The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-09-06, Page 2At to )w SENT/11E4 I,UCKNOtyN, ONTARIO ENTINEL rip *ed. as SecOnd. Class. Mail,. PRA Office Department, Ottawa 9 Member of The C. W. Established 1073 Published Each Thursday Morning . • 41 SEPTEMBER Oth 1951 • OF LACTATION l'ESTS Maple . Le; Flossie 13utte bred HoLstein herd Of Reid?, her eighth' conseetitiVe lietaton on` 'Record of Performance 'test. milk Containing 4530 Jlas. fat, average; test 4.03 pe.rcent btitter- Seal CertifiCate of Longtime Pro - Flossie started 'en test •. as •a j.unior two-year-old and .Made her eighth record 'ag 'an eleven . year old.. She hag beery milked .t.wice daily' throughout her life• trine and in three of her lacta-' •tions qualified for the. .305 •day • ified "Very Good" in Select,. iiikr Clinton. P.U.C. has drilled' a third well to assure. an. ample :Supply,' of Water 'for' dornestic use,: A lioW of., Over '200' gallons a Minute wag Struck at' 361 feet. COnstilletion.Foreinan: "What's Riveter; '"I don't mind .tbe rat- . aan-ttalty,-ta: of the• afr. l'agl.iner: but '- the guy behind Met hums incesi- APPEAL, ENTERED BY NUDIST' CAUGHT .-AT 4mikw..ALEY berley arid charged with com- Mitting. an r.incledent, assault, has launched an appeal, .against the Sentence imposed 'on, him bY Mag•:;• fo -two years definite and two years indefinite in the Ontario refOrniatory at. Guelph, along With si:x strokes of, the strap. ApPlicatiOn has been macre by I',enoir faced four charges, pleaded guilty to two and was conVicted.On three of the counts. Doctor'. I don't like to“mention Patient: Thai's funny. .So has Once there was •a, farmer grho, raiied torn and .4 Mah who rais- ed hens,: but: no .corri. :The hens Man, agreed to Work for :the far - 'day. And 'the fairner',agreed. to • They paid each other off every time with' the ',long green . The fanner paid the • rhati 4,5:. and. the inah paid the $5 back to. the fariner for 'the ‘.five buthels. ,of Corn- which he w4eeled borne in •hiS WheelbarroW.' After' 6. "EVerYthing's gone up, arid.I re- gret intensery-to inform srOil that I Can't Work for, than $6:a 10,5, W; kiirATEICK Agneg Knox,„/Widow of the Rev.' W. Kilpatrick, passed away at Elmira on Thuriclayp August: 20rd.• She Was the eldest daugh7 ox'. -,of Gic—cletich..: After her Marriage she liyed with her hus- band, On the• varioui 'charges Of' -the United .Chureh• in Western 'Ontirio which he served :during • ter, .Mrs. Arthur E. Cooper (Mar -7, onto, and tWo-graildthildren; alio, William,. in the West. ' , 'The funeral service was held/ 'at 'the Cranston 'and Walter 'fund eral home on Sathrdayafterribon and was coriducted by ReV..How- • pallbearers were Richard .Kilpat- rick ,and Beverly HowsOn of Tor.: onto; Harvey•E'Treleaven..of .- now, Milton' Kilpatrick and H. M. . Mains ,were4laid to 'rest in Mait,• ,larid cemetery 'beside thogel Of ' husband. • 4. 4 "Daddy, don't they eVer give , "No, son. There will be storms enough . for him after the bride begins to reign". AlcOholit Husband See, in_thig_Stinday's (Septem- ber 9), isSue of' 'The' American a Weekly, celebrated real-life, mag- azine, 'exclusively .with The De- • troit• Sunday Trines, the' story of one worhan's cottrageous battle to 'rescue her.husband from alcohol': ' ism. The' Wohian offers 'five rules coholics. 'Get Sunday's Detroit 14 But .you must • understand,, that. eVerything's going up with •me too, and I regret intensely to in-.. form you.' that I can't sell you rny corn for leas than $1.20 a bushel'''. The .man' said he understood. So, the mari got -$6 'a daY arid at $1.20 a bushel ,paid the farmer the. $6 'for five btishels Of corn..Both of By and by the ,man said tO the farmer., "Things haVe gone -up still. More, •and r can't work for farrrier agreed that was. fair,,,but inidLthe Man that things Were, •going tip..still ,higher with him.' bUshel for the torn. The,' nian agreed' -that wa.s fari,, -and--both- all, the'mari wag getting $7:50 'a $1.50 a bushel for corn,,and the 'hens Were getting fiVe :bushels as Man wag getting tit) a day aricl. 'the 'farmer got•42 mbUshel and the man' gave the farnier $10 for five' blishels. And the bens kept tight on laying, even on,.Thurs, days; and the 'man tOld his wife, "Ain't it Wonderful? $10 a, And the farmer told., his. wife, btithel". And the hens kept :clucking aWay on .five, .bughels And. :the "Statisticians down wonderful? . . national income' at record' leyel&y.. And the pOli- Iticians said,: "Ain't if wonderful", and bragged that they had done .it. And everybody felt so 664 and prosperous that the main and the•Ifariner voted for the ipoliti- ,cions; and that IS hoW it Was, I 'The man got three • tiMeg much fat., the,. eggg, bid, paid three' times ' as much for hiS thoei, '`and the frilisic afraid the car ,does 'net snit US. My fiancee cannot . readh the , breaks and the Jsteering wheel: at the smile time" , s t. The 20,000ton Canadian Pacific: liner .EmpresS of France,: reg-. England and Montreal has'.been. chosen 16 Carry'. Princeig lbeth and the Duke of. Edinburgh. otCanada'..for their, tour of .this Country: Inset shows..CaPtain .B. Grant„ a veteran of 32,. years: service• with •' Canadian .i.:Pa.cific SteaniShips;, who holds the, rank :Reserve, and ,Who..Will be' in' coin4 Mand of the. vessel, on her hist; , The Einpress Will sail from, bily,erpool With the royal couple, • bee, Octob,er By .The Veterans 13enefit Act, 1951, passed at the last session of Parliament, the Government of Canada has extenddd and made aPPlicable the' provisions of the Reinstatement in Civil EmploYment Act, 1946, to all persons enlisting in the Regular Forces of Canacla after July 5, 1950, (nineteen fifty) and who serve therein for a term not exceeding three years. This provi,sion extends also to members of the Special Force who , period beginning with the dote of re-engagement. This provision extends also to members of the,Reserve Forces who after July 5, 1950, are called out for service with the Regular Farces n serve with the Regular Fbrces for a period not exceeding three ears. By,anprc1er,„in-Council passed in 1 osp under the Canada, Farces' were extended to members of the Special Force and MeMbers of the Reserve Forces who serve on' tlistrength of the' Special Force. The ji-einstatement ,provisions of ,thii 40-r hi Council have now been incorporated -in the provisions of the Veterans Benefit Act, 1951. • tinder the Reinstatement in Civil EmployMent Act' 0 discharged person may Claim -reinstatement, either verballY ° .Or *oting,. usually Within three months Of discharge in 'Canada .four '111606 If disCharged 'eversif0i. There is fhb °.soon;,'but the, employer. must be nafified in three or''fbikt. REINSTATEMENT .OFFICERS)ARE. LOCATED '•IN.LOCAL' OFFICES OF THE 4 NATIONAL. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE I. DEP9kRTME101! OF LABOUR •