The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT • .• • •FIRST GAME 'CIF PLAYOFFS, WAS RAINED ,OUT 4' A • . 4 4Ieavy rains last Friday •Waah-: ed out the first game of the Luck- now-Wiarton playdown series in the Big Ten. The two -Out -of -three : set was moved back over the hol- •iday with the first gall* Slated. for the Lucknow diamond last night and the, return go in Wiar-, • ton. on Friday. • • -, • " * * • .LABOR DAY .TOURNAMENT WAS. BIG SUCCESS vveatherman has been un-, to local bowler,s this season ••but made amends on Monday tiy providing perfect weather for the' Club's armual Labor Day ,Mer- chants' Tournament. • A prize draw Was held for two Watches and a stirling., silver • • • 'bowling glass:The lady's watch was won by Mrs: Ed. Nash ;of. ••Wingharri and. the. man's Watch •• by Rod Black of •Idicknow. The, ;glais *On. by Mrs; Russ Wheeler': of Goderich. • •, , • Eighteen rinks ,competed in e afternoon and, &ening •bowli g event with 15, rinks getting'. into the" ••money as 'follows: Dr. Hall,. ,Goclerich; 3 'Wins plus 14; Elwell Webster, ' Winghan-4, 3 plus 10; •• . Wallace Miller , arid Austin Sol:- ' . onion, 2 plus ••16; Isaac, arid: Alex McNay, 2. plus ,13; ,M. 'Reid; Seaforth, 2 plus 13; H:..Vbc1deri,' Blyth, 2' plus .114 'G. Muir, Sea - :forth, :2 Axis 11; G. Baechler, • • •Goderich,,..:.2 plus ..7.; • H. Curning and • Weil. McCoy, .2 plus R. • FinlaysOn • arid S. C. R,atlitwell '2 •*,. • , plus, :4; Fisher :and. H. Web,' • .ster 1 plus 12; G-arf MacDonald • , and Fred Jackson, 1 plus .11; W, 11". Johnston ; arid George Huston, • • 1 plUS ,6; , Harvey, Treleaven and; . ••Rev G. S.13aulch,1 plus 2. Har; old Treleaven. and Mike Sander- son, 1 ' • • • • .. ugh ••• Harold Creer have (been doing oro -ie unipiring and have been in Goderieh three. tiMes _lately,' 'brie • 'of the games'at Which' theY••0,f-: • fiCiated: was the St.. Joseh-Port Albert playoff which Pott • Al- bert worit4 to 13 in a late raily Grant ' Chishoirri." Was on: the. rnound for Port.. * ' . •,•• • 1s • Your • Subscrii)tton. Paid`i • „ '1114MARMISkrolM, TAKaiipmiikimilugmarimw • .e • , WOIC,NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOWt, ONTARIO' oo• • Ey.ELY . DAHLIAS '- 1 N THE NEWS At this season of the year it will be a•few minutes well sperit on the part- of, any._ local floWe."', is a chip off the cad block. Young lover or• vegetable grower who Carrick, like .hrs.. father, is a takes" time out to', Visit the $pac- soiiilipaw. 1n A recent • game long' grounds Of the Bruce Coun- against ^HanOver he chalked up ty Home for .the Aged. ' A n� -hit, perfoririance, The dahlias are again in bloom, and although not yet at their best there are some.,beatiti- Bab Carrick, 16 -year-old pitch- er for the Clinton Lions Midgets, • RcY anellVira. •Glen EinersOn & family Of Stratford have taken up residence, on the farm' form- • erly pccUpied by' the Jate Mr,„, and. • Mrs., Aridrew'' ErnerSbn 'tor' ,oyer half •a century. We Welcorne the young%.1.COuple and' their ,family to our corinnimity• •• • Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Barnes and daughter have. mOvedito the McDonald farm on the 12th •COn, •• Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor,• •; Gale and Garry of Edmonton Sz the latter's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Victor Whitley Of "Hamilton, also Mr. and Mrs. Isaa6 Nixon arid family pf,•13elfast were visitors at. the hoine of Mr, and John Eineron last week, also Hilda Emerson.• .• • '•• Th el IiiilOugh; • Presbyterian Young People met at the. horrie Margaret Robertson last Monday night '1VI.r JOhno ;Lane addressed the Meeting. ••• heavY rain on:Friday •af- $T LENS A \ The ladies are reminded pi the meeting of the 'WOrnen's Institute .to be held at 'the borne 'of Ali's, t• jcarmnoeosn,C.urran• this Thursday af-, • Mr. and Mrs. S. McIntYle and Donald were ivisitors With Mr. and Mrs. W. I. 114illor beforo leaying for their. new. 1ome. at jx.Wac:•braircieges.orrY'' repot• that THurts., SEPTEMBER 6th; 151 • •• • Z I ON nn.neMictiihsof.opEir ut;.anasiewere,:-Ipklep.l.ernne.dofTwitheivrti: visitd. Miss Carol alkel Euni, . • • Madelaine Bogie as tacher.'''" r. arid Mrs. Earl Swid, boys visited 1VIr. and Mrs: Jac.. Swan Of Bervie on Sunday, • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil cane spent .the wek-end in Sarnil with Mrs. John Quaid and also fill specimen to be seen with plVt;tsi.en(tRienv.t)h.eS:GE04.1!iachWI:larodspIsitaia. 'iicalled ie on t 1,11ertr. olairia, '1‘?frs.' Ieifii sorine of the "bloonis measuring Master Terry wilson spent a Mr. and Mrs.. HarrY Wilkins cf •ten And .tyvelive iriches in diam- few days last week with his COii$'" Paisley visitd. with lrr. and NI - eter.; The flWers- are also in • various colors, of, white,. pink in *Master. ,Jimmy•-' Wilson at Charlie' Wilkins ' tor the weerl:'. _ wniehureh, • . , ,, • , ,......-, nd. Maroon, many. times of red and erods'inpes •of theSe gorgeous, ston; -W., is num, *Miss Florence Stuart ofEvan- an- Mr' inci AN ' . Jack cl. a visitor' With 1V1iSs , carc31 motored to Maltan •airport .. yelloW ‘ and varigated andV , ..- --rs ,..akier f34' fall-fIOikrer Piants are US •be,seen. e M:'C,f and Miss :W.11 Rutherr and Met :their. Iter t , These dahlia beds are the special' ford. • : :` •• • Panier ; frorn California who is care of bit, d.old. Evely who stays • Mr... and Mrs. D, J.. McIntosh visting • with tlierri. . • • at the home and he has made a •of St, Catharines, Mr, an rs Mr. and Mrs, Gorden Kirkland in • his work. In the years helms is owers pfartih off .11,61...tth fAi Trieriaf. and an wxiSterr7eket4swsvaiitrihlveemy lArsreivrig:bp•bovries,6istnoctbnrot•mhlaer:rst:T.r:/ea:;i•Trringr:Id 'w.Mtiotr:;mate.r17a0,da.ttmerrsh01Ri_ turrrUlated a wealth of knowledge • :Mr and Mrs. RO'bert Moore, knows the names. and peculiar, . and has had wonderful SuccesS Stratford, were visitors with Mrs, deyotecl to 'his.liebby he has ac- end. • • • as well as hundreds of varieties • Margueriie, 13elf-er10 and John of special study of ities Of • each and every one of. i•IYebb, , . • ci da:mia culture ,Neely ,:rodd, pay, an ane ° w eids Mr . 13.tcoanum c in D Todd for the holiday week girls spent the week -end , with • George 1-Iiinter. ing to the infestation :of some of Lois and Ruth Webb; equal to -last year's display ow_ i attend. High School this year are :m7ivioar.apnddiiivirrz Wil spent e.r•tolien Among those students. ,who will Joan For-:• his plants. Although perhaps not . 7 • the flOwers by the little dahlia. stre Cryl' McCrostie Margaret 'beetle,. the, plOti at the °Me.' i1 . , harvesting ternoon' has ielaYed " • " • f ig • c o , - g , M•11 , fOr„the, holiday week-eind-. ' well • worth a visit and Will pro- vide a ' thrill f 1 : McQuillin IQ' Whigharri ' Distrid -of "••Mr. 'and Mrs. John. ',Cameron urra, $21 g.' "! MacPherson, of Zion and Mrs 13 b -Pante of McNeill; MtirraY ' Gaunt, ? Ivan •and Carol Of Detroit Were guest %/lb!, 'M; and .1Vir„s. Rex ...Stward Pf •at• the home. -worth being seen is AP-nP• Todd: arid ,Wilma • • ••' - Another part of grounds a. c.ne,.Oro San s• joonse: conatIli,fyor..nvo:zei, ra'r•-•.',1' ,. MillartOn YiSited .ai •the 'mine Of to LuCknow Distri t H S, 4' • ' t ' IVI • e vee a e garden. This is the I Tr)e.troit. 1,•r.* andMrs.: Horace MC- I Miss Margaret MacPher.soil i • • , :. ' 'r . another man .ho reSides' there: • Iliqndisas?rWinniireel McFarlane. 1,., • , .--. In ths. big • garnn • may be soen,01-4±.e. aed SIlli'reY Anne of Lori- a • visitOr. in Detroit this week. end family vited with Mr; ad: Mrs. -Gordon S. obo of Teeswate? last week, , • • •Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and • • any over 9 • • operations in 'this . neighborhood flowers , Jean Mcbuillin • •Norman Mrs John Ga d r nei and Carol for some time • • • •" • • ' • " I Jim • Bowdin, 'Of Mrs: LOrne.W008 ar4el Mrs: lefrrl',. nted.'Mr;:ent. visitOrs .with • 1VIr.and Mrs: Wark•Schk41.1-ina Mr. and MrS. Edbert 'Bus. ell. on speial. care of Sidney Crane, trirned, horre- after Spending sample•S' of beets, :carrot, onon;• • ouple f months' • ' t Mr arid Mrs• E J Thom • an " cl. Marilyn of Linda c . 9 .the home, oes and' other vegetables of . 4. • thern at any, fail Mrs.. Mel /3roWri of; Waterloo liaye drew gaunt last .week. • • • • • • • • • 13 •. 'e • • ' . • Mrs Alex Mui doe and obby, were „uets of Mr. and MI of Mr. ,Wrn. Burt: . s h , k • 1VIrs.. Myrtle Stringer of Cal- gary IS Yisiting,. her sister,Mrs. Sam EmersOn. Mr. and '.MrS. Will 13uShell of fair. The product, of the; gardn,' •• •• . ' • • • Which is an extensiVe' plot, pro, • vides for the rieecls of old•peOple Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs.•1y Web- Siiprintondent and Ster, Wayne., and :Brian Of Len- has family throughout the: year..1 don, Mr' Ardell Mason Mr_ crane takes ;great pride ini of Ripley and :Carolyn Forster ins vegetabiepint; and ',that' he .1 were • SiSitors Witli'Mr:' and Mrs; spends a "gbod deal of his tine Donald Mccosh on Sunday. ' at work there is evidenced by the 1- bountifulharvest and by the fact that not a weed is Visibie between the • neat rows: '• • '• Theis two., Men, • nw' nearing! Che' evening. •of life, ' are ,,to coininended for their efforts keeping ' Mind and bocIY .actively occupied . in ' luerative, •hobbies. rather than .Whiling • Away their': hours in Mundane • idleness -AS .is so frequ,ntly the: ion Herald,Time.'• . mimummamilmamikOmpoussiminalmummiummoommomiummumm. "; • • '• II • • on • no: • . • f.1 ori 1 o (/ o••"•' • 1.4 ''i''''.;,...,....'•',• -i .',, , • n','•,...,,-.., , e . 1 • sn, . , , • •;.,..,i • ,..,.,:, ,,. .. • . v , ,.;',' ,,•'',;-'",- .,... • , tt;T " ':. :, ''', • . '• .' ' #;• . ' ' , 0: . "t . 1, 0, ,0 . 0 ' ': it4t'' ,i'+' 1,• ':It< . Wr ' ' T3' :.1 4.' : ` , • ,.1 ' ' 11,1 ' , ,..v., •' 4 ' . • Y. . . 7, ,' # Ji• . • • i f.1.1 v ''' :. Ir..' 11 , , , • '.. • 9 ' '„,'Y ... ', , • • I ..i. . .!':.. :. .1 • • 4 ,'. . • ,,.' ...,,Ti..,,t.: * .• ,, ‘• *';: ',.). "'' .,, ,,. t. ,'.. .' , , ..'--,i.',r • "' ,;1 , ': ; . ' .;. i, r• ; •.: ••,* • • •:f.st r„.o.- t,10, .; •• ••• • ir • CITING LEGISL VON • • • . •.° ' • (Dept. of Lands and Forests) at , 4. • • 1951 CHEV. Belair Hardtop Convertible, 2 tone in midi', air • conditioning undercoating custom radio and Many • , extras. • • al 1950 PONTIAC 'SEDAN. • 1949 CHEV. DELUXE SYLELINE. SEDAN, eustont. radio, in • • • air conditioning. In 1949 CHEV FLEETLINE COAC11.4 • . 1.949 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. . • i Nt II' 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN. . 11 ii 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE, COACH, with custom radio and . • •e III • . . many extras. no • 194 us• • air conditining. • gno __„.. in 1947 PurtiTIAC SEtoAN. 1947 CHEV. COACH. ' • • is 1941 CHEV. COACH. ri 196 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. no 1935 CHRYSLER SEDAN, 8 PONTIAC FLEETLINE COACH, enstoM radio .and • 1941 DODGE' COUPE. • 1939 CHEV.,SEDAN.° 1936 -DODGE $gpAisl. naa• *. SPECIALS THIS WEEK . • 1947 CHgv. SEDAN • ▪ 1?36C111EV. COACH 4• • 1948 ,CHEV. STAKE: TRUCK. -- $1,150 •$100.00 . nNEV1/4/,' CARS* , • . Chev, Pontiac, Buick, Olds, 'Ford, Meteor - .1 :Apprthdinatly 24-hottr Service 'wth -choice ok ecdors. ' • REGULAR LIST PRICE •; • • ' •, • . Some'. years: ago; the • Ontario Begislature passed an. act' • en- titled. , !`Tree;.Conse6ation, Act", This .act permits .a. County topass ,a by-law to regulate the ci.1Miig"655fiecl, wood - lots, with: !thegovernment. Senving, the right to approve the rgulations. act. was 'passed, woodlots. 'were, . being, stripped of all trees,.anct•in most. cases a barreolivastelanifwas left. The. resiiit Arai that erosion be4 Came prevalent; soil Was 'washed" away; -sterile •gullys foriried; :water; :tables were lowered; .• and inany ,other disastrous reSUlts fol- ' 19 ed the .stripping of the bush • '1\1,0 :one like'.governmetit strictioriS; but • When. . faced With the facts, one of importance stands- OutHtht;.inost. woodlots • are being. badly manaed. Mizell is being ,done' by the Departnient of Lands and Forests ,in eduat:• . in the nubile0 beii- woodlot. 4iariagernnt, but there is ,a • fain type Of persOn'' whO thinks• only of his personal financial. •gain. '• • • Most of the counties • in Wet, en Ontario have paSSed hs: to. control cutting privately owned 'woci,dlots, . All .the- dount, !es'in the: Huron District', ,Which include the; folloMng . Brant, Waterldo; Wllington', Went - Worth, 1Halton, • Oford, Tittnith, •t,Wuce and Grey haYe, Pased by-laws. The County and the *names' of :the Tree commissioners may be obtained • from the county clerk, agricui, fur -al replresentatiVe s.or the Zone 1-Foreste rtisse s Motors "the Rome i lIetter Used Care', • n• •.easho. Trade, Ite*s Evenings tintil 10 •; ; %ities Service Dealer - • Thole .1$1•0' Brussels .0111. • .1 •• • • . • • • 4. t't0i • • • • • i • , • • ." • PO our ieterestng,tested milk recipe, write:• DAIRY FOODS • • SERVICE 8URAiJ 49 Horori:"Stiret, TOronto •Keep tin with clasSes andafter. class fun • drinyings plenty . of Na.ttirc's boSt • ' fotl• • Ali1k. •.• • 1-1t's nPurihnicrit. iir: aglass! Afilk gives:. - „ proteins tninee0-1.8,". iinportarit for.O.Pat • ; growtit'ap!' vitality. • T.ty Milk these efreshIng. wa ' creamy nil td' , . and s101es; thocokteottariy• , • • tiavotir ponredAer •4iice3 or fresh ".n Pot-ral food idhlo", • at littlC cos, you' , ‘• • , can't beat