The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-04, Page 645; -71 • p. , , • • • "11 PAG SIX WIT?" id :44 .• 1411R •;n1,, , -• • • • •••••,::,""4 _ • THE wcitrittw SENTINEL, ialJelitIo1/4 'ONTARIO • •••.!trrtt• .SEPOYS DROPPED CLOSE , . strong) ' • • PAIR, TO GoogRxen 140.1aiow,• Sepoys 'opened the 1251,•season. lastWedhesday night • With' qoderich: as • the •visiting equad, When, the boys from the . lakeside tOWn staged, •ta• third •I3erickl rallY tO cope.an 11-6 vic- .• • • tory. • . • 4•,'• Back J. 'Goderich on •Friday. evening The Sepoys were nurs- • • ing an, 8-6 lead with ten min- utes to go, when gOderich open- ed 'a searing barrage that netted ;them -four: quick goals for a. 10 44•••• • to 8 Win: •' • • • ••• • • •• . LaSt.: Wednesday's : gaine here,/ • bel3nre a . fairopeniflg. night wd, saw Goderich take a 3-1 lead in the opening frame In the • second •the,,Sepoys', Went brie uP •on three straight goals, with the ..• • Visitors knotting it at 4 -all before•- • •• the'period ended. • Inthey third, • lack of ,conclition• shOwed and as The Sepoysfalter- .. • ed Goc.1*ich •outscored them 7 • goalS to 2. • Only two, penalties • were handed' outin a • cleanly played game. • , _ • Lucknovy: goal, Ritchie; def., • Wankel, Gibson; cen.,4Vatighan; 1VIcLelland, McMillan; alt, B. IVIthelland, A, • Podds, Armstrong Gould Dah- mer, Hall Greer ' • • Goderich: goal, "Schenolls; def., • MiUer,. Stoddart; tentre;•:•,Newr conibe; Bissett, Faulkner; alt,• MODOnal,d, Goddard, Chishohn. ' • , . • • ,••.Referees: Norm, Locking 'and John •• • • • • ,• FirstrXeriOd • ' 1—Goderich; Bissett ' 1.12• 2--LLucknOw, Vaughan • • ' (Goitkl)••• •• 3.18. Bissett (New- - • •combe), • _ 7.46 • 4—Goderieh, MacDonald (MacPhail) 16.42, .• • . . Second Period.' 15—Lucknow, 1VIsMillan 1.54 ••• .6—Luoknow,' Dodds (Arm- * . • •'••••0 r J • . • • • t • 7—Lucknow, Gould •• • • (Vaughan) • , • , 3,45 8-:-.4Goderich, Faulkner 13.07 Third Period 9--Goclerich, I3isSett ,10 10--Goderich, Newcombe (Bissett) ,..,.,„. ;41 11—Goderich,• All& .3.06 12—Lucknow, McMillan 'Pt (McLelland Vatighan) 5,40 13-4Godesich, Newcb„mbe ..„ 8.01 14--Lucknow, Dodds , (Wankel) 147-GQ(Mcieald • llhiCalli/114V:D..•-• ... .... 1.6--Goderiph, FaulXner (New- - . combe) • •' 17-,---God.erich, Newcombe.... 19:59 Penalties-7-Chisholm,A'llen. • pRim. GAME IN GODERICH "-••—•-•• , , • SEPOYS-IN -'`WP GROUP,. PLAY SINGLE SCHEDULE . , Lucknow Sepoys, a "B" team, •• are playing their schedule genies 7.10 in an "A" group with Goderiph, • Listovvel Kincardine, • Wingham, and Clinton R.C.A.F. • • This is a single schedule which, winds up on February 3rd, when Lucknow goes into the "B" play - downs. • : The schedule is: as follows; • Home Games Dep. 2,7-7Goderich at Lucknow • • Jan. 10-1,istoWel at. LucknOw., • •,16 --Kincardine at. Lucknow 251,-Winghain at Lucknow • Feb.• 1—Clinton R.C.A,F: at • ' • ''' • Lucknow, , • Games Away. Dep.'29—Lucknow at GoderiCh. Jan.';'-27--Lucknow at R.C.A.F. (Seaforth) '4—Lucknow at Kincardine' 13—Lucknow at W'ingtarn •Feb. 3—Lucknow at Listowel • 'Lucknow•Sepoys dropped a 10-8. deeision 113, /0.0clerith on Friday. 'Edward 'England , took over the goal tending chore,s for"Hank" Ritchie.fOr the night ap.a. had. vic- ?tory • in sight ',until the Sailors rgit in 4 quick goals in the last, half of the third. •• •• SdpoY • rnark.snien were'.•Bob •Dodds S, with singletons going, to Dahmer, Vaughan; A. Chin; Mc- :Lelland .and Gould. ' - Lest To .R.C:A.F.• The. .Sepoys, Cliitton R.CA.F in Seaforth, onTuesday. evenittg,',droppa'ar 15-5 decision to, the Airmen, ,' • ,• • * 40. * JUVENILES TO, PLAY • 'DOUBLE' SCHEDULE • . • • - • , • • • • • by the 'Canadian. Legion; will -play ouble schedulegrouped with GoderiCh and. Hanover , as teams.and Barrister' and Kincar- dine .in "C" category Lucknow a•• 4117; irearnals were ' e piafed to play. • , here,,,,Jin, •Tuesday; night/against Kincardine, but n1id Weather forced a postponement. They play, tonight in Hanover and back home on Saturday night with Goderigh as- the ,visiting team. * • : • •• ••, • SET* THURSDAY 'AFTERNOON FOR OLDSTERS TO., SKATE • • Thursday ••afternben, from 2 to 4, o'clock .has been sgt aside at •the arena as„a ;special skating period . for the as., folks":• This will be a weekly skatingperiod, weather,. permitting, and•the 'young folk will not be permitted on the ice. • ' ' ••'' Pre-school age children will be perinitted on the ice if accompan- ied by their 'parents. , Iny rundown wife ains 16 lbs • ). •,• • " Steady'llerves• • vow :very 'hitt& under- • weight; also rundown. .ner- • •'sous. took Ostrex. Gained: , 14' lbs. 1 telt Ana; tired feel.: Ing and nerydusnesa were Sward...Mat.' • „•• • ;Agana 'freights ' Ont. .• • . . • What. a. thrillt,Tlihr Mita -•Savant •.' , .round out; bolkiws 'SU • up: • •• body looks ' healthier. '• attractive; Thousands Ostrex. welaht-bullding •tonic,' Enriches ' •• blood, aids • &pie*, digestion so food give* more ' pep, nourishment:, puts' Sash onbare bones, .Don't" fear kettilig too fat: Stop' taking,•when reach' • ••.; desired weight. Introductory . or ”getaceuainted".! • , . size only 600.. Try Ostrea .1bnio Tablets for flew: pounds, new pep,' today. .At all dnigidsta, $ ,.„ . • . .. • • . • - BINLOSS ICUBS SCHIEDIJLB Dec.' 29' Culross ,ai,Fordwich Jan.; 2 Fordrwich at 13elmOre • .',Kinloss. at Culross 5 Fordwich at Kinloss 5 Belmore at Culross . Culross, at Belinbre •.' ; 10 Kinloss •Fordwich 12 . Culross. at' Kinloss ',I • •120 :Bel:mere' at Ford -wick ,15 ,,Kinloss ,at Belmore • • 15:Fordwich at :Culross.• 17 Culross at Fordwich• - : .19 Belmore at Kinloss 22 Kinloss at Culross •.23 Fordwich at Belniore, 26' Fordwich at Kinloss • • t 26 Belmore at• Ctilioss . • •30' • Culross at Belmore:•. • .• • Feb.:, 2 ,Culross at Kinloss Belmore at Fordwich. • 6'Kinloss at Belmore ••., ,Fordwich .at culioss' • ' '• • ,9 . Beltnore at •KinlosS • • LOCO G,R9UP,'INGS. Local groupings in the 'various. W.O.A.A. hockey 'series :as fol-• • low,s: • • • .•`. • •• • • • • :Intermediate "A”, • group: — • Listdwel, Wfrighain, ;Clinton R., C, • A. E., Kiticarditte and Lucknow '(B). R.. lTothkins, Listowel, con- yenet. • • • " • : Intermediate C, group 4—Ford- wich,; Belmore, CulroSs,: Kinloss Ktibs. Reynar,d Ackert,•HolYrOod, deared • •• • : • Juvenile, group .—Godericli B;•., Kincardine C; Harriston C;:LUck- nOw D; Hanover B.. Larry •MeKayi IlanoVer; conVetief. •• • 4.1 Midget, group •-.4--Be1rnore D; Kinloss Kubs D;LHowick • Lions •Webstet Wroxeter, con- •'' • vener; , Bantam, group ,2--Goclerich C; Clinton C; • •Winghant C; Luck - now D. Stewart ,ThYlor, Clinton, conVerler, . Lucknow will also•'be, ented in oe inPsteeitutWedeein seriTl4e swhich will- • .FOURTH CONCESSION • •Mtirray Thompion Winaser, Meeponakl of Petrolia and; Miss. Christine Thompson Oshawa were home for the ,holi- days. •• • • ••Z1The three sons of Mr: and Mrs, •DOn Weber have been.very sick • with -pneumonia. • -• • / Mr. and Mrs. Jaek, Needham Of Cortinna spent the Week -end at ,Rorr,MacDougall's. • - ••• • ',Miss. Shirlek Macclure had. her' sister •,‘,froin Paisley visiting 'her for a few .dayS. • - °Mr: .and Mrs. Clare MacDoug- JANUARY 4,i all and-,•familY,of Flesherton were Sunday visitors at the 'home of Rod MacDougall, ' Everyone was pleased to see the snowplow oPen the road Sat- urday and Sunday:. Mrs. W. M. MacDonal4 prict daughter Margaret and sons.GrA. ham and Mac motored to Toronto Friday and returned Saturday. Mr. Rennie.Graham Of TOrontO spent Christmas with his rnOther- and father and Alan. • • Mr. • arid, Mrs. Orin Ploffat„..Mar., ilyn and Judy spent Christmas with Mr. and.,Mrs. $. Rathwell. GUESTS WELCOME fft,f P 444, •-•-• ,• • • • 41•'-i • ,, 4. 190 COEV SEDAN; Minerva tine. 1.960:0LEETLiliTE CHEV SEDAN, Iigbt green.: . . . 1949 CHEV. ngttixt:SIDAN;-2-,ione; enstorit. radto and r • many extras , • : 1949.CHOC COACH • ••••••• • ' ' „, • , 1949 DELUXE. FL'EETLINE CoAcH,. .1948 CHEVt;FLEETLINR COACH, two tone green -. TT.t9-4rCHEV-r'S-i8bAN-;-LtwO-tone,:--green. • • 4948 CHEV ▪ COACH . • • - , 1947 CHEV • FLEETLINECoAeH, 2 -tone .04Y, • , , I947..CORV, FLEETLINE SEDAN; :2 -tone, radio, sun ;visor, ' . whitewalls and many ..extras; '• • • . ; 1946C41110'. SEDAN. • , . . 2 1939 PONTIAC. COACH ; •• • 1939DODGE COACH44:, • •• '• 1938 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. 1937. PLYMOUTH COAC)11. ",•'• , 1937 NASH SEDAN t ,• :.1,93DODG'S'ED4N • I938 • ligibgiSE1)4N • -• • • 90 Citty,". DAN.' • ----.1.••,'?•••- • • ,,,,-• :. • •• .• ' • • • . • . • • • • • , ••• • . . . . • , . • • • . . • , • • • • .• • „ • , , „ •• . :11OA•ie 'Uf . Cities Service Dealer , 'Phone 7sx Brussels „ • . „ • • • , • •••,. •, • •. • . „ • • . . • MATCH YOUR FEEDING METHODS.. • The nutnDet of eggs a well -cared -for TO FLOCK REQUIREMENTS ' hen'Will'lay (up to the limit of her inherited ability) Although, through ayear g EPENDS LARGELY on her FEED. feeding,approximately equal :parts .of mash Old 'sedirt 7! ••••• • ' 0.. • : fed (by Weight),' actually 'the- pr9portions:.%?4,111 ../qty. With the 111 rote of egg, •.. productiOn. Scratch grainssup,' I• ply heaing, energy and body :4 'id' g properties'H. as is b01 h finu. • .in p*ofein• Wh!c., 4c) • egg. •peocitiCtiona $ 'birds dre' toting 'body wi6ht 1...• • -11 • on •god eg pi-uquctioh, tport , . • .;..more grain thin inaiki should be• I, fed. Iftherels Towering in. • 4.,. egg: production, increase the •1 moSh‘dMsUniptloti:.. '' I ••• ' •• oil. a:mom 404: imurio • Pkofits..are determined on 'cdniintted.good produc- tion, NOT on short term . • • ' ." • • §9; fed wev.:baiancqxkitlreshiy. the material. needed to keep Ahem y4gorou s and • • • : healthy build /eggs Week after. week. • .•• See Your NATIONAL Dealer today ••••, 114 '34 , • I, '11 erfilixor YoUr Crops With NATIONAL well -cured roerl-blendd FERTILIZER . • te• al • „.. . • . , ,• 1. • • . y • . „, , , * 4 t • ' ' • VIILLIAIVF,STONE SONS LIMITIL • „ GE!isoti., • , • • 1 1 • • , • ' • ' .. Isatiliii401.11111411MAMC dei tin 91.4 t1') ct ce 'Co or th at -•,t1 4.cc •14 •ec ,A Jai • tr fi • ci 1.1 A •