The,^S.warnp' is' on the.. top` of a great anticline and. it i's in, these anticlines that the oil 'and.: gas deposits are found almost, ex elusiveI't„and..What +ea l --",Gree ology" for: wan t' of a better nam one aspect '.of this ` quest for oil that ,is very Much neglected., If .• you look. at "'the. 'map of `Ontario with this: Idea in mind, you will discover that the Whole' • • southwest peninsula. is a ,great .anticline,. the Great Lakes are in Synclines or the lakes would not' he. there: They' are not. erosions, they are 'in synclines;' and- taking: this line " of. evidence it • makes this area . one that should 'be one. 'of' .the 'best to :prospect in for •oil and. gas I know about.. Then look for anticlines .on this great. anticline ; and one .:ot .the .best. means •of doing. so isto note carefully the trends, of 'the `creeks. to begin with. It . will eliminate ' . a ,great deal of the eai'ea at. `once COMPANY OF CANADA: as not being the . best'in which • • _ to prospect Now the Greenock Swamp .is• �" there because of the escarpment' of. the .structure :confining ' the waters arid holding thein ' there but the 'swamp could be drained ;hy •cuttin_ • throu'• h • o z rn tp o fT1 4, 10 • 40 0 PO 0 nl .61:7•Z' Lrear7Fr'en.... .71 frrer rn ERTIFICATE ment and allowing 'the Wafer:, to. ' escape, making;thiS Whole ',area the , Most wonderftlt farm' land besiaes Containing' the itiOsrfaV- orable area. in BrUce County to prospect for. oil and gas. Ir! my' inVestigations -in Bruce Cdtinty eStirnation was on what wai then. the' joe Conley land perdss the, toad frorn where he lived •at that .0n -iodating of Men, then handl:- ing the express for :the railwaY. looking for, a...good Area On Which to drill a. well. I do not feel like necessary to carry':,,on an oil ife-. wOuld like: to, ,dO what I can ,to to. apist in any way , gan to inake .0ruce County the pro- ducing area which I think it can ;become. This .•.new cementing, technique in the oilfield.s' has re-' duced the hazard'of this oil and ously till noW' the. and gas ,there yOu can be. reason- ablk :eiree of making it available, It used ;to be" that keeping 'the formation WO the, gt'eatest all those that are :really, Making, an honest effort te' prospedt• 'Bruce 'County the whole hearted peCially the land 'owners, for I:0 have. !even one, small well pro.' ,ducing oh your land makes a: wOnderful income :without any effort on the :Pak Of the laid. owner but takes' a great deal Oh a Principal "and interest 'uncon • 4.. Authorized investment fcir Trust. •; 6. Arnounts 61' $100.00 and up mai by invested THE ERLING T eoliPORAtioN 372 Bai St., ,Toronfo 01.11 SIsZ 6<1 rn CI) 4-4 ock 8—\-VaMi.) f area tested out in my time. would like very much"' tp be there tO .assist what I can in the development, 1433 Nelsen Street; 'VancouVer,' B, • Mr. 'and Mrs; 'Daniel. Gordon ;Webster, of F.'ort Credit, announCe tor, Etinide ' Mary, to Donald . MacLeod arid the 'late Mr...Alexi ander job» 'MacLeod . of Port