The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-04, Page 5• TH,UIR�`°DA 'a JANI)ARX 4 •1951 • • o THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,; :aTCKIJIQW, dN • AGE FIVE: ie.rn heatise i NG:MA Two Shows !Each. `Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15. • >�'rid ; .Saturda Thursday, aY._.. JANUARY 4, 5 G? .DENNIS,,,MORGAN„, • • ' BETSY DRAKE 4: MATfNEc .'SATuRDAY Monday,, Tuesday, Wednesday JANU.4RYM8, 9, 10:4' BETTIE: HU'lTON, Annie Get Your:.Gun ARD OF THANKS' I wish to express my sincere thanks and . appreciation to .all those ,who- ;soJ.kiridly and thought- fully'remembered me'when.I was in Winghaan. "Hospital.: ' Adair' N.:Joohnstone. FORMER LUCKNOWXTIl: ,( . �.'* ,.,.: „, ... DIED IN' ER WALKTON The 'death occurred •in Walker= ' ton las+t week, .of. NLurdoch 1\Zc- Leod in his 79th year.; He was a 'son of John McLeod and. lived in Lucknow and Wingham many years ago., Deceased iw,as a. cbusin of Roy Culbert of town .The funeral.service was. held in Walkerton. Elmer Umbach• was pianist and SAN. a favorite hymn of Mr, .McLeod's, • "I Wi ;i`e11, Jesus".. Tnterment WAS in Walker-. '•ton,�Cemetery With Bill Johnston, ,Wm. McGill, Elmer Urpbach and Roy„ Culbert ac.txng.' as, pallbear •Q . Others in • attendance :at the 'funeralwei a .Murdoch 'Morrison of ,l..ucknow, G S. —Culbert . of Toronto and a:, nieee of Mr Mc,• l,.epd's, Mrs.' 'Reginald'. French. ' Two . brotriers, survive; Donald 'arid' Argus , of .Windsor Mr. and Mrs..' Clark Needham, Nancy'and Helen, were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs, •Orna. Pollock and family. at Clarks: Miss Winnie' Percy, R.N., Wood- stock, (visited 'over the • holiday with her mother, 'Mrs William Percy and o'tiler relatives,tl • Mr, and Mrs.: James Hodge re turned home after, . Visiting with relatives, at D•unnv l;le. - Mr. .and Mrs Clare `•Sparling, Mr. H: Bell, Mr: and: Mrs... Harold. Haldeniby and .family spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haldenb.y' Mrs, Milton .Walsh, Jack.an Scott were Christmas 'visitors at Mr.. and Mrs. -Fr. ank Currie's,, Con, Miss ''Iona Terry. spent Xmas at Belleville :With. -her' parerfts, M. and Mrs:: W "K. •Terry , Miss Iris, Pollock. of 'Huron' vis- • ited ; during the past week With ',Miss Nancy Needharn " . FATHER • PASSES Miss 1-lelen •Malcolm of:Toronto • ' spent the holiday with Misses Mrs. Or1eY. Cooper has: 'return- Nellie and Margaret: Malcolm. ed atter, attending the funeralof her father," -"Mr. Neil. White of Mount Forest, Who passed away • Thursday; December 28th. at the 1 home of his • daughter, Mrs.:Mil- the week with her •,grandparents;, ton -'Moore ;Of : Kenilworth,: Mr Mr:' and Mrs.,"Wm Wall; White 'resided: for some time in Mr. and. Mrs WmCox; - Mrs. Lucknow with .his, daughter, Mrs. John , Cox, .. Mr. and. Mrs.. •John. Cooper', .and ; while here made Scott,: Billy and, Bobby; Mr, and manyriends' who'' will • be • sorry ' Mr's. Karl- Karl • Boyle, ;Marilyn •a r d' 'to' hear of.'his' passing. • Carol,, Misses. Edna: 8i, May Boyle were Xmas visitors .with Mr. and 1V1rs. Maii'rice Hodgins • Mr, and Mrs. Bert 'Nicholson, & girls were Christmas visitorswith- and Mrs. ith- and::Mrs. Walter Nicholson; Miss Helen •Shurnacher spent: l �rt • Mr. and Mrs • Roy; ..Cu be wish is, to heartily thank %Mr.. arid: Mrs. J, .D.: Ross for .<their kindness • in opening and ..decorating, • their home •for the Ross -Culbert, wed- ding.' and to 'Dr. W; J. Muniford and Mrs, Harold Cowan for;,their .. services. ,:..: Wewish to. t`hank, the • friends death. __The familyof the late Mrs. John Mrs..David Little and .Mr. anal Mrs. Wm Wareing and farnily wish to ° s, inc'erely' thank. friends. ,and, neighbors for their :kindness and's .na ath at the 'time:: of: Miss ,Y p Y -Mary Alton's ea_th, .S'u c•h thou htfulnes�. Was indeed :' a g s p Mrs. JohnstO6 wishes'to acknowledge with ..s.rncere.thanks ark. a • reciation the many. kind arid.;thoughhtfu1 acts by •which:she was_'remembere-i by" friends arid •neighbors, 'theW.M.S.,, "the-.'Fven- ing: Auxiliary, the 1...ediesAuxil- .and,neig.hbors, and ,Mrs,' • Schaef- iary to the Canadian Legion. and. fer •'f r �soy kind,at the time • the .Staffa '' d ` Students of ' Luck - P being � :. n of: ottr .Mother's s•ichxiess: :and .:now -High School for ':195,0 ew Life Fee 5 1951.. ..helpau`:en'o ::a�profitable 'Can Y We, keep iikdiv'idual: accounts : for the convenience' of `.all • regular customers. r i' S7u—e- •a.ccoupYt*0�19S0 riow-.lire-pared .fo.r._ctistibution. PLEt�5C L'ANI) RECEIVE YOURS. • CAL . 0 GIVE >,Mrs:.:R:ichard Elliott is hostess for, •the. W.I.:M,eetin on';Thursday. afternoon.: Mrs. Alex Percy convener for . the topic "Citizen - The, World is taking your. photograph,..look, pleas'antt please,- is' in. charge.:'of Miss :Eileen • El Roll 11 call,' What. ,I; would '06 if' I°were Reeve in ':1951. Lun:c•h, •Mrs. •Jack' Ackert, 'rs; owar •Harris ; (sandwiches), MrsRay_. Hard :Ackert,', Mrs.:•. Jim (cake)• e s, :oh - of elI m joined m bees of her family,..on Tuesday `at' the home ' of Mr. 'and ;'Nlra;' Geo. Colwell; , ;Mrs..E d Schaeffer has been •at the home. of ,Mr.. - :and • Mrs, .Mid - lord 'Wall' where she is nursing Mrs. John Wall w:ho is quite: `: ill with pnieunionia:::Improivea Health is • the Wish 'of" her: many friends Mr, ,and Mrs, ,Geo. '.•Haldenby and Mr: H. Bell spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs`Howard''.Mc G:uire.. at Olivet: • , 'Mr.' and Mrs,. Wm. Bushell of Lucknow ` and Mrs. John Colwell, visited on Thuursdaywith, gr. and Mrs, John Moore'. and ' family . at Bervre • :Relatives and friends here were sorry to learn of:. the illness of Rev ' Benson' Cox, at; Valley Strearn, ;Long Island, N.Y Mrs .Milton:, .Walsh:. spent ;the past 'week at her horte,' here. Mrs. Dorothy. Thornipson of. 'S'tratford.,spent the holiday with. her father, Mr A. E: ,Haldernby •at, the home of 1Vir and Mrs.; Arh'tur G°r h'an -where--Mr: H-aldenby.--is spending the 'Winter months, ',Mr. 'Charlie :Collins,spent 'a ,day this week •at the home of his 'daughter, ,Mrs. Geq. Colwell •. of Holyrood. ° •• • •. ' r , Miss Margaret Ann. Murray of Tor'ont'o and 'Miss Veronica Mur- ' fray, R:N , ' of Walkerton, •Were, home during the ' Xmas holidays Miss Ixlma' Hodgins, . R N.,• of St: • .Catherines •.spent the week- end- with her parents, Mr, 'and Mr.S Tom'Hedging.. ` Miss Sheila:. I• aldenby visited during the week with her aunt,; Mrs. Clare S•parling, .Walkerton.:: • Deepest sympathy is extended, to the family of the ", late—Mrs, John Wail "whopassed away on- Friday evening. The• funeral was. held from ;the Anglican C,hux`ch on., ,Mondaraiid `: was largely 'at., tended. '. Mr, and Mr.s. Fi affil Currie, Mr and'. Mrs. 'Miller ' HartWick. and Wayne' spent Sunday with Mrs, • . ;Milton/ Walsh. and ,:boys: ;Mr. and Mrs. :Haidenby Ralph,, Miss Florence Haldenby & Mr, Norman Fry of. Wingl amo,Mr:', and, Mrs. Clare Sparling of Walk. . erton were guests,: of Mr, and Mrs. Goo, ,13aldenby• on. Sunday.. Congratulations .to Mr. & . Mrs,. ,Jim Boyle on •the': gift,. -of a baby'. daughter on. Nev Year's Day: Mr. ,arid Mrs. Bert Nicholson'' and girl's spent New' Years' with Mr. and Mrs, : Mac; -Nicholson, Mr. ,and Mrs. Perry Hodgins; 'entertained member of 'th: Percy family . on Christriias • Mr, and Mrs. J: R,. Laine visited kVer the holiday, with' Mr, and Mrs. .Art Phillips, Font Hill, Mr: and Mrs. Toward. Thb'inpt on, Marie Arid Bert spent Sunday with Mr,,'and Mrs.' Alex' Rercy. Mr. andMrs. W: app and` family spent ;Xmas„w th` Mr: '& f.. ', A TRIAL We ;need:and appreciate; all,'our patrons •. • "PHONE' :165 LUCKNOW, . ONT: , •••b/4114.4,41.P1•4.6.4441.11.1414/4114i01101s4 +01.41w,,4en1.L11418404.10+1.41•4441441.,10014.1R1 1, 1 eeds, :Fertilizer.: Phone- '71 ; e'. `GRIND -ALL' ' Groceries .Phone winner are, • b ilt for 'years of .'service: Are adaptable for .all usual f built i iyi yobs, Swinguig, hammers reversible': �1 ••ways.' arnlgr'nd g'a� •",,'The "slip clutch" operated auger is a ,safeuard .against;'. ;injury to: the mill which also pr:events•,no . clogging under ° the. screen. •,`, ' ALSO , .. TIDE NEW POWER TAKE -OFF ,IAM•MER MILL.• Isust, another : " GEHL Achieveinent .. Increases capacity' of.: a: mill i up to 50 percent- with the ,ame 0ower,—NO BELTS -L. ' NO SLIPPING, With or without, a I iinderca*riag antlr :el further nforniatio l.. Drop in and ,g ... .. Luuiow District, (oOperat've • Presents ,; A: Thursday, .Friday, Saturday, January 4, Alter ,an absence of over three 'months -BENE, AUT1i,Y Gomes bade to, thrill you in lis, latest Western thriller,;, based on that sensational song f it of 1950-- 4rai"' ;n• - !! 4 Plus aBuster Keaton 'comedy,, "Spook Speaks"., .Pius "NEWS" and Chapter 7 of the Serial;' ,7r. Moriday, ,Tuesday',.Wednesday, January' r`orri the iYnrnortal pen of Rudyard Kipling comes• the a•11-:, , • time 4great -epic---vividly portrayed on the screen• "CAPTAINS `fOURAGE0U5" with: SPENCER TRACY,, LIONEL.` RARRYMORE, :MELVYN DOUGLA.S°'and MICKEY ROONEY. This picture Was 'brought.: ,back by M G-1VL because the people of Canada and the U,SA'. wanted to see it•agai .,••. Mrs* Harold Percy Mr. and Mrs., Elson: Arnold - of Bervie' • visited on • Sunday .with Mr; and Mrs.'. Darold . Percy.. Miss: Eleanor Murray entertain-, ed_:tile Club. Girls; at : her home :On Tuesday evening.: The Percy.:families were' guests . , and Mrs:" A.1ex 'Percy at a, ew- ear `s` inner onTMonda, - evening:, . :Mir.: and Mrs' H: A: Graham Mr. �nd Mrs.James Hodg iris and. andg, :Mr.: • and Mrs:, 'Archie McFarla•ri were dinner :: `guests•"•of': Mr' °, and ;Mrs:' Art Graham :on Fridayeven- Mr• and Mrs: JOe Cassidy and Graham bf .:Clifford, -1VI . & Mrs. Levi Eckenswiiler and Douglas of Landon,: Mr. and Mx H. A. Graharr,,;Mr, arid Mrs: Art ;Gra' lam, Mr. and Mrs. Roy; Graham' and family spent.:Christmas with Mr. 'and Mrs:, George Graham • Mr.' and Mrs, ,George. Bell:' and children of Kincardine visited, ons. Sunday' with Mr:. • and .Mrs . Tom Hodgins. • 'Mr,;• arid :Mrs.: Perry .Bushell of Toronto a spent Christmas with members of:: their .family..at :tfie .home cif" ?Vii, and ;Mi s: John. Bush-. ell• Mr. and Mrs ,:Charlie. ;Hodgins,: Ruth:and Kathleen of .Wirigham .spent •': an day with 1,4s1s, arid15enzil. Statters. • •' Hewitt •&. Mr .and ,Mrs,• Albert' family. soent: Sunday with Mr: & Mrs. Art Graham:, Mr..and Mrs. ,Arthur Breckles, Mr and---•M-rs ; Walte B.r_eekt`e's dt. f�arnily':spentSunday with Mr; &, Mrs Harold Hald:cnby,, Mr: -','Charlie. Gillersrrn'ie • spent, Christmas with Mr, and .1V1rs.'Jas. 1Vi Hodgins:•. Mr; and Mrs. Roy. Graham en 'tertained members, of the Ecken swiller family .• at a dinner on Christmas evening.. • i. M e Nellie �;, ss s , :-and... Ma gar, Malcoliri 'entertained ,the, Presb Teri n:': Yo to •.. People. .at their -home . for, the Christmas••meeting Miss" Helen: •:•Malcolm • was .guest,' -Speaker _ b.e ser pture: portions were read by Florence and. Jack: MacDonald and' -:Wayne : Johnston.. 'The meditation, and a' pianp; :solo °•: was • given • by • Miss' , Winnifred McFarlan,, Christriras carols" were, 'sung arid, Miss. Jean Guest con dttct'ed a:. contest. Refreshments were serveti and 'a social ''tithe enjoyed. • , Mr. ;.rid •.Mrs: M uric . Hodgins •entertaineed :members of the John= ston '•.'families on' New Yearns ev-• ening. ,• 44, • BEi,VIE STORE RAZED '. Fire . of undetermined origin 'de=,..' • stroyed the store of Charles Far- rell ' at Bervie on Boxing ' Day. Mr Farrell,.. who bought the store.'. a year. ago :from Harvey Fdrbes,, was in London at the • ,time, and Mrs, F`arrell`,and child rely were visiting at.,the "home of Mr:. and Mrs. • Elmer Daniel , in Beiwie te,. b• The outbreak was discovered late . in the`: afternoon; by ` Oscar;, :Armstrong ,who ' turned in., the •alarm to. which the Ripley Fire Department •responded. "The two. .!storey building,: the• ,•store ;• .stock rid- household 'effects, were de-, • stroyed� blaze: With. the 'building doomed ,;the, Ripley Bri- gade. concen'tr'ated , on :preventing, the. spread , of :the conflagration..: which •for: a' time' thre'a'tened the_' western section of the'liainlet. A►Nioid.the Passibility.;of 'Shortage in your Needs For Next. 'Spring' by l RDERINGYOUR IMPLEMENTS,NOV, rc i We a're ' in stock 'at ` present `.Tractors :. .. M nre Sj dein Plows .Double . Discs, • Spring Tooth,:1-larrows Seed Drills Hay : Loaders ' Hay Rakes.• '. •- Cultivatbos r,l• t-luron Road ''Phone'' 1132 Go erieh, =Sub Agent,: .. yR ° PUR'�'I� S W,ELDINSH P 'Pha ite 87-r-4, ,L uclknow, • • 1. • 14 •