The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-11, Page 5'THURSDAY; •JAN41Y 11,*1951,TH , bucKNow LUI<NQW, ONTARIO • Lyeum Theatre wiNGHAm ewo ShOW$ Each Night FIRST snow AT 7•15 11•••••••••, Thurada,7, Frieay, Saturday • JA1411ARY 11, 12, Louts HAYWARD; ' • PATRICIA MEDINA.• THE FORTUNES Of CAPTAIN BLOOD MATINEE SATURDAY filonday, Tuesday, NVedliesdaY JANUARY15, 16, J. BOB 'HQPE,. • • • „ "7••• LUCILte . : -- -- FANCY PANTS •Eirk.imeimmmrim • '• .•1111111111111.1111M11.1.11.,; . ' .' • . • • • ASHFIELD ,MissMaud MaCKenzie • of •De-• troit spent a week recently with friends•here and. in Ripley, • Mr. Jack McKenzie was in . • Victoria Hospital, . London, part of last :Week where he Underwent anoperation on his • . Mr. and .,Mrs : Willis chie and sfamily have', returned ig Yalcartier' yillage,"•Quebec, after visiting: with:. Mr. and Mrs. 'paeMurchie. Mrs Henry Mackenzie was in HELENS Mr: and • Mrs. Neely: Todd, Da- ••tvid, and janet,,ef Stratford were vis4rs. .with D. Todd. •• ••• • •Mrs: Gorden is a 'Patient in the Wingham ,Hospital suffering. from pneumonia. At therecent .c'ommencement exercises of the -Foot Hills School Division, Miss Margarie Cameron of Blackie, Alberta, received the GoVernor-General'S medal for the highest standing in Grade'9. Mar- jarie is the daughter •ot• • Gordon •CamerOnfOrmerly ,of St: Helens ,and Airs., -Cameron.. . „ .. • . • 1.'0U.RPLE,GROVE • , Mrs •Miltetr, Walsh spent. the Week -end. with her sister, Will Walsh. • • • Mr; and Mrs. • Frank Doreand Nancy, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Brindley oat RiVersdale, Burton Collins ;and babe returned from. 'lc:Mean:line to the home of her parents, ri'd 'Mks. Andrew Paterson. • Miss 'Margaret -.Robertson and, Donald spent 'Sunday at the home .Mr. 'Kenneth RebertSon; Zion. lYLr. and Mrs. • Don SeCosh at- tended a. Federation' meeting at Paisley On Saturday. • • • 'Mr. and Mrs, Ralph4Hill visit- ed With her siSter, ;Mrs. Thomas Quigley of Luel‘noW last ••Wed- nesday. , • • Mrs. Nelson:Albertson of •Van... CottVer :Visited. With . her. Slater, Mrs John Emerson last week., , • 'Visitors at the hoine,,,of Mr.; Mrs Victor GavvleY' 'orilSaturday evening were Mr,: arid Mrs. Bert 'Prownand:Howard, Sr; and Mrs. 'Nelsen Helwig,..Miss 'D.OrothY ,Reily of .11anover Mr and. Mrs Ernest' W.alcleri. and . Betty' Anne of Bethel,. Mr. and. Mrs. • Ellis Gossel of. Ripley, •'Misses • Ada tettie•GaWley of ,Itipley. •:. • • ' " 7. : . • . , • Owen .Sound 'last ' Week' where A, :doctor . says • inoit,, people • Neil is • still a patient in the hos-: weigh '-.More in winter- than fn pita1;: •. t' siTunriler. It's :thOse heaVY colds; ° OBITUARY , • • • 47 DAVID •HORNE . • •Tiventy years of suffering was ended last week for David -Horne, when death came to him. on Wed:,• nesday; January 3rd, iToronto -,General • gospital, Dave. i•was. 36, years of age on , DeCerolber 27th last, ands' 6 a youth.of 16, Years had stiff re from a fprin • Of. arthritis that •.aff10 the medical profession: Th crippling ailment caused Dave` int e pain in the early stages and t rougheut the years,he Was neve free .of sufr • fering.,,andt•distr,e but bore affliction with' a rnazing cour, age and cheerfalneag. He had a magnetic' personality 'and was. Well an popularly knoWu • Where • e went. Dave() had been athis home in Toronto, for the past several weeks, •after another, • of his -frequent' periods !in the. hospital. Ten days , Prior to his death he returned: to the hosPital, where it became, gradually ap7' parent thatin spite of his Will to the end was near. •- Dave was born in Lucknow and was the onlyson of Mr. an4 Mrs Leroy Horne His ...father died. 1$8, ,years ago,. ,at .a time *,lien the • early, ravageS' of, .13,aye's • illness were Causing hini terrible •'agony. In :the. intervening years 1VIrs. 'Horne gaVe Dave eVery care and • attentiOn that . a devoted mother could. possibly give, •and her be- reavement is the 'keener by the close • association of mother and son all these years., ;, . • ' • Over six Years ago, Mrs. Horrie sold , her restaurant business here and :moved to. TOront6 where the family has :since. resided, But, Lucknow was •always home to Dave and - he frequently visited • The remains were,.brOUght:,t6; Luekriew. last Friday' mor•ning to ;MlacLennaifs.• Funeral: 'Horne and • .at. two %o'clock' that afternoon'. ai • Private funeral service was • ducted by RevDr. W. J. fOrd of the :United Church, who spoke words • of cernfort. to • . . • . • •, • bereaved. . • , • •• '; , , • ..• . :Interment was .1n Greenhill, .t Cemetery with Clarence Mullin, Thanks!Our • 'Ja4 Ferguson George Webs.ter , • . • • •• Charles WebSter.,:.: Clair JOhnston • t • • •-• • .• • 1 • and, Kenneth Cameron.acting . as for.490 ;• ' • • pallbearers.. . • • 1'• • • 'Beside$ his mother DaVe is , • . 'Vived.by two sisters, 'Mrs: Lillian • El is• of Toronto . nd. Mr .• James" ::New Life Feeds. Can help you enjoy a profitable 1951., • I - , ,SteWart...(Atidrey) .Of: Midland. MRS JOHN H WALL , ,The community was saddened_ Reconnts• for the conve.nienee of .' bythesuddeti passing. Of ^Susan - all regular cuSOftlers.. ' • ; „1 na aviriw-• arnirton,widow o ' • • • • • I • Such •aCcoun.ts for"1950 .'istribution. aWall- inelror 70h PLEASE AND RECEIVE YOURSlate James anitorand Matilda Myers, and .was, born. May, 13th, '• ••• 1881 on; COO:. 2, ..Htiron TownshiP. t•GIVE She was the: youngest of .eleven• • Vives, ta brother' James :of Ore-. • gon,• and 'being left without par- ents. at 'the age .of four, she Was A F EE ST .only' One sur-. :i.l.... ,...:...::,.. .i.....*:e:0ed:,,,i4'.0.piiiTe01, .at!,:'(;in• iiatrous',,:: . .•'.., , ': , .1' ., I' 41011TE• 165 . :i. •,!--;. .•••- ;.,• • •••: IiiiICKNOW,:t)N't. • I ittf.m.).;;t4.a.,•...,k...4....0,,,,,.4.......(i..,.,i.,...04..,,...4.•aiii,),„ii,.„4"•;,......,,...,,..0,:.*:0...bi:. _ _......„. • •. , •• • .• .......H...7,......-. . , __........_ • 4 , • raised 'Along with , her :'.brothee lames attheir „ uncle, Alexandra In her ,giillroOd. days shewas .an'Active' inernber of Oli-• .„..vet.Chpret" •and •waS-Organiat for • a. number Of years.. ' • On June 21,: 1905, she married John nry1W1iatid. tlieY• farm., ed in Culross 'Township until ,his death .eight ST:ears ago Since then: lArs. Wall resided With .her *Son' • oil. theirlarxri On COn.,10.• tro't.hls unionthree daughters and three sons were, ,born Of Which. two 4rn qbloyakdied4n;an on 'Y. •• ' •:• . „ • was Member Of •.the Anglican 'Church, Kinlotigh, where the funeral Service, was • held„ conducted by :the pastor,. Rey.. Ralph • Illight Two favorite' hymns were. sung '"Jesus `8av,iour Pilat •Me" and'. "Jealis 'Kesep. Near the Cross ' • ' • . Interment Was in. TeesWater t.• Cemetery, thel pallbearers being, • neighlfbrs, Earle liodginS, Art' HodginS, Ale* Whytock,,(Tames Wraith; 1Vfor1ey' aria, John, Schumacher: • • • • • ,Left to triouro tha loss of th,e:ii- thotheri ,are Eva (Mrs l." iiisoWard lialdenhy), Weatford;: Alice (Mrs.. Pollock), • Ripley; , Ethel (Mrs. Ed • Collins), Port Elgin; • and •Mid ord,!„Eit' honte; ,also ' ten . • ;g•rinhi1dren 1 I OM' Feeds Fertilizer Phone 71 .•• • • • • •, , roeries •'Phone 27. are built for y&rsof service. ',Are adaptable for all usual. farm grinding jobs. Swinging hammers reversible 1 ways. The "slip clutch" operated auger is', a', safeguard against injury to the mill which also prevents no clogging under the screen. °• . • ALSO •••• THE NEW, .POWER TAKEt-OFF... • :HAMMER. MILL . • , Is Just 'amither, "oEllti Achievement". Increases „capacity pf infill up to 50- percent with the same pewer—NO BELTS— NO SlAiPPING. With .0 w"thout 'undercarriage 6 .1 • I , • Drop in and get fiarther information. • Lucknow 1 istrkt Co -Operative • .1 • • / • • • Presents' . . ' 9 ,• Thursday, .Friday, Saturday,. January 11, 12, 13. . • The wildest spree. of ghoulish glee Since they. met Frank- enstein. Bud. Abbott,. a detective; Lou Costello, a bellhOP,. and the chief suspe:ct in a 'murder case. They'll. murder you with latighs. • , ' • • - . . , * ABBOTT.. Eind;COSTELL(? — in•.• e lier" •, , . • • '‘ • • monflay,TuesdaY1 Wedn"daY'''januarY 15, 16, 17 . iteineritber the "Fuller Brush Man''? Well 'RFD .sicztlioN comes through again with more laughs than enough He is terrific in • , - he...SOuthern Yankee", with curvacious Arline Dahl We recommend this pidture' als it, will send' you home laughing: • . , . KI• NLouGH. Mr and Mrs Wm.: Wall visited during the 'week. -wisthf their Son' Allan at London • •• • ••• Mr. and Mrs. Harold lialdenby, iShei1aandBarry,y, George, Hald.e.nbY tviSited_ on Sun- day ,at Walkerton with'. Mr.,,and MrS... Clare ,Sparling, ." Mrs' J Swan of Clinton has. been with • Mrs: :John Col-• Mrs ,Jim Boyle' and .infant dau- ghter returned • from Kincardine Jospita1' • • • • Mr, and :Mrs : James Hodge are -having .,their home: wired for , • , , •• The H W 1 met at the ,home of Mrs: R. Elliott on, Thursday' •af- ternoon. Mr.S°;.'P.' A MtirtaY pre- sided with 'Mrs. Win.Eadie act- ing as Secretary in the ' absence Of 1*,73. • Maulcitt. ,After.. the .usual•opening, ariaThlinutes, the. . • _ corresporiderice ,was dealt • *ith. Thank you. cards. were react and thm-$.1:0Q bank book to the infant .aatigliter'• of ..Mr. and Mrs.: 'Jim 1390-..: The -Chib . report was given by Mra,• -Ilaynard Acker and •a pair of pinking shears are to be, purchased :for the• girls. in -their classea-Tand'ta Charge, Of"the sec'y. An. invitation was aceep e.from the7ParaMO'Unt--- . • • . • auspices and pit.t. on by the rep.; resentative of New Health Al..tuniri* produets in the Town- ship • Hall'.• (tonight) . Thursday,, . Jan,: The roll was 'what • '• I Would do if• I we the reeve of. Kiriloss, Townshiilt „fOr " 1951"., showed definitely. that the women, . • - should' be in 'Municipal office. • • • Mrs. fAlex • Per/by gave splendid • varier on 'Citizenship. Miss ,gileerr Elhott faybred, with a piano. eel(); •':* :Miss May Boyle gave .a reading ". on- 'A 'good , Citizen"; A Tared Paper "The worlifFts-tak ing your ;picture,. .loOlt pretty", waSgiVen;bY kr,S. Howard Har- rjs • '„The National' anthem.' :closed '•; the :ineeting. and .a dainty lunch, • •-• ..Was served by '-the. hostess and. . conimittee charge The Sr . Meet • this Thursday ,afterriCtori,: ". — • Jan , • . . • . . WornOli's.;Auxiliariwi!: lith at the home. of WS. George Halderkby; Mrs John Opl- well will read the scripture. The. \ 'word' for the roll' call :le "For.- • This•.is a devotional. met • - i -••• • ng. and the, conveners are Mrs:.-- . . . James Hodgins and. Mrs. George • • Graharn. ' • ' • • , ,•• . • „ . . • My:' and Mrs.' Clark Needham.. and family and Mr: and Mrs...Bert • ,.. Nicholson and family spent' • • , Sun- day with the _.:forrnees Mr.. and Mrs. • James 'Needham, • Ripley77-Wh‹.}"-COlebratd-theik-;154tbP'; • -Wedding apniversary Mr & Mrs. • ' Needhamstill enjoy a . Measure • • of good . health,' and their many . 4,• •• , • . . . • •••• t, . : •Bran'sch to be their guests at the • Aukiliary Rooms at ,tu.cknoW ori WechiesdstY. 'afternoon, Jan. 17th; Plans tivere. made to attend:, ihe- tiirkey supper Under the Instituto I friends • extend best wishes to. them on this ,htappy decasion. ' • .. • . • Now Have A Good, Selection Of TRACTORS AND MACHINERY' ON HAND. ' Don't Than, The Risk Of Higher Prices and Scarcity In The • Spring.' ' BUY NOW AND SAVE- --A---i-mr-e.FAikev,-,Afecathcdontaming.-klaped Model, D John Deere , Cockhutt • . 1 '39 Iiiternational three-quarter one -fon Truck 1 '46 Ford 3 -ton (dual akle) • •, • 1 Massey -Harris Spreader • ;4 .1 ,11-1-16e Fertilizer Drill . •'1.31Diic Fertilizer Drill • • • , • , ' , JOHN DEERE ,SAIIES and SERVICE linroti Rd Goderich, 'Phone 1132 ' • Agent: PORTER'S WELDING 'Phone 87-r,-4, Lucknow . • , t ,4.„ ••• • ;•• •' ,„ • • , • - • • • 1 , • . • . .• I • r . ' • I *, . .1- • , 11 • • • •• • t`;, Ot. 1 . , . - ” • $4. • , t ; " '•• • ` • 1. : 1 • `• • • • : .,••• "tt,4't •