The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-24, Page 11ti l4, 1956 to .three roup to,. verness, island, d fauns, en with, to the toward; of Trail 're rug, a. mere ;ide. Far )ked up l rail tq. e creel was a )r some vra_eking chugged 'to: bhe the east ght stop soothe njoy the ere were 14) THE LUCKNOW :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. OnARIO Christmas ishes Our warmest • wishes toyou and your dear, ones' for 6• 1 Riga 4 a Gordon•'Brook's .Trans .port o .#tl s�rr�rr�r�►aps�s�r►+srar�i�xi�rsirs,�r�rr�r�r�er�n�ae��r�.�e�e� astkowsistidstspihenfirasalsoviotsocelfoosateotenoptunif000Malawoot .. . � is � '�• I •of da 'and "lid our **tinge: a. NS' �eur sincerest wishes that you may, enjoy a truly .Merry Christmas • with all its joys and pleasures Restaurant .4111211/110Fir ‘kit _Otrak. • PA,C+E ELEVEN o LIONS. MEMBERSHIP ; . ►. � ,»�, � , ..... _ .. _ ,.•� INCREASES TO THIRTY tt)p Memtbershi,p in the newly or-, li tg�anized Lucknow Lions Club n 1, �Proclamai' now stands at thirty. Sixteen , _ members signed up at the .organ- ; .I. , ization 'meeting,' and since last i the Club, fourteen more namesat. the request of week's first regular meeting of have been added, . The Lucknow 'Business Men's ,Association The new members are: Lloyd Hall, Milton Rayner, ,Stuart Coll-- BOXING DAY y�r,': uss Button; . Donald iMac= p �; ,, Kinnon, Jim Boyle, Alex And- rew, Frank Thompson; Gerald 1 Rathwell, Vernon Hunter,Thos. Hackett, D. Douglas Harton„ L. C. Thompson, W. L. MacKenzie. ANSWER ROLL CALL WITH' CHIC STMAS CHEER GIFTS , The. Lucknow Women's Insti- tute held their December meet- ing in the Recreational Centre on Friday, with thirty-three lad- ies 'present and Mrs. Chas; Cook presiding, The roll call was ans. •wered by • donations for. ' the. Christnias cheer boxes.. • Mrs: George Kennedy, the pro- gram convener, , took charge of• the following program; mouth organ and autoharp selections, by Mrs.:Havens and. Mrs. Mary Jane Webster; the motto,, "I will hon- our 'Christmas in •my ..heart and •keep. ''it for : all the year" .and. "Christmas • in other Lands", by Mrs P. tMm 'a Miilan; . deonstra tion of wrapping gifts,' by Mrs. Salkeld; 'current' events. by. Mrs. J. Wraith'; reading by . Mrs; Thom. "The meeting 'closed with the Queen, followed •iby' singing Grace. A dainty lunch, was . ser, ved by the hostesses, Mrs. . Ken nedy;- Mr's. P. MacMillan, Mrs. Ed 'McQuillin, Mrs. Sproul,. Mrs. Congram: • ' -FOU D-ARMYY WEATHER TRANSMITTER. APPARATUS' • 1 •. ednesday, :Dec. 26th is hereby proclaimed • A CIVIC HOLIDAY IN THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW And All Citizens Are Called Upon To Observe It As Such. A. W. HAMILTON, Reeve. On • Saturday. '• evening Earl. Harris, was showing us.'.a radio- 'sonde • weather transmitter ap-' parattis, which he and • Howard 'found on their .farm a few days Ito. , is one of the ou—f-�i�re: eas= ed •periodically ' into .the strato- sphere by the United States army, and: contains equipment! .f o r • transmitting atmospheric conditions; helipfulin weather forecasting, Sucth. apparatus has been picked up in the _.district. before, but 'this was different in appearance. It ;was a , white plus; Graham was making preparations to dispose •of. the _•household ef- : In 'The Town Hall, Lucknow • 'CHRISTMAS. NIGHT DANCE Tuesday, December 25th NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCING PARTY Monday, December 31st Dancing 10 to 1.00 Music by Slim Boucher's : Golden Prairie Cowboys t r Mama .Qrgvasatoonanou Q I uansanb tt 4 R u Interesting :Issu�e of 1901 Sentinel Traveiled to Scotland ;arid Back: This ' summer. while Miss ' Mina business not ,only in the mercan- tic , box,; . ,resembling• . a lair 4, house on•; a stem. Vir-i4-006400ltcnisg1Da ports sea aaIa`e elith ina ualpige tta : The .equipment is carried aloft .fir 0.oringfrivrrztar4 or or awurmm.nan o ogiroe0000 r0n n02n is joyous acleasOf_ uallthe raPPinas. , ;iendsh4), G ,s Irlsimas' **ship . 4 friends. age ;i7or • t ef- t kte ti o every member of our •community, we extend sincere wishes for a; happy, 'hearty 1-loliday Season that is • -filled with the joys of od •health,good cheer and good; fellowship., • by a balloons and when it bursts. in the *rarified air, the' transmit- ter :has.,s ;.. __ errvved. .its purpose. pose. but i ter has served : its purpose,, but ered by a parachute.' When the Harris'boys found it the parachute and remnants of tire—•balloon were--sti.l-l.-.•-attached, The : redparachute has about a Ofoot spread and, :15 feet of cord • attaching it to the . transmitter. A similar length of cord attach• ed the balloon and parachute INTERES NG SCOUT PICTURE OF .25 YEARS AGO. ; The Sentirfl- recently ,carne in3 to :.possession' •of an interesting 13oy Scout picture' taken soiree twenty-five years ago in the. early 3.0's, Twenty members of the Luck=• new troop were under canvas that year, at Kintail," and were supervised by :-senior Scout lead- ers from Kincardine. Lucknow „boys in ..,,the picture. tvere:.• . Stuart' Collyer, Doug Cl.trl<, Art Andrew,- Elliott Web- sten, Lennard 'MacDonald, Geo.. •tit .:(:Tail; FinlaVSoii, Elwood •fects • of the Graham home, she came across an issue of, The Sew - finer that was of interest 'in more ways than one; tile line • but in • grain,' pork :• and • Wool. until retiring in 1'887.. , •He was . , the 'first.. postmaster • appointed'• in Lucknow and held the office until • his. death, was justice 'of. the peace and ' issuer. of : marriage _ licenses, president .of the County ,Reform Associatiori, and declined the Liberal nomin- ation. • Still. bearing ,,the• address label of herlate father, Donald Gra- ham,. this issue of February` 8tli, 1961,had been to Scotland and back:, It had been mailed to Miss C.G.' (Christie) - Gr=aham, who *Gas spending several months in Scotland, and on her return' to Canada' she •brought the paper with her. It was found. this ,year in the bottom of„ a trunk *Bich hadbeen owned by the late Miss Graham. ' Jot Solomon, Rekforcl Qstrarrde1, Bob Thompson. Jack • Fisher,' Harold Friends and citizens. . lack McLeod, . Aylmer The' black -bordered front page announced the deaths, of 'Queen Victoria and of Lucknow's first. merchant, 'Malcolm. Campbell. Both, incidentally, were born in the sati'e .:year, 1819; and passed away in their 82nd year. A public memorial service was held for the ,beloved queen in the Presbyterian .Church, with a Malcolm Campbell was elected. .reeve of the Township' of 'Kin- loss before -Lucknow was incor porated and when it became in- corporated he was the first reeve ;• of' the Village. .It -was largely due to' his efforts "that ' Lucknow (be- came attached tai Bruce County in the bitter ' Huron -Bruce.• battle to win the •'Village soleirin .parade to the '.kirk by Captain Moore, mounted in- fantry; . brass band, reeve and council, school board,. Masonic lodge, . Grange lodge, Workmen. Society, Canadian • Foresters, In dependent-, Foresters, Chosen He married Miss M. Armstrong. in - Kirkw-ell- .in 1849 To theta were born twelve children, all but five of who predeceased their father: . Surviving . at his death Were Mrs, (Rev.) John MacrIabb,, . Alex Campbell,' Mary and. Mag-, gie Campbell •and°Malcolm Camp: bell of Burford. • First Meichant Satre of the high g Aitchison*, Harold � :Alun'; __Sri Thonl7son, Qrlan a..leng y ., 7 t n., Ta�,IO Bob. MacKenzie; Campbell, reveal that he was N E�tn and Howard, Johns _ _ __., ._ .*-..—. been Th S b1land _ .--son of -Don- • . aid Campbell, came to Canada Construction of , . Teeswater's in '1846, 'taught school for two cid a •set-' years and opened a store in Bien- heirn• Township, was then in the mercantile business. in Kirk.well .until 1859 when he came , to new post office t eceiv 3 back when the .concrete block • fotindtition buckled under . the weight of fill which was dump- Lucknow. ITe• was the first mer ed around the ,newly constructedi chant here, and, did an 'enormous -. .c — — w —• — fo dation • • roar rdrorofrroroa rt0r4r r r r rru', • HOLIDAY. DANCES Lucknow •Fire Company's hol- iday dances: ••''Christmas dance. . .Tuesda,. December, 25th; New Year's Eve party, .Monday, De. cember 31st; 'Town Hall, Luck- now, Glancing 10; to 1. Music for both dances. by Slim Bots hen's .Gotdeti Prairie Cowboys. WEDDINGS, • ANNIVERSARIES Our new--sariiple_ai.bum of.•per-* sonalized accessories for .parties, anniversaries; we'ddings, a n d every occasion is now on hand. New designs, new .colors, new items in personalized serviettes, A. 'phone call will bring these samples to your door, or drop in and -see th n' at The Sentin;bl.,. • • li