The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-05, Page 61 • .0.0.mat NEWS Group M .of thP. W. A4 Group 1I of • the W.A. ..91. the: Vn>•ted Church Met tat. the :home' . ei Mrs. J.. C. McNab for the. Mar. • meeting with 28 in. attendalce. The meeting was: •opeed by sing ing hymn .104 ' and repeating ,the. .L.ord's prayer. A passage of scrip- Lure was read by, Mrs. N,,' Hed -- ;iey. After thebusiness was. dealt "with • liltrs. Ken. , Mtrdie • took charge of the following program: • reading on St;. Patrick. by Mrs.. n _ . n .men women gain 5,10,15 Ib Get NeW `Pe Vim" Whst a thrill!' Bony. ]lmbs, M out; ugly ho1 lows All up;'.neck .no longer" scrawny; body Ioses iialt�starved. sickly.' "bean -pole" .look. Thou - sande of girls, women. leen. , who never could '.gain' be- fore. are now Proud of shapely. healthy=looking bodies. They thank the ape. dal visor -building. flesh - building tonic, Ostrex. Its+ tomos, stimulants.; invigora,: . tors, iron. vitamin Br, cal- cium. enrich blood.. improve appetite" and- -•digestion-sv- food gives you more strength and nourishment;, put flesh' on. bare bones: Get Lovely Curves Don't, fear. getting TOOfat Stop when. you've gained the 10. 15 or 20 lbs. yon need for normal weight. Costs , ' little. $ew''get acquainted" size only 60c. Try famous; • ' .Ostrex• Tonle Tablets for new • vigor and added pounds. this very day. At all .;druggists. .. .lia arroamerr •r, t el�is rr7t�li �it:�!tt: *�►, 7�: LUCINOW' SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, tImlbach, a; duet. icy D.onnu-John sten and .Elizabeth Webster, .an Easter reading a by Miss Webb. Rev. 'Bert, Turner gave ;a ,, very timely talk on the . value of .a Christian • mother inn the& home. The meeting closed with the miz pah •• benediction. A Shamrock' contest was ,conducted, and a dainty lunch 'was served;' by the hostess and committee in:, charge., Presbyterian, W, M. S,• On Wednesday; March-, 28th, ,South Kinloss. W.M.S. members were guests of the LucknoW Presbyterian '. W:1VX.S. when some forty ladies ,gathered in -the Sun- day..*Scheol room.,„O.pening with' The •• devotional and business part Of the meeting;. •the 'roll; 'call 'was answered by the name 'of .a` Mis- sionary in Formosa.'. Mrs.' Joe` Ag- new explained . the .fourth com- ma ent .and. current events of the •i •ar:, Glad ' Tidings were summarize • ' by Mrs.. Wm. Mc- Gill. Twosolos were contributed by South Kinloss ladies, namely Mrs: Steer with Mrs. A. Hughes at the piano and Mrs., .Toon, Mac- Kenzie' accompanied . by. Miss Margaret 'Graham. A, sing •song followed with Mrs, C. -Agnew -as pianist' .:Mrs. `•' Baulch • pf 'South Kinlo*' gave a talk, on t Easter message, using her flantielgraph.' Mrs,. Harry - Anderson gave ' the topic' front the ".study book.. The singing of .a• hymn and'prayer by Miss Pearl Henderson closed the READY: ':MONEY fo.r' the Canada needs all you can produce, and the B of M is - ready to lend you the money to build up dairy herds, buy 'seed, fertilizers, implements and,for `a score of other pur poises. See your nearest .' 'Bof M manager. to'day.. BANit Ask' or write', for TO 1u111011MIMS folder "Quiz for a Go=aheadFarmer.” BANK OF MONTREAL u 'irking with Canadians in emery walk of life since 1817 St�den�� Than For Westlord School ONTARIO .res _ .....•...,.., .. _:......., • • ydroChao.ma Sometimes, stories have e,p logues.:. • • This, is the.. epilogue: of a- story that (began in ;this, 'coluinn just: at the beginning of the Christmas season. Hydro Chairman R. H ' Saur d- ers' had received ,a' -letter. signed by' 'theteacher arid' 30� pupils of ,S.S, No.;. 10, Culross, Bruce Co. mistake, ' the 'hydro chairman h' d " sent a letter tothe ,School °. ho 1 asking the children, to help save electricity But' the..,school ,had no elect• tricit y So :the' children. :asked if .1VIr. Saunders would intervene and shave 'electricity installed in. the schogl Mr. 'Saunders promised the youngsters . he would cut through 'red• tape:, and have 'elee ' tric lights installed in their meeting;, A ` $>ble conte•st was conducted and lunch 'was served. Mrs. Lavis,;president of:the visit- ing. Socjiety, •voiced thanks • for - this get-together meeting. • • United Chureh Evening Auxiillary The regular meeting of the. Ev-. ening 'Auxiliary "''was' 'held ''on March ,20th at. (the home, of Mrs. Gerald Rathwell. Mrs. , Alex And- rew, the -president;. conducted the. openings devotional exercises. The ,scripture on the Easter, story was read by:: Miss Ruby Webb. Mrs Alex " MeNay reportedJ.:: for the• supply committee, and Mrs. John •Kreutweizer for . the Community Friendship. It •was ` decided that a carload would ;go *the Pres byteriai in Ripley ori April • 1..7th. Lunch' for` the Easter Thankoffer- ing'was discussed and .<a' cornmit- tee formed.' Theroll call Was then given. Mrs :Harvey Webster took charge of the' 'program. Readings, were given 'by_kiss Rae. on 'Stewardship and Miss B. Alton: ion Temperance. 'A .chapter of, the 'til y book s dy , ok was g • given by Mrs L.. Ashton,. 'Mrs :C: Craw ford, •Mr's. J. Kreutvizer• and Mrs Ii', Webster Readings. were given by Mrs. Alex McNay, ,Mrs. Stewart' Collyer ,and, Miss Jean OOborre.• A. contest on 'how• you w eal,d' like. your .Easter' 'hat '. de- signed was enjoyed „by all, ' A social half' ;'hour 'brought -the meeting., to .a close. . 4• • THIUI,t►.s'" ,:.4Z AP4114 5th, 1.95]. school as a Christmas present.. The story can now best be .con- tinued in the language of three of the several , pupils who wrote Mr,• Saunders about the neW lights. The first ' is from Helen Collinson;,. 'I would like to• thank' you very much for giving, hydro:'in our school. The hydro • • men started digging the holes for • the ltydro poles morning ,after we 'saw, your very nice let- �e at rda '•'s. Globe` & 1Vtail. let- ter i n..,S Y , , ' •",Our shoot • is about eight miles. from Teesw.ater'. and .about 'three :.miles:': off..h the . Lucknow pavement, I walk two and one- half miles to Westford' :every morning and night. It .was really nice to come . back to school after our ,Christmas holidays and 'see nine big lights • and four flood• lights. We started.. back to school on January 4th because.' the el ectrieians never finished:.witch the, lights until Wednesday, evening. • "I ` mil: .11 ' years* old and in Grade. 'six : likre-ca 11 our school Westford' 'I ,wish to thank you again". ' And now Rae Iialdenby has' something to say:. ' • ' "I.;airic writing fo thank you .for. the' lovely 'lights... We appreciate them very mtich.i, The morning school opened, ,we were all so happy to 'see.'.. nine big shiny lights in the 'classr'oom.r. It really brig htens,. up our .school very much. The blackboard lights:are beaaltnful, too:' Now we can '.see..' our Work .without; straining our: "We *live eight Miles from. Teeswater arid', three miles : from Lucknow road . Which is ` paved.- Otir school is° called.' ,Westford. after my 'great-uncle whose name is Weft. 'I alit ' 12 ';years of ;age. and`I am. in %Grade .Seven: "I have one sister and; two brothers going on the Lucknow bus to. high school. Mrs; .Graham, •our teacher saving on the hydro:. She. just- puts it on,: when she needs it. I "will .: say thank you ler', the hydro": And, ,finally; Mary Collinson "I, am: orie of the girls °Who ' go to the :Westford.School and. want tothank you for the lovely Christmas present: "We..were looking forward for. school to start to see the. new FORMER I4JCKNOW BUTCHER F!ASSED AWAY AT BLYTH Following' a brief illness, Win:, J. Heffron passed away at phis hornein Blyth on'1Vlareh 12th, About 3a.; years. ago,, Mr:, lief., fron conducted a 'butcher ' (busi- ness in Lucknow, where his most genial disposition won for him Many friends in • and about 'the village; After d.•isposing, of his . usness: in Lucknow 'he purchaseda.Earn in Ilullett about' 11%a miles south of Blyth, Where he ' successfully farmed. for several. years. His wife, . the late . Margaret Kelly of Teeswater, .died about eight years: ago and, four years .later Mr. Heffrop,xnoved, to Blyth • where 'he 'resided until the `time: of his death. 'the' late. 'Mr, Heffron cis 'sur, vived by twosons, Wm. J. Jr.;; of .' Toronto and.Gerald of Blyth and Mrs,'David id Anderson (Margaret) 'of.Hullett;, also seven grandchild.. ren and one sister, . Miss 'Ella Hef- ron, Who ;.is • at present quite' fill at her home '•in 'Blyth.: • -lights. 'School didn't• ' start till . Thursday , ibecause-tbe- hy.dr_o:_ leen didn't:' finish' till Wednesday...: ni.ght;. . "When vire ' came inside, the door • Thursday• .n%orning ..t h � .. school',' just 'Looked •wolriderful, There ar.e', nixie big lghts.'and four' acr oss the ''.blackboards.' Our teacher is; • very .:saving on. th( hydro.. Our school is: brick ,and •is surrounded,' by maple trees,, When •'it :is.,very dark: the teacher•'. turns*three of the, big lights oh. The teacher'won't. let any of the, •children; {turn .'the' .Li•gl is , ori Mit herself. Theme are 'bea.utift.d 'pie- , tures on the; walls:.'Our school .is eight: miles from Teeswater _ancl' three'.. miles' off the; Lucknow.: pavement:There, are;: six of us in dur family".: • "So there: you .are ,' 'said ;,Mi Saunders. "They make . just:; k ig a;• fuss out of : having.. ;ele'etric• 'lights in: ' thei .school ' • as some :-chiklr d ' out .of having a swim . ing • pool. *And sbn•ie `. of: "thein >have 'to walk'.; two• • arid a lisle iles..to' g;et ;there. . • ike'.`to. have; ,a look at that school", said Mr. ',Saunders. s. '°I'd like to ,meet these children." I'm - going towrite and ask::the teach-. er' When she :thinks 1 Can .*get ,scar through those 'roads"-Gintie: ' ;4T;�CT v LTk !E37`IYiE (1) 'When milk is given, do • • 1• not. use 'galvanized iron or •■ ' , O . rusty containers Dirty wafer,.' ■:.•. 1. cdirty or slimy drinking .'foun N tains,. spread disease. It 'is • very important to scrub your' g drinking vessels .thdioughly i --and • keep' , them 'always well g `. • 1 ` fillet . • (2) For health'and fast growth; 1#`," a. goodgrowing, ration must • : be. balanced with. vitamins, for a , • 1 health-ieimal. proteins for growth :and cereiil grdIrts °for ' • energy. , ,g' Ioliow up the vital chick starting: season by feeding your . next- .. �rowin wmter.s layers now, on a g g mashmade with National Devel* .oping -Concentrate .,. f `esh-mixed: • for tasty :goodness; The growing season makes .or breaks your flock.; Sa build strong, vigorous, egg_ machines "nova', the "NATIONAL'•' WAY, ' and :got irds -that'-'lay --premium eggs steadily ' through Fall. 'and Winter. • See Your NATIONAL Dealer today'; IMP •... �Jt`I s • eFrtilize Your o Ct"s with • ' t p •NAT/01YAt'well-cured, proper.(y-blended' FERT}LIZER ri///.. f/,' /. if* ....-- „ , fr Virt 1/ WILLIAM. STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO. NSo:2 •