The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-25, Page 10• y� t• 4 II • U iG„UCIiN0117 sENTI�!IF�, L NOW �� .. EE, 'By THEA ENTLNE'L, BEFORE THE'.. ADVANCE IN Ik',RICES,, . WAACHED SNHEETING,• Wabasso, $1' inches wide.. BLEACITED BESTING,, Wabasso,: 72 inches wide D. sMETING, special,.` 72 inches, per yard $1.15 UNBLEACHED SHEETING, :73 itches wide, TERtRY TOWEhLING,• unbleached,, special Rtwce, : yard • RUSSIAN CRASH TOWELLING -per °.yard ; ,.,,.,, ,.. 50c' LINEN TEA TOWELLING •per yard • , .° 50c • IBEX •BLANKETS, white, pink or blue iborderr KINGSieci# .FLE`h" X'E: BLANKETS, white', with : coloxed •,border, 80x90: SON YARN, white,' blue, pink,. coral, aquas •.rile,; wine and green. .� GAUNT FAIR' (Continued from' February. Win. Murdie and ' W. eous, were ` appointed au Fath .Fair. dates. ; were Tuesday and. ' Wednesday, ember 25th and; 26th. An option held by Ernie Cm NT4RI•OI THURSDAY, JAI UABIY' 50 1951 (Continued from page 1) THAT George Kennedy 'was in. Guelph last week attending .the, annual, meeting of the 'Ontario Hereford Breeders' Association,. • of, which heaps vice-president. ,` ---o THAT; the Legion, is coritinuing its series of jackpot.: ,bingos. This • , week's games were'held on . Wednesday night, •cause of counter.attractions On Infra- day night. •, _ THAT ;the•Fire Con rig's nual Burns Ball, :is slated:for tonight' dvith• Sc Otch pipers. to ,add the traditional air ,and a top nitch,'old ,time fiddler 'for the square dances, THAT Oliver Barkwell' and•Alex Andrew. are receiving delivery - •oaf new • Fords • from Montgom- ery . Motors. ' PRESIDENT ford on frontage property at the AAT -� h. ipaie 1) Fair grounds,..'was .'mut�zally can= shoot ptenartyt onie•s :Ma�ondayetended nightht,e , • celled. . A. Port- ditors: et for "Sep- 'w-: .ynu Valley''Golden Corn 20 "oz. , tin .2 for 29e Oscar Norwegian Sardines,: National Sweet Mixed Pickles f . 48 -Oz. `jar 65e Aylmer Diced Beets 20 oz. tin 2 • for 29 cb. SPECIAL!, :.Bars Many Flowers :Soap "with: -Free ,Face, Cloth:. ALL FOR ` 30c Rideent your : •preft, Duz and • --•Oxydol--Soap-Coupons "for o whil v� rtl>i a saoin A •. .. . 8's t P. - The Store of Friendly :Service 'Phone 82 -- , We .Deliver • • b D:U`NGANNON The ,Colwar ash ; Junior Fatomers. and Junior ,Institute met Tuesday nigiliit in the:- Dungannon' parish; hall :with a good .attendance.. The meetings '';were held separately. `Election for the .boys' resulted :as follows: pres., Geo.'Turton, ; ;!vice res. BAlbgrt iDurst, sec:-treas;,,. Frea . Crawford, directors, Col- borne (township, Elmer ...Hunter; John Johi Clark; Ashfield,, Arnold Al ton,' Ronald .Pentland, :Wawa: nosh, Ross Errington, ,, ; Donald Murray. A vote of -thanks 'was.. extended to Ken Petrie, .who had beer very: efficient. as •president. The roil` call wasanswered by '15, The Junior Institute members attending numbered :16, Their eI- eCtions••resulted-,gasfollows;. pies., '-Joan Clark, vice Pres., Shirley, Robertson;, sec: -areas., Ruth: Pent land; • directors,..' Ashfield,` Ruaby Finnigan, '' 'Mary; ,Young;:' Marina, Petrie; • Colborne, Sheila Feagan,- -Dprothy;McCabe, Le Leona ::Lamb; ,county •;executive, Emma Robert- son,. Jean Hunter; joint secretary, Mary Durst $quare dancing and a lunch were enjoyed•,at the.,close of,.the.I meeting.' , Women haven't ;changed mus in the. last ten years -=except that some df them.are now three years ?---o--= alder. a� THAT •P; S. :MacKenzie, Walker ,ton barrister, ,i4 the •1951 chair - 116.e , of the Walkerton District • Ha�`ve .you renewed'your Sen- . tinel'subscription?' • High School Board: ` He was • the prize winners being Mrs. Elsie 1•Iewat and John' Hail. THAT Victor Baker.' has• a fisher- Man's rule in his ,possession that allows fishermen.'to prevaricate honestly , .by Consulting • 'this rule. We can't describe it (better' have Victor show 'it:.to you _o 'THAT Jim 'Reid. of Blackhorse ▪ Store,. has -thought an 'Austin sedan,, and is offering his. pick 'up truck, for sale:: --oma- THAT in irenewing .: her Sentinel subscription, Miss .Bertha Al- lin .of y Toronto, says "Although, it is 30 years, .since • I left Luck- ' now, •1 'look'.forward ea�cl week to receiving•; the paper.. Some times• I' see new..nanies, but as a rule I know most of tiie peo- ple, and; were it hot for The. Sentinel I: am• afraid, I would` ^have•lost touch with the friends • oaf ' long • THAT William Walsh,. the. newly elected warden; :of Bruce, Willl be honored by the town' of Kincardine at a: .banquet ori Friday:' night. A native •.of :Ash-. field ,: Township, ; "Bill"'Walsh• Was at one :tithe employed' in Lucknow in Garfield '• Ostran• •. d.Walsh is theer's : -blacksmith; business, Mr,J1. _. Yn r l Oil ' dis- I e Pial tributor in Kincardine: • Winter boats ' Opportunity "Buy" for This Week ' •BRAS -- NUO; SHADE' ONLY $'izes; 32: to 3:8~ '$1.30. each., Your :Last Chance To Get FREE PANTS; WITI EVERY CAMBRIDGE SUIT This..Otter:. Definitely ,Ends)uary slat. LADIES' :AND MEN'S *EAR LUCKNOW,' ONT. !PHONE .85 SPECIAL' A Few izes .8 to 4 ,— • [ o' `Clear;; TOT -TO -TEEN 'an one: :ADIES' WEAR Lucknow, Ontario ►P With Purchase (of 1 'Bolt Blue Ribbon Tea Bags 80c Del' Monte , • b: FRUIT -COCKTAIL .. 20. o 439.wer PRUNE:PLUMS,, 20 oz. Fancy Quality APPLE ,JUICE, 20 oz. 9c• COMFORT or GEM LYE 3 tins 32c. SANI-FLUSI - It's' Nearing Pancake Time SPECIAL ! Lynn Vailley..' Cream Style :Goldl en :Bantam Corn, : 20 ,oz. en Co , • 'Lynn Valley Tomatoes,'.•20 oz Lynn) Valley. , Beet Greens, 20 :o; Lynn Valley`' Cut ,Wax' i Beans ' 20 oz FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES far .2 17C tin 29c • SPECIAL! • ROYAL •GELATIN: DESSERTS:' .Raspberry, .Strawberry, Cherry Orange , '3 for 25c • t_' FRESH Fruits and. Vegetables Beehiive 1 Syru. - 30c / an es 288's ` is doz: 40c PANCAKE LOUR Tera s Grapefruit,' 112's, 8 for 39c 2c 20c . , Small -Lettuce 2 'fors 31c Onions,,T0 • '1. previously vice-chairman With ,, RETURNS TO DIOCESE • la new :school' under eonstruc- ! AFTER 25 YEARS t . tion, Mr ' . Malta enzie's duties,• . v h , be particularly. • l eavy• MRS. BLACK 'AGAIN .1•11 EADS 'AUXILIARY The, ` January meeting of the Ladies • ,Awtiiiary to the 'Canad- ian Legion- was ,'held in' the Leg- ion Rooms .'with •. Mrs. ,t(oy. Black presiding ... After the opening, ritual, the newly ;elected officers were in.; stalled.- by; .Past President. Mrs.. R..Forster, Theywere as follows, president , Mrs. Roy Black; 1st vice .pres.,-,Mrs: John P. ;England;. 'Erin vice pees., Mrs. Davi& Cow- ari secretary,' Mrs.• Alan Hunter;, treasurer, Mrs. . Russell Johnston, • standard bearer, 'MI* • Wm Stim- son;; Executive ,cbminittee: Mrs. R. Forster,'p• Mrs' S. Collxer; Mrs MacLennan, • Mrs; MacFarlane,. Mrs. R. Reid; Recording secret- ary, Mris J 'P ErglancL F The Auxiliary ha'vie adopted: second !veteran in '1Westminster Hasp til, the first one•'having re- covered. and left the hospital: :Several .,-.1pnrceliire`"rserit these veterans, " The 'lo41' Bralicri has been do- nating alWu:Mts. of $25 periodical •ly to 'a144 at Westminster Hose pital Which buys. prizes•,for ,bingos. put on for the recreation of ,hos pitalized veterans.: Members were 'pleased to' have ss, Dorothy Hoyle, Zone Rep- • resentati've, : at • the December Meeting. She ,gave ' a very inter- esting `talk or l.the. aims' landpol ici es 'of the ''Ladies Auxiliary. It s decided to lbws ,an ,oil burner 'for., the Legion Rooms. This "has since been,,, bought and installed; • , 'Plans are social arid' "1ii of the 1V1acNat also underway 'for a esentatiorX in honor talion family wlio The Rev.'; -Arthur 'Samuel Mit- shell,.. newly, ' appointed rector•of the L.ueknow Dungannon-1lriupley parish,: returns to the Diocese of . . Huron. after, 25:• years. He .came . here ' from Teznaskai'ning in the ,Diocese of Montreal. A •nativeqg of En,lY�r. 'Mit- chell , chell re i' t ce ved h to i 'al , rai c t eao n • . g ing_at_H!uron_,College, London:_.11e ..: 'was ordained in' `J.918.. 'is ` 'first: • charge was Merlin andOu'vey, afterwhich he served at 'Hays- ville,. New Hamburg and Wiliriot,'' vnd-Markdale and Berkeley. '• Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell l• have, three ;Sons, • WEDDING BELLS` CAMPBELL• --CAMPBELL 5 s Early spring .flowers: formed a background;for; a quiet ceremony on Saturday, January 20th :at' the 1VIan5e Bluevale, when: Miss Mar=` garet 'Campbell .was united. in marriage to Mr:' John/0, Camp-. bell, l Lucknow,: `':by Rev. C. .11... MacDonald, D.D.. Wedding: in i WAS M:Vac s Donald, The bride wore a grey gabax dine suit With navy -aceessories anti :a corsage ` of roses ! G assts, were' resent' frorni: Detroit,' Lucia now and Ashfield, ,'a After a;•luncheonat the '1VIan5e { Mr and Mrs. °Cairipbell left for, a wedding' trip through Easter Ontario, On .their return. they 'will reside : in Lucknow.' r• recently arrived from Scotla.nrt A card, marather ' s also. cl�is� cussed il ;►t :arrangements are rtpti:: Yet completed • ' • The'• ne'eting... waS closed with the 'National• Anthern and tiirtch was served. .., • A