The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-05, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY' 5th, '1951" r. nr ••' 1HE . LUCKNOW' :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,''ONTA&YO= Lyceum Theatre W I NGHAM. Two Shows Each i Night •' ' FIRST ,SHOW. 'AT '7,15. Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday JULY, 5,. 6, 7 . JEROIVIE COURTLAND, LOUIS. ALBRIGHT in Ten Your'reStilirig MATINEE ISATURDAY,• Monday, • Tuesday; . • Wednesday' JULY 9; .10; 11 .LINDA DARNELL,• RICHARD- WIDMARI. • --- in: NOO UT: :"WAY , Adult. `Entertainment Thursday, Friday, Saturday July:1 ., .13, 14 "GASOLINE ALLEY" What' Should' She Do? Read, Ain this Sunday's, Only. 8)., issue`:of The American Week ly, exclusively, with The' :Detroit' Sunday )Times, "Quandry of '•a' Hang , .. ' Heart", the story of = a girl born but of wedlockand."of 1'ier ,search for: •the' mother she neverknew, ' Now, .with the seal ch 'aka* over; 'she is ,afraid• to stir up' the 'past.: FOUI TH -CONCESSION Mr.' and :Mrs. Nelson and two children of Toronto were recent visitors at the homeNel- son's sister, Mrs. Fred Gilchrist "Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Roulston are the proud parents of a baby boy. Mrs. & IViacKay of Detroit is 'visiting 'at the horne;of her niece, WEDGING BELLS Ii ETT—MILLS Knox ,Colic e Chapel, Torop�to, adorned with, .mixed cgmhn tion baskets of white laVkspur, sweet peas.. and snapdragons, was the setting of ' a 1pveiy ' wedding; on Saturday afternoon at .3.OQ o'clock when the bride's f ither.united in Mrs. Ted Collyer;, marriage. Ruth Isabel 'Mills' and ;Mr., L410yd .MacDougall has` a Merwin Keith °Hackett, in a family from Holland for the' corn- • double ring ceremony, The b ' ing year. They are liv'ing.on.the is the.daUaghter of Rev, and M's MacKinnon farm: • • John. V.. Mills of 88 Bedford '•Rd, Congratulations • to . Betty: and Toronto, and the groom is the Joan Hamilton and Mac 'MacDon son, . of Mr. and `• Mrs,, Thonas. ald' for•'. passing their grades in Henry Hackett of Ashfield T wn- High School in .•Lucknow .an'd . to ship. • Evelyn;'3ohnson for- passing'"her : The 'bride :was 'given izi •ar grade iri, Ripley H -lig , chool. riage hy' ,her . Kr. John. ' ,Little 'Bi1ly..Buckton 'is On' the:. gills Jr,,. . 'and was. 'charming sic'k.; list. a gown of frost .white nylon .rnar- The Howie Helpers meeting of qursetta over taffeta,' fashioned • the W.ivi.s 'was well, attended; fast. on. period lines. The fitted barque Wednesday'night at the home of featured a: portrait' neckline .Mrs.. Angus:'Graharn and ,all en- joyed listening to the guest.' speaker,, Mrs. Spier ;bf' Brussels. A farewell party for Miss Mar- garet MaoDonald'was held at the •school. ;house. 'Friday night. She. has been a faithful' teacher here for the past five years hutis lean= ing now for a position .in: a school at Sarnia, She , will pe.: greatly Miss • Joan Mills. as •ma'd of missed ini this section and in the, 'honor' was gowned 'in orchid' ny- church's and Sunday. School lon over• taffeta. , Miss . Jevene Graft on . and ` Miss Ruth Naylor, were bridesmaids:•. They chose similar .gowns'. of sprig ,gr.een ny- ion over taffeta: The fitted wedding,: anniversary', on Sunday. .hasque. with : shirred marquisette .•McMullen operated ;a plan .:over, the shoulders formed . ' ;a ing mill in. Ripley until. retiring 'sweetheart. neckline Their • very;. in `, 1944: full gathered skirts fell :in grace :fui fold's to a slight sweep:' They If you get:-' to"''the end of ,the bore 1matchir g bonnets .and any - n. g, ov. . The . maid of honor' 'rope, tieia knot :on it and hang .„ 'and :bridesmaids' carried bouquets - . of yellow* a,nd.orchid ,gladaol : s ' Mr: Donald Appleby of St:'' Catherines was the groomsman •and Mr. ;Midford •. Wah'. of. Holy- !'. rood, brother=i'n-law of the groom: _and 1Kr. Colin Welluim of Tor., edged, with guipure' lace ,which 'formed cap,'sleeves.. The lace was repeated at the..'top of • the full. gathered skirt, which fell' in $oft' folds to . a 'cathedral 'train. Her fingertip veil of tu11'ei11usi'orr was caught into a flemishbonnet of, matching guipure . • lace, . and. she' - carried a white Bible 'with white orchid and stephanotis: • Fifty Five '.Years Married' Mr;, and Mrs, Harry Mc1Vhiller of Ripley observed their 55'th • on, !1111 irm.6. �ll./Ir{lel) f/ 11. 11�fR�lli(I�IrsoYllllrlliil�ll4.11�(lill� • emarable Growth Reported,, .Froin Users Of NEW LIFE AND. LIFETERIA • CONTAINING • ANIMAL PROTEIN' FACTOR!; You believe.,it only when you try it, P`ICES ARE REDUCED! Investigate Ours. With Consideration.' To:- . ; • Refund on Empty Bags.. 2 . Free 'Delivery: 3..: Discount on Halt -Ton' or .Tons., 4-:-Free—M' ' • a ton of feed.' A1:FORDSFeedSt�r4' <I PHONE 165, .1UCKNOW. We' Appreciate All Patronage: a:. onto were .'ushers.; • At the reception: in the• Tudor ;Room . of the 'Royal York Hotel, the' bride's mother' received in. a gown • of..ice blue crepe' x omaine with white accessories :'and ,wear- ing a .'.corsage of pale pink Rap= Iure roses.: and 'blue'•corn, flower. 'The groom's. another .chose a 'gown of :lady :love crepe :romaine with, navy' acces'sosies., Her corsage was of pink.' Briarciffe roses 'and,. stephanotis. •. Mi, and 'Mrs Hackett left. later on„'a, wedding < trip..to Huntsville, North. Bay. andpoints west:. The 'bride's: travelling, ensemble was a green suit with black :and white, accessories :end white gardenia, corsage: 'On their return they, will reside in . Toronto. MANSZ-FINNEGAN In a ;double ring ce`rernony.'by candlelight in the United church, Dungannon,:; Saturday, afternoon, Dorothy Gwendolyn, only daUgh- e bride of 'Mr. Donald .Sidney Iiciated. at 'the .cereinony at 4.30 ferns and 4 Centre bouq6et, 'Marietta Stingel,.. 'Dungannon,, Sweet, ystery„of Life", with at- riage. Her White goWl% Was .,C1-• •signed'*witli,'ChantillY lace bodice •neekline inset With 'marquisettes and' .seed ;Pearls, The. skirt of. „French, net over satin was ',in:. floor' length: style, kcap of Chan- tillyi lace held, her fingertip. veik arid she Carried a white satin praYer book topPed with white, gardenias:, and' satin streatners. knotted • with stephanotis,. The. bride -was attended by Miss Joyce • Huston, Leaside, aS Maid 6f 'hon.., ,with taffeta' .lbodiee and ideket—The.yrench net skirt was lit floor length: The. 'bridesmaids,' Miss DOrothy'llaneS, tOndOn and. Miss ,Bertlia 4 POP, ,cal Style a that o'f 'Ole maid of honor. All attendantg wore net' Caps tq rnatai their gowns and Carried, hand bouqq•ets, ,Of 'pink r M11mm11 1 •0fl466.+ 0•;b4llammrrl �I, tli�r lllll�ir�il�r�i'il�prnso�o�gso4 eeds, Fertilizer Phone 1 4 GrOceries PhOne 27; .a. prite•O If:Self:Oyer the -.:yo - STOCK ON HAND Ontaki0UserS OC. Co -Op Binder' Twin have, been .saved BUir .01 -OP QUALITY' PR6DPCTS UCk11010 •tDistrict. Coi;Operative. • PA G:E FIFE Presents ,' Thursday, Friday; Saturday, July 5, • Starting tonight and running every week -end for'13 weeks,'. follow, the "ADVENTURES OF FRANK .& JESSE i i ' , and the rnaix feature, the funniest rrren in show business,:-- TMarx ,lie Go: • ,This, is, the first showing of the Marx Bros, 'in this .part; so you' are 'in for'. a real, comical treat.. . . ,, , TWO SHOWS' NIGHTLY, -STAR TING. AT:8.0.0 P.1VE . Monday,Tuesday, NyednesdaY; July 9, 10 11 Attention ladies!: This is YOUR PICTURE. Items called. the Brave Picture. of The •Year. A true'story—that can happen to , you, Sad : Songs For MARGARET• SULLWAN:r &' WENDELL COREY. • :,.,,k ,..,...,,,...„.......,,,„ .,,„.„......„....,„.........,...,,,,....„_, . . . , ,, . r asse-'Ha�rrsr ,• �11aents Offer The Latest ' In , Modern 'Farm Machinery PLOWS, Jiarvest Time 'Is Just Around. The Corner BINDERS AND COMBINES NOW ON HAND ALL SIZES' 'OF M. -H. ' TRACTORS MANURE SPREADERS, DISCS, RUBBER -TIRED WAGONS. FULL LINE OF REPAIRS ON HAND 'PHONE: 7Q-w,`'LUCKNOW Located •Iu The Former Boyes' Implenient -'Shop. `. .� Inc,�n�t�u�o�wr�iroi/wl��•Il�rll�Ppillr�/tl�/�o�q�o�b�+°�S, . 'buds Mr. •Ra mond .'.Mulford of cor a ge y , s g completed her' costuzxae�. Stratford, was best °.rnan and:,The bride has been, a imernber :of: 'ushers were Mr: Lyle Roth, 'New, the teaching" ,Staff - .in London.• Harri'burg, and.:Mr. Reg Palls: :CiinP schools. and' her; husband .held'the, , ton,, A receptrticin at .the pov lion err rpn-- - pr`in ip 1 iD the pub in.. Goderich followed the cere l c .school, .in :Shakespeare.. Mr..' .'• mony.. Mrs's' Finnigan received, in end Mrs. Mansz will reside m. a . dress' of • mauve: Ghan:tilly lace Toronto, where they. will iboth.:. and crepe. With, matching .picture. 'join: the • teaching 'staff of .school': hat and black . abcessories. Mrs.. there in September 4. ,Mans; mother of the bridegroom had chosen • a blue gray crepe frock Will•Fsso They each wore a *cOrsage of, Pink late ,on a trip- to Northern. On- tario, the' bfide travelling in .an ide blue suit accented with navy he achine;Por 'The Job Is The ALL 'CROP HARVESTER' Viking Separators .Mulchers and Packeis For Fast p'ro' iitable Gains and Prime, Finish FEED, PURINA STE,ERFATNA . ,And tn, Make ,the Mint digher Egg*MaFkeis try. Growing ChoW. LUCKNOVV, 'ONTARIO