The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-11, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY U, i95,i• OW SENTINEL, ; QN'i'ARIO Tl<Ih; ,I,UCKN LUCKNOW# •. PAG SEVEN WEDDING BELLS: 'SEAL. OBJECTIVE LAIDLAW-MARTIN • NOT ). T REACHED' Whitechurch United church' was �, As .•of Saturday of lash week the, scene of a candlelight cele mony on ,Saturday afternoon; .De-; cember ;30th. at 4.30 p.m , uniting• ' in marriage,;. Charlotte ' L'otlise,. daughter 'of' Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles' F. Martin of East Wawanosh and. Joseph Elroy Laidlaw7,-son of 1VIr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw of West.' Wawanosh.. iCandelabra, 'and a, floral +ar- T rangement Of • ;roses,' carnations .and chrysanthemums rnade•an,at- •tractive` setting for this candle- light, service,,. performed by Rev. S'. E,., Hayward, ,minister of .the church Anderson rank;.lVleQuilliri as; °Jamieson,' Earl, ',McDonald, Fier- bert Curran, John Morrison; '.1?Lar-. old Thompson, S. F,Fn; Robe tson,' Joseph , Whitlby,, W. J. Cooke,. Isaac Cranston, A'llbert. Chin, '.�l exander 11I ct od;_ les.• E. 'Walney., OBITUARY MRS., JOHN,.NV„ ALTON The death of ,Nix, John W. Al- ton, age`,53 years, occurred at her donations to .the Lucknow►T and : borne, in, London. on Wednesday: District Christmas seal campaign of last.' week after, a lengthy ill- amounted' to approximately $900; ness. - • r which -,is, over -one' hundred dol- A native of. this' cammunity, lars short of the.miriimuni obiect- , Mi s. A,itori was the former, • •Mary we, Etta Jones. She had lived in Lon - There i every .reason, however, for ; abou . 24 . ears. and, was to •l elieve, this amount will be ex- t 'Y 'ars- as a .number of contri- a member 'of Colborne. St. JPnited'; hutcsr�s ',usually neglect or' • defer "Churel'i:. making their donation , until Jan -She is .survived lby her bus, uary, ' band,' a daughter, Mrs. William, ,'Another. list,...' of acknowledge-'..' (Ru'by) Rulton, London;' three, meats follows: •• sons, Leonard 'and Wilmer,. Lon. Arthur F. An- den, and, Elgin, Toronto; t�(ro bra Philip Stewart, Art ' adrew, - Charles , McLean; GQrd°ori. .triers; WM. ' John' Jones,' Lucky A d F J Lake; Sask:; and Samuel, . Toron4: to; ; :four, 'sisters,, 'Mrs. ' John• nie);: Ruttle, iingharri Mrs:' Susie Lazenby„ .Mrs. Conrad` (Hughona) .Brown, ;and Mrs; Les' "(Vera) Pur ves, all 'of . London, and 5: grand, apered peplum also children with Spanish lace .rim. Her `own John Ackert,Noble Pierce;: David trim. g The funeral . service was • held. exiled gracefully in fa long train. :Moffat; Robert; M. Simpson, G`iif- on Friday 'at the' Bennet aril .PIn- Y. The bride, yen in mar lee Ketcha'baw, Wm. T. Henry, T. J. r g , Ibby her father, wore a floor. length • white, satin, gown, with, long. sleeves and fitted bodice with Spanish lace yoke and..seed pearl The floor .:length veil of silk net was embroidered in rose design --arid 'was held in placeIpy a: cor,.. one of rhinestones and • seed pearls ':,She•.ca'rriecr a bouquet bf red Better Time roses. The 'bride. .'was attended by her ,two sisters, MrS...Cameron, Sim- mons of • London, as bridesmaid,` was dressed in a floor length gown of •pow.der blue .'taffeta 'with: nylon; :yoke, ':carrying a'. nosegay" of 'Ayellow •. chrysanthemunis .'and pink loses, Mrs..Ezra Scholtz of White'church,:•as, 1natron of honor was • dressed rn a.'. floor length :gown;of _dusky ..rose taffeta: with .nylon yoke,.:carrying a nosegay of orchidchrysanthemums and; yel- ' low` roses..Both attendants:. wore ' matchir d mittens. and floral head- •.dress, • The groom was attended by his only brother, :Mr. ' Kenneth, Laid, law of London. Wedding',music •.was ;plaayed..by. Mrs.. Garnet ' ries. of Whitechurch. and Mr. Gar- ;net Fai',rier:'sang. before the ser :vice, "When' Song is:;Sweet"; and during thesigning: of the register •• "0' Perfect 'Leave"....,„:' Tle• ' ushers *ere ' Mr F.zr. a' .Scholtz, Mr: Cameron ,Simmons, Mr.:. Ivan: ' Laidlaw, Mr.'Clayton., ford •:Congram, E. Pritchard, Mr. and, avlrs, Charles • Chin, W. , For- ster, Roderick or-ster,Roderick Campbell, . Mrs. Margaret Dudley Elmer E John= ston, Cecil Johnston, Walter :Al- ton, Cecil Welluvood, Miss ,Gladys Ma.cD'onald, , Leonard MacDonald, George Fisher, : Archie . Nicholson; Holyrood Women's .Institute,'• Or= w'ille Jones, D. R. Finlayson; S. 'C.. Ratli:well, Wni..MvGvll; Miss: Eirirna McCluskey, W. J .Doug-, Gertrude' Treleaven, James 'Park, -Edward ar'd . McKenzie, Lawrence. McLeod, Harold :Camp bell; L• orne;Woods, Herb McQuil-.•. lin,;' Myles,,Mcliiillan, .Mark. 'John sten, . Elmer Alton; -Wm. Slim - Son; Thomas Robb, ft.' 3 Goder ich; Rev R. D., A Currie,' N. W. Winterstein We ingtoh Header-, son;.Edward Ga nt,..Rev. Gordon. Baulel, Wm ,Fisher; 'Geo. Hiltz, IN, W. Hagan, 'David ..F .under=.' son, .. Mrs.. •Alien. Turner,. Fred •JoY nston; Walter ..:MacKenzie; :Eldon Miller,; Mrs 1Vlartha Clif-, ton,. Henry:. MacKenzie, Eugene. Conley, Harvey: Kilpatrick, John. Ritchie;: Township .of.' West Wa- , °wanosh,,, .John;,' McInnes, W Brbwn,' Kairshea CTulb, Eownship of •Kinloss; . John' R Lane; ; Walter Breckles; .Thomas Moffat, Mrs E. •B•olt, William. •B01t; Archie Mac IYityre, Earl• Hodgins; •.Alex Hack ett, Brown Smyth, John M.:Aitch= ison, `Wilfred' Farrish; Raymond; Hamilton, . Gordon Lyons;`' Frank MacLennan, ,Mrs Ater Gillies,'. Scholtz. A • wedding reception was. held Earl Durnin, Denzil Staffers, Col.- combe Funeral Tome; conducted. Ibk Rdyn. Dr. A..1%turray Stuart. oe uaranteed Trust Certi: cater' 1 SUFD'for any ;amount •• • :.. for a terxri..af fiveyears-;.. guaranteed both as to'principal. . and interest .:.'• `interest cheques, mailed to reach holders on:,'dtie date,, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate- at compound interest. , An ideal inveiitmen 'for ,Executors • Individuals • Administrators. Committees ' • •Corporations *. Trustees Cemetery Boards !: Hospital Boards• , .: THE: :TER L 1• N G `TRUSTS' ' CO8PORATION 67; OCT Street;, 4OrOnto, 1 Interment was sin.. Mount Pleas- I Ernest •Blake, ,Roy,' Blake, Bert,, ent Cemetesy...Pallbearerswere � Georeand :HarveyA. %following ,the .ceremony. at the in •McDonald, George' 'payl'or, OL: horde of the bride's parents. The to 'Petersen, Ira Dickie,'DenniS mothers of. the bride 'and' groom. Hogan,' John Waddell,' Jas. Cul-: ` gowned in black wearing. red. bert;'V( A:' Humphrey, Rev;''Chas,; rosecorsages, received the .guests.. Winn S Q:�S: C1ub, ..Miss Helen Lager the happy` young couple: Harniuton • 'Thomas ,Hackett, Jr,, f, t to' .T Robert Moore Neil•; •MacCallum. points. For travelling, the bride. Joynt, George W. Joynt, n. -wore' .Kenneth cinnamon shado. 'wool:`Mowbray, `'Charles H: , Cadman, le t by ariotor for rip or- George Alton Misses, Har and onto and other Western Ontario Ada Wooster Basi• l Hoga J W. dress: With' gold ' beaded . trim, top- ped by a gray wool .gabardine: coat, with silver': fox fur trim Lloyd Moffat, James < Conley,. 1 -George Burgess; t rchie : Boni- ett Alex Cainer on, :Lloyd` McDougall, and -black : _accessories. ` Ori: theif Miss' Isobel McDonald; Jas.: Reid, Harry Wall, Russe_laun l•Gt How- : return, thew will' reside White • .. ' Alex Percy, Keith Blake, Harvey Hodgins, Elrxier • Huff an, :.Jelin E. :ard Blake, Mrs: Peter Watson, MacDonald. Mrs.: „Eliabeth P. esSkille • eworkshops of the Royal Canadian' Electrical/ and Mechanical Engineers are expanding rapidly— m step with the growth of the Canadian Army Active Eorce., The men of" the R.CE.M:E. are dokng their part to make Canada strong..- There is an urgent need fOlcskilled tradesmen to Man, the workshops of this vitally important' _corps of` "soldier-tra:desmee. Skilled craftsmen 4ietequired to fill the poets of automotive' -Mechanics, fitters, toolmakers, radar and sadio technicians, instrunient makers" welders; watchmakers, machinists and otherkey jObs, .16 •RAISED, ALMOST .000, ' equipment' and camp•IlaCilities..• ledged =bunted to $247:Q0. Other 'Miller 12.9o; tlos: wpsncy 12t00; Phies to tine Scout .Association •• • Herman phillios,,.Wm. Him:, „ter _Russell' Ritchie Dr. ',M. 1:1.• ;VOCE 0,0 TEMPERANCE that longer, gonSidered 'Polite, to • drink and. get ciruhk. This hats :come about fbedausi. the decrease in the alCoholic •con- .. tent .of' beer and 'the increase in , the eost of, hard Honor- It is‘not matter of•arrow Puritanism but Of decencY and COrnfnot) Sense the "influence .,pf liquor 'is' degrading. When will geed' taste_ Impose .its laark,.. 'ipeople;whose conversation. and' conduct ;ireveal the blight; of dilinking?, It )8 ',not „polite to. be' maudlin: or 'neiSy UPON GREY TOWNSHIP'S Clert :rested „the .'dediSion as to'. who would 'be reeve of the niunicipat- _ford. RoWland were tied aftei'..a reedunt, :41'0 Votes-' each. Clerk" Fear ca,St.,his jaallot for. Mr.' McNab: who 'pas been' IiECEMBER WAS DULL, SNOWY AND COLD . 0110 day'8 .sunshint in the whole. month, Which was-.iibnohnally dull. There waS a half (Jay 'of sunShirie, ;the 29th, 'hut for thc; .wore few, and' brief, • • . spell of fairly cold -weather :Ph& and hovered:near zero at .Chnist-, December "•26th and for, a • 5 -day }period from 'Christmas Day uh- 'There ,wbs 35 iriChe's of 'snow. during the Month' and 1.74 ,inches Bath the January, thaW ',wasn't long in! starting. .NcW ',Yenr's Day on; that cut roadways to the, pavernerit, and helped Wash the ,shoW and, ice from hou etops, whore 'had, If. you qualify as ,a tradesman, , there's a place for 'you in the R.C.E.M.E: You can serve, now --- when Canada "soldier -tradesman". • • elp anada stron NikDIA ' Be betvween i7 dna 40, yeciyi of 5:Volunteer Tor service artykkh.ere. For sparkling entertainnient, listen ti) "The Voice of the Army" —Wednesday evenings` -r Dominion Networ