The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 4PAGtE' FOUR VW, 111417-11WW7.10110 • 0 ..-7:wwwdliwietwitnoRarwir-c - • • • , •0. , THE .„.,UCKNONO. SENTINETA. iiICKNCW, ONTARIO) , "WANT Air ,S ---1st 'Insertion, 2 cents a. ivorci,. subsequent • -insertions 1 cent a word. 'Minimum. charge '25cents.•Replies: care, of The Sentinel 1() cents extra*. Legal advertising' . 10 cents per. *count line first insertion 5 cents per line aubteqUent insertions. L.OST—coat and•broWn .siireater, rindei please. ,leaye at ;Sentinel • Office; • ".* •••• • 'WAITRESSES WANTED—full or 'Part" time job.'- Appry. to Chin's Restaerant,.',.. -• !,. -• PPS•FOR SALEL--collie. pups,. ,.good.heeling.stack. George . 1-R: 2, Lucknow, • FOR SALE--Dawibul Seed wheat, , Apply to Allan Miller, R. 1, Luck - now, phone 42-r-11. •FOR SALE—Rock pullets, ready • to lay, Peel of Port Berry Special , • laying 'breed'. Torrance' Anderson,' 'R. LticknoW. . • • " • , . • .; FOR' .SALE -1951 , Dodge 4 -door sedan4 undercoated, air conditiOn•- • irig, will sacrifice. Phime 211-r-13 • Liickrioir or 587-W Walkerton. . . . PULLETS FOR SALE 51:1D New tamp x Wyandotte pullets, nine • weeks old. C'rawforcl's Chick • • , Hatchery, Phone 165, Lucknow. FOR SALEzicenient septic tanks, , approved by•the -Health Unit. We deli•ver Ahern. :Forster's:. Welding Shop, 'phone LuCknow. 1. PRIVATE' SA of •houtehOld. effects. Including kitchen' stave, • chairs tables 'bed's - dishes' etc. .Anyon,e interested call at Bert • • Ward's residence: • • • FOR SALE in Kirilough, 1 kitch- en range in good condition, with wartmitig closet • and.;tank. Good 'baking oven, qven, wood burning. Mrs. J.' 1V1cLeae, Box '109, Kinicar-. • . • • 'dine, plit'tne,36rVir. . t!' .YOR SALE ' --. 6-roonihouse in . - -''"Keeswater, Ontaro, white block board, freshly „. decorated 'inside . ,iand out, • insulated, oil heated, . shade trees, garden,' desireable, • .. harne, immediate possession, feas- onable. Mrs, J. H. Newman, BoX 357, Teeswater,-, Ont: • . , ... ' CATTLE •ASTRAY—several ,head . . of ' cattle, .have strayed to the : 1 , premises of the • undersigned: °weer may have sameby prov- ing property- and paying. ex- penses,-. "Lorne .MacDonald, -R: 2, .: LuCknovv. ' ' • - •-„,.;'..,..,-. . . •: -, - ' . .. ,:-/e,, , •"di tt •4 44 • , 't 4 . — •41:0!.- t!" ' , 414 ' • • C. *0 / • 6: ,. • . ,t „, • • , ; t Vo01, CARD Of: T•HANIS • . • , „.• .I wish to :thank all the frie cls' who sent gifts and eards .while was in hospital, also the Fruit, Market 'and' the' St. Peteet W. A. for:the fruit •basketi.; They were very "'ranch' appreciated! ••Sincerely, 'Y'vontie • M..' Rider.'1 • . KINGSBRI , E* 1Vliss Eileen Wallace 'and "Joe Reid 'spent the, holiday with Mr. ad Mrs. Jim Wallace, Mr. and Mrs Art Ribar and M. and Mrs,' Vete Vogt spent the Week -end with John L. and Frank 'Sullieakl, • • Blaise Martin, j•Cte .and tririlMy were in Hamilton for a few, days.... ' Mr. Nick' Perry and Tommy Jimmy White are spending a few' days with garl' Dreneate. . ;Miss ,T9nY.Dalton Vas. a• week end visitor .withNiri. and Mrs..1 Ry Dalton.. - • .. • 'Mrs. Bridget &Wier, 'visited her friends this past Week. • • Kitt, -Keir'and Miss E. 'O'Keefe are' vititing..Fr4nic Dal - Mr; and .Mrs,'. Mike Martin OBITUARY 1 spent the holiday with ,his. bre- there NaCe ,Martin., • ' • 'REV.' JAMES " SCOBIE E' The . last issue of the United • Church Observer had the 'follow- • . • • FOURTH CONCESSION ing eb#UarY q Rpv. Sconie; ' a 'A ' jarge numi;er tcok admaii_ ,. , fanner minister at Whitechth erCh, taee qf e hils -trict to ,Toronto 1. whose death occurred early this, last Wedneaday. . • • - year: ' -- • • . • , Mrs. Duncan Graham spent last week with relatives at St. Thom - Ilk", James ScObie was the: elth as. She 'came back • with Mr. and Thom - est son of 'William Seobie and . t. : . • Anne Fitton, he was MiOrchardAnd two children . born Oct:, ..._. . F.___at , M 'r ". ' - ober 28th,, ,1879, gt Blackford, :who Visited at M. W Perthshire,. Scotland, He ,attend- P'gnald''S'. ed thelOcal school and then 'sem:, Miss Margaiet :MacDonald has , ed 'his apprenticeship in his fat,h- .gone to her new school atSar- ers carpenter shopWhile' stilnia; Miss •Christine ' ThOMPabn to: '. l • a young. manhe Was permitted Oshawa,. Mr.: Graham MacDon'al.cl: .. to tako. gang's _o.f., carpenters to to • Petrolia -ancl‘ Mr.. Murray neighboring, tovrtii.' and estates, Thompson to Wihc1S°r: . . At wh • .. Fourteen' pupils will be Wait - thus • relieving his father, 9 ing ..at , the corner - for the bus wait - was ,4.1e9 an eider in the United Free Church of -Scotland, and an this year active . y..11;c.A; leader.. Dui,jh a ..Me. Rod MacDougall was able visit:94- MoollY and $erlieY•at the to ride out to his. son Lloyd's last . , .:. . : little • village' Of : .Auchterarder., Tuesday,- ..- • • - ' James ' Seobie decided to. enter Miss Scott of Kincardine Will the ;Christian ministry For For se‘er, be the new teacher 'in our school . eral years he worked at 4lis car' this year ,„ penter trade, during he •day, and Mrs. George Gilchrist is slowly far into the' night` pursued hisknPrOing• ' ' ' •.'• , . • 61, G. ALAN' WILLIAMS 0 A. -et t • p om Office on Patrick. t, Just' ,Off. the Main St. In ' '.WIN011AM • • Professional Eye Examination' Optical Services • Evenings by. appointment, Phone:. Office' 770; Res. O. 1 J9HN$TONE'S FUNERAL.-iitoME:, 'Phone '16 Day or Night • Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME' ' At NO Extra best ! 1 ▪ Moderate 'Pres +/'• . studies. ' Ite went to 'Glasgew for. further preparatory courses...' .,..,,, _,., .,. : In September, 1906, he emigrated r''' T.); Mildred '(Mrs. 'S.' I.... Frai7 :'illewdale,Ont), Janet (Mrs, to• -Oanacla, ‘artd: in an exception- er, 911; ally cold winter took '.charge of aSmedley; Deep River, Ont), a, student ' mission : field at lvic:' and Mitchell (Peace River," Al= Taggart; Sask.. Ills work here not berta), , and 'eight grandchildren. enlY Prospered, but he "learned. There were among thase. pres- .. . the, iceriadian language". Further' ent 0 *1e. funeral some who had study followed at Manitoba Col- 199Wn him for forty years, ever' since :the 'Prairie Years. Of few men- could :it be more truly sad lege'. during'. the winters, with , • , . k• • tDb and Grayson, .near Qu_Appeue. that his walk' and his talk were .' Hia . In the Indian Head .dittriet. he with Godlifewas gentle, also founded. the SuiinY '' South ' but he possessed an indomitable field and served Odessa 'and Lily spirit While While he• •PractiOd the presence...of God, he'so profound- GLVn. .After eradtiation 'he 'Wet ifidainedWineiPeg rin March, ly-Laffeeted those among whom. • 1. : • • , • .• ..t'•""?...; • „ , • pil. appOintment to Fill:. worked' that. they . knew'for a :Certainty that salong as.Jarnet f COOEiie hved;•,-a .ory•surVived, the decencies, good- ness; loving kindness and the ehritt-like spirit would not pass from the earth. - • • ' • NOTICE more, Sa • 'ed is: Mar ,RE. ACCOUNTS riage°, to eby L Mitchelle.„.o : .All accounts, owing The -Market 13randen, Man, Their, joint min istry Store, I-mekrictw, Must .be Paid ori was greatly blessed; f°1' -'she proved a tower of strength in . or before Saturday,. September . , „ ; all his Work • 'es • 15th. Accounts are. payable . at - • ' • 'Market. • , Mr. Scobie returned witti „his 'The : • - • wife and family to his native vill AttENtwiiir. pAR.mTR§I. age ScOtland early in: 1914,: • . . HenrY Amoneit pays top'c.,priee for dead or disabled.animais Day Or night and 'Sericlay . pick- up Driver pays cash at thneof. pickun. Phone c011eet, 'Clifford' , 39.: Also buy oH hogs..a.t. $1.5.00 . per cwt.- For further information • ....See me each Wednesday .at Luk - now COlinntin 4Y' S:** • • NOTICE. TO -CREDITORS , , In the Estate of 'Elizabeth! Martha Arabella Crawford:. •• ••• • • • • • . • A 1.1 persons having elai/Ins aaainst the estate of Elizabeth ,Martha Arabella Crawford, late Of ., the Village ef DurigannOn,,in the coUnty of Huron,. Widow, de; cea.§-ed,- -Who died on or '!--about „ the 24.th day of ,June_ /951,:are • hereby notified to sndin to the undersigned Executor on or ',be- fore the 2 -5th day of Septernber, 1951, "ftill, Particulars . of their • Immediatelyafter the 15th day of 'September, 1951, the asset•be • "the estate willbe distributed • „ areongat • t h 0 parties tItitled thereto, having regard' ply to the claims of which the Executer shall then have notice. . Dated at Lucknow, Ontario this 27th dayof August, 1951. , .• , John R. Micab, Lucknow,lortt-• ario„ Executor." • , .R. 'W. • 'Andre*, hit Solicitor herein. • • • r • -• • where' he both 'preached and as - gated his aging father' at the carpenters bench. UpOn hisye- Anrii t� Calla& he Was called. to the Maxwell, Fevershain and Mc2 • IntYre field .in Grey C,ountY. He reorganized the field;-. rerriodelA ling:a pioneer house for a' manse,. .,4fter which.he was called.tOthe Maitland...Presbytery, He served seven Years at Whitechureh .and Langside,' and six years in the neighboring field of BelgraVe and Brick Church, Huron Presbytery. He built manses at both White- church ' arid • Belgrave. In July, 1931; he was called to the Con.- gregatipii of :First and. St. And-- few's Westminster Township, in Presb,ytery.Retiring in 'in June,' .1949,; he spent a year visiting the Peace River CeuetrY. With his *ife,' and returned to make his. home with his datigh ter in Willoirdale, near. Termite. , Failing 'health brought hTh to •the ehcl of hi 8 earthly pilgrim- age, ,February 27th;, 1951. ; Bit fueeral Affis held in the Chapel of St. orge's 'United Church, Toronto, March, 2nd,' the service being ConduCtecl by the Very Revy• Willard 113reiving, assisted by Rev. HoWa'rcl Diekinton of Deep, River. Ihterment 'toOk plebe at York demet6ry, Lansing. He left tO bleSs hi rnemory, his .urido.*; 'our ehildren, Jean (Mrs. D., Anderson, Velldwknife, MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral Home Available) AMBULANCE SERVICE (Day or Night Service) " FURNITURE 'Phone 181 Lucknow, Ont (Day or Night) ws Agency Howard Agnew Jost Agnew MBER, .OF • Ontario Insurance . Agents' ASSOciation 1 . • , GENERAL INSURANCE , 'Established Over 30 Years Ago ' Telephones Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE 'Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile • 'TX-IIMOAt6th,. • , PR. T. B. .CLELAND[ VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south. re.f SuPertest Garage • • •••14V,Cill'Olif • Telephone 175 7 • $4— gUSINES"S, Et.nd, TAX. SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS • ,rot • ., SMall Merchant,. professiOnal Man and the 'Farmer. , .,.„ PYMM • .r.q. Box '14 - Lucknovv, Ont, saffiCein Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w • T. ARMSTRONG 'OPTOMETRIST GODERICH' , FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone1100 • For , • Appointment or Inforthatiori • , See • Wm.. A; •Schmid, ' 'Phone 167-W 'Lucknow , ; 77— . Insure In Sure Insurance.. ' • WIND Western Farmers" 'Weather .' • :FIRE :Howick .Fairnere.,. Mutual Car, Accident, SickneSs, ' . . • 'COnstO JOHN OARRISH 'Phone ' LuOknoW • INSURANCE CASUALTY, ' AUTOMOBILE ...AN15 LIFE To Protect Your jAck., ,Inatire With Jack Today..-: McDONAqi • R. .1'4.. '3, ILlicknoW, • Ont. „ 'phone 61-5, Dungannon 1 • C 6 ' ' • 4 ••6 -- .6. • ServiCe and Satisfaction issimtbing ,1 and eating New Automatic Oil Furnaces Installed—Now in Stock ' FURNACE' REPAIR'S FPA: Fixtures & Repairs SEE' THE, OIL .RANGES • EAVETROUGHING AIR CONDITIONING , .R..3,-11UCICNOW • , '1"hone. 61-r-13) Dungannon Insure Witii he Culross Mutual rtuE itNSCRAITCE CO, ' fOr , ..Reasonabl rates; sound pro- tection & prorppt, $atisfaetor3i • settlement of ••claiing, .PARISH MOVFAT Vein. Local, Agent. • R. 3;t Toeswater.. • 'Phone Tieswater 57-r-41 Insurance • . Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Ecbhornioal and Reliable T. ACAMER�N' .14veKimow 'Phone 70 -r -1O EitingannO.ii , • • Kenneth J. MacKenzie R0.•. •••• • • Optometrist • LISTOTWiEL: ONT. Will.. be in Ripley ...eVeri 2nd, Wednesday at Eugene Wrort.a'a :Jewellery Store from' .3.00 , to 10 iD.rn; • ' Eyes eiamined,- Glasses fitted , For appointment 'phone. Roy 96-r-24 Ripley • • NOW IS THE TIME 'T6 ,Order A • • Threshing Machirie 3 sizes --22x32, 22x38, 28x48 Roller Bearing Complete EARL H. I-IODGINS , 441/44,1k. R. 1, ljlotYrowl, Ont. , 'phone Teeswater • Wi ANDREW — Barrister and Solicitor ,LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO.. Office i the ,,Joynt.BlOck • --TeIeTaho-t-te-:• Office 134 Residence 31-4 P Stuart.Mackeitile. . 0. • • • , • , • , Barrister and Solicitor yOLKOtTON.',..O.NTARIO . . IN LUCKNOW • Each Wednesday ' '• OFFICEIW • -IIEITDERSON puocS.-- . . ilethetingtoni,K;C• Barrister, s ir4e. , Whighani.and 'Luc.know -IN LucKNow Each MOnday and 'Wednesday .'Lobated on th(grou'ed in the frane of ' John' Kilpatrick' s Building: 'phone Wingbani Office 48 '..Reside,Oce 97 6.4:6046....c.c6:666.00.0.6=4 '