The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-12, Page 1$2,50 Yearly In Advance' — IOc Extra to U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,APRIL 12th, 1951 TEN PAGES, icipalities First Cance `ake Ever United rch Shed The future . o f t h er United COOKING SCHOOL TODAY Church shed is to be decided very x• soon. The Church Board has pros- pective buyers interestedin the building •and•'has , decided .to dis- pose of it, as 'It no longer. serves any useful ,purpose as a 'church shed, and is a financial liability to the church. Before taking action ' in this regard the .Church Board .called a meeting to learn the wishes of the rural. community, and if it is desirable to retain .the: ibuild- ing as a .community shed, to seek a solution to this end. The meeting voted; unanimous ly to approach Municipal councils 'f the Village, of Luobnow , and 'fhe Townships of Kinloss •• Ash.. The Frigidaire Cooking School is being held 'in .the. Town Hall this Thursday afternoon, and will no ` doubt ` attract a capacity 'audi. ence, " The school is' Sponsored by the. L'oc'al' Association of the Girl Guides,,. and,. will. be conducted by Miss • Iris Amundsen,: homeecon. omist•.of .Frigidaire .Products. • "GdlhlG 'PLACES" .BEING CURRENTLY PRESENTED The musical •stage'.show'.'"Going Places' is. being currently pre sented in the„Town Mall, and will field•;and West•Wawanosh, to•'d'e„ concludea' tlwo-Might ,perform= termine 'of these. municipalities' ance tonight" (Thursday).. .• are ' interested. in buying• • the Staged•`'enitirely by a local tal-' building , as' a community shed, , ent east, the show is under the; professional, direction .oto ; Miss Elizabeth Battyn of Kansas 'City, 'and is sponsored by the Lucknow,Women'sInstitute, " The . show, ,.which. :• feeauures music,, mirth,, dancing and color-,• ful ' •children's' ,numbers,.. comes .highly rated:: The ,show was.: re - or if any • .other solution can' be ,arrived at.' Two representatives frcim each .municipality were. named . to -.Con - !tact their. respective reeves with a view' to have all four Councils meet on .Saturday`• night in, the Town 'Hall at an open:: meeting. These "`representatives • are:. Ash -'I cently resented,' in Goderich and .pe and field, Gordon Kirkland and Wm. Miss` Battyn .carne ' to ,L. ucknow Helm; West Wawanosh;; 'Fred: Mc- : from. ' Mount : Fewest, wherep. ack-• Quillin and An drew Gaunt,' Iain- •ed halls' attended the `show for loss,:: Ernie Ackert and Earl Hod- both performancess: .• gins;. Lucknow, W. B. Anderson and: Robert Rae. •Ernie :Ackert was chairman. of • the 'meeting and explained that when the shed'. was, built in 1928, 4 many outside the church con,tri bated in : order . that it might be >�r�d• of f e Ater; accorno ti �,.... . . dation than that-,` required' by get indicates' an increase. in the :' church memibers. 'It .,has long ',since ceased `to. be. of 'any value as' a 'church, shed and all the United Church wish es is to recover'..Itheir equity 'in timates':'thisyear made.. it' hope P •. the ' building and:if the .farmers fill' that the 'increase,Might be • and,.municipalities are interested 'confined to .9 mills or `24'=mill. they, are to' be given first op, portunity Ito , retain it as a Com— munity shed: •' • W. B :Anderson pointed out that 68;' percent of :the : "original: subscribers are now "'either :dead, 'retired or removed. A few years ago, further donations .of $5:00 were received :i toward ipayinig off a ..$900-7debt-•ouitstanding-against. • • the shed; which is church prop erty and deeded to the -Church.. • The• opinion..seemed'. toprevail at 'the meeting, attendedby some roughly '2 Mills, plus •:9 --mills in - fifty men,: mostly from the, rural crease: in the original estimates. area, that !!''there was any other Over and•above'this, one mill was. place to accginodate' horses,' they provided for contingencies, and a would 'readily 'sa • . "sell i;t , but. _ in' 'ah Y Y year end surplus, which, even though'its'use is.. admitted- ly limited, the meeting was re- luctant to see their only public shelter disposed of The ,receipts `issued at the time -the `shed was built • read as fol lows: • "This it to certify. that `John .Jones' has paid . the sum . of $10.00 .to :.assist ;the Lucknow United al • Church to erect a shed r ''n Luck,' h,' 1_ ,now*. and is ,therefor .entitled to "the'• free use of the same". HIGHERHIGHERVILLAGE. RATE INDICATE D :The. setting of. . ,the . Village Council's •1951 ex:pendittre bud- • ' Village rate this year. that may reach four mills.' • The 'Village rate 'last year was 23.1 -mills and initial budget : es- However "tmforseen'- expendi- tures"' ended.this optimism when Council reviewed the budget last week. Not . originally reckoned with was the need of. a new furn- ace ,in the Town .Hall, and. other repairs ::that may run to $700; ` a $120 expenditure for' a new side- -Walk—Kid idewaikand a a gran.. • o A e. Arena 'Conunission. •to • pay the current - eason's.: operating de- ficit. eficit. These three 'items represent m r. ih i-. al 2, ld. m, v) . th' a SEVERAL" WEEKS IN CAST. 1ITH BROKEN' VERTEBRAE • • forecasts a . possible . 4 -mill hoist. • . Councillor Crawford and Reeve McNab : disagreed •briefly„ on.- the budget. Councillor Crawford said that essential . work would have• to be,'done' regardless •of • the bud- get' allocation ud-get`allocation and Reeve• McNab countered that unless they tried d to 'carry out :the system it might as well be discarded. He pointed out that- Mir. Crawf ord's commit tee had' kept `within their quota last year. Councillor Crawford re plied they would certainly. try to •do' so again, but if contingencies 'arose they would have to be met. The Reeve replied that he was g i for Such, ,, allowing an extra rnrll. Sid Gardner, has, about "halt' contingencies.,., his,tirne in".. He suffered•-a--brok It.was pointed out that in ad en vertebrae:high up,in his baek ditioni to the Arena operating de - about three weeks ago, Arid will .ficit the'1950 debenture had fall g�- be,in" cast for twice that long. en back on t'he•Couneil: aS well The a • ccidene.t happened at Tre• as $29 2.53 of the 1949'debenttire ci: leaven's Flour Mill, • where Sid payment making 'a total, of $1185•' is .ein to .ed. H leaningoverthat the' Municipality was: should- , ,Y e,was i sides. to pick' u�a When. erin+ not taking into'con. p bag of feed, g, , debenture . due next another bag above. him' slipped tion ,the 1951 flora thepile ._. and struck''Sid' on Deco -Tiber,. whereas Mr. ,McNab the' "back, f th.head and. neck, pointed out, the slogan'when the T. , b. built. 'was it. would he jolt cracked. a vertebrae in Arena was e spinal column that caused "never cost ' the ratepayers a him considerable ..distress. , cent . Sid is inwaist I t was intimated that ,local or - Up . ,'.',cast from,ihs ., t: •. , Pledged ,ed• that .runs up the back of his ganizatioris, which~ had p dg • neck Support at that time, to form :a head cats Which financial s�upp . � keeps the .spin l col n retty' would be asked to assist in'. meet-: p a co um ,pretty rigid while !t the injury is healing, inghe debenture arrears. . • INDUCTION' FRIDAY,' Rev. Arthur i S. Mitchell, L.Th. Will -Be • inducted" .as rector of the 3 -point. ' parish of Lucknow, Dungannon and Ripley at, a • ser •vice• in St, 'Peter's. Church, Luck now, ' on•(,Friday: night. at .'7.30, conducted by ,Ven. J. N. H. Mills, Archdeacon 'of Perth.. SHORT•CAUS BLACKOUT . A short circuit. `at the hydro transformers at the northern' .en trance to •the. ' Village,' caused; a Iblac'kout: of more, than t vo `hours• on Friday' evening; A pole: was set ral afireo 'and'With sev :f:'the e firemen.' at the hockey:, game;' in Kincardine, aiid no hydro , :to sound ' (the siren,. Alex Havens ;manned the fire truck .and Used ,tlie • truck sirens to rouse' 'some helpers.. The -fire, however, burp- ed itself out •:wiithout damage of any .account, ' but , a' hydro ` , crew- from..Wingham had to be 'called'; to restore Service/ V 1T FARM , SOLD, IN,, • . FAMILY. FOR 106' YEARS Gilbert Vint's farm on Conces sion 10,.„ Ashfield; has been sold. to Alvin 'Ritchie who gets im- mediate possession. Alvin's par- ents, • Mr, and Mrs: Iles: ;Ritchie, own ,the nerby farm• to the west of the Vint farm, +where. Mi:. Vint is holding .a sale._ of implements and household effects this after. - noon: This farm has Been in the' Vint family for,:r10b•'years. The Crown deed was made out. in therisme of Gilbert's uncle, after ' whom he .was, nanieti. , The Vints . had first. settled in the Milton-Geoigetown district after coming from Ire- land and in 1845 Gilbert took;,up land, in: Ashfield: '• On 'his ,tenpor Ary return to Milton. he . took •ill . and 'died soon :after. His brother James took:. up the Ashfield farm, where ,.Gillbert and' the other ,:members of the •'family of seven ;were, all:: ,born; • • ' Mr. ,Vint;'who is now; 750' On: tinued .to reside •on: the homestead. .all his life with the, exception of a ;few, years that he farined„;near Blyth. .y WON LEGION'S ESSAY. 'CONT EST MaryMacMillan,daughter, of Mr.' and' Mrs. Ross MacMillan ' of Kinloss; .won, first: 'prize in the, essay. contest ; sponsored'- by ":'the Lueknow Branch of the Canadian'. Legion. Mary, a`_Oracle.11. student at ' Lucknow District -High School, wrote an •exceptionally fine essay on "Canadian 'Unity". In second -and third/place were Eleanor Murray: ,and Donald Haldenby, both, of .Kinloss :Town-: .ship,' -also. "Canadian Unity"' was .Eleanor's subject, while Donald wrote on "Canada's Influence on the United Nations" :All :.three essays :are 'eligible for ' competition in 'the' Legion's Provincial Essay Contest and are being forwarded to t}e'` Ontario Command: First and second place winners in the -Ontario finals receive.a` free trip, by : air to O•ttanwa. COUNCIL DEBATES . WELL PROBLEM, PROBLEM, The "well question" was again to the fore at the April meeting of . the Village Council and oc. cupied•a••good deal of'the se,ssion. which lasted .until. 1.30 • a.m.. •Mr, J. Kirk of the International Water Supply Company, was. pre- tented_ to confer with, Council in seeking a solution.; to obtaining a° suitable and ample water supply. The NO; '4 twit . , hole : on: the Com `rions at the . flax mill has been eliminated as a• possible. source as the original guarantee, of 100 gallons Per minute has been retracted, with the Com- pany now willing: to guarantee only, 'half that amount; -The:. NO. 5 test hole, • south of the flax/n111; where a . terrific olume .sof water was struck, 'but ' -higher in; 'iron that ;desirable,'- could be developed to a produc- ing . well of 200 gallons a minute at • an estimate cosi, complete, of some $13,000..This' plus the $5000 11nat 'was, spent for test: „drilling. would run the .'cost of this new • ' well to about $18,000; Itwas originally. estimated that it' might cost''$16;000. to' obtain a well ade- •quate::for -the needs. of the muni- eipality. • By continual .'pumping , of: th No. 5 � test well, it is 'probable • that ''`the iron content:will be red. uced. An iron removal 'plant , could' be installed at an addition al cost of $7650:: IhafallatiQn : ;of such.. a• .' plant 'would require a more ' permanent • type , of • build- ' ing •at the well site which 'would :possibly run, 'ta . $5,000,, ; It was roughly estimated ,that the iron' • removal plant;:.if ' found neces-• .. sary;. ' would. ;double the 'cost :of • ,the well. ' . •: It was e• s str s ed that9 the. iron , , content' was , perfectly:' harmless.: The .chief objection. was •the '• staining of ,,'fixtures. and -the ` fact: that you. can't 'make a1,good cup 'Of tea .:-with : Water • too' high in iron' • The removal plant involves no• .chemicals bu : utilizesconi pressed air. ' Only. •positive action:: ;taken. by Council at this meeting . was to .arrange to met .with Dr. Berry. -of. the 'Provincial ' Department of Health ''to, discuss the•. matter. Council will go , to . Toronto ; unless . it is convenient _ for Dr. Berry to., (Continued" on page 10) • DEFERRED, ACTION `Ashfield • Council, which met last` Thursday, deferred a n y action in the matter of':applica- tions for the. ' dual :.position of clerk • and treasurer of the Town- ship. 1 ' SEE BY T SENTINEL ETHHA. T'.th` a Westford students and teacher, . didn't have long ..to wait on- a ' 'visit' : from Robert HSaundeis .chairman • of : the •who ''cut through ,'red' . tape to have hydro in,talled in short order at Christmas time in, the school'. While • in this dis- trict Saunders MRS..MacCAL LUM DIES . The death of .Mrs. Robert Mac- � llum, orrnerly_of_:_Lucknow.,- occurred at Port .Alberni,';B. C.,. on ',Sunday: " The funeral .service will the held at Johnstone's Fun- eral I jome. on Saturday with in- ternient in Greenhill Cemetery. BABIES TAKEN CARE OF ,.DURING COOKING SCHOOL • Ladies 'with ypung .Ch ildren, neednot, on this' account, miss the Frigidaire. Baking School ;be- ing held in :.the Town Hall this afternoon. Mrs. • •A. E. McKim will act as "baby sitter", and take'. charge, of these children in the Council. Room of. ;the. ,Town Hall., called -at the school on Thurs- day to meet the :students . and teacher; Mrs.. Arthur Graham.' • „THAT A. J.: Wilson has .been ap- pointed. , locale )Massey -Harris agent 'succee ing S. W. • Gibson: .The appointment takes effect next Monday and for the time being at least, "Army" • will • conduct the :business- from his _re ises On Quality Hill. • A THAT . the Boy ..Scouts have : set Thursday afternopn, April 26th. as' the; plate for, a waste paper collection. They will appreciate 'you) saving it for them; or de- ,Iivering'°.it •to' the, Presbyterian 1 Church shed, if you wish` to disposeof it Sooner. r° THAT Wrri, Armstrong of town has, accepted a position . in charge'Of the finishing depart •. ment of the, former Cooke fac- tory • in 'W'ingharn, and which, • was recently taken over by three Wingham ,young men. • • w is GEORGE. ALTON SUFFERS BROKEN ; KNEE' CAP. George • Alton, • of .Belfast. suf- fered,„ uf-fered 'a fractured knee cap en Satuday_' when he slipped while cleaning out the stable and struck his . knee on a". plank':,. The injury Was both on, and most in- opportune, .coming at a very busy time' on the .farm:. • 'George was removed ..to._ i • - gng ham Hospital where he under- went an operation on. "Monday: to have the :knee 'cap Pinned. The • limb will be in a' cast' for the next few, weeks. A•� �hf ieId .. Sti •-� ulates . °L � cknow '`Pay -:uart ..r s .. p 4 y .Q e Cost• 01 Hew: School:. And 01 Maintenance • At the `"April meeting• of the .Lucknow Municipal; Council, held on Tuesday of •• last ' week,; the. Board approved the application of the Lucknow • District High School Board for ` the issuing" of d,r. ebenttures fo the erection of a new 'district'school, in the ;sum. of $358,000, ! over a 20 -year per- iod. In the • resolution ...the poration agrees to; raise its p 'portionate''share and; further un- dertakes to.'as§uri•ie•, and raise an additional frill '.for' debenture purposes, in each, year during,the term of the, said debentures. Lucknow had originally agreed to assume an additional one mill' on the 1950 asses'sm`ent, but at the request of the Ashfield Biard' changed this to apply to . the assessment .Of each year during the life of 'the debentures; , • • Stipulate t4 Cost On Thursday Ashfield Council,. "dealt • with a similar resolution' pertaining: to assuming their ;share of. the 'coat of th" schooL e They . concluded. their ' resolu tion` "with the added stipulation" that Ltacknow assume not legs than 25 percent of the .debenture issue'the 's.._l'" .ro_ s new school in each Year the debentures run and also r. 'to assume. 25 percent of ,the erating`costs.. t • ' This amount is quite in excess ° of Lucknowv's pro portionate share on the basis of the.present assess- Ment figures of the various Muni- cipalities forming' ' „the district, and poses, another problem to be worked out, 'before the bistrict Board can Proceed with:plans for the construction of: the, school, •, .4