The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-12, Page 3e Os a rf • • A h . • ' 18 ;o • '7. r ,'? fe. ' e ' 1.1 n ri, n • .9., , • • , 7;;I:11.1RiSDAY, JULY 12th, 1901 9. ••-•. . . • IsUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, wrat7=9/441.•.--ir iiiiiiks;Aigrammotirionitmg, „ ,„ „ ..Local. audGeneral.: • • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Little and „Joyce spent Sunday with. Kincardine :friends. , Mr..and Mrs. Wm. Robb spent Iast week at CollinkWOod with Mr, and Mrs. 'Andrew Hamilton. gr. and Mrs. Nori#4,.: stewait, are. visiting this'-welc• Vulls* With his mother', .° j. E. Bannister Of the Bank of 1VIontreal staff left on Saturday. to join hi.s. farnily at Carhpbell- fordfor a three weeks! vacation. • ., IVIr and ,,Mrs. Will • Reid: and !toren' of Strathray ,were holiday visitors with Mr. and WS. 'arid ••Mrs. Th. ,A. • MacDiat... niid. and on Donald or Shaker Heights, Ohio, . haye ,ibeeroi (laying 1A.ritli relatives in the Cpm - • munity. • • Miss Lois Hunter, .of the Sea forth Hospital ,nursing staff •vacationin at the home of 'her parents, Mr. and MTS. WM.. Hun - Mr //and Mrs. Jim Stewart of Midland and 'Mr. and Mrs. Mur- doch.. Stewart of , Barrie visited' with relatives. here *the first of the week. • ' • • •, • , Mrs. Mary. Maynes. 'of Hanna, • Alta., visiting her sister, W; J. Douglai and' Mr.: Douglas. Mrs. Celia •Anderson. of London' srient tile week -end with her sis- ters at •t4e... Douglas 'home, Miss Lorna Campbell, -Who has been ill with virus •pneumonia, is holidaying here: • Mrs :R. Tr,. Thompson, Who" spent two •wee:ka in the • city,. rettirried home Sat- urday night. ' • : Mr.'and MrS. 1.4.Sandersor1 of, St. 'John, New Brunswick, are visiting with her Mather?: Mrs James Maebanald ,and with other relatives, in the canirnuriitY. and in Goderich. • Mrs. 'Arehie Jan e and Xattilderi of ...town, and. Mrs. hier Snith, Maw,. Elaine and. David and Miss Ruby. Hann of Atwood are, spending the week at Arnberley Beach. • Recent visitors:With Mrs: D:'C. McMorran were Mr: arid Mrs. .L 1:1;.Bryce of Ripley,. Mrs. Thomas; Holmes 'and'. Mrs. glen, of Ki carcline and Mr. and .Mrs. ank Sett of W'yanciatte; Lch- igan. ' , ; .• , • , • • , • ' • iettaitieneetwiteimsiimeeiempeoelielesipoeseolnit.P 1.: .. ,..• . .1.4uCii.Not.v. • ' . ._ ,:"' I • •• . UNITED. C111,1acti ,: ....• :... • .• • •:-. . . • -.. and ,. 7::. • .• •' ' ' • ' '....•':LUidlEEN : .1' • ....I:: ,. . . • PRESBYTERIAN CI1 RCH SUNDAY, „TWAY 15th, 1951 • • . • , . • Union Services in , Presbyterian Church 10 a.m.: Sunday School. in eaChl • cbittch.1 • • • 11 a:111.: Rev Muniford.. 4; 7 p.m,: Rev Dr. Mumford. The man worth while is the man', who,. .dans smile, when! verythitig' saes dead Wrong. Come 6nd, worship With j • • tv.NOTICES, A Rev. A. S. .Mitchell, L.1111.c. Rector. StIi Sunday after Trinity, j.(11I4k,ltho' 1951-, St. Peter's'eliliclu Lucknow 1 a,tir.t, Morning Piayet and ' Serthorit " ,-, -St, Paal's Chitteh, Dungannon , . .gb p.in.: Evening ptayei- and. • Sermon: „ .The' Reverend Douglas Fuller, L,T11.: . 6 ••• 2 Church, Riplei; 7:30 •p,rii.: Holy COMMUniOns The Rector: ••••• , A Dr. and Mrs. jairi.es Little are holidaying this Week at Port El- gin bah. • Ruth :Johnston• and Marlene •Macl-iennan are 'employed, for the' suminer;, at Bruee peach. * • !kxwen..-Trelea,ven attended the ScOtt-Carripbell wedding at St, ,catliriries on Friday even- ing. ' • " . • - mr. and Ws.yttruce Davidson and Karen of Hamilton .were week -end lgu'est$, of Mr, Russell Robertson. • Misses Agnes, Rcbgcoaand alda,.McQuaig returried,:atAhe week -end ".froin'a Week's cruise on•.tite1akes.• • : ' Mr. and Mrs. D. M: Bell of London*are spending the Vacation at their cottage ,at Arnberley Beach. • Margaret G011an and Beverley Ashton left on. Tuesday for DOe, Lake near 'Spriicedale, to'.attend the Provincial 'Girl duide:Capap., Mr. an Mrs. Wallace Roulston .of Hagersvz11e have been visiting with Mr. and ,Mrs. W. J. Roul; ston and Mr. and Mrs: Walter Roulston in Huron Township„, • WEDDING : BELLS RricinEloni1/41sTON Evergreens and pink and, White .peonies •forrried..an attractive. set- ting at the home of Mr.' and,,Mrs. Gershoin JOhnSion, .Easi Wawa- nosh,i'..whens Rev. Dr. W A Bee- croft 'United iri.; marriage their youngeSt „daughter, •Alice'; Ruth, 'to. Clarence 'Russell Ritchie, son of• MT: and. Mrs...GprdOn 'Ritchie,. Ashfield. , • • • The bride, :given ),h marriage her father' looked loY01Y a 'floor -length gown . of white slipper. satin fashioned with a lace yoke' and ,peplum, lily -point s1eees and Peter Pan c011ar..4 halo of orange blossoms held her :floor -length veil of embroidered silk . ilhision: and she carried ,a ttPutinet of 'Better Time roses. She wore •the' "groOm'S - gift, .a rhinestone hecklace';', Th bride's only attendant was her sister-in4aw, Mrs. Kenneth Johnston,, who wore a • fiOdr-. length,,goWn of shell pink nylon Marquisette trimmed with, guiL, pure •.ladg with matching head- dress and mittens. ;She carried a bouquet' of dolOnial roses 'and Achantum Gloria fern. , , • , . Lorne Ritchie of.furgoyne was' his brother's ,best man: The 'reception Wag held'arthe Brunswick Hotel, where' the: ,bride'S mother reoeived in a. dreSs: Of lilac crepe withwhite •aeces- • SLAVE DAYS RECALLED wy NEGRO' SALE BILL • When Alex Mowbray was 'in the Southern States a year or •so ago, he Picked' 1113,a facsimile of a bill of sale of 1859, listing eight Negroes for sale. The bill headed "Chancery Sale .15f Eight Likely 'Negroes"; read in Part as follows; pursuance of a decree of the chancery court :for Robertson County. I will sell Ito- the highest bidder) -on Saturday, January. 8th,, 1859, at the • residence of Mrs. D:rucilla -McIntosh, near Barren'. Plain), Robertson County; .8 likely Negroes, ..consisting of 3„ likely ourig girls from 12, to /4 -years,' •1 hkely- boy about '16 years, 1 stout likerk man about 25 'year's and 3 'likely yam* boys, "Th,ese Negroes will :be sold •On :a credit 'until November 30th, 1850;' purchaser giving bond and two good sectfrities”. • • . . 'United Church•POning Auxiliary • The : regular meeting of the Auxiliary%Was held in the form of a picnic at Mrs. L. C. Th6rnp- soWs cottage- oh Thursday, June 28th:, All gathered for a short de-, votionaL period with the presi- dent, Mrs. Aloe Andre*, presid- ing. The scripture was read by Mrs: George Joynt followed by prayer by Mrs.. W. J. Mumford. Business of the month .was dis- cussed '• after which Miss ' Edith Munroe took, Charge ';of the- pro - 'gram. A humorous reading was: . T __ .. .„ given by.:mrs. : 1VlacDOnalci.A duet; by • Mrs; . II: Webster arid • Mrs. 0—Jones was enjoyed. Cori - test§ Were. conducted by the COM- , Inittee. in charge. ' A: delicious -Salad plate, sandwiches, cake and cookies *ere served by the hostess and, her, committee. A vote of, thanks: to, Mrs. Thompson and. : all *who helped in.: any 'Way A° make' the. oichic a SueceSs• was tendered by Mr§... J. C: MoNab. - VT roses. The :groorres,inother ;Wore •a :goWn. of navy crepe) with white • accessories and corsage of Pink Delight roses.. • - For ,their Wedding " trio to Buf- falo, New York, the 'bride. c:hose a 1.409gabardine suit,' navy ac- cessories and corsage of- Pink roses. •Unontheir. return the couple ' reside iri TurnberrY,. •--Guest's were present from -Windsor,. Ititchener,' Seaforth; Clinton; _ Auburn, •Belrhore, Bel - grave, port Elgin and Lucknow, AStIFIELT.) THE VOICE OF moirERANcE : • . . Evidenee, continues to come in .'that liriudr is less :of a ,nuisance in Huron Obrinty. under the Cap-. ada. , Temperance. 'Act, than • in :other' :counties under • the 'liquor license act... Newcomers to Huron rernark anthe absence of drunk- enness the streets:and they reeall the cointrion .sight of in- toxicated Men and women where liquor .outlets have been .proVid, ed: 'Conditions are not. so, good. : • • .in Huron that .we should be :corn , • Plaent. They are 'certainly -mit, • so 'bad that we Should: be .dis- gruntled, Conditions are a lot ' worse. in liquor liCepse act areas • where there are liqtipratotes and. beverage :rooms.. Iceep 1iqi�r out:. lets out of Huron. :Keep the. Can; ada ,Temperance, Act.:-Aclvt,• • • E:W E. Mrs. Jack, Bremner of .S0141-.117 is spending a week with, her, sis- ter, Mrs. Jim VerWOod, !•19e and the girls. Ur: and Mrs. Cecil Chamney of 4elgrave and Mr.., La,ughlin of Detroit .visitpd 8un-• daY 'with Mr, .and„ Mrs. R. 'Fin- nigan and Mr.'and Mrs.. Chester. Finnigan; • •• • The community was shocked to hear of th tidden death, of Mr. Mathew ,Shackletcm of Dungan- non on Monday morning. Our ,syMiiathr.,goes to is wife and son Benson and Mrs. Shackleton' 4nd family, here, , • • .Mrs R FArnifgan and Mrs. C. Firmigan..attended the Dungan-. hat)... Women's .Institute •picnic•• at Goderich on ;Monday. ' , • • COM1111.11.1i011 service was • held at Crewe United Church on Sun-, • 'MEE - • BUYS-jBUNGANION, BLOCK' Dawson has bought 016 property adjacent ;to his store and residence in; D.Wiganigm, known as the Allah '13lock,• with the exception of the Fire Insur- • mice Premises, The Purchase 41 - chides. the Finnigan ,apartment • the former post office..stand,„ and • the Bank of Commerce premises. e phone rings a:three ' • "Stop Worrying abOut..the, Mom„, I'm i I'vvheri. 13 new n-iernherS Were-- ' ceived into- fiall membership , • with.:Crewe church. Next O day, July 15th; Will, be. Rev, : • Bright's farewell service before ' retiring from active ministry and ' will be suoceeded IbY the Re*: • Watt from the West. His father isa retired' rninist.er at :White - O church. ' • ,. • 'PUBLIC- SCH0001., children in Wingharn are being transported twice a week to the„Teeswater swimmingpaal by the, Wingliarn Lions:clufb. • 11Ib. • • ic CA1110. THE E I. TELEPHONE: COMPANCOF 'CANADA • YOUR TELEPHONE is one item thattakes a smaller • Part of -your budget. Than it •nsed to. Its'cost gone up as much as most other ihings. 4 In another way, too, the telephone is bigger vatic ' today than ever before. Now you can reach twice as Many people as you could ten years ago and more ' telephones 'ire being installed every. day. . If you haven't's'ervice, we want -yott o knocif .• .- ;Wm/Icing' at it,. Your place on thelist is .being pro- tected and yotiVelephone will be installed just as s oon, • as possible.toggi);; best.. b:r • Friendly, helpful telephone service is one of . • • , • imosmak Compare these price increases,during the pest len years • FOOD* UP 111% • • : • v CO§.T OF ' • LIVING* UP 64% • ' tTELEPHON SLRVICE*9* UP 21%. . 11.)r7r1 *Pominion Bureau **Average incr. ease in cost ofservice of Statistics' •'. • imthe territory we serve . • . . ; • • • - • • • St • • • • • ••••:.•:•%. •: % • • 'Mr, %and 'Mrs. ranessanies MaeKen-, of Detreit'ealled Ori friends Sattn'..1aY1', •• •' • -431,41114-th,e4r-i leaders; from Kintail carnO, at- tended ,:the -service. in. the. yres- ,l)yterian: Chiirch. on Sunday morntog, • • The Girl- Guide .panip . iit the Cad,•of,..the 12th .Con, is swing • now,' •• , .; The JUiyineeting•.*of the. Wo.: ;Teri's Irtstitute :was held • at .the hoirie. of 'Mrs:'1Wlfred 'Parrish: The president, Mts. RaY Dalton Waslin Charge, The; -meeting op ened ih 'the tisual. Way .affer, , which . the business was . taken care of! the, fog' call was each one telling the tal4nt of the per- son on her right, Mrs, 'Scrimgeour. Of Blyth, . the' district': president, Was the guest Speaker and gave a vCO•interesti,n0alk alohg Janlj,eon gave reading therr'• all joined •iti a. ging Alter the ol.oie.,:dthe• meeting the usual toial ,hthir was enjoyed • • ••9:: „.. : ;•• • it" • • • : • 6*, sod bother lit cote, -Coin Under' esitrittl Cesi-011i Lbt. GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Gpilerich, Ont. - 'Phone: 489' ••• N ' • , is if,6'4614.• a registered trade- *Thcl'7'11" • , • . • > : I ,Bottle Cando, 4009 Federal Salfaid' PIsys dposii cpe beide; • O 9 • 9.9 • •09. . .. • ' 41, , • •