The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 8• - • P:II EI:9rn1 • • a # gArRIPPROW,W :t4.02.:15110.1.SENTINEL, LUCOWP 90174010 •ilfit.TROAY; MARC 1st, 19512 BOLT PICTURES MAKE FARM MAGAZINE FRONT COVERS • ,, 1 • • tstanding quality tias. de Salada Cana a's. argest selling tea. INJURED IN. CAR - • . • . •• CRASH' FRIDAY NIGHT . • . • Jack Kilpa.tricl, is revering • at his home here from injuries- .' *received in 'a car crash South' of Goderich 'on' Friday evening, Jack, who sis•the district block - man for Massey -Harris Company was ‘route home at the Aline. • • • . • . • • 7 A • . ' • • • ••„', Another car Which had run‘,out of ,gasofine, Was parked withOut lights on the , highWaY. and In' meeting an approaching car, JOck • fai d to see the stalled vehicle. • Jackwas severely ,shaken• uP, •b no bones were broken and he is recovering rapidly. Two pass- engers in the stalled car receiv- ed minor injuries:, • • • , . . • ' • • : •• • 4 • •SEPOT§.7Alck 1.4EAD •IN •LiNt000. AERIES • Victories:in Kitwar4line en Fri- day night' and, in .MilvertOn on Monday, night gave. Lucknow Sepoys a 3-1 edge in the 4: -out - of -7 blood and thunder" series • with Linwood. • ' • • A• win last Alight '.(WednesOay), for Lucknow would give them, the Series. . The iSePoys;•tuelsed. away the 'firat one in" Kincardine 104 and then went to Milyerton 'last, Wed:. nesday night to 84 triniMing. Baelv,in Kineardine ni Friday night Lucknow went out in front. 8-5, and in Milverton on. MOndaY night •took a strangle hold on the series With ',an. 8-7 win. . • ' In Milverton lastWednesday The SepoyS weren't clicking and got 'a badgame:out of their iyst, tem. LMWood,took a 4 -goal lead midway through the first fraine: and were never: seriouslY "threat- ened . as the best Lucknow could do was pot „a goal a period. The, marksmen were • Ron .Mc4elland, B. •Motellant and Vaughan.. For Linwood Knarr 'and Liticyhy hadtwoeach.. Single. counters went to S. Deckert; .,Spahr, • er, Lei§ • '• --- +.44 'f ..000111111111e.* 01109.09nlitiall10011111100311iik IVrirt;k/ R1100 WA\ Itintlikt10111; , . ,• You expect qficient service • E. -7 -from your neighborhood bank and you get it because banks compete with each Other to serve you. The -men and woinen on your bauk's • staff strive to excel in banking skill, frafidliness and courtesy. Just as you strive in your ownimirk. „ .•• Big Second 'Period ' 1 At lincardine. on Friday night a second period scoring bee, saw. Lucknow: pull well out in front, incl then afija.,,a4.singie: third per- iod goal to giVe them an, 6-5: Vie : • • -•• • Vauthan scored the bine goal Of the first period at eight dinntes. on a pass. from . Dodds: At 3',minutes. 'the 2nd • Gould scored from Dahirier.. LinwOod forged baek and at ,7.00 and 9.00 Minutes Stan •••••13e6tert . scored goals that knotted 'the. count. • At 13 minutes :Mac:Milli-ix scorL ed on 4' pass :frOin B McLelland and: then thin.gs.hanOened..With- in 5 minutes 8 goali were.scored: Luckhow; 'Gould, from. Greer at 14.02; LinWood, K. Deckert, '14.12; LucknOW, Greer from Dahmer, 15.00;' Lucknow, McLelland from Dodds, 16.18; • Linwood,, Knaar, 17.00;Lucknow, Wankel (Gould) 17.20; . Linwood, Litchy, 1605. '‘ LticknOW's 8th . goal came at one the third by ; Mc- Lelland and Di:lads and that took the drive_otit:.Of_the:Linwoosl Squad, who at no time. appeared Ike the rUgged, speedy team that The"•Sepoys dunked,a year ago... • Bloody Battle Monday :Mirverfori Monday night it Was a !laloody", battle; and as fone-LueknoWite described it "the,. more :Sepoy blood that flOwed the • louder 'the Linwood, fans; cheer-. wings, R. McLelland, Peck's; alt„, Greer, Gould, MacMillan, Irwin,. Chin; B. lkitcLelland,, • - • - Idinwood; goat Jones; def., K. Deckert,'Brenner; centre, S. Dec- kert;. wings, Leis, Litchy; Forwell, 'I'. Meyer, -Spahr, °N: Meyer, Knaar. • Refereesit__JVceFadden & Muir, S.Pafertii, , • . • • •o. KINLOSS WIN *SEMI- FINALS 'FROM BELMORe -,.-- • . ,,Kinloss Kubs . Made . it . two straight over 13e1rnore to Win the grouP. ,setni4inals. • The • 'Kubs clinched it on Friday night, by a 3.-1 win, scoring .a goal 'a period. At - 8,45 • in the, first Harrison clicked on a pass .frorn,.,Mnrray. LEdwards evened it for .Beknore • at 6 minutes in the iecioncl, but at the three-quarter .Mark Jack IVIcQuillin'sent the KuhS into the • lead with '§trailidee getting one for toad measure near the.1ialf- way Mark in the third. •• The Kub§ the noW in the group . finals with Culross ,Bears: • and took the first game of the series in by 7-3 score.. 11/i,orid,ay..nig‘ht; :3 Kinloss goal, Neil •Mc- • Donald; def.; Elmer likrylds, Leo urray; centre,: Howard Harris- on; iwings,..-Crl iStrathdee, Walter Lindsay, alt, Dave Wilson, Bill LOuther,' B. Cassidy; Don...Bush, ell, .DOnt.Gillespie, JaCk:McOuir, lin, Harold' lVICQuillin: :,••• • ' Bill Bolt, 'who has a flare for'. p,,silhocttp.4g,r, thataphy, teige‘ptrtoinvInsg74pgu9loadr with the, publisherS of farm Mag., and en more than :one • occasion :10telY Bill's pictures have appeared on • the front .• Covers of these magazines. The December frOnt iPage of the •Family Herald Pictured .4 • •-•,' winter .Scene taken .by Bill just, inside the line fence. at Manson Reid's„ and entitled. TNinter!s'Er-- mine Garb". A January, issueof the Fainit.Y.Hearld• . pictured the :faintly cat at the Purves home appeared to be ' really "iiatching for the birdie"; as 411 ' snapped, it. •• eTrh,4 January Magazineoovheprweefd acorn t he rar, • harVeSting.' scene on the farm ,r;;"t' John. MeQuillin.•,, pictured ,opei•af, ing tile' tractor powered machinewere Vernon Hunter and Frank McQui141-1,.. 121‘ the • background was anOther stractor-. drawn Wagon waiting to be load:: ed; and Manned by Pharis Math- : ers and jOe;Anderson. • . .• • • : . WALL—at the Witigharn 'General • Thip9ital, on SatnrCi4y.,:Feprnary, 17th,:1051, to Mr.‘'and Mrs. HarrY. • Wall, R. 5, LUck.nOW, a.•:d'aughter; teams, iii4udirig 'their own ' Jun- ior Club, and continents. that . it pays to be - a. loser as the ers- while Kincardine, Gaels finished. -up PillY $50 , down. •• ••• • • • . • ICINLOS..S.KUBS ONE Up FOB' GROUP KinlOgS K.U1O,S; favorites to win the groUp title,. got off tb.ia gOod. start on: Monday ‘. night by nip- 1 Pirig the Culross Bears to the tune of, 1-3: 'Jack McQuillin led the. pack .,1with 3. goals. • Harold Strathdee bagged two and Walt- er -LindsaY-and•-sDOn- Bushell one each. • Indications are that the iWo. teams' will not meet. till 'Friday. In Kincardine, and the series may 'he cut to a best -in -three, rather than five. game's. • °•• The Kincardine Kincardine .News,- admit- tedly looking for . something to • tally abbin; refers to the red., ink rumors about • district hockey •7 Rumor Numbery2- that The •News:comes up with,. is that Geo. Zuk of Walkerton is Miley to da his hurling this season for.Jun Chan's Chesley •Blue Bombers • ed. And the blood did flow. Jack .Gbuld4wa's abotht scalped and re- , quirec1.7 stitch.es /1/411 his forehead. That was particularly pleasing to the, Linwood ins; who still' ac- • cuse Gould of ."breaking" Deck-. •ert's• leg last Year,' when Jack wasn't even On . the ice at the • time that accidentand we mean Ab Chin aLso had a needlework. • ''••• ••• ' • •••-•-•,•,',' 41; ft'A .40)3 :62.ta gash, .001414 atile • • • • • • The Sepoyt. went tO. work for !goals early in the game and Were Your regular dealings with your bank are • i• 11,11 ° • •, • ' . t ' s'4•• •• s. •, " • r confidential' ntimate helpful. And'yoU. • -4, can'rely on your bank manager's wide sources of information to help you in your .,btisiness or personal, financial problems.' , You re always free to Sht),,ri .arotMd , among:banks. That's what keeps thei competitiVe4 •SOREIV BY OUR BA , • • I,' • • , , • . • • • . • holdingt• a ,lead at one point •when the Linwood squad, con- • •" sidering the caUse'lOst started'to• • lay it on with, 'extra Vim.' Con- Siderini discretion the better part " • . of valbur. The Sepoys. contented tliernielves in the late. •part .of • the .game in Protecting their vie,- ' Bob Dodds scored .2 for Luck-' rioW with singletons by Vaughan, • • • And sneaking of' softball, Luck - now Legionnaires will/be in there with another. strong team. come . summer time.° • • The past iveek's spring:like 'weather Was-, a -bad break for the • Arena CominiSsion, forcing two lucrative playoff • games to Kin- Caro:41'1e ice.. . • • The Juvenile , and Bantani teams. have been idled by the soft spell. • TheJuveniles are waiting to meet the. .winners • of. the ..Paisley-Allenford series or Lucan,. and. the Bantams aren't sure who they'll go against. ▪ nal Nose in mai Nam mi issismoies le ma mimai au a Nadia . • , . • . • 1. • • • ••• ' .• . • 1950 •CHEV .STYLINE SEDAN, .green. 1 1951 CHEV S?L'TLINE COACH. ', • • 1950 CHEV. • PLEETLINE COACIL. • • • • • : • • a a •• a • 1' • ,• , - • 'a ` • 1950 CHEV DELUXE STYLINE COCK • '.11 • It 2 1950 CHEV FLEETLINE :SEDANS, • , • •• 1949 CHEV STYLINE SEDAN. • 11949 CHEV. DELUXE COACH..• •• • is • • 1949, CIIEV. F!LErripisTE pELpxE, AEDAN., , • • •• 1948. 'CHEV.' STYLEMASTER COACH. ▪ 1946' CHEV. SEDAN. • , " a a' • 1, . •• al 1939 FORD COUPE . •• 133/ FLYMOU'rII! SEDAN. 1, 1937 NASII SEDAN. ". • 1937 CHEV. C01.0.•1 1935.-CHEV: SEDAN. •• • •• , 1 • TRUCKS •• • 5 a 1948.,CFLEV. 1/2 -TON PICK,UP.‘ a • • • • • • . • • • 1 . . • *R. McLelland, Greet., MaclVilllan, : • - russ 1 ,, ‘,.., . .. vyWoodarlIc,eily*Bir;;IVIthejettritde'r playing : . . ,,, . '44The", nom' o of Beer--1Usod Cars" i ,, , • 9 *4 • , 1 11 hi8Luf i:ksiit oinwt,!".M'Ipeadli,at Re Reda: i :j ‘drit,., mom CitieS Service Dealer ,, --1 : . ':;--, 'Phone 7x Erussels il 11(1 W a4ltell 'Halli. clitret iVaughan,. 'Llialiaminamaimallnill••••11119i••••11111•110•11111111111111000 ., . •• • . , . • .• :•,••• „..••••• •'• • • „ ••••,, - • - • auk! ••- • • -',1,grigiaiiiidoiiiiripkiL‘limrja •