The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-26, Page 1mss, rs:';• :is.. • Im , tes set !ci1 L.it• the lie silt C. le )en sed'. the' Re - the ter'-. urs: • Iter for b ,• • Ws a1 L! • $2.50 Yearly In Advance '—_. 50c Extra to U.S.A. LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1951 EIGHT PAGES . ENDS POLICE FORCE ,'SERVICE. Henry •Krueger of .'the Lincoln park, Michigan, police force, 'is scheduled; for retirementthit. month. after 25 years' service on the force. ,"1 -lank" is 'well known. in Lucknow,-.and cp nmtinity where he frequently visits., Mrs. Krueger was fo'rnerly'Jean Gil-. • •lies, a daughter of the late .Mr.. arid, Mrs. Davide Gillies, Boundary East,. 'and •a sister of:Jack' Gillies: ,ARE',ANSTRUCTORS. AT and Mrs, Chas . CookOf this corn T HUMBER 'GLEN CAMP inuniity • Another sister, Mrs. Roy • Cring1e; lives in Detroit; ' Miss Jac ualee Hedley .. ., . q n of Recalling the' start of,his'police Kinloss and Miss Joyce' Arnold career "Hank" said: _of Rervie are acting as leaders "It seems like just a few years at the Humber Glen • Camp;':Bol- ago when I first put on my. •police ton; •Jacqualeen.is acting as • swirn- uniform and waiked'on Fort St. ming. instructor. and 'leading ',a. 4.1I. was terribly self-conscious. In group ,in Bible 'study. • Joyce those. days, Lincoln. Park was a' "sing -song" leader and also has small village and I 'knew every -a. group, in Bible study. The rain .isY p body and I thought' everyone was" from July 15th -25th, • ' staring at ' ne". It was in January, . 1926, that ENGAGEMENTS, he joined ,the: eight -man depart-; The : engagement. is announced , .*hese,. ramshackle 'police. cif •Mar o Ruth .eau r Marion � ghte of Mrs- - Nita ion was. located -:in' what; is Wesleydim;Hal and and the now the . Middle of ':Southfield late � •Mr. , .Halfyard, : to Gordon; ' road._Taylor -Montgomery, ;son of Mrs. m Little did Krueger ream of James G. Mont omer. . Dun an - g YDungan- ' the adventures, that,' lay :in store non, and the.late Mr. Montgom- for him, as a policeman, :of the ery The Wedding' to take place • „explosion that ;sent him • •to. the Saturday, August 4th at 3.30 p.rn. • hospital': with severe' •burns and in Queen's. Road Presbyterian • the crash _that`�laid him up'with. Church,:St. Johns, Newfoundland.,, three' fractured ribs. Now . grey-haired ;• and beset by CALL IRISH MINISTER "middle age spread' ; the bespect- TO BLUEVALE CHARGE ,RECEPTION FRIDAY FOR NEWLYWEDS There: was a large crowd _at. the 'Lucknow "Recreational Cen- tre on ,Friday evening when a re- ception was hell in honor: of Mr. and Mrs, Myles MacMillan, new- lyweds: Music for dancing. .was, provided.„i by . Wilbee's. orchestra;, and at. the. lunch .hour Bill John ston presented :the young couple with a generous -purse of money: acted . Hank .recalled the dan- gers of former years :and • t+he hardships. • •• "In those days ” w_e "_:_.chased -tended a unanimous. call to Rev. • 'speeders in: unheater, open • tou'r�E: H. Hunter'. of. Dunahedy, Ire- land. These. 'pulpits have been vacant since the recent death of. Rev. Dr. C H.' MacDonaldIntei'= iris moderator ,of,the charge- is Rev. A J. Simpson. of •'Teeswater. -Rev. Hunter is expected. to' sail for Canada this -month. The congregations ,of . Bluevale and Belmore 'churches have ex mg' autos", . he said. "Weweren't allowed 'to have. side- curtains be-. Caisse they'. would • obscure ::our vision. "In the winter, it; ,Was pretty iserable� huddled ufi, tr'yi'ng to keep warm, while the cold wind cut through .us as we raced after a speeder",• , Like' virtually all .policemen; Krueger has had his brushes with death in the line of duty: A mood.- • est; officer, he .reluctantly dis-• 'cusses therm He recalls. vividly an explosion which occurred .in the early 1930s while hes: was:_assisting :-William- zi1 ,E.. Statters, who held . a sale Borne, Sr., now • a ` • retired . - fire on. Saturday at the,: old farinhome lieutenant, at':a house• fire. on • Conlcession''.10, Kinloss: `Mr: Thepair had shoved a fire hose 'Statters 'is'' now living in Galt, °The,Bible :a.large volume, al throughh a .window 'of the.dwell= ing :when, suddenly,: whoorn!. ex most five ' inches' .thick and, with`: gip.ages_12-b -18--inehes—in--sic .. . :The typeis quite barge and : the vol ime•• well illustrated:. with -Biblical i icture The volume Was p s, 01,Y0/;., -••BI•.• BLE: TO PUBLIC . LIBRARY A Family Bible, 140 years :old,. has been donated to the Luck- now Public Library by Mr. Den - • li,PATHER TO TAKE_ PART IIN SONS Ii' DUCTION - •Rev Qieorgett,: wWaW. is suc- ceeding„Rev, James W. Bright as pastor .of the Dungannon, Port Albert and Crewe charge of the United Church,• •will be inducted at"4''Dungannon on, Friday, even ing August 3rd at 8.00 p m_ His fatter, Rev. W. J . Watt of' •Whitechurch, ;assisted by ,:Rev. C, B. Wpolley of Ashfield Circuit, will have•charge of the -induc- tion. - THAT Howard and Wilmer;, Robb• assisted: in the eapture of 'Al= RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON ,best Lenoir,.the nudist who in- q • • :traded • the Amberley district- A. dance rec eption. in honor ' of • ten days ago, and who.' had Mr. and 'Mrs: Rosa Errington (nee spent part of thea night prior Elaine Little)- was. held on Wed*. • -to his capture in the. Robb barna' nesday evening of hast week in Sorry, boys, that we overlook- the Agricultural° Hal°l,.• •Dungan= • ;de the part you played, in the non. Tiffin's -orchestrasupplied •I ' p gas-; bile —up he---plac�- •and sent "Dank" hurtling 15 feet. through the air.' He -was laid up for two months with first-, sec-' one- and, third-degree• burns of not intended for, • nor ear used the face. • ; Death just missed '`Hank” again in 1937, when he . was chasing a speeder at 60 miles an hour near Dix and- Southfield. - ",A .car' coming from the other direction struck thepolice. cruis- . er`broadside, . sending it, tumbling, - over three' of � four tithes. 'Luck- 'as 'Luck- 'as a family record, as were many 'such old 'Bibles. . The well bound andwell' pre- served Bible was • rinted in Manchester in 1810, which makes. it ' over 140 years old. 'It • at'' one time was Owned by Thomas Rich-. •ardson, grandfather of Mr. .Stats ters on his mother's side. ill I was the .onlycu ant be- On April 2nd, 1892, Mr. Rich- ' Rardson . had,penned the following, cause the car was' hit on the'ap , ' • posite side". •. notation on the fly leaf: "This He the - ,book • is for. Edwin Statters ,after staggered. frons' . wreck ;age 'under his `own ower, then •^m death, hoping it • will be a.� collapsied.`' The episode 'cost' him 'blessing • to 'him and • his family". •another two m ths.of' inactivity. Edwin Statters was Depz�il's fath-• ori Y �, .. . with three fractured els era • . The police i i Termed 'a Family Bible ,with P cruiser, �which..had been almost new was Sold for practical ' reflections, and useful scrap: - • ' admonitions • at the e'ndof each Only once was Krueger, in real dangerrue$ . of being shot. That was `when a . drunk he was. attempting •to arrest felled him with • a. "As •1 wrestled on the floor, I ,heard someone yell that he 'was trying to get my pistol, and turn Atm me, he 'said' The officer, .who is a pr\etty hefty man,, ended the' straggle with one powerfulpunch, send- the drunk; to slunnberland.'; Appointed a sergeant in' Feb- • ruary, 1936, and made a Beaten - 'ant ih becember• 1944, Mr: Krue- -.ger will' still be'' represented , on • the force e f a ter it ent. his ret t e?n His son-in-law, . Harold Poe, is a ) patrolman. . Although his Suture plans are •$,piewhat clow ed, "Hank"' • •is ek refaced .episode,. ` . the music: • During, the evening 1 Miss ' Lois' Webster :read an .ad-• dress conveying best wishes and Wilmer 'Errington presented the young couple. with . a purse of money. .Mir. Erring' ton. teaehes at `Ford= Yee school . and the • newlyweds will make, • their' . home .`on• the' former'MacKenzie Webb farm, Con.: 12, • West sWawanosh, now owned. .by Allan Miner:,. THAT The Sentinel Office will be ;.closed for holidays from • August 9th to. August 20th, so. that . there'. will be no pa1er published on August -16th. ' • ...-o- •. ' • THAT Ralph Hodgins is.'planning to move 'to London to follow his trade as carpenter.. THAT. ' an underground . gra) shoot was recently installed •at Elliott's, • Seed ' Plant. Installa- tion of • the cement work was complicated by quicksand. • THAT W. F. Thompson, formerly. of Lucknow, is again"a: , nnem- ber. of the C.N.E: ':grandstand ' 'chorus. The+big shove at,the Ex this„:year will feature jimmy Durante, and will be under the` direction of • ..Leon . Leonidoff, who hasproduced so :many • dazzling C.N.E. successes. •THAT the, Warren Paving.: Coni- pany has conimenced work on Highway 86 east of Lucknow preparatory to .pouring a hard top, that should, make this one of the finest stretches of .high - sway in the Province.. Work of setting up ` the• asphalt plant, nArth of the ''C N.R, . station is nearing, completion; and ''there the hot mix will be .prepared. for paving • operations. • THAT Bill Stimson, , Jr., who :was stationed at Lucan as sectionforeman has been trans- on as oremnan, there': A THAT,'. Carman..McQuillin,, ',who suffered a critical head.;injury two weeks ago, is •making quite an' encouraging recovery' and. his :physicians are well pleased ith 'hic nonditien—arid: _ rens. ,THAT George 'Orvis has sold his ,' home in Lucknow. to Mr.' and; Mrs. Wilson Irwin, who obtain • possession next spring. Mr:. and Mrs • Orvis' future plans are not definite at present, • THAT among cadets. home fro. Ipperwasli ons a long week -enc' pass were Bill Mathers, Bowen Ross,, .Charlie. McDonagh, Ben ny Moulton, Donald Stewart and Ralph' Haines. • chaptr; th " Boo is pre ace• with this printed. paragraph, `'The THAT 'Mrs.. John Little, age 90 HAIL • STRUCK BT.. HELENS- DUNGANNON DISTRIIC.T Hail, that: in • some cases was reported half ,as big as hen's eggs, struck in the .Dungannon -St. . Hel- ens district on . Wednesday : night of last week. - ' • - It las on. the ground'. for an hour orsorts' the vicinity..of the 6th and 9th Concessions Of West Wawanosh, • and one, farmer: re- ported .• that 'it ..was amore like chunks'' of see than :the usual•hari stones: • . . • Leaves were cut from trees and some damage to• grain and fruit, crops: was reported Windows, were broken in the home of Ches- ter Taylor,' but gene0rally, the damage .was not extreme,in ac- cordance with the' severity of the storm • 4 KING AND: . `COURT COMING- HERS The:King and. His Court,that internationall f•-ous f•u-man t • all . -- team,', are ' corning • to sLucknow on .Monday, ' August 20: for ` an exhibition game with the Lucknow Legionnaires. For some time has. • Webster has been keeping' the wires hot in his efforts to book this four- some and on Tuesday received • nfiiation--that-thud come to 'Sepoyvilre • .,"Chuck" managed to, wangle .a• game last year with Toronto •:Tip: Tops, and . in booking the King and His Court has accomplished another feat: This, remarkable foursome.' of white boys from Oregon will play •a Sunday ..afternoon game in Montreal' on :August 19th. They will make .Kingston that : night, and will continue their trip here ori Mo nday, From Lucknow they go to , Owen .Sound. They • will also playa game in London .and will be featured again this year. at the :Toronto Ex.' The C.N.E.. softball • stadium ;wouldn't hold the, crowds: that •wanted to • tee them' them' last year and they are be'- ing' brought `,back to the . Ex to, compete with various nine -men teams selected . from leading soft ball, leagues. - ' The King and His Court con- silts• of a pitcher, a catcher,, a' first' baserian and, a fielder. Last ,year they held the World Cham:` pion Tip Top Tailors, team to A. tie after 'nine: exciting innings. The King and• 1•Iis Court are also Masters at trick baseball, and Caledonian Park, Lucknow, is certain to see its • biggest crowd for a sporting .event; • since the Caledonian Games,` when this foursome hits town oh August 20th, • tivholecalculated to enlighten' the " years, has ;been ill with prieu understanding; purify the heart ' monia at the' home of Mr. and and ,promote: the cause, of , virtue: Mrs.; Bert Ward, 'and piety 'an'd''.hereby :establish, ' . ‘SIJRPRISE FARTY FOR, MARION MacDONALD the happiness and peace of Chris- tian families' in this world and secure their eternal .salvation in the. next , The Bible was turned over by Mr. Statters to Stuart E. Rcbert son •for presentation to the Luck- now' Library. • • • :certain about what will transpired immediately 'after his retirement.. He and his wife' Jean will leave their neat home at 1539, Warwick for, a vacation. to his native South Dakota. Members of the choir of the Knox Presbyterian, Church; Blue - vale, surprised Miss 'Marion Mac- Donald bygathering at the manse oto present her with .a rhinestone necklace in appreciation of her work. with • the choir. Following s ay,t program bhe choir n �e nriber s, Miss , MacDonald Was presented with gifts ,by Mils. Harvey Rob- ertson ertso and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Rei freshments Were served., tt. °FIRE: DESTROYS. AGED MAN'S HON.1_.• Wars. Baldwin, 75 -year-old Ash: - field Township farmer, is. in God• erich Hospital ' suffering ,. from shock, and burns to his head and hands, following an early .morn- inig;:fire on Sunday that 'zed his, home, just ' east of La :'s Store Sto .e '. .. n.. ori 'Con, 10, -Ashfield :The burns. were not serious T h e ' fire, •o f undetermined Origin, . broke out • 7about. dawn • in Mr, Baldwin's bedroom on the ground . floor of the .two-storey brick veneer house. Lloyd Go11an,. who•has been Mr. Bal'dwin's com- panion• for the pasttwo. months, ,was asleep upstairs and was awakened by the calling 'of. the • frail gentleman 'y The ...telephone dine, seemed to be out, 'according'; to Lloyd,' and, the. two of them fled from the house in their 'night attire, to. lose everything they 'owned. Lloyd ran to ' Harvey Millar's . home nearby to summon helpand on returning, to the blazing home, found Mr. Baldwin had gone back' into the house in an unsuccessful -; attempt. to salvage • some clothes: Lloyd: rushed in'to bring him ' from the burning• -<building and suffered burns • to his , hands . in doing so. When neighbors .. arrived there' wasno chance , of checkinng the fire or : saving ,anything from the . house; •and`•they had .:to., • stand around helplessly. while the home was completely' gutted: Mr. Baldwin received medical` treatment a'nd was taken:to God, - Erich ' Hospital. Lloyd " Gollan, who lost everything he. owned, is staying temporarily at the near- by farm home of Robert, How_. ard. The loss • is at least partially covered :by insurance. • BORN WEBSTER' .- gat' ,the Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, July .16th,:' 1951; to Mr.. and Mrs..' George Webster, R. 2, Lucknow, a .daughter. , ; WAGNER—at the Gen- eral ham g Hospital, on Monday, 'July 16th, 1951, to Mr.- and Mrs: Ger- ald Wagner; • Lucknow, a dough-. ' ter:'., • HAMILTON ' At the Wingham. General Hospital, on • Wednesday, my 1-1-t•h,--1-951, to ., r rs, • James Hamiiton, It 3, Lucknow; a son. . NDERSON--At `the Wingham • General' i • Hosp ta'1• , ,on • Sunday, July'.15th; 1951, to Mr. andrs. • Robert Henderson,' ; R. 5;' Luck - now, a son. PRI. •HARD—in, Wingham Gen- ral Hospital, on Thursday, July 19th, . to Mr:, and 'Ma`s. -Elmo ''Prit- chard, '' R 1 . Lucknow, a son. , • Punctualty;':is • a fine thing iP you want. t� be alone. UILD ADDIT.ION ' { TO FORD GARAGE The 'old. blacksmith '.shop adr,' joining the Ford .Garagenow ,known, as Montgomery Motors- has. been• torn down to make • way-' for the enlarging 'and, • moderniz ing of . the garage.? ' The new 'building, constriction of" hich is, now . uderway.•,-will be a cement block structure;, set back in several. feet, from the street to permit the removal ofthe gas- ,olive pumps (from . ,the, highway. Reinoval' of the pumps from the road allowance -is a requirement' of the . Department , of Highways, . The 'sew building will ;be used as a show room and parts depart- ment, while the front of the pres- ent building will be altered to permit a three way entrance into. the repair and i storage section of :the building, •,, Th'e' building and remodelling program will give thef>, proprietor, Gordon Moritgor'riery,. quite a modern prern`ises:: •