The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-12, Page 7956 . 4 • a W 1. m ;roup Drift zer 6, mem- meet-, hymn heme, tpture med- Mrs. • :Lead, Irts.,of s.' M. were ,e the 'Jack'. e fol-, Miss is is 'a 'aylor and •' iynard ion. on and a Jlrs:.L: d the lunch:' ' Ont. 11,950 61,895 1,795 j;1,495 51,095 895 5 '795 $ 695 $ 495 450 leis. $ .495 $ 750 X1,1:00: $•. 495 325:. $ 495 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12th, 1956 .ALDENB.Y ELECTRIC MOTOR :'SERVICE. Armature and Field '.Vinding,. . Brushes, Bearings,' Etc. • Repairs to Tractional and Integral .Horsepower Motors, 'Also Electric Fans, Vacuums, Clippers,. Drills, 'Etc. ' B4LDENBY, ELECTRIC Kinlough •Phone Ripley 111 -r -Z9, russels • IMPERIAL ESSO ''DEALER 'Esso 'and Esso Extra Gasoline: Marvelube and Mineralube' MOBILOIL ATLAS TIRES Always look to Imperial for the best. •+ • ., Modern Equipment For.. , Wheel Alignment • and Wheel Balancing J. E.-.MacDOt iALD Phone 3,Lucknow THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO KINLOUGH • Mrs Perry Hodginsentertain- ed ,the Holyrood Women's Insti- tuto .at' her home on Thursday afternoon for. the Christmas. meeting. For the roll meal] each member received a Christmas gift from the prettily . lighted tree. A paper on Keeping Christ' in Christmas was, prepared by Mrs. Howard Harris and read by. Mrs., Wni. Eadie, and Mrs, Frank Maulden gave a Christmas read rng. Cheer boxes are 'to be given to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Ray - nand Ackert ,gave.- a very inter- esting demonstration on making Christinas candles: " Tentative plans were made for recreation in the near future, 'Mrs. Thos. Hodgins thanked the ;hostess. Mrs. lames Smith was in charge Of 'the meeting; . ' Mrs J. W .Colwell,;MVlr. Si Mrs. George Colwell and Jack were dinner .guest's of . Mr. end Mrs. Ardel Mason on Wednesday ev- ening. ' Miss Beverley Stanley 'of Lon 'don spent the week -end , at her.' :home here„ • . ,Mrs. Cliff. Borthwick of St. Catharines ,was here;. over, the. week -end when membersof the Hodgins family .!gatherecd, for a party in honor. of .,Mr; James 'Hodgin's 82nd birthday. " Mr. ' . and • Mrs, .. Bert Nicholson and' family visited., on Sunday with: Mr: and' Mrs. George Cuy- WHITECHURCH , Mr. And Mrs. Gordon Snia1I, Who have lbeen :with ._'their• neph ew, Ross .MacGregor, the . past, 7 months,:: returned ' to Toronto on :Tuesday . of last week. Mrs. J. Musgrdve of,• Wroxeter • has been visiting, with'her. dau- ghter, Mrs. Willis, ;at the general, • store here. • Mr. and Mrs. ' Garnet Farrier, Janice and Wayne and Mr. and Mrs.. W. R. .Farrier spent . the week -end in Sarnia• with Mr. & • Mrs., Jack Gillespie.. We. are''sorry to. learn 'Wendell Taylor of Con:; '4,• 'Kinloss,' to: be ° in poor health. -V . e hope he soon improves.' He is' -having a sale •of entire. Contents and farm subject to, a reserve bid this Thursday, December •.1,3t1h.•' • Mrs. J•oe' Anderson 'Or Luck'= noiir- visited w'it'h Mrs. Gibson Gillespie 'the pastweek. • • Mr. and Mrs, John__.Gaunt and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross. spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ross visited with Mr. ,and Mrs. Alex . Coutts and Norma in. Wingrh'am on Sun- day.• Mr.' sand Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mr. John ,MireYouse visited with their aunt and uncle,. Mr. and Mrs., &db Ross On Sunday even Mr, John ,Mirehouse of l.,yd- sten, ask , w:ho ''has been visit- ing with ' his • sifter, Mrs.' Fred Tiffin and other yyelatives for the past, -three' weeks, left on Mon- day 'for his home at Lydden."` Norman Caswell preach- ed his farewell sermon on :Sort- day at his three-point charge, Whitechurch, ' Langside '&i .SoUth Kinloss:„ PAGE' SEVEN ler ' and family at" Millarton. Mr. and Mrs. Don !McCosl of Purple Grove were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden, Miss Helen Schumacher, Allan Wall and Don Robertson spent the week -end with Mr., and Mrs, Wm. Wall. • �Mr, and Mrs, .John Lockhart of Burlington 'visited during the week with' Mr.., .and Mrs,: Ted Haldenby. We congratulate Mr, Lockhart on being the Mayor of Burlington. Mrs. Frank Johnston 'visited during .the week with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Johnston. at Tor- onto. Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston • were Mr:. and Mrs. Lloyd M'cNall .& June of Lucknow, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred. Blackwell of Kincardine. Ke-Electe.d Reeve : of Clinton • Burton Stanley, son of Mrs. Ida Stanley of this community, has been. re-elected . reeve of Clinton.. He defeated. an old rival, :Melvin 'Crich. In• 1953 .,Mr.' Cridh defeated ;Burton' for . the deputy reevesirip. The next • year - Mr. Crich moved ;up to 'the ' reeve-' ship .and Mr' Stanley 'was given an :acclamation . ,as deputy' -reeve. Last year Stanley 'edged Crioh by. 35 votes for .the reeveship,. and in a:return engagement" this -year- Burton- upped phis—nya=• jority to 98 votes.. TURDAY EXCURSIONS #o LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (Tb AND INCL. DEC.15) Ticketsgood going and' returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: Allenford . $4.75. Hanover $4.30 Palmerston $3.40 Brussels • 4.30 Harriston • 3.75 Southampton 5.90 Chesley ' • ''4.75 Ingersoll 3.70 ' Sarnia ' 6.55 Clinton ' ' 4.75 ' Kincardine 5.85 'Stratford . 3.45 ' Elora 2.45 , Kitchener 2.45 ' Strathroy 5.20 Fergus • • 2.45 Listowel 3.60 Walkerton 4.60 .. Georgetown" L20 Mitchell 4.90. Watford • 5.75 Goderich . 5.05 Paisley 5.20 Wingham 4.75 Guelph ' 1.90 • Owen Sound 4.75 Wyoming 6.20 Brampton .85. FULL1NFORMATION °FROM: AGENTS •, .. C ITY AND 1MED1••CkN'E • • :.y" Wig. • t ,Victoria Mission Band The December meeting of 't". Coria 1VIission :Band was hrlcl nfr Monday, .December ' 3rd, ,' with. Betsy Henderson acting as pres- ident. There were . 26..menl)ei'w present. .The following officers were elected for 1957: 'president, Janet Finlayson; vice •pres , ..Di- nne Jiar'nieson; sec:, '1Vrar, ]ret Anne Mullin; tress;, Wendy Mac- Kenzie; press reporter, Betsy Henderson, 50 YEARS OF' PROGPFs r'HE YDRQ'EAM IL Medicalscience continues- advance well. . beyond the far- sighted concept tr of .even • the most optimiltic predictions of a fe* . years ago. Electricity makes much of 'that progress possible. Toda'y,. doctors use electricity in a variety of ways, .from diagnosis to treat- ' ment—Specialized_ligibiinz and electrical aids to surgery . make possible intricate operations un- slreamed of half a century ago. The X-ray, perhaps electricity's great- est single contribution'to medicine, has itself assisted in :g,r t,in . thousands of lives. • Electricity's tele in medicine is certain to become increasingly im- portant and its potentialities greater as .more electronic aids come into general use.. It is another important way in which electricity; the silent co-worker in so manv projects; is' continually being used • to help provide higher standards of health,' living an prosperity. for us all. Ontario Hydro .will" continue to provide adequate supplies of power to meet the needs of our hospitals, homes, farrrm and industries. • Y 6 AS'S URES: YU u ft 0 • is C TR I'C A t F U U k,R •