The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-19, Page 1rx s 1950 DC 3c '$1 1 c 70 1 c '.15 e ERY t 15th. ' !dl1M'>ti'ao , ie hats. Caswell' rate on;:. 'e point h, Lang- ss. ---7- 100,114701; gagt rs. Hale a�rn1'ly. ' . a on. wB;UyUQ• levflogiieg ;'i:ten o S1 -.Fr, v SlilrN, kets • • 701 —111,111111r ' $2.50 A Year In Advance -$1.00 Extra To. U.S.A. .RETURN' TO U.S. • FROM. HONOLULU... Luck now . Girt, Husband And Family To Spend Christmas Here After Three Years In Honolulu. LUCINOW, ONTARIO .WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19th, 1956 There's excitement in the Aus- tin ;Solomon ;household, as • they look. gforward to a . Christman time reunion with, Mr. and, Mrs. • Henry Wilcox and two • sons, Henry and'Chris, Who have been in Honolulu for thepast . three years, • 1 Mrs. Wilcox .is the former -Mur- iel Solomon:- He'r husband has been appointed manager ' of the television •station at. Syracuse, :New 'York, and the , family 'ar- rived r-rived .back in the States the first, of the , week. They flew froth Honolulu.. Mrs. ::..W x talked • with her Parents 'frail Syracuse • on `Sunday, The Wilcox 'family. formerly: • resided in California, tbefore go-,. ing ,to Honolulu where Mr.• Wil cox - accepted a television posi-' tion, -Their -two -boys :ha -v yet to •.see snow for thefrirst time unless they run into it. ',n New York State, or enroute ere' for the Christmas.: get-together. FORCE ENTRANCE, CHA �` G GET ONLY.E• The 'Ford Garage was.• broken, into -early; 1astt;-•-Thur-sday -morn ing, ° with' the loot. amounting 'to about $15.00' in `' change • taken, from: the cash register,, The` safe, which is not locked and Contain:- ed ontain=ed 'no money, Was ransacked. It appeared to be money the thief or thieves wanted, as there was..: no- ndication-.ot a.fy- Astoek- ,being stolen.. Entrance was gained, by forc-' ing_ the.k door, of the build-. ' Mg. The ..proprietor, Gordon : Montgomery, discovered t h e` change missing, when he went • to mister a :sale Fresh tire marks in the snow. were, apparent: The Matter was investigated by Provincial 'Con - 'stable Don, : Reeds.. TO MAKE HOME IN:WIARTON' • • Mr. and Mrs: •Roy. Culbert are moving!' this week to Wiarton (where they Will :Make their home. They have sold their res- idence here to : Mr. and Mrs. El- mer, Huffman 'of Langside. It is • , like returning, home for Mr: • and Mrs. • Culbert, *who for-.' rnerly • lived at Wiarto'n and'. where they. have continued.. to' own ' their home: since: leaving: there several years. ' age.' Mrs.' Culbert was born in the Warton •distiiiidt Where .relatives reside, She has been. there for the past . three (Weeks, 'preparing th`e house for. occupation. • Roy and Mrs.. Culbert Moved! to •Luckno* in 1946, -wheel he.! look a job at the f1a,Xmill. For th0-past._eight_years_he has been the efficient .caretaker of Green- hill cemetery and for.Seven ears,.. • has' given equally satisfactory • service in looking atter the, Ball Telephone Office, to which' .a11 unsolicited fetter of recci/nr11c1,d- ation will testify. Roy; or Alex, as he is known to some, concluded. hitt �Itrt'ic fief .the Bell on .Satu d'ay.` fees "w�iri i cessor is Mrs. Carman Rarnilt(rn. i It May be more .difficult ,tairi someone. to take over .Roy's duties at the cemetery', and, =rp- plications for the position are be. , ingsought, c Roy is a son or the late Mr. arid Mrs., Sam Culbert, residents at one time of the St. 1401ens district, where • iloY was .raised. i i Hey attended school at Belfast. His father was injured in abush accident and the family .moved Y.:�no.i=€1"r-wlretf ,-R,-oy wes: a:4ott11i •_:. Santa s Rain For ,Lucknow isit. y�r Sa.rita Claus, surrounded by kiddies' ' who turned out in swarms .to greet him on Satur- da is here shown ivui wave: to The Sentinel cameraman,. who snapped him as the parade :pass= ed along ;'the Main• Street... Santa's. :sleigh and , reindeer were ilrnmob'ilized aby_.an _absence of snow; and the . Weatherman provided__ the__unkindest_.estab._ of. all :.with a . downpour ,' of rain while' the procession was on, and while . Santa and his 'helpers were passing out the treats. •It .w•as-a.m:::".rough._.welcome''_.. for. ,_the. �'bew+hisker.ed gentleman 'Who ' made his, aippearance�in :a spark: ling " new oittfit, courtesy of the Lucknow . Business,' Men's . Associ- ation. :Sentinel Photo • • CLERGY HELD CHRISTMAS -- COMMUNION :AT HOSPITAL Reverends H. L' ., Jennings, a&me-C'lean"ani Grant Meiikle- • john paid their, ` Christmas:visit to the . Baker Private Hospital last Thursday. An impressive (feature of the visit,and one much appreciated by .the • pat- ients ..and staff was the admin- istration of-`Lloly 'Communion. Twenty-eight persons partook of the :sacrament: These clergymen have arrang- ed •a' program' .of regular visita tions to the hospital.' A' subscription to The Sentinel solves Christmas gift giving. quickly and easily. ' and is a re- mern'brance that ;brings year- round enjoyment. An attractive cards announces the gift Ha e. you reni wed your---Sen- :Mel-subscription?' REQ_IJIRE NEWS RY FRIDAY "FOR CHRISTMAS .ISSUE This issue :will no sooner 'be off the press, than we'll' 'be in the midst of getting.out• a Christmas greeting issue. reeting' sp_ :cial-w' have 'to .:be completed :.by: Saturday night, in. order, ,to,. be in• the mails for rural dis- tribution on Monday' morn ing, December 24th the day before. Christmas. • Any 'news ..stories or rural budgets ` must . be , . received not•.J.ater than Friday, to "be included in this .issue. The regular, Decennber .26th issue of •.The Sentinel 'Will not be published. KEN_-ELPHICK OF_Q:O R. • HOME FOR .CHRISTMAS ' Kenneth Elphick arrived home- on- Saturday tor • a iGhristanas :leave' With his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Eliphick of Paraim unt. Ken will, report to his regiment at 'Calgary on • 'January 2nd. This • 18 -year-old soldier is a- memlber of , the Queen's .Own if esl , that were :moved , to Hali- fax, from • where they were, to sail for police duty • •service at Suez.. After standing by for a few' .weeks, a. change. • in plans resulted in . the detachment be ing returned to • their'. Western basein :time for .Christmas' leave. 'Ken "dropped off" enroute back.• It is better .to be silent and thought" a fool, than to . speak and remove all doubt. As field: B� rd Ends Year, Reeve -Seeks 'ardenshp `.A:shfield Township Council. wound up the year's 11usiness on' Friday •at a meeting g in the Town - 'Ball, and extended best' :•s -'e s to :eevc t';eeil'Blake, who v r. h will be a candidate for the wry clt r�, h p - * s _, i of Huron County at the Jamul r Y_ session, The Ashfield "Board received an acclamation. at • the Township nomination ' meeting held recent- ly and will commence their 4th term with ,no 'change in the per= •sonnel` it that time: ° Seatikd' centre front is, Peeve Blake;, On the; `left . isplerk- • • TWELVE: PAGES • GEN:EROUS AID AT. BENEFIT DANCES T•wo benefit danceshave been held within the past wiek for young Amberley district :farmers ' who have 'met misfortune. • At Kincardine on. Thursday night, • the Beach ' pavilion was .packed for a dance staged in. aid of Bob Courtney, Donations re- ceived that evening amounted to over $1,000, sand,.subsequent con- tributions have _raised the amount .to close to $1,300.• Boob; lost part of his foot and suffered a 'bad leg fracture in Septemlber and' has been hospi- tal'ized: for about three. months. He • was permitted '. to come home on Monday, for, a, ten-day, Christmas- visit. , He has to re - '.turn to the hospital on Decem- ber. 29th. Bob'. has: splints. on the' injured' leg,. but is able to '`hop. . around" the house a .bit, and no, • doubt . he'll yb`Limping for joy to be home. '•. At Thurs night's dance •J: S. Robb', gave the address and Bob Campbell . Made the pres- entation.- Mrs • Courtney , replied on Bob's .behalf,:as did his father, Archie Courtney, . • Fire Benefit Tuesday On Tuesday evening there was a' large crowd in' attendance at the Recreational :Centre, : •Luck- now,where a !benefit dance was held for Mr, and Mrs gllaR Bar ager,` volra frost .their 'barn ¥y .fire; about', ten days ago. -OverT$250:00 vtwas+d hated" Tuesday.: night .end was present- ed. to ABM and .Marie 'by How - 'aid Robb, after ,Clayton. Alton had made th'e presentation ad- • dress; • No dotibt there are others who..May Wish yet to •donate and were unable to attend', or were • unaware --:-Of _• ;the- .ibenefit- -bein -s-= -•--- - held, Allan expressed their thanks... • NAME 'WEST WAWANOSH . FEDERATION •:OFFICERS: • Directors..of the West Wawa.: nosh Federation of :A;griivulture .met at the. home of Mr: and Mrs. Kinnahan last week and' ap- pointed the following officers: 'president, , Lloyd Craig, A.ulburn; vice :president, Wm.: Wiggins;. sec- retary, Mrs: Graham McNee: Mr. Craig, succeeds : Wm. Kin ahan wiho had cohzpleted . a two- 'year,term as president. Mrs. Mc - ,Nee is successor to Wm. Caesar, Who has been secretary for sev- eral' terns. The directors of the . West: Wa- wanosh Unit : were elected • at their • annual meeting iheldre- cently' in Dungannon : and from their numbers, the. : slate of of- ficers was chsen. . • The other directors are Frank McQuillin, Bill Good', Bill 'Kina- han, Bill Caesar, •George. Hallarn, Cyril Boyle, Albert' Taylor, Al- lah Miller, Fred . McQuillin, Elroy Laidlaw, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. R. FORST.Elt HEADS OLD LIGHT. LODGE Treasurer, Donald M, Simpson and on the right is. Road Super intendent, Herb Curran: • Standing from left to right. are Councillors John Bradley, And rew Ritchie, `Toni: ,Howard arid Donald MacKenzie, • ,Sentinel Photo • At. the : Decern ber meeting of Old Light Lodge, Sam Alton of-. ficia;t'ed as installing- officer. for the installation of Worshipful Master 'Ronald' Forster and the i:nve.stiture• of the other :Officers.... Ronald. succeeds Edgar Watson as head of. No, 184, year ,are' as follows; Edgar Wati-• son, LP!]VI.; Ronald 'Forster; Ted Collyer, S.VII.; Wal- lace Conn, 'J.'W.; Redvers John- son,• chap.•; W. , 13; Anderson, treas.; T. ' J, Salkeld, , secretary.;, Kenneth Caneron, S.D.; Bert Ir-: Win, J.D. Chester 'Campbell, ,,S.S.f Bob MacKenzie. J,S.. John IVlacDoriald,. I.G ; Tom Anderson, Trustees 'are Sam Alton. 'las., Little and' W. A..Porteous. zzza