The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-07-05, Page 3• • 4-47.1••••1-..mr, • • • • ., THURSDAY!, !TWAY Oth, 1,90.1 ' "• . •TII LUCKNQW SI\T.TTET4' .4:1-TC1C11°T' °7I'A1TP •.• Al14.111E1WW11.4111.L., :75k.7,15111;41114ff 111.1.1k4PWRIIII.W.01.71,11 LOC 1 , . li I .. PUBLIC'SCHOO L • ...... .. . . . 0 . • • . " • ,!` PROMOTIONS Dr. and, Mrs. J. F. MacKenzie Miss, jean borlarid of. London is N is it i ng this week, with. Mils • Flora ..And?eW.- •' Mrs, ..Tirrt. Carnegie, 'Valerie,' Karen are spending a • vacatlOn.'at 411e cottage,. -at •: Mrs. Melvin Stewart and dau- ghters ,of Guelph are 'spending • this Welc at the cottage • at • Sauble Beach. " . •, • 'Mr, and •IVIgs. Oliver 1VIcCharles fainily„spent last week-end•at colpoya .Bay with Mr. And Mrs .Allan Witcher, . • ..- • • , • • • Mrs. Augus MacKin- ron and daughter Mary'. J.o of ,Atlivia were rweek-end nvisitors With relatife$.• • , • . •• a • • • . • Mr, and Mrs. Elliott • Fells of Smooth. Rock Falls, spent the • holiday with friend at LoChal.sh and LucknoW:', • ' ' • Dr. ;George 'MacGregor and Dr. W. C. MacGregor of Chicago have been visiting • with their ,sister, Miss Kate MacGregor. • -Mr, arid, Mks. ,Ian Murdoch of Detroit are •gtkests of Mr. and 'Mrs. E. H. AgneW. Joe Agnew, rif,'Derroit • spent •the. week -end • here. ' • • . . 'Mrs. C. • L. Smith and Charlene • visited. Iasi week in Sarnia • and • Tilbury. and returned •hoine with Mr. Smith .1..1vho spent the week-. encl: at Tilbury, .. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clipperton 'and children; Lynda .: and Ray' •mond Of London wete holiday visitors with' her 'parents, .1Vir.•and Mrs: Sam Reid. •"..,.... .' • , Mrs Margaret MacPherson of • •MilvertOri,•;and. Miss Grace Mac- Pherson ,of Hamilton spent sev- eral days at.HolyrOocrand were , guests :Of MisS,, Belle Ross and other •friends; '• • • . Mr. • and . Mrs. Douglas .: Clark and ...childrea.....TOmrriy and:'Aline • of Piney, "lVianitoba; are holiday, •• drig •here at present, having met, •.• ored home :for. their ivaeatioii. Doug is with the • Mrs, D. C. MacMorran has re- • turned to her borne' here for the suin5er,,.afVr, spending the past, fewnqnth.in Windsor • and : Kingsville. She, was: adcOmpanied home by her daughter, Mis. Jack •McKendrick who, 1.1s been visit- . • • • ing here. • • : • • ` • • • tatcitsioiv' VNITED CHURCH ./' • and :* • LUCKNOW • 1. PItESBYTERJAN: CHURCH SUDAY, JULY 8th, 1911: SERVICES IN. . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH /10 in eaclYr 11 a.ntiRev Dr Mumford. 7' pont: „Rev. Dr., Mumford • Our. servides ;,are• • happyj hopeful, herpful. ' Corrie' and worshipwith tig, '• NOTICES • Rev. A. S. Mitchell, Rector • 7th Sunday after Trinity JULY 8th, 1951.. Peter's Church,‘ Lticknow • :11 a.m.,: Morning Pr`aye.r. and "Address:• St. Paul's Chureh,,, Dungannon Saturday, July. 7th at, 8 P.m. , Bake Sale and Tea, ih" Parish Hall, ••• Sunday; July 8th, 2,80 The Holy Commtinion, , „. • , •8t.. Pant's. ehur011, Itiplef • Sunday; Silly 8th 4t4,30 Evening Prayer and Address. 411.1.1111111..mm 4ggagrommam Of Detroit are spending the Sliih- lter at their cottage at Bruce Reach. • Miss Lottie Satinder$ under- went 4...pperation,lorrappend- icitis in Wirigham gospital on Saturday eirening, • Ja6.k and DaVd: Barkwell, 'Mrs. 'Kenneth and -Bob- oy �f 'llayilland spentthe. Week- end . with 'IqrS, Evelyn Barkvvell. Mr. anct*.'Mrs.. Malcolm ' Arm - Strong -Ohci 'son JobrO' of, Port Arthur:have been' Visiting with. her -father, Mr, Win •Murdie. , • •Mr. end "Mrs', D. A. Stimson ond. Miss Marguerite B. Stirrilon spent• the holiday Week -end ,with' their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Stimson. • .• - • ,• , • • Miss Grace Macintosh ° 6f Tor - POO, Miss. Gertrude : Macintosh of Detroit and their nephew, Bill •Brown of London,, are holiday -1. ing • at their *cottage •at Bruce l3each.. ' • • • Mr i and .Mrs., Wikfred Drennan & J. C, spent the week,end with friends in., Guelph and attended • the . Hacktt7Mills wedding ii Knox College Chapel, Toronto On iSaturclay. Mr: and 1VIrs. 'Drennan were also guest§ at 'the Plunkett-. 1VIcClinchey , wedding oiSatur-. day, June 23rdrin Knof.'tnited. hurch, Auburn... :• • • • S.T . 1-1 ELENS The ladies are •reminded -of the meeting of the.Women'S Institute in the cominunity Hall on Thurs- day. (this) afternoon There will., be :a ,dernonstration of .Junior ,Club work and. a :children'S pro gram. •- •• • ,The-Woinen's Association enter- tained.• op.Wednesday, :afternoon •at .a • delightful tea held in ,the. Sunday School room: of • the: Church. 1.3eautiful bouatiets of: roses Were used • effectively for .decoraticns Mrs Chas.. McDonL ald; the".president,..WelcOrnd. the ladies and introdubect .the pro- gram whichincluded the scrip- ture. lesson .read by . Mrs. 'Frank readings by Mrs.' W. I.• iller,and Miss W. D. Ruther- ford,. choruses by • the •pupils of St. • Helen's.' SchOboi, solos • by Gladys. .McDonald; Anne , Todd,, Ars, Scholtz of Whitechurch and • Mrs. E. , W. Rice; piano solos by my's. Chester. Tay_lor, Webb, ,DOriria '• :Woods, •• Eddie Gaunt and .Isabelle MacPherson.. A dairity lubch was served with ,Mrs. McDonald and •Mrs.. •W. I. • • :pouring . tea' from *.a lace. covered tabie-Heen-tred-it basket :of roses. • Mrs.,, Mary of Wind- sor; ' and • Mrs: 'Donald Mc-, Bain,: Jack .arid 'Linda'.'of Kik- lazicl 'Lake were .holiday 'visitors 'With Mr.-• John McQUilliri and Other -relatives, • • . J (Alphabetical Order) .,,: 'Grade Vni to. grade ggrors: Marjorie Armstrong,. BeVerley Ashton, Valerie Carn egie, Ernie, Gibson, pale Holden-. by, Kent Iledley,'• Kenneth Nay, Ecjitb.:1VIarshall, 150b *OW' bray; 4.44, Mowbray, June Ross, George •Iiciebster. Pug: 'Lloyd, Bark Welt, Margaret Gollan, Toe Ho.W41d, Donna Irwin, Jean Stan- jey,Roy oy Stanle • • Gracie if to Grade VIII: : • : 4 ' A • • ; • Koriors: Jack Chin,,. Ann Craw- ford, Kenneth 'PAgicinsOni Mari- lyn , Ann 'Petersen, Ruth Treleaven: zass.: • Alvin Baker' Bob Gardner' Bruce Hain.] • Mori, ,Rozella Howald, ;Nancy Johnston •'JoYce Little, . Joyce Mowbray Wilda Reid Billie Rit- chie, 'Irene. Roulston, ;Roddle Wfaith. ,Recommended condition- ally: Eunice Button,. Ruth Ember - lin, 13oh. gorton.' . • • J.." D. Ross. Grade.VI to Grade VII • Honors: gteVe Carnegie, Reyta Collins, Billie' Fisher, Donna 'Johnston; Billie Kennedy, Billie Marshall*, Ian IVIarshall*; 'Fanny. 'Pritchard: Pass. Marilyn CO6ks- werth; Teddy -Collyer, Roy Em- • berlin, Bobbie .Gilchrist, George Miirdie, Mabel StanleY,, Elizabeth Ann Webster., Jim .-WilSon. , • ' • Grade, "V to •Grade . • Honors: Shirley Irwin, Shirley .MaClure, Jin.Petersen; .D'onnie• Reid. Pass: Betty Armstrong, Al-: vin Hodgins, Melvjn Rodgint; BobbY Irwin, • Gerald '1Viewbrayi Marion Ross, 'Eldon Wraith. cai:i- dition41ly:.\owen campb011, Eu- gene 'Gardner. Those marked •*0 took Grades 5 :.and Vthis' year. , • • Ruby•M, Webb, teaeher. . • • • GradeIV to Grade. V 11 Honors Fraser AshtOn, Marion 'BuCktOn,' Alan Chin, Joan ,Craw- ford,' Joanne Hunter, Jack. Ken- nedy, Jean Muilin,.Pauline Rider; 'Douglas Schmid, Nancy Welistex, Pass,::",•.i.Brerida Brewer, Jimmie Brewer, 'Billie Buckton, Betty Ilabkirk, Arthur.. IloWaid; Mar- garet Rose.Lyons, Billie Robin - Son, , Marlene StanleY,. BObbie Struthers, •Robert Treleaven ' • . • • Grade. III. to.' Grade IV ." , , • Pass: Evan Agnew,. Harm Hof- stede, Carolyn Mathers, ranklin Mt:1mile; \Gehe Powell, Gary Rit cliie. • 13assed Conditionally for 1 month: Bruce Baker,. Lau r.a Breckles, •jack Button„ I30b**ie Habkirk,• °Marguerite 'McKenzie: •• Helen M. Hathilton: • • , Grade -II to l Grade III , 1-IbriorS,111315,ert Andrew, Karen Carnegi, hbra Collyer, Denver Dickie, E lizab et h Finlayson, Nancy Forster, Donald Hamilton, Nancy Irwin, Allan MacDougall, une -PurdOn; Patricia. Thompson. • ' PA.GE TIMER • O Make tea double strength ..and while still." hot pour,into glasses filled with cracked ' • : „Aid sugur .and lemon tsz, taste, • Pail:, Leona -Collins, Paul Ember - lin, ,James Gardner, George Gib- son, Lorna 'HoWaid Murray ter, Kenneth Jones, .0arry Mac- Donald, Kenneth MacDonald; Margaret• A. Mullin , Promoted • . conditionally:, George Humphrey, Keith Gardner. • Grade . I to Grade II • • Honors: Mary • Alii,. • Lynda Crawford; Janet. Finalyson, Eliz- abeth Henderson, Allan Mbw bray, Thernas Rathwell, Judy Webster. Pais!' Robert Brewer, YoosT:HoiStede, Gordon 1ViacNay, ,Carl 'Wagner, 0 CliffOrd Wagner, Thomas Wasney:: Prornotecl con- ditionally for one. month: ,James Cocksworth, Robert Hunter. • SERVE taqilftZ when TPADE in 014Doe.tOr: A• doctor, was called in. the • middle of the night and his* wife. • 'reached 'out- of bed to answer the ,telephone. Shaking .her husband. she said, "there's a call for you". • "Tell, ,'them I'm .out", . niutterea. . • , the doctor. This his wife did, 'but' the. voice at ; the other end said, •'"It's a, pity your husband is 09.t but 'perhaps yOu'd.. ask .the• man. . • .who's with you td:conie.along in- stead". • 0 • ° ' YOU CAN WIN .ONE OF 120 VALUABLE .PRIZES ' ---_ ., • ' In just a few weeks time you can own one of these brand new bikes . . . a smart table radio for your own .room . . or - one of 120 other valuable prizes just for saving Kist • ''. Bottle Tops. Here's how to do it. • • ), •-„,• 'Whenever you get a Kist Bottle Top, lift .the cork lini• ng 0 and. look for the letter. K -I -S, or T printed on the inside metal surface. Then go to your nearest Kist dealer's store • . . the man who sells delicious ice -Cold Kist . . . and ask for your copy of Kist' Contest rules...They'll tell :you how • you can win your new, bike or one of the '120 valuable rizes. Start ' 'st_Bottli--Tops-right-away. • • • .. • . . briee BOTTLE TOP„''. itrilirir CONTEST I NEW 76;Aittli7 .:• go ov'i $1.0,6 or more accepted. • • comparable. pates' , for shorter terms.° '• uroe's454. •.‘ . • MORTGAGEC914P011ATION . District Representative Joseph..Anewi. Lucknow, Ont. The Huron and Erie .Mortgage'0;t0.0ratio lindon, Ont. 1: ' • . • • • • • • . : • ' • • „.• , . , • •• ••' • • ,,, • • • • • • •,. 4' .1