The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-12, Page 4" 4. +:1114111.i1C' THL UC NO VO :SENTINEhr,, LUCKNOW,' .ONTARIO• FOR,SME: • 1946 .Chex. Deluxe Sedan 1947 Ford Coach . 1942 Plymouth Deluxe:' Coach 1936 FON,- oupe Used car radio 2 used 6,00146 tires' N'. • W. WINTERSTEIN • "WANT' AD RATES. --1st insertion' 2 cents a word, silbsequent AGENT FOR Goblin ' Tacuuth • insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge. 25 cents.'Replies care Cleaners, cylinder type •mounted, of The 'Sentinel 10 . tents extra, Legal advertising 10 cents per on wheels with floor, polisher' as count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. standard. equipment, Contact FOR SALE-fresh'cbw with calf, FOR SALE -7 ft 'used Kelvin,- Love11 ' McGuire,, ,. 1 ip ey George Alton, 11.' 2, •Lucknow. I tor, in good• shape: Apply Ronald pi ne 16 .30. F , w FOR SALE ;,-- Quantity of Red ' Forster. Clover and .Alfalfa. 'Wm. Maer FOR SALE -- nuzmber of choice : Kenzie, R. 5, Lucknow..` young sows, due` to ; farorvir 'soon and' a. .tearn . of mares. 'Johnston MoLecitl,,'.Con, 12, Huron, ..Phone 81-r-6 Ripley. . . .' :FOR,` SALE one used Connor Thermo ice refrigerator at W. G. ,,,Andrew's.: FOR .SALE=4939' Studebaker 5 "passenger coupe,, radios heater & extras. Sandy 'Rider, Lucknow. FOR ..SALE __.. ' Red ,clover= seed. Gordon ' Anderson, , R. 7 : Luck- now. . FOR SALE - Red clover 'seed. Gordon Struthers,' phone 64-r-22, Lucknow, FOR 'RENT -100: acre"'grass farm. • Apply to .Jack .Switzer, R. R.. 4, Ripley, phone • • 23-r 11. CHILDREN'S SEWING Com- plete layettes, also. machine made• buttonholes all sizes: Mrs.Elms-' Berlin. WANTED--jbaby's crib Anyone having same, for sale please leave' word, at.The Sentinel- Office. ' FOR SALE:' CHEAP -1936 Chev. • deluxe: 'sedan, good tires John Gaunt, 'Whitechurch. • 'STARTED •.CHLCK.S, dayold • to 6 weeks'. on:sale at all tunes. Craw ford's Chick' Hatchery. FOR SALE -little girl's coat set, size,. 3, , like new, blue in ,color.: - Apply color.'- Apply. at Sentinel 'Office FOR SALE .-,- 1938 Ford- coach, new :engine. Would.: trade' 'on. A' few grata ,cattle, Richard Baker, Lucknow. WANTED! --First' Book used:. 'in. Grade 2 and:a Second. Room book, used :between 1916 and 1922. Ap- ply 'at Sentinel Office.' . . HAY , .FOR ' SALE -timothy and ltitnothy & ; Red' Clover ' mixed. Apply : to ,Chas MacDonald, R. 2, Lucknow;, 'phone: 44-r-12.•. • FOR:SALE-=9; chicken .shelters, .with 'capacity of from 75 . to. 100 each... Robert, MacDonald, 'R 3, Holyrood, phone 24-r-7; Ripley 'PIANO FOR SALE -Weber 'piano • . • and--!b-rrch;-.✓-'very good --cone' ' • .• tion. S.: Chadwick, 'Con. 6, ,Kin}' ::loss, phone'. 27-16 Ripley. FOR: •SALE , "' one. .13 -run Case 'rubber -tired . drill' ' in good con- dition: Apply. Anderson Flax Pro:- ducts!; ro= ducts;: Lucknow: • FOE SALE -started Capons, 31 to•4 weeks old.. Available through. ' hatching' ` season.' Goldie • Martin, phone Dungannon 68-r-6. • ROUSE FOR SALE -seven -room .house, full ,basement, , furnace; 3= wire service. Apply at Sentinel Office. EMPLOYMENT W'AN T >' D -' , young married roan wants work ,on farm. Good' :tractor, ,operator. A v-4 i• 1 able ' at once: r. °Rense• Wiersina R. 3, Goderich.• ]4`Ol SALE --1936 Chev. Coach, • priced' for quick sale and.a..year•- olds Hereford bull. Orville .Elliott,, R. 3,' Eolyirodd • phone , 24-r-26, Rip1ey, . , FOR SALE -23 brood' sows, due from, May 8th to June,15th first come, first choice.,,Jim Boak, Con. • 6, Ashfield, phone 78-12 Dungan- non. ' `'OR'' SALE -- :1936 Ford coupe, seven tires, .five in. good . shape, heater, sealed, beam headlights, 53,040 miles A. E. McKim, Luck- n'o`w. FOR SPRING REDECORATING 1951. Wallpaper $i. Lowe'Bros. Paints, . Enatn`els, Varnishes,'. Wax and Inrushes in stop 'at the home of PHILIP STEW A'T, Phone 8 `Lucknow. IMPLEMVIE TTS ` F 0 ,R SALE =. sulky plow, gang plow, • clump rake, • wagon; all in ' Al shape.- Harry. hape:Harry° Lavis, R., R.. 5,, Lucknow, ,phone 43-r, 411; .. : / • • ,PERSONAL, SKINNY` MEN, 'WOMEN!: ` GAIN 5. to 15 lbs.; new. pep:. Try ' Ostrex 'Tonic Tablets for... new; healthy r.flesh;` new : vigor., . Introductory; "get -acquainted", size only .60c.• 'All's. druggists. BRA'( 'CHICKS Wide ,choice" pure 'breeds and crosses; Dayold, • start- ed, the 'late su'..rn- April, chicks ks for mer -fall Markets, ;with- Grade -A, large hitting` the top. ,Hatchery FOR SALE -Beaver And ,Roxton . has. what you want. Ask us for cats,, anrd'Galore seed barley; also 'Prices, • ,they're' reasonable. a permanent pasture mixture 'of D•. R;. FINLA.YSON; Lucknow, orchard grass; brome grass'. and BOUGHT yowl/ CHICKS YET? , meadow fescue. E. G. Zinn . •If so, the markets ••.warrant get - Son,, phone..14=r 15 Dungannon. • ting more: , There are many yeas sale ohs ler': predicting good' markets.: ts: at Get. Big -4 Chicks; • be sure of good High= sturdy chicks, Canada Approved; with . •a program ,of. intensive • y ' at 1.00 breeding on this Hatchery's own on Thursday" -12th; • o'clock. 'Cameron i Bros., '''Prop: farms; Ask us for .particulars. Emile.. MacLennan, ' Auc. ED.' V. BAKER',. Lucknow.. AUCTION N SALE= --Clearing of :farm stock and • irhplement. Lot 7; Con. I-4.Aslifield, 'on.H way 86, 7 miles -west of Lucknow, AUCTION AI of farm mach, ` :IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE finery, household effects & team. lNrew ; double ' soil- 'crushers, or of horses, at Lot 7; Con. 10, Ash -land packers. in the new 10 &.11- field,' , 2 miles west . of Belfast; . on foot sizes, or they -can-.15e rnade Thursday, •April 12th at: 1.30. No reserve as. farm • has bbeen Terms . cash.. Gilbert, :Vint, 'Prop::,. Well.. Henderson Auc • • stillMacMillan, ' 17th GEORGE w P.o'cloreserve.also AUCTION SALE , . of •20 cows, 7 calves and a ,Shorthorn; bull ..4: years old. Cattle ' mostly Short- horn" and all T.B. tested. Cows either milking or to freshen soon Sale is at Burton Hodgins, North Line, 11; miles north of Bervie on 'Friday, .•' April 13th at .1:30 Burton Hodgins, Prop.; • Donald B. Blued 'Auc. • AUCTION SALE of farm stock, implements and some ' household effects at the - farm of Albert Campbell, ;Hiiighway 86, ' 2 s inles berley-ori ;l+ r-iday ipr- 13,th. at 1.011:0.M. Hay, grain .and all ,sums of $25 and under cash, ,Over that amount 6 • months cred- it on banked,'approved joint notes. bearing 5 percent interest: Albert. Campbell,`• Prop., Thnile;.MacLen naii,.> Auc. • NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS; All accounts ' owing.. to .S. W Gib pn, Lucknow, must ., be paid on 'dr before Saturday,. April 14th. or they will '.!be placed in other hands for collection: t • ..NOTICE A meeting of the LucknowFish and Game, Protective Association will. be held . in the Recreational Centre,, Lucknow, on Tuesday ,ev- ening, April 17th,: -at 8.00 p.m. Spring and suann er ' program ' to be 'planned. • : , . G. R Whitby, Tres. HELP WANTED FEMALE Ward Aides for the Ontario Hospital at London • i Young women in good health, with 2 years ' High .t School • or equivalent, and with An `interest in helping the mentally sick are invited to apply. Free, course of 'training: " to , accepted ' applicants Permanent positiohs,' improved schedules, *.generous vaca-' tion privileges land pension bene- fits. Accoomod:atidn in hospital residence •at • ' moderate • cost can #.be provided for •limited the' if desired. For application. • ,'Chinn •write to `.Miss Florence Thomtas, R.N., Directbr •of 11iirsing, Oat, aro Hospital, London. ..' . • 'I' E N.D, ER, S: Tenders will be:received for 'redecorating ';two classrooms . of the, Public School.. Work 'to be completedduring the. • month •.. of.. July.. ' Lucknow Public- School Board, ` Donald. Henderson, Sec'y : NOTICE • RE MASSEY HARRIS AGENCY I have been appointed ,assey- Harris • agent. for ` 'the Lucknow Area, effective Monday, April 16th. Anyone interested in • Mas- sey -Harris •machinery or, parts, call .or see . J. WILSON 'Phone. '70-w, Lucknow or contact.: Keith Kilpatrick, 'Phone' 78, Lucknow.: • • NOTICE ,oTIGE O -SUBSCRIBERS Any. -subscriber to the.By-Laws of, this . System . Whose phone is not now in service will lose their right. to' service as a subscriber' on June 15, . 1951; unless. ' they order their 'phone aback• into ser ,vice before that .date. , Dated 'at Ripley, Ont., . April 3, '1,951:. < , • ,Hugon: and 'Kinloss ' Municipal Telephone' System By`Order of the Commissioners. Insure With The Cuirass Mtttu�l FIRE INSURAI�TCE, CO, for. A.Reasonable rates, .sound. pro- section & prom t, satisfactory - settlement .of . claiins.` ' FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent. R.: 3; : Teeswater: 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 f�i►tir(>•sO���na�►ii��i�i rel LINCOLN . , FARM WELDERS nd WELDING SUPPLIES always in •stock.:T W. G. SIM: ONS &: • SONS , 113 Olinron Rd., 'Phone, 2x: ' , , GODERIGH, ONTARIO.: • ......._.... G. 'ALAN, WILLIAMS Optometrist , Office on Patrick ;St.,. just oft the Mai.. St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Exami4.ation... Optical Services, Evenings by . appointment.. Phone Office' 770; Res. '5.: JOH iSTON E'S FUNERAL. . H `'Phone" 76 Day or': Night • Ambulances. Service ' U..SE. OF FUNERAL ' HOME At No Extra Cost ' Moderate :Prices ` MacLENNAN an ZIE �IVIacKEN' FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral. Home Available) , AMBULANCE.. SERVICE (Day 'or 'Night Service),; FURNITURE 'Phone ' 181, Lucknow, Ont. :(Day or Night) AgnewsbAgeflcy' -r- Jos. Agnew Howard Agnew MEMBER OF . Ontario Insurance Insurance Agents' ;Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago :. Telephones: Business 39 " .. Residence ,138 INSURANCE Co -Operative Life Insurance Co=Operative Automobile .Insurance . .Mercantile Si Farm ' Fire Insurance • ' Economical and .Reliable T., •A. -CAMERON .; : LUCKNOW , ' • 'Phone 704-10 Dungannon Kenneth). MacKenzie .Optoinetrist .. ; '•,LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be in -Ripley, Wednesday,. 'December, 20th .and every sec- ond. Wednesday following,, at .:Eugene 'Wrorna's Jewellery Store, from 3,00 p.m. to 10'13,1n- Eyes 0'p m.E,y, es examined' - Glasses titted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, ' 96-r-24 Ripley. NOW .IS.,THE TYME • Tb• Order A' `ntreshjng 'Machine • 3 sizes- .22x32; 22x38, 144E, , Roller Bearing CoMplete • EARL ft HODGINS • ' R. R. 1, Holyrood', Ont. 'phone: 36443 Teeswater r .' TKURSLiAYg . APRIL • 12th, 1951' DR. T.',B. CLEU.Nb VETERINARIAN. Havelock St., south ©f. Supertest Garage • L'UCKNoW' • r, • Telephone BUSINESS: and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AVDITS For The Small Merchant, Proafessiobal . • man and the. Farmer:, , S. J.:PYMM P.O: Box '74 . Lucknow, Ont. Office in. Kilpatrick Block', • 'Phone` 23-w T. .ARMSTRONG. ,OPTOMETRIST ' .00DERICH4 FOR APPOINTMENT :�• 'Phone 1100 For . Appointment. or Information See.: Wm., A.Schmid 'Phoir a 167-W Lucknow Insure In . Sure • Insurance WIND • Western, Farmers': Weather FIRE Howick Farmers" Mutual Car, Accident, Sickness' Consult JOHN. FA:RRISH "'Phone • 169.-J; Lucknow' INSURANCE •FIRE,. CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE: To Protect' Your Jack, Insure With Jack. Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R.. 3, Lucknow,' Ont..'. 'Phone,:61-5,' Dungannon •, R. W.': ' .Barrister and Solicitor, LUCKNOW;: ONTARIO Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: •. Office 135 '. Residence' 31-J Stuart: MacKenzie 'Barrister and `Solicitor 0 WALKERTON, ONTARIO `N LUCKNOW Each Wednesday, : 'OFFICE 'IN HENDERSON,'.BLOCK R. S pH.etherington,'K Barrister, Etc. ••• Wiiighani and Lucknow •, IN LUCK11fi9W • Each Monday. and Wednesday , Located. on the .ground floor in ' the front of • , John Kilpatrick's Building. 'PhoneI Wipgha 97 Office 48 . , ResiLTenCe Irr