The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-22, Page 3• 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1.951 FOiR'I'H CONCESSION THE • LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; LUCKNQ.*, ONTARIO 1. PAGE THREE Mr. and Mrs, Carl Dickie and threehildren . of Trenton are • visiting at the home of Ira Dick- e • The • W,MS, oif South Kinloss ' net at the home of' Mrs Frasei MacKinnon 'eat' Wednesday af- ternoon, • - . M. . Austin Martin attended a farmer's Meeting in Toronto •.last Friday. Mrs: T: A. MacDonald of Luck - now spent Thursday at the home of • Ira •Dickie, - • 11 (hristiars CATIHOLIC & PROTESTANT Are incited . to follow - Our Blessed .Lord, from 'his Con- demnation by 'Pilate to' His Burial in 'the Tomb, in ' "The Stations .0f the Cross". at: ST.. MARY'S : R.C.. CHUIEiCIi • - UCKNOW•. Good Friday, 4.30, pm: Everybody .Welcome • i •LUCKNOW IUNITED CHURCH !Minister:. Rev. W. Mumford, I M.A., .11.D., 'S.T.D. . GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 23 1 , '" • .11 a. 11 "TheCross ss, � and. the $ Love of God" • 1 EASTER SYJNDAY,MAR. 25 . Lor -1 1 a. m::"A Livingd for a Dying , Age". I 12.15 ,pm.: Sunday School. i" 1.00 . p.m.. "She Suprd Easter stands; for 'power "The. !dynamic of the Resurrection",. Enough spiritual power is:: gb=, ling to -waste;'ta p t!" 9 Niagara to_shame:. Come and worship with us.. i;...,, ,_. 1111114111111100111MOMM41111110,16110112 nglican Churh NOTICES Rev. A S. Mitchell—Rector St. Peter's • Church Lucknow, 'GOOD FRIDAY, 10.30 .. aan. Meditation on the Crucifixion .of our Lord:• EASTER ,DAY Holy Communion --, 11 ani, • St. Peter's, 'Lucknow. '2.30 p.ni.; St Paul's,, Dungan,, non. 7:30 pan:,' St Paul's, Ripley • Th The Rector Will be • happy to • arrange Special ComMunions' for ,any -who are sick or shut Loa1 and .'General • Miss Margaret Murray pat- ient. in Wingham Hospital: ,Miss Sarah Gibson has been ill with ,pneumonia at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. John Parrish.. Mr, . and Mrs. Raymond Mor rissey (nee Lo.u' ise' England, of Elora, Were •week -end, guests with Mr. • and Mrs.. John England. ., Rev. A., ,. 'Mitchell was in Paisley, lasts Thursday to -attend the meeting, <,o f' the Bruce- Cleri- cus Chapter,. • ' Helen Thom, son : p spent last Week at her home here• while Hanover pµblic School' <was clos-, ,ed ' due- to the prevalence i •of ,the 'flu, j ':.. • Little Lynda Clipperton = re- turned.,10 IKindon Saturday .after spending two weeksswith her cousins, George and Dianne Hum phrey. Mr. and Mrs. Philip, Stewart 'were' in ,Stratford at the week. end, and on Friday night '' attend ed. "the Music Festival competi- tions, in Which . their.' son Lloyd .was taking ,part. How To Foil A Blackmailer! Post office officials. warn of a new: blackmail. • outbreak! Learn how blackmail artists . operate and what. you; should,do Mimed iately if you fall; into the clutches - cINLOO . Mr. `Wm: Cox • and his, mother,, ',. MTs, Jolhn Cox ,at.e both recover- ' ing from pneumonia; and; Mrs. Wm ,•Cox is ill with the Miss Kay Gibson, is at her home,' convalescing f curl pneumonia. School has 'been closed for the past two: week's. Mr. arid' Mts. Oscar Hodgiris & family. of Lucknow visited Sun- day .with Mr„ • and• Mrs. Karl. Boyle. • • Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Nicholson, Karen and Evelyn • spent ,Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Clayton: •Niel- olsori, Huron. Mrs. Catherine Hewitt had the misfortune to' • Jail ' at -her harem in 'Kinloss '`fracturing, her arm: 'She is with her daughter,: Mgrs. George Graham. • -Miss . Donna Nicholson spent the week, with Miss Helen Nich- olson, South Line., .,• You are Cordially invited to. the I' sacred •drama; "The ,Challenge of the Cross", which Will 'be • Pre -1 sented '.on Good, Friday evening in 'the Anglican Church. • ' : 'V'isitors Sunday with Mrs. Col- well. .and .Mrs. Swan were • Mr, & Mrs. Bas. Vanderhock .and .Cathy, Mrs. 'Blackett, ' Ripley, Mr: a n d• Mrs. ; Wrn." Bushell, • Lucknow. Mr; tand.Mrs., •'Ed. Schaeffer tertained , the A.Y.P.A at their home on ;'Thursday evening. for ,a St. Patrick's box social. The pres- 'of one :of them: Read "Blackmail" 'ident, . Milford; Wall, • was in in this Sunday's r(March•25) issue 'charge The opening hymn ;was of The American, Weekly; exclus Yield not to'• Temptation and ively with The' 'Detroit Sunday . the 'Lord's' prayer. was repeated ON .A DIVISION VOTE' Pa"isiey Y Council' favored a'. six months' trial, period..of , the • +C.N" R.'s pro- posal' to ' provide : passenger pro- posal' vice °by bus . ". DUNGANNON. The, Dungannon Institute will sponsor a .'tome ,talent stage 'show on.April 5th and 6th, ; A .lady will Come to direct .-and •prepare the rogram; `;beirig_abie_to go ,.out ..for a radius of .fifteen ,jniles•:.to seek talent: Little `Elinore Alton -On -Monday afternoon had 'afew. friends ' in to 'her, birthday party in cele- bation of:. her 7th birthday. The Woman's Association of the Dungannon '. United Church met on Friday night at the home :sof .Mrs. Geo. Hodges. Hodges.'.'.The' roll' 'call was answered by. 23 mein= bers and two. ,visitors. Mrs. Wil= Brown,..president,, was : in • the•• ' chair. in unison: The scripture lesson • minutes and ;correspondence fol lowed -An invitation was extend• - NOW IN ; STOCK, A Quantity Of a ALUMINUM'' ROOFING t. and 10 Ft;: Lengths' .HEN DERso `BMER' L1MIT 'LUCKNOW, ` ONTARIO 'Phone;' I50 ed. b Mr. and: Mrs. Milford ' :a i meribering him 'and. • his family y ,W l tend extended an invitation • to all to•.zneet at,their home .on Easter ,• to visit ',thin when they settle in • Monday evening; March 26th. The • ' their new home. co mrnittee char a ill be Mrs. :jrNO' IS'TRETIME •` To,: Order 'A' ,Threshing Machine '. 3 sizes -22x32, 22x38, 2448 Roller Bearing Complete EARL H. HODG IN. S -R R 1, Holyrood, Ont • • 'phone 36-r-13 Teeswater 4 is • _.�.' ,ilii.i <1�1.01111ilio Obi, . N.4M1.i,4MOoIMP,i4NNY)1Y411.0 firlH it4.0b bar,.�r"41M14 , • • i •' 1 ; • It's the one. ingtograph above all others that must beerfect=--i that must shoe+ P � you• . at your very • best. W P y •, . • e re es ec>tall equipped to make• it for you. ac .ares s. gone` 401 } a 9odcric4 Ontario. ••s�N.i...►�i• , , 1 .. •$ Studio 92St. Dvid Sty i r 1i Mr. and Mrs. l Ron Burgess, 1VIrs, "Eoxn HodGeorge gins g HaderL�b y and' Mrs::. Bert Nicholson:, The spent Sunday. at Walkerton' with h mn "The.Da 'thou . "ayes Lor Mr:. and . Mrs.. Clare 'Spading.. y y g t d ineeting. ''Rev. ' R. 'Blight ': showed" W. 'A.. Group . No. 1,•'" • • a film .on;,the .life, of, the apostle : ` The March•Meeting. of .the WA.. • .au1`.. is be ng .a St.' Patr"i k's :. is ended" closed: this. `part :off' the �. •.. P Th c gwas held ••at the, home of Mrs. < program , tMVlrs.. Bert;•Nicholson •Karyey Treleaven. .Mrs; 'E: Hen- read an article on :'the life of the: • derson,: resident opened the. p` saint r. A. oem was'•read' p ' ' patronp , meeting; ,Hymn 485 was. sung fol - by. May Boyle and a 'contest was lowed by the Lord's prayer. The '`conducted by Helen:-Schairinach seripyore' • was b Mrs' er Mrs. Wall took charge of an Elliott: Mrs, Harold Treleaven' Irish . contest'` and Edna Boyle led in prayer:' .Nineteen, ladies read ` "The Kinlough ; Eye -Open- answered 'the roll, call with an er". Mr. Blight .acted as auction- •frish joke Arrangements •' were •eer for .the prettily decorated St. made for'.. tea : room and 'baking contests.. Prizes • for the evening Patrick boxes and all enjoyed the were won by Mrs tidford. Wall, 1 June' Harris' and. May Boyle Presentation to Mr.. and ,Mrs.*. ;Karl. Boyle and' Family On,' • Tuesday. evening, friends arid ,neighbors. of Mr. and Mrs. Karl :Boylegathered at the Holy rood Hail to ,'bid Mr; -rand 'Mrs.., 'Karl. Boyle: farewell: before• ieav= ing this community.' The : even- ing was spent: in dancing.. Mr. P: A.', Murary called Mr.: and Mrs. Boyle to. the ' platform and, read an address and. Mr.. Stanley John- stone presented then. with :+a gift .of money. Following' is ' the • ad- dress: , Mr.' and Mrs. Karl .Boyle, Mari- lyn' and Carol, We, your friends and. neighbors; have gathered h'ere'' to spend ,a social :evening with you, before leaving this co rnunity to, make ;your home. elsewhere.. •You, Karl, have spent all of ,your ilfe •xn our • midst and in school, church •and ' as 'a uleighbo. have proved yourself a worthy; citizen Mary, for over 20. years you . have ;shared in all' worth ±, while endeavours. Your kindly - asitiontn•dpteasingmanner -wisp pisposition ' amid .pleasing manner has endeared you to us.' Marilyn and. Carol, you ' have started your early days here and or wherever your career; takes you i :we .will-, b"e• deetily„.,interested in you both., For • :all ' of .you „we Shall, miss you in so many ways .but we wish you. the ;very ...best in. your new home and what is our 'loss will 'be another;s gain. Wouldnt . this old , world •be,better if folks were a1I like you. Each day would be. much.. happier with • friends so good' ia.hd` :true. Ing closing we ask you to accept this gift as . .a small token of bur esteem' foryou, 8igned behalf of yoii'r friends and neiehbd'rs, Stanley Johntone and ltaviti Robb. • Karlthanked . them for re 'sale which was held in the church ' on, Saturday.Reports' • : were given by the serving and. sick ,committees,• . The program :consisted • of readings din s a g 'by Miss- Bernadine Alton •and Mrs: Roach; solo by:; Margaret Rae, two.Easter numbers sung by::G.ladys Kilpat-': rick, Ruth, Johnston, Gladys Chin,"',.. petty Johnston and: Marlene Mac- Lennan with Mrs..Kilpatrick' at the ,piano. The meeting closed With the mizpah, benediction: Lunch was_,;ser red 'by 'the "coria- mittee. . A : CANVASS. is being made of Teeswater. district farmers to der terrnme their interest' in. est'ab-. 'lishing'':a CoOperative:and: pur- chasing a 'chopping and feed mill which is for, sale. In Teeswater.. • ROLLS ON CASTERS. NO INSTALLATION USES .LESS HOT WATER • ONLY ONE. CONTROL 5 YEAR'.GUARANTEE • ofi FLEXATUR . • WASHES -CLEANER BANISHES WASHDAY COSTS LESS' SEE IT ON 'DEMONs5TRATIO N AT titirdl#0!'4 .11.134, LVCKN,.' nW ON'TARID0 THE GREATEST WASHER OF ALL TIME • -_ 4: •