The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-29, Page 2PAGE TWO tarsi taaferetaYtmeneremi ammoosanworau LUCKNOWSENTINEL, . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - t •THURSDAY, MARIAOR 29,tl L, 19.51 . ST..HEL'ENS' Mrs, Aleic Murdie and .Bobby' and Mr and 1VIrs. Mel Brown of Waterloo, are' holiday visitors with Mr• and„Mrs.. R. Woods', Mr, and. Mrs. -Gordon Miller and Larry, Miss Doris Taylor. of Londdn and Mr• • Mur. ray Taylor Of . , Winghem spent the; 4 holiday week -end with 1Vlr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor.. • • Mr., and . Mrs. G. S. . McIntyre and. Donald. of Ottawa were East=. er visitors with Mr: and Mrs. W. 1. Miller. The „codimunity , was saddened when it was, learned' that, the x,---death-of Mr. Louis Weatherhead had • occurred in the ; Wingham Hospital' early Friday, 'morning; Mr,” Weatherhead whohad been: corniined to his home', 'tor ; over ,two years following• a` stroke, had been taken to the ,hospital . on 'Wednesday;,, . ' Miss' 'Norma , W4ptherhead.' of Orangeville is,spen'ding .the., East er7• vacation' at her ' home here. Be sure to attend .the . rnusical play 1"The' Minister's Aunt" by the ; Lucknow United Church choir; in the'.Commiinity Hall this. (Thursday) night. Mr;; Donald McDonald ' is • ser-, iously illat his4 :hone here fel- lowing a stroke suffered. Thurs- day evening. His 'daughter, Mrs. Allan MacCharles, Mr.• 1VacChar- les and little son of Arkona have been here with him. - • Mr. •Charles a1VicQuillin is honie� for the Easter Vacation. Mr& Donald MacDonald is.. ill' at her home"ith pleurisy. '.Mr. Bob Ca ert of CKNX. will Abe the , guest eaker at ori open meeting of..the Women's Institute. in,.t}e Communtty<Hal on. 'Thurs- day: • da . eveni;gn .Aplri 5T . at 8.30. .. This,is the annual meeting: They ladies, ''are' asked.•to meet' at 8.00 'o'clock sharp. for :tileelection . of officers ;and the. reports of • the standing committees. Roll call;, paying' of fees. Member*. are ,.ask- .ed to: bring lunch. • • FOURDAYS AFTER she 'had a• r- rived in England to . visit her mother • for the` first ;time in 30 years, .death 'came suddenly to Mrs. Bert Dyer of Durham. n F' R PLE GROVE Mr. John 'Griffith. is, spending a .few days,•, with his ;brother Har..-. old, '' • Mr. • and. • Mrs. Cordon Avis & Carl spent Sunday' with the lat- ter s at-ter',s'.. • parents., , Mr. and Mrs.' Burton Collins. and: Mary Lou :and John visited with Mr.. Jerome Schmid of Mild may on`Sunday;,' Mrs. ' Elsie' Scott. is visiting with er, son at Lucknow. • • Mr. and,` 'Mrs.. Edbert Bushell d, George and Katherine • are spending .their ,holidays at their home here. Mr. "and •Mrs. John,' Emerson 'visited with MrIsaac •• b.:6 f Belfast recently; , ' ,r.. ,Me;', and ' Mrs.: Donald' " 4 eCosh' With: and Mary aiid' Dic kitvisited s>xed Mrs. J. Colwell On Sunday. The Purple Grove Farm. Forum •held: a bountiful fowl supper in the school house on Friday even-' ing:: Thirty people .'enjoyed.,a de- licious turkey '` cooked .iby . Miss Margaret ' Robertson. After the Meal a short ; ;progra'm• was ' en- toyed Mr. Jack Emerson, Who made a very capable 'chairman, read. ' a humorous poem he had composed for the; occasion. Read= Ings• were given by Mrs. Danald McCosh, °• Mrs. .Perry Hodgins; Mrs., Victor, .Gawley, Mrs, Frank Dore; journal by.. Mrs., :Burton Collins; • a'fe lretnarks 'by Mr, ,Perry, Hodgins and. Mr. Ralph Hill; Songs •by; the school' child- ----'' •I ren, -instrumentals by Mrs: Jack Emerson and .'Jimmie Emerson; a recitation by Marlene Gawley,, 'and- ai song by Donald -Robertson.•• The finalmeeting will be • held at the' home of ..Mr. arid Mrs.er ry Hodgins ;VViITECHURCH ,Sympathy is.• extended to Mrs. John Purdon whose mother,. Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt • passed , away" in Wingham 'Hospital The funeral is to Ingham' Cemetery. Word was received . here of the death of ; Mr. John : MoCreight of Atwood, •was a former. resi dent' of „ thi community; and a brother of Messrs. Alfred and Thomas McCreight, who live east of the village. • . Mr, Marc MacGregor of.' Tim- mins AS spending some. holidays at the borne of • his mother, Mks, D. MacGregor..• Mr. arid Mrs: Ab- Coulter and family spent Easter Sunday, at Paisley with relatives there. .Mr:. Archie; . 'Watt of . Toronto spelt the week -end with his par- eats, : Rev. and ;Mrs.., Watt. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor- onto onto is spending her holidays with. her 'parents,__Mr. ..and_.Mrs • W.' J. Farrier. Mrs. H. B Ti bborne of God- •erich 'spent, the •week-end'':with. her • 'mother, 'Mrs. D. Kennedy; also Mr. and . Mrs. Dunc Kennedy and Mrs, 'Lorne Durnin and two .boys spent- Easter Sunday' at the • same horns. . • Mr. and. Mrs. Clark McGregor spent Easter at Toronto. ' • Rev.,,and t.Mrs. Graydon • .Cox .of. Fonthill, are visiting with her mother, Mrs.:, Mac Ross, here.. ' ;,1 3. • a • Wi1 i N -you consider the men, •women,.and money:needed to operate $,700 :branches - 7 - y. ou see •what is involved in looking after, the greatly increased demmands."made by bus Canadians upon their chartered banks. • . • n ten years:..... With bigger 'staffs and . higher wages, payrolls have jumped' from • $40 million; a year to. $102 million taxes, federal, provincial and tai ipal,"have:risenirom $9.5 million . to $20.7 million a year interest paid to depositors has.increased from $22.million, to '$57:8 million a year.. And these axe only three of y.'expense items. VeS,. today, mor than ever, it costs money to r -un a bank. • One .'al ':a. series bye you • ban • • • D U.N OWN cvN The biingannon nubile school team won over the: Port Albert squad by •a score of 6 to 4 in the Port 'Albert .arena ;last Thursday night. Wes Rivett flashed the red light four time's • while ,Jimmie Reed tallied' twice' for Dungan= non. T h"e Dungannon goalie, Franklin Stingel, turned in an ex- cellet performance :and, the •P,ort Albert goalie; Billy Hayden, who substituted, for,, the regulargoal;' keeper, Richard Stewart, who .was eunable to play, also . did 'a good Job, for' his team The boys were, transported to Port ° Albert in . cars driven ,ib ' Russell Reed, .Harvey Alton and .Mr,, E' Moore, -teacher.: The referee for the'acne. �� _, • e fg. was Don Bowden of Port Albert. In: alt, 'Dunganno i sand Port •Al- bert•,have played six games, Dun- garinon taking four. and Port Al- bert two. A • Pee Wee team • con- sisting of players from Dungan - on and Port Albert will, be play- ing in the . Goderich • .Memorial Arena • during 'Young Canada. week. - ::Reported by : Jimmie Reed `. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bamford of • Preston have been Easter visi- tors'with relatives here. , Miss •Bertha Jones, . R.N.,: ` of London;'. visited her paernts, Mr and .Mrs. ,Frank • Jores, also visit-. ing was 'Mrs. Steve Helesic and children of Goderich: • Miss Grace 'Hudson; .:.nurse* in training at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, was home with her par- ents, • Mr.: . and Mrs,, Roy' 1udson for two - days at the' end Of last week, returning on ' • Saturday: • �' • Grace, who entered . training in : i 'September, received her cap :re- cently.. re- cently Congratulations OBIT'UAR SARAH JANE HAINES: There passed 'away on 'Thurs., day, March 8th, 1951, at the horre of her .sister, Mrs. Samuel Park, er, Culross Township, .Miss Sarah Jane Haines, ' in her' 79th . year, Miss Haines was born, in Culross' on July 7th, .1872. The funeral was conducted from the W. G. Church Funeral Home; Teeswater, With Rev.. David. J, Proctor of the . United Church, an• charge of the service. • Interment Was in Greenhill Cern- etery, Lt cknaw, Deceased -leaves to mourn the following relatives: two sisters, Mr's ' S Parker, : Teeswater • 1VIi ' W. ` Wellings, ' Belgrave; three. brothers, , Mr. Gillies" Haines Of • Blyth; Mr .Geo, 'T, ,,Haines, Ki/I4 loss, and Mr. Wesley. • Haines of Wingham, • ' Pallbearers were six nephe s; -Elmer . Parker,' Everett Parker, Ralph •• Haines, George . Haines; Carman Haines • and Neil Haines. H w .Bicron i _ a �► G rls Get::ovely A Curves OSES5 to10 lbs:. New Pep • Thousands who never could gain weight before, now - have shapely, attractive figures. No morev,boiiy. ,< Itmbs, ugly -hollows. .. They thank Oatre, . It pats , flesh ,on ,bodies skinny because blood.. lacks .iron.. Peps you up, too. Improves appetite,digestion so food nourishes you better. Dont fear getting too tat, . . Stop when you gain figure you wlah. Introductory . or get -acquainted' ;size only 60f. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pounds; Iovely curves,, new, pep, • "today: At ail druggists, , ..10lY.(1`�IibO�l,olfl�l.��. ANNUAL,• `OBITUARY' MRS: JOHN 'HUSSEY `highly regarded resident of ' Goderich for the past 34 years,' Mrs. John Hussey passed away in. Alexandra . Hospital' on Thurs-. day, March' 15th in her ,74Th' year; after a, lengthy illness Formerly rxx ~06.°t4eitine Martin, `-Mrs 3ussey . was a 'daughter ole .late -'Mr. •and .Mrs. John Mart. ' of Kings bridge. She resided 'in Ashfield Township until going to, Goderich v&here her hiisband- was an em- ployee of the C.N.R. until , his: retirement. the "was .a cdevou)l member .of •St., Peter's Church, a past president of the, Altar Soc- iety; a member of the League, of the Sacred •Heartaifd of the Cath-' Wit Wol;nen••'s League. . During World War 1I she was an active: ,' worked for the • Red 'Cross. Bothe 1 'in. • Goderich and in her native • Ashfield she ."was 'beloved by 'many for her kindly interest in the welfare' of those with she wine i�r• contaet.: • , Besides her ,husband ,suryiving are one son, Terence; tivo :dau- ghte'rs, Mrs. E a r-1,, MacLaren• (Mary) and Mrs Ca.il Sellneikei t. (Martina);-: a sister, -,.Miss' Eliza- beth •Mar -tin, -all of.:Goderich; .2, brothers,. Andrew Martin,. ,. Kings' bridge, and Peter, of Pittsburg, •Pa.;' and 'three. grandchildren On Monday morning: the funer al service was" held in St Jos- eph's Church, Kingsbridge, where requiem '.high mass. was sung •by Mrs. Hussey's nephew and god- son, Rev. Thorrias O'Keefe, $,J,;: - of J,,of the Jesuit Serninary, -Toronto, Also in the sanctuary y were ; Rev. Fathers of 'St. Algustine,' McMartin ,Of , Kingsbridge and Fallon of. Forest. Burial was: in St. Josephxs :certietery,: th epall., bearers ' being Nace Martin, Weise Martin, Jos. „O'Keefe, all of Kingsbridge, John Hussey . of Colborne township, Victor' Matin of Hamilton,' all nephews of the 'deceased, and Jos.' Finn of: God erich. •' :.+ ,. , Under .Auspices of .;the IAIRSHEA,. ;W.. I. • In The Town Hall. C K N.,0 "VV r rraay 1 ` CASH PRIZES' Of $3.00 and $2.00 for the 1" 1.p'rettiest print, Calico • Dresses. 1- iil " -LUNCH COUNTER i Horn. emade,'Pie, Sandwiches,; .., Coffee: i Willoughby's.''Orchestra. 1 J` Admission:'50c pri .▪ .Y iaMroilo4.1.Yl.0.ii.1611It ▪ Yj46iYf....O.1.1n0.0u*.o..}i00.ciilo ME►osa4.11.Yi4.,,uMO.0,..1,4•'.,. i 1 I LocaG'Association of G rl; guides 7. • TOWS. HALL, LUCKNOW t. • ,at: Draw for Grocery. Baskets' and 4 'Baskets Baby, ' S>tapplies •• Door Prize ; , Electrical Apphanco ;ANDES AND REFRIGERATORS' ' By, Courtesy, 'l a • . Ac4Inission SA'c r•��t�iri1�i711ii►n 1►ii trrll ii�i►owl►ii�lii�it l�ii�lwl, ir�il "kit' fis, a'dn'�o io