The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 6Si. ttgal,gNsi ,.,miss:wrgarek NinaliersQ0 was qtrie,Anri., 14pn.4On, for the Week. - end ;0 0 • numlher in the 'corn- lk • it5i have been suffering from Ithe hi1u,n1Vfr. E. W: Rice mut Dik Curran. haVe been under the- ikletor'S are With pneumonia. " The ladies asrereminded obring antique or heirloom and ' LUCKNOW SENITNEL. LuCKINIQINt itni' history, also a Oory. of >pion- LETTERS- TO. Tali. niOlt, err days, to the meeting of the. - . , Women's Institute to be held his ' , . • I Accept Not gOiscontinuante gfternoon, Should (Thurs44Y) in the Church. SUbj.ect in charge of Miss * W. D: Rutnerford„ Of C.N. ,. . 4 Passenger )erviice Tgl,ltRODAY,, RQff 1st, 1,951 to other COMParablet COMPanies, I am sWe they 'Would give a good adcount thernsel'ves..I ain prjv. ileged to knoW many; of them and would.iar 'emphati.0.4 give these men,a fair" chance en a fair overhead bads an4 46. •Win .i0e la „different Pic,tUre as ,far a's 0„ N. R. deficits are 'concerned: , There is. no finer-nor'n1Ore loyal • gl.'041) of employees in, an'r ih- 'cluStry than is ':fOuncl on the rail- roadfrom the..xl0 1. 'feel. that if they could see where by time,work? effort and cQ-013. ' oration it would be possible tO mats& the C,N.13... 1,0k like a'prof-' itatle •oorPoratiOn, it -Would be a little stimulant to 46:- so, aid i turn if they gtv'e the ;PrCoPer •Ser- vice they, should be favored with the proper, share of the business from. the cannnunity: • On the Other however, •the Mere fact. that •;with the. Old. • 'financial. burden the C.N.R. ShowS :a deficit,it is no rejason for our.' people of our coMmunity, Huron and Bruce, to, be. doubly penalized be some efficiency expert. Gan show where a few, dollars scan. be saved regardless of sei vice. art sure the ,divisional • and local: executive and employees of the C.N.R. Personally,.have no desire. , to Penalize this community discontinuing fthie Service. The Suggleations' :fintst be frarn others Who have not .the same interet: in ' our .cornnitin,iik: The C.N.R. :officials-. who, had:. the meetings in the Community .showedevery evidence of ' wanting to be ',ab- solutely fair in considering :' the subject.• ", • OEay 1./Augge$V,I. anistire our • members Oftparliament would he onlYtoo pleased and haPpy, 'discuss and • be/p' promote:any sound auggeitionS regarding this. subject. We are fortunate hav- ing •men who will go afterthings of this. kind aggressively, Par- - tict.t1Ply if SOrne group or ci1Of.Stiteseer .,41t tb start sorne- thing going. / feelnow is tlie, time -to liave...,viSion. Let Ais look, ahead.' Weare liVing,.in the . finest country on earth; the country to yvhicli SO anani millions look 7v-vil-th- lOnging eyes 'across • the • seas; country Where in a few years we Will have a, greatly increased Population. • , • To be , worthy of our heritage, to do our, part to lielP to build Canada, land that means first, a greater Huroti and: Bruce; a key Spot' in oilr province., that means rbetter service -to the. pegple, I ail a 1107tb-as-kTfor 'the Support from all concerned to any group. who seefit to take some. action in this matter. At least be prepared . that .1f ,.any' further efl. dente Of CessatiOn. on the part of the Ci.N.R. is evident that we,• • be_regickyto take the Aecessary. siege 'to •protect the inter'eSts: of O the community. "1 • Yours truly, • R. E. .IVICKinriey,, A little horse' sense—If *e • all acted like -the horse and did more puiiinig together :there Wouldn't ,be so much 'time. for kicking.,„ • "VV:414 \.s ,41011; u .• Winglyara; 04tatio,, ' February 22nd; 1951, Editor, LucknoW: Sen•tinel,' • Lucknow, Ontario. • Re: cana,dlan.blatioital Railways ' .,,. Passenger Train, :$ervice Dear sir: , . Hi,avii* k.iir.n. considerobie [tkiptiglit t4 the '1.1iggestion 4..c. N.. R., offiOaLS that 'they discan- tinue. passenger service Troth Pal- hierston. :tc« fkioth., K,,incardine and. iii.ithanipton, '1 feel the peOple O of • these .ConniuMitiei should not accept this development without • ;due cOnsideration and 'r'ealfzing, once this type of service,. is dis- cOntinued' it is finished, You *will' not be likely to regain it back no Matter how desirable it might be in the'futiire . ' ' . . , , • .. We can all well remember • When., the .'C.N.R; quietlY discon- tiuecl all C.N.13. .service between Wingbarri and ..Clititon,. even re - ,Moving the rails ..airdi . bridges, making sure this service Was at an end. i think . it is' an under- stood fact that everyone, includ-; Mg the 'C.N:R. e*ecutive, realiz- ed . a seriouS mistake had been. made,: bat nothing :oan be. done about it.—the damage was already I,:,ieel. an '.investigation should be made and that' the C.isi 13, does, . • ., not dispose Of this, rignt:c1 Way. O .It. Might be very, neceSsary,to re - O lay these. tracks and build the bridges in the not 106 .distant. future: Personally. .1 think :this O service . Should be re-established.. 'llhe '•reMoVai of: this .rail • coll.., riection meant ,a' pUS. business was built: up, and I.i.ikrOuld SO ,a very profitable. one, -between .Wing - barn and. I..ondon. which: nOt: only ‘ takes. the.. bill/less . from JEllyth.. and. '.'iVing?narn, and Communities further north, but. also' takes a large business all .the: way .froni, .,,Clinton' to ',4Mdon,.. that., other- wise Would patronize *.e • c.N.Ii.:. ,Wingtaan, .and.: 'Coniinunity ' of. 1 •rourge. suffer the most ' • ' I. suggest. here we are .again Efaced with; the prOblern of the dc.N:R. .siigge$tiorft to denude us still, further, , of the services the •'railroads' were built . : to . give O Frankly: I/feel we. anuat not.' ac- . ttlhese things as7-1nev4tab1, ri 16.61 .the people; of *gingham; ryLitelalow; Kineardine, Southamp- ton, I ton,. Port Eigin,•Walkertein, 13ills- selS;Ilarriston and all surround- ing. communities Should': collect- ively talc, e the necessary action to -see to, it..that this .pas.senger ser- vice is retained. The removal.' of 'passenger service in the !Itiron: and Bruce .area,.is A Very serious thing to. the Chininunities hi Many: ways and we as citizens ' owe • 'it • to .ourselves, oui'. families, and • future generation:5, to 110 all in our ' power . to build, ,riot ter doWn,.. ess,eritial •services for our PcmiratinItiY: ' : ' • •• •- Let us' view this from 'another angle.: I feel the C.N.R. have let theitiservice 'go clown. to 0 point *here ;they are -riot, competitive [With practicalllt apy. Means Of ' transPbrtation, , whereas th e.,.Y .O shonidl! • be leaderS; They• have O spent as little as pOssible on the road bed, -and rolling- equiprrient on these. branchlines to the paint O where they riOvv''have to ' sPend a feW dollar which, eVidently?. they . wish to avoid. Rerneber, this is the .focit in the ,door. Cut . out the Pistol:ger' serVice, and gieri. `iff ,:t,ho' bUSiriess. goes dowi cut off • the freight. To me it is a deleatiSt attititde. uribecciming ' to public -owned cdrperation 'I feel: that!flity 'are tearing down where i theY should be biiikting Up; 1.O0t- ing only in one direction to save dollifS, not to dinalce . Went I . I Would' 'Suggest a: better attitude would be :tb analyze the c�rw. muriities• and determine the, po- tentia1. possible vOlunie of busi- ness to be had. and, go Out and get it. .Do the things to build -it up. Put'.on, a small fast train from Kinciardine and ,$outhamptOri, joined at Palmerston and o her lines to Toronto and retur the /people proper eonaPetitiivle, Hundre f people would, `use this tran:.sportatiOn..: if service 4.was ..•as it should be,, This 'whole' area is. •6411cling UP, more people are moving in every daY, le is .Certainly.:not the time to be cutting, out service.; These towns want more "tries help pay, the taXes which are becoming such. A on home -owners.. This • can only be done' by geting more people and more industries to hell? carry the load.. Certainly ',eutting off pass, enger Arai!' service is, riot eon- chisive to attracting' new indus- tries and ',people at a time When. People in large kcities are;:lopk- ing •to tbe day ,wheri they can be out in the more hire. areas and freSh air; and when executives of large industries are working to deCeritralize and get relit to Smaller towns where traffic and labour 'Problems are:Much more faVorable:-. •, . • I am sure everyone will agree that. to .discontinue thii. passen- ger Service wOuld..fbe a.. definite( handicap to the:se cotrimunities. It would isolate Otir Owns, and: V4i1.7- agea regardless of what bus and truck services there Might be, ,particularly in winter time when ,.train Serviee' is abSolutely essen- tial, and it .is •the duty of. every one of. us to' see that *6- retain this';'S'eSice reports of efficiency .e4erts re- lattlitig-. the- t.M.RHiot-'Imaking any money in this particular area: Let 'w labour under no false ,illnsiOns. that to eut' put these. 'trains would help your taxes, :becalthe it would no 'save any one of us a dollarinyears': :The .ra1lwaY was. giver; a fran- chise to give us service and that is all we are asking, ,This csini- munity has paid many dollars tO- wardi the defitits of the .and , Will likely have. to cant** to do So at least until thegovern. 'rent deCides to act and put he ,C,N.R. on a 'proper. capitalization . . bai.s.; based ..on a • fair. Value -'of •assets and not on the terrifically inflated capital nOw improPerly • charged. againSt it. I think that* the, excess ihOtild be transferred 1-o %here belongst-otir -national debt. Then with proper capitaliz- 'ation let Us see' what our ,C.11.11. eXecutives, can. do. Let uS'put them in apOsitiOn to be cornared a aNt 1,L) • •; tAsk for your copy of, "Peison ' your neighbourhood branch„, todAy. ' There's no obliga!ion.excetst lo vosirself. ANKOF MONTREAL 4 WISie . -Working With Canadiansin sticilkOTI...0tu°1817 • • ' vstagalomir•it' _