The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-06-21, Page 10T •!L ►a`soo■ ' IUGft HALL CHALKS Ulf ANOTHER SHUTOUT• . Pitching, 3-hit•-ba11 in Caledon,- Ian Park on Friday night; Hughie +rang up, another shutout as I!ceased was:: Tarri,ed to the late - ,Mary ...McCann,'. w1-10'•predeceased •-"�"u�ptiw egionnaires�_ . downed her husband husband bout , .erg . h the{ ' 'iarton, nine 8 to 0, It. 'was. t Years A • ago. , • l a:„tl3ird � utoait An sEive•' she- ` '” em a,„ , I?ecora'tior land m orr�'� ser , wduled; ,starts;, . - • vice : will .,be held, at Dungannon Iie w•hrffecl ar. 'even 20 ed ' m.en 'in Friday,. night's bout 'and cemetery next ,Sunday, ° June' 24th 'issued only: ones pass.'Steverison' at 4.3:e!) p, m.. Rev: •A. S, Mitchell Wiarton's. second. sacker :,got the of .St. Paul's Anglican Church p solid, clqut .off Hall, He tag- ged one agged'one .for ' three.. bases in the 4th with only one ,away. ;Hinton, Wiarton's colored catcher `and ,fast THE. LUCKNOW „SENTINEL, LUCiNOW„ QNTAIIIQ Mr Thohas , McCarui left on Monday for London to attend the funeral ,of his late ' brother -in law, 'Thomas O'Brien,"'whose; fun- eral was 'Tuesday morning.- Ike. will , give the ,address: and will be •:assisted;by the other village clerg(ynen, The Lucknow ' High School Band . will he - in • a0coni an. a'ttend:- ante to ' for' -the, h miffs. as: lightning, ,lard,.. •one down to . .p Y Y Hugh . Cumirig who chased Stev-: Jenson back to' the sack but hadn't time , to make a play to first °`ori Hinton's fielder's choice • Half. struck, out the next two: . Hinton 'scratched Wiarton's. other two ,infield hits. In ,the'' 6th he stole' second and went. tb"i 3rd on a passed ball as Kreugex ,walk ed. Williams' whiffed leaving .•thein =both , stranded. ' ' ' On the mound for the Red'inen •• was Freddie:.Banks who did.' a stint with, Lucknow last spring.' • "Freddie. got; =off to a jittery start,: • to spot.. • Lucknow .three runs, Whig ,Were :plenty.' Clarence Greer led off with a ., base. on, balls and was forced at second on MVMacDonald's grounder 'to' 3rd:' Miley walked and' Hall and, will give other Musical,num bets suitable for . the , occasion,... , Durnin. ` returned. home 'last' week after! la." pleasan't visit with 'her .son, Chester and family at :;.Irwin, a ,suburb. of Pittsburg, P.A.:' Mr. Drriin arid. daughter, • ;Miss;.: ' Flora • ,Durnin, .motored there" for ' Mrs.''Durnin's: 'return, • Mrs; Jas. McWhinney,* Auburn, spent as few days,(visiting his broom tlier, Mr: $ert McWhinney 'and Mrs; McV i}nney.. .,They.. T . Ashifield public' School sec- , •tion, enjoyed the ,annual picnic of the schools last • T1•rursday .:and' though rain .threatened .in the' Morning,. bye noon the:skies had. cleared and a good • time . was, err'l joyed ' in ;the afternoon. • Mrs Sarah Louisa Ward �sin;gled.scaring .1GZacDonald:' Har=, ' • old Greer laed 'a double d ' n_ . : Death occurred to the late Mrs. Louis Ward, don T' • hur " a sda at h� right t e 'the e lin a nd l� . a `:., • ' and' Hall r p ed : hoiTie. home of. her . Sister:, 'Mrs:: Nellie. Ih the 3rd 'MacDonald led off Stewart in' ' the .: ,village.. Mrs. with a hit and Mile beat out a Ward ' was ,•in her' 90th year'' and y had' .been'' in ;Fall •'hit • to centre 'field; .very'' Poor health and'' MacDonald had to P tag :u as •since .coming to Dungannon' about • • eihtg 'the fielder was :trying hard .. to . g years' .a o 'and had lost her: get it. V; By• the time Jack made! sight and has ,been. bedfast .'for'. third, 'Mile Y and Hall were both:. years.,'She was a daughter- of ;the, oh, his• tail:.•; around •second : and; had to, scurry back to second and, first respectively,' while Hinton' Bung' � onto the ball..and- `watched :•the ` boys scampering,. to safety. Mileytaggedwas. : at. theP. late 'at-. tempting. to ;'score on ;a passed .,. iball. Greer went down. swinging. 'of , Caflgary • . two • sisters, Mrs. Curring. singled McDonald home,Thompsot} Edmunds. ' (Maude) , of gg Middlemiss " walked. and • Harden.:: .Seattle, Wash :arid Mfrs Nellie:: ' by', went down : to- retire the :side, Stewart, Dungannon, . at •• whose -with•,home • the funeral was herd on • aminimum � of 'damage`:. �to , • :, ;, , �.• ... pViarton s cause :Saturday. iafternoon at 2 ; o clock; with,: .' • Rev. J..Bright," Officiating. . '•Teri.'. Men; 'faced " B '�ks. 'in • h• n ed an t e. 7th when he lost'•his 'control arid :. . • support at the carne•' time. Miley ` had flied to `centre, before Hall caused the 'blow -Up by switching !to the left hand side of the plate to slam :a homerpf thi,ugh "centre 'June 26--Lucknow at SouthrP. - field• Wiarton then committed 5 •• aanpton , crinis, and B;ar>'ksivalked two , June '29=Port Elgin at..Lucknow: .lien; coupled With a• pair'. of- field•* *• er','schoices, •.to give NL•• ueknow 3 Southampton Fishermen, high- more grunt.Y rated as' tough opposition • for • Banks -struck -out—•8;-•rgave-ip-1-any-team in the Loop, .. in 1'1 hits`.,and. walked 6 men: • Sepoyille on Friday night It •Wiarton: Lisk cf, Stevenson stacks tip as one of the: best tilts 2 d, Hinton; c, Kreuger` 1f,. Wil of the season,• and'. then' come'' Hams ss, Lemcke ' rf, Hall lst, next • • Friday, • June , 29th, thy; - =• Hunter 3rd, -Banks.- l ;vaunted .Port Elgin ' Lakesiders Lucknow' C Greerrf, Mac- will perform here. q Donald• as, Miley c,° Hall` p,' H. • "'lc'* * * ;' aGreer 20.4,..,Qu ring 3rd, Middle -1t'11 be July 16th before:Wing-t • miss cf; Halderi(by' if, Cook `1 lam : plays here and—July''-2 Score' by" Iinnings; r:. h e :before the County • Towners ' visit. ,Wiarton >.'000 000 oo0-0 • 3:6 Sepoyville• .' .. ' Iucknaw 301 000 04x=-8,11 * * "`* ... Making his,'. debut in Wiar • ' ' ton against the Seaforth Bosharts, L"EGIONNAIRES.'DOWNED Freddie Banks' struck out '17 and SEAFORTH TUESDAY''? 1 .1gave.•up only, 4 h -2 its. Leading -1,. Luck going ' into 'the' 9tli.. a ,couple of mL .Seaforth egiOn sires• dight .`bad" ,thricos' by �Caxcher• Hinton paved the 'wap for. Seaforth to ','by a Score Of 74: Seaforth's lone, eke out a 4_2 win..Incidentally, unearned, run cable in the 8th; `� ,. • > Wiarton .colored battery 'were onsPicuous `by�':'-their . -absence from. •Morida�r n g,ht's. line-up 'in a game with Centralia: A wild throw by „Zuk •gave' Wingham . a 2�. victory ,'::over •. ;, •i 'now 'a. 3 run, � lead:.. ''O'Shea. re- .•. Walkerton 'on Monday night in placed him., : ' c� ,a ,'game that;:went 12 'innings. The Legionnaires drew 7 ,walks and six•hits. * :* ; In. the 5th Hall:hit a mighty Billy Fisher, who started play •circuit 'clout that cleared the'ing ,hockey with the Lucknow cars in 'centre field. George Chin Bantams, ''h:as been transferred. was in . uniform. for the first time from Blyth to • Mitchell , by the and played; first base. Bank of �Comrnerce, The •Blyth Standard had this' . to says "His 'removal is regretted **all; and BOWLING JITNEY , he Will be 'particularly missed in . the; sports Sphere. Bill was .a' F'tiurteeii bowlers took, part in utd member of last winter's' juv� ' ' jitney anile hockey 'teaiii,. playing centre: Monday ti night's Tnixed , Prize. • .winners were Margaret i ide, and this Spring: has been" • Ii.'ae;' Harvey Webster and' Fred; Working in. nicely at" third ►base: 3acksort, ,;whl *era alt tied ,for wiith. the: Intermediate softball` I first place; .4.t'ea'hi : • ,late Mr and, • Mrs. Jas.. Kernick, • born' near : Granton. .She is sur- vived. !b .. three ; daughters,'•L y..u, gale (Mrs. John O'Grady):Jena' (1Virs Courtland iSecord),, Learn ington and ,Miss Edna ',Kernick -of Detroit; also one ;brother Frank Games Coming Up June 22 Southampton at Luck to rib Hall -.o f _'another4_shutout_. iugl ie.. struck out .12, walked 2 and. allowed .•only 1 "hit. . Muir ,started for ' Seaforth but 'w•as wild and gave uP ' 3' walks and a hit in the 14 to spot Luck-, •1 '4 ,,..• OBITUARY , . MRS. DAVIT) M. TH.OMPSO.N Mrs. David N.L. Thomism,' the last surviving member of pion- eer. Kinloss Township family, passed raiway in Toronto on 'Thurs day,, June; 7th,' at' the Age .;of 80 years, ,. . i ::•.. ~� n•i fab in hea tit' .She, haul,. bee....; n . _ _1 • .I . . for ,a tune,. arrcl; .slept peacefully away'n'bout 1 rr CI ''ek'1hat %norrl img. v;• ,Mrs. Thompson • was formerly' Isabella Jane ,MacK.enzie, one of a fainily• RI six children born :to Mr.. ,and WS. "ilioderick MacKen zie of ,the•,Second Concession• of: Kinloss,, the farm on:wnich sh,e was (born now being Owned by a nephew; Frank MacK. nzie. On' .January 10th, . 1900; she married David,. M. • ' ThgMpson, Nrho..'predeceased heron. Decem °ber"` 27th,' • i946`.. Until going t Toronto four '• yealrs "ago,. Mrs. Thompson apent.. all her -married life in Lucknow, Of a kind and friendly nature . she was known to many as `Smiling Bell". She 'loved ;good music• and• found great ;.enjoyment : and' expression in singing' and it , was .appropriate thaLiat her funeral service,.. her sop, W. F.:'Thompson. Of Toronto, should '' sing .a favorite hymn;. "Pleasant ,Are Thr : ''Counts: Above". '' Tie , service was held on;: Sat• ;urday .afternoon; June. .9th, . at Johnstone's, funeral home 'con, ducted • iby. Reiv!. 'G•S.. gulch .of.. S: o• u t'h Kinloss Pres'b 'terian Church;' Which she attended in.; .her girlhood, •and • in • rater years. .'was ' a faithful and devoted mem ber of . Lucknow Presabyterian - Intermentwas: in c South Kiri loss Cemetery with her four sons Campbell' Thoroppou,' acting as pallbearers, R ' • N>`rs: Thompson is survived toy four .sons, Gordon of Lethbridge, William F. of 'Toronto, Andrew M, of B, *imanville ', efl- neth R. oo cittiaago. AnandotherDr• Kson, Robert,passed..away �.in August' ; of 1941. .• A sistr. Catherine .1V1acKerizie and fourbrothers; ,Alex,, ,Y6hn, :. illiarri..-MacKenzie «K�enrreth,�aad W ..; ..� predeceased her,' • FOURTH CONCESSION 112ree Rod MacDougall has r.e turned from Corunna, Mrs, . An'g us :Gr'ahan .spent last . week With her 'children in, Torte onto, THURSIAY, JUNE :21st, 19.51 Mrs, Dick Martin and acro ,us,.• tin motored to Toronto last. Thursday, Mr. Graham. MacDonald was ''. h ome from Petrolia ,for the weal, ding .of hiss cousin;; ,1VIisS: Marion Graham, Mr. .and Mrs• Jack Needham Dof,ougallCorunna.n.SLi�visited' nghaaA with .R1 ta1, oci Mc,: . o' n, Saturday. ENJO Y TRADE MARK REG tie Ba I I att _ Game ■ ool Roop000l■UIIIDomalu1U! hh/■/i■NNN ��■.�U••EE a Y N ■ `r/ �� f► Mr iii ' .timil: a ■ a. . i. aln ■ w ■ . ■ ■ ' .You' Can't Go Wrong On' Any Of 'These' Buys. •. ▪ - ' - EV. Belair Hardtop Convertible, `.:tone in color, air : •. 1951 CHH i' a ..; 1 •conditioning, : undercoating, custom radio : and ••many A ■. extras. ' ' • ■ . • o r • • , 1951,'CiIEV� STYLIIVE � COACH. ! '1950. CHEV. STYLINE SEDAN. • ■ 1950 CHEV. 'DELUXE STYLINE COACH with, custom •radio: •■ '.•.. EDAN tone in: • '• A • 1949 ` :CHEV ' DELUXE' STYLINE •S 2, . color., a '' • custom 'radio. and :,air .conditioning. ' • ■ ..1.• . EV. FLEETLINE:..COACH. o 1949 CH a .1949:.`CHEV. STYLINE.. COACH, 2 -tone in.color a. ' •D LUXE'FLEETLINE SEDAN: 1•ir, 1949: CHEV E X • ■ . _ E STYLINE .SEDANS. a • ■. 2 1849 �CH V. S N ■ 1948 CHEW .STYLEMASTEB ;COACH.: • :• • •. 19:40.,CHEV. COACH •, .: 1936 36 DODGE D- 9 SE A lin, H: Eedy; •Everett.• Finnigan n ; William, " • Andrew and • ' Gordo W , 1948 CHIV. FLEETLINE COACH Kenneth Tliomoson,. and,. two 1 1947 MEitCURY; COACH. . H. . nephews, , Frank MacKenzie and ' • ° 1940 DODGE' SEDAN :..041. DODGE 60ACIT. +12�: J. Dur The • palbbearers• were . ■ . 1937 •CHEV. • COUPE • PICK-UP •• wit . `Radio 'Heater:and Deluxe Cab •' ':' and Bert. Maize.: Interment, was ■.' .1954,-34.40N,s ■ . in Dun annon cemeter:. • Along ■.. ,, = ' at SACRIFICE, .PRICE. __ •.. :. • Withfloral. tributesfr relatives•�.•' u - . l o�i : ,., obi.I• o :.: •.� .. and friends'was a 'floral iece. from ` the Dungannon United ' ■ 'p.•• • •' •: Church. ■ • ''h heft+• • ■ • I, xis. .W,m: Shields s• sold h a ■ • IIEV. S'T•• village :residence ; to'1V1'r..and Mra,.. ' ::. 'John ' Asgue of •, Florida; ' and has purchased `a 'home. on: Gloucester, Terrace, •Goderich, and wilt rn v'e' this •week. • "The Hon of .Better Used Cars ,Cries . Service "Dealer. •4— ; 'Phbane 73x; Bru ,els .• • • aimumo■loolo i.i uuo au■ i'i oomoosoommonotaa■oa• . . , It .takes' a lot o'f:cooling to keep ti PolgrBear:.happy. This largest .:,:. member,'of' the .bear _family, is smaller „than a porctipje afi li rth1_. -7-134 often weighs more than three-quarters of a ton: when ,full grown. • To this tremendous bulk,''add 'the fact that : the bear is' • • o e r thick/ water proof coat,, which is designed' to protect. covered with a . �..+^` him in the Arctic . it s,,a big' job keeping;him cool• in or r"zoos. ''; team about nature's creatures. Visit, the,riearestzoo'ornd see thelia. A. whole new world • of 'interest will be opened to you when you Understand •nature. ; , NATURE UNSPOILED"" YOURS - •,TO PROTECT - YOURS TO ENJOY • THE CARtING.dREWE IES ILIMITEDr • ,WAT[RLQO, ONTARIO+ . 3. '1 • E a 0 0 ••, a '1) '.o .11 4 0 Y-11 T �.N N , 01 .S1 tli 'th •in •i11 tc —y er ., Ay 'pb la la er 'art ;'; oil .pr .13r� w, l)� ba dr • wi of Zr. r LU