The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-05-24, Page 84 • • . PAGE EiGirr, • • THE • • . LUCKNOW sERTINFi., LUCKNOW, cam= • . 11,71uist.I.AY, 2.4t1).1; 195t. .. • APTURE THErS N 'EMBROIDERED MARQUISETTE -11e of our favorite min. • tain materials: The very hew, very. sheer embroidered: marquisette, with dainty leaf design 44" wide, in ivory• PUFFY DOT MARQVISETTE—very ,smart curtains can be• ' • Made ,frPm this material, .43" wide. • • '• READY, MADE CUETAilsiS—perhaps iroth would raiher buy- 5ibur curtains. react made. We have.; a gob& range' to,. choose from. , ''• • . • . • PLAsnc CURTAIN•q,---dierat .Patterns on light grorind. DRAI'ERYI MATERIALS—in Chinti; Maras. 36". and 48" 0. • TFADE. MARK REG. is easy to carry home .• • . uggestions Heart's Delight iruneS • Pasteurized, Extra Large : 1 lib box • ' • 33e Dewkist Choice Toinatoes 28 'oz. tin ' 2 for 45c. • • '' • ' • Rosie Boneless Chicken 7,, oz. tin ° . 55c Delicious in sandwiches or tasty salads. •MeLareia's Tasty 1VIayonnaise • 25c MeLaren's FreezlEasy For delicious home-made ice cream 2 pckgs. - 29c McLaren's Nut Crush I lb. ice box jar 45c- Contains.Peanutd, Cashews, Walnuts and Filberts. • , . , • • 1 113.bahy.rbll 50c The. Store of Friendly. Service 'Phone 82 — We Deliver, 4."• - THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE • OBITUARY 1111{,S..cAlrilERINE GINN •Seivices • for Mrs. ,Catherine Ginn, 82, of Detroit, who died Sunday, .1.)/lay 13th in Grace Hos- pital, were held at the Di11Bros. funeral home, Detroit, on.Wed- nesday afternoon •of last week. Mrs, Ginn, was the widow. of Thos. R. Ginn, abuilder and con- tractor, who passed away a lit- tle over two years ago. Mrs. Ginn Was the daughter. of' Mr and Mrs. 1,41was0143.0"i:Mner-i'ip,ar JtYariuofai,y,Ri1P8l6e9Y: gare married T. °R Ginn in 1893 and ' went • to. Detreit• whereshe has liVed ever since,' She united with Immanuel, Preabythrian Chrirch. over fifty years ago, in which, ° She, has been a ',faithful 4411, con- sistent member and ,her pastor gave a wonderful testimony of her fidelity. In closing he read Tennyson's, poem "Crossing .The Ilar"; which fully expressed her own desires- 'No* it is out, We"have often wonpred why the present pro- vincial , government added an amendment' to its liquor license act, .making it .inapplicable in Canada Temperance 'Act count- ies It seemed like Uncalled .f6r, and 'Unfair ,cliScririrination: 'Now Premier Frost inadvertently con- fessed Iliat it was feared 'that :other: rural ' counties 'Would fol- loW the example Of Huron. Perth and Peel and so a handicap Was placed on ,.these .three Canada Temperance Act .counties, the. protection of the liquor license act was ,withdraWn. That. is sure- ly a thoroughly iniquitous use of power -rAdVt.,' ., • - Presbyterian Evening• Auxiliary • The call to worship was given Mass •Marion .MacDonald who had charge, of the May meeting SENTINEL at the home of Mrs.. Maud Sher- . • The ,funerhl procession was es- corted by several policemen- to Woodrnere cemetery. The flowers were many_ and beautiful, show ing to a slight degree the esteem in' which she was held. Her kind- ly disposition' and mild, unassum- i Don't Miss This Exceptional Value In ' • . ing manner manner and Christian prin-' . , came in contact throughout her 1 . ' Nylon Undefweat : - '1 ciples endeared her to those she entire life. • • 1•' • Surviving are two sons, LlOycl ' , . . ... • , ' , ' 1 T. and Douglas R., secretary and.Nylon Tricot Slips ,..,,.$4.49 Nylon Tricot Briefs $1.49 i second deputy commissioner ,01 'Nylon Petticoats or ' • Nylon, Tricot Panties $L,99 ! • • - 4 • •' LADIES' •••In Gingham,, • Chainbray, FabrieaYs, BrOacielOt114; • . French Crepes, Shan -Rays, Faille,Rays. In Sizes 11). to 40, C NEW DRESSES THIS WEEK. CLEARANCE LADIES' SHORTY COATS $1O;95 ancl $19.95 . . • • • - . TOT -TO -TEEN and'L,ADIES' WEAR 'Phone '89-W Lucknow, Ontario • the police department; and a dau- ghter, Mrs. Huntley Campbell of. New Haven. Conn.; •grand - 'children and one great grand- child. She also, leaves two sisters, Mrs. ; Margaret' Gooderson and Mrs. Phoebe Qtiygier and one:bro.: ther,z-Doncan .1VicLarty of. Bruce„.. Alberta. Four nephews an d two grandions. were the acting pall: - bearers., , • ,„•,' • • .„ there is'a.guaranteg On them of an equal replacenient • s y ays o date Of purchase;.• Hall Slips ....... ........ $3.49 Nylon Mes1113defs , • FOR HEALTHFUL FOOT COMFORT Nylon 'Coz-eez, sizes 9 to 1014. , , • , r IVIEN'S 110LEPROOF NYLON SCICKS x If the wearing quality of these Holeproof Nylon Socts does' tsatisfyyouwithi t d fr ni 1. SEE •By, THE , . of.. sticks will be „made frfe., ••-•\• • • .(Continued -from page' 1) • ' • BS' . • —o— THAT. a television set • in ' the / LADIES'AND MEN'S, WEAR. Greer Radio. and ,tlectric show . ' ' • . • window on Saturday . night at- • . • wood. Psalm 106 Was sungand Macintosh. The scripture reading, inie. Mrs. Jack • MaCDonald had the ineditaion.. A veryexcellent report on the Presbyterial 'Which was held at Teeswater that day was given•by Miss Mary Mac- Leod.' The Bible studron the 5th commandment was taken by Mrs. Archie Smith; current events hy Mrs Stewart 1VIullin and the topic ilpy Mrs. C.Mason:• Articles for the bale werecollected and lens were made to go to the c1rich-,---was--held London 'on May 18-19-20. Fol-• lowing. the closing hymn and the Lard's prayer repeated in unison some' contests were enjoyed. prayer was offered by Miss Kay • ' • Was given .by Miss Helen Gam - traded quite an audience. - • " ; 111 -1A'1' -Rev. G. N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron,- has forbidden all games of chance such as raf- fles and bingoes in churches of the • diocese. . . — • . • • . . THAT ReV. Charles A. Winn 11 conduct anniversary services at. —South. .Jin1os Presbyterian Church on Sunday r.--7----- . . -, • • THAT the .the "once -a -year"' com- • munity sale cif furniture. im- • Plementa and small articles ' 'it often happens that men who will be held at. the Sales Barn ik tormuch think too in,Lticknow on Saturday after- LUCKNOW • 744, f)'' • 4 .16 44 r ' • t ' • 4$ t • ik* •••., ,•• • • , u EASY. TO PREPARE FOODS • FOR QUICK SUMMER MEALS • • • _ _ • , . • . TILBEST PIE CRUST MIX . • with:Free-Pan. 34c TILBEST SPICE CAKE ^ with Spoon • 36c . , . Quik Cooking ... . •FIVE ROSES DATS .45c .„. • KRAFT DINNER • . r2 for 27c Clark's , • ' , • PORK and BE)LNS 2 for' 33c •, For' The , • -sCHOOL4INgtits • V'erk PEANUT, BUTTER ' LEAFLETTUCE 2f39c • . Phone. 20;' • I • •Miss Canada ' , TOMATO JUICE 2 for -23c York , • • Meiners and Beans, 20 oz. 33c Miracle Whip , SALAD DRESSING, 16 oz. Honiemade . SWEET PICKLES 26c , • Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP. 14c Fruit Vitamin Packed , • , SUNKIST ORANGES, 252's ."Bursting With Juice' • . GRAPEFRUIT:..„,..,....LiLL...: 4lor:2§c ..... for 45c ..•BcEit. SCOUTS Paper coUectIo IN LUCKNOW AT 400 P.M. 0 •.. . tars Householders are asked to have Newspapers, Magazines, ' Cartons, Etc., at the curb for the Scouts to pick up., Please box or tie it securely. ° r • , • • • . • • . ,• • . • It. IS 'VAL AIILE SAVE IT FOR 'THE...SCOliTS • „ • COAT HANGERS ALSO WANTED; 1:10011; . ,THAT last Thursday's Free Press carried a picture of Douglas • Eadie, ,son 'of., Mr. , and Mrs, Lorne Eadie of Holyro8d. His • portrait,' as we PreVioiisly re- ported, Was entered by Mae - Laren Studio in the Ontario • Society of Photographers een. test, and was awarded a ribbon "Of merit*. To All Persons. Who :Ouiri. Or Harbor b . . ,• NOTICE" IS IllgREBY GIVEN ithat dogs are not .alloOd to run .at large within the Corporation during the period to jfily' 15th, 1951. , • ' • • • , . -• DOGS NOT WEAIIING 'TAGS and running, at aige'at .11Y• time are liable to be impounded at the ownees'risk an.d expense. .° CORPORA'rON OF THEVILLAGE OF LUCKNOIN *Joseph 'Agnew, ciftk' 1.".1.11....7?•••••••••••1•0•11.0•1•1•.•••••ile••••••.1.1•••••••••••••••••••,,, - ' • •• ; • ' ti