The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-12, Page 4• P1fiGrE •FOUR THE: LUCKNOW .SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, QNTA.RIO ...... r601.o111 n..I4 ----- ► COMING EVENTS BAZAAR &' TEA. Court Sepoy of the '.Ladies C.O.F. ;.are holding a bazaar and bake sale in the Legion Rooms, Saturday, "December 15th at 2.30. Tea tables and draw • for doll • Prevent; arid layette which .can be seen CHIMNEY ' F IRESat Short's LG.A. Store. Tickets . Fire Chief. Chemical obtainable. at the' store or'the 2 Use• chimneyandnazaar. scale from your SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT 'nate soot. a stove and pipes: --The smaller the The annual Christmas enter t. I. e flame the More soot and carbon.. oil, coal and wood fired' units: or sale e ' Lueknnw l)istriet o -op • Store, Colwell's Store, Kinloss FOR SALE • .--. Woods electric ,chopper, almost' new., . Apply to Duncan MacConnell in I,ucknow: 'SPECIAL ._ 1957 ' R,C.A;' Victor 21" TV sets.Regular $38995, while . they "last'$339,95._: Order Radio & Electric• ' • . E OR.RENT--house & property. . north •of CNiR Mil- ler„ .'R, 5,. • uc now. • WEDNESDAY, DEC', 12th, 1956 r• 1 a a •. w , This; A C ., , alae tainment and white ,gift servic Presbyterian will, at 7.30 sharp, Everybody web. 1 For use in of the Lucknow FOR .SAL ,F 1 at' t. Sunday School be held on 29 oars C Monday evening, December 17th D. station, Apply to Mrs, Herb Mil-. *Miller's St a St Helens m L k t come IN HOUSE FOR SALE frame k PUBLIC SCIIO(a�L CONCERT • house ;in Lucknow on Havelock APPLICATIONS WANTED The. Lucknow novv , Puiblic School St , estate of the late. Flora Mac -Applications will be received Christmas , concert will :be •held'. ' Donald.. Rouse has. 4. bedrooms,' u _ to. December 18th, 1956, at in the Town. Ball on. Friday, De- living room, dining .room .and the Huron County., Federation of cemrber 14th at 8.OQ o'clock. bac . kitchen ; .as s: ' oo grit, z 310,' of re it w: nen ,;ro. fill th position' SUNDAY SCHOOL ,CONCERT Contact J. L MacMillan or ;,J. R.. Henderson, =Executors', •. ATTENTION FARMERS We have, a lcasih buyer; ;for a fi tfarnn; in the L' cknow area pric- ed at or near ' 'tie $1.0,000 -,figure. inence January ,2nd,, 1957. Low- ' :.:We ,also �liave• buyers for other: est ..or- ,.any- apphcat on• not nec- farms of from 150 to 300 acres. essarily .accepted. ' -Ifyou want to; sell,' for • quick. For further .r particulars contact Hall, Friday, December 14th at 0 Cl` 8,30. Dance to follow. Admission I results list With or on d A i lture Office Box d g of Clxnton,Ont treasurer and field- l The United. Church. state pa t) to a rp of. secretary tSunday 1 man for the I-uron• County Fed- School •Christmas concert will ibe' eration of Agriculture, held in the Church ,school word • Applicants please state age, on .Thursday, December 20th at. �►, qualificat%ons, experience a n d 8,00 p.m.' q 'salary expected: Duties to co!- • NQ, 5 CONCERT & DANCE - coin- S.S. 1IS.S, No. 5,. Kinloss (6th Con..) • Christ¢naL coneert,-in :Holyrood` YM `tli G d M Greig Box . 1 in - .PAUL F. SIEGNER, Realtoritoru, telephone `1 h • Phone WALKERTOON. 520' • Clinton, Hunter 50c and 20c. Ladies please bring h 29642 i r Brussels ' 44-r-5. unc Mother• w tm .: t mem e• ' Let your 'Christmas ' gift give years of easier housekeeping and greater:food economy •=- with a ,4 freezer or refri�gera Don't do your Christmas shop, ping' without dropping • in and .. looking around your local Co-op Store: ' . a. T'URSEYS- FOR SALE _ _FCyR;:•SALE • • . CHRISTM4 ONCERT - ._: - 13-_ e - (Belfast') S;S.: 1�To.. • • Fresh killed .young turkeys, for. • triniit to buy.Christmas ••concer .will" be held..Lucknow ,.; istrict • • ' : (�hriistrnas. Please place all `orders Here. is far4n p ay. loam, . level in the school, Tuesday,. Decetn- � . before DeeerYber •15th. ' a 280 acre , 18h s at , T 'Adults 35c.ee' - 'PHONE 71, LUCKNOW; band atyour our own' .price; 7 room l ber....,,,,e,,4,- yr w , r_j � i . � - � ;w , ,,v' Phone- ey • Turkey 'Farm large barn, imple-.r. NCERT ` ,..-,,,,,..4.-„..e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.:,,,,,,, �, ,,,, >� , (; ;� , ,,,, ; ;r , ., , , :. '. (.,,... , •' "" " `" .. ,., .. Pho 7-r-8' brick house,.g ► I' • CHRISTMAS 'CO ,S• ••r:..� • ., . p Qi Q s�tQ Q @ q , Q Ai31 9A 10Po% r •Utf it S 11 :.}Iockey � Skatiflg. ne• Dungannon . merit shed located ' ori 'the. 5th S_ S - f Ash, fiel (Lothian) NURSING ;HOME' . ; Con.;' Ashrfield. Twp., ' 11%2 miles ,Christmas c. ori.cert on. Wednesday, Thompson Nurrsing , Home, Rip- from Highway, 21. make. us' an December 19th at 8:15 sharp, ley, :has vaeancy for more pat- I offer, Adults 35c, 19th ren• free. Every-; 'cuts. • Bed patients . accepted'at ' Lovely 7 -room frame house one welcome. - $60.00 per month in advance. I with 9 acres . of level workable ` CONCERT SCHOOL ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION I land, .barn,.. henhouse, town water, . I hydro; located in Lucknow, full ,S.S. •No • 9, ,Kin'loss, Christmas h - For -artificial;- •insemination m= pride -_$4500 Ni or-tgage_an..be' ar _ concert ' will be held on .Wednes• • • formation . '.or. : service: • from all ran. ed d D emiber 1M -rat 11.30'; ---Ad--- • 30- Ad- g 1 r , ay, ec ' ltor 40 mission 35c, 'children free. •Lad LADIES' ,SKATES sociation at:'Clinton HU ,2-3441 W George McGill-). MEETING NOTICE or Kincardine 460 between. 7.30 1108; Salesman, HOCKEY 930 a.m. We have all breeds ivray,, phone �62-r�-1.4, Dungan- A Meeting.of all those 'flier •! CHILDREN'S _SKATES andnon , . available: -- .top quality at law i S • -SWEATERS,: ,SOCKS, Counter SHOULDER HARNESS; .SHIN PADS, Gt,O'VES,� at re Se breeds oft 'tattle,. phone : the JOHN' BOSVELD, Rea Waterloo Cattle Breeding As ies please bring Punch.. Wellesley .St.,' Goderich, phone ! � EN'S SKATES. __- • ested in p�layin;g J�uverile Hockey will':, be held. in the , Lucknow .yheck Books for sale Arena on .Sunday afternoon, De- Sentinel Off�ct l - cernlber 16th at 2.30 o'ciook J! NOTICE : ' ' �, asked' to contact Ab' Chin or Bill 1. '•• • , $9;95_ar>rd: $F095`. ' -$9.95 and •$11.95 • cost. :. • )..HOCKEY PANTS,: • MAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quarter. Beef killed under lic- ense from 'the ;Department of Health: Choice 'Hereford year- lings. Custom butchering a spec- iality. pec-. iality. Raypard Ackert, Holyrood Phone - Ripley $6.95 u V- C., STiOms ET miles who cannot. be. present are The monthly 'c'hild health': con- ( Johnstone .before the meeting. ference will '.be held in •the Leg;: ! XMAS CONCERT:. &. DANCE ,�. ion Hall on Tuesday, December .No. 4, St, Helns, Christ 18th from 10' to .11:30 aril. Babies man ,concert 'and dance; St, lfel 1 .. �SE�LZ ... _ I• Decemlber 14th at 8.30. Ladies" bring .lunch. Admission � ' s :. a�� Auto Supply • . WE TAKE USED SKATE' TRADE-INS and ,pre-school children, welcome. I en's Community Hall, Friday,! 24 30 tt 1 y HORSES wANTED.. 1: -.-CARP OFTHANKpleasebgOit OLD . Old horses wanted -at -31(20 ---Per . L Jennm 135c and 25c. "" �T---• •ti'. ' �-PHO1�E. 65 • ,�.UCKNOW, ONT. • Rev. and Mrs .: • BENEFIT .DANCE n ttSR lb:; dead cattle at valuer If deo , wish to thank. all who were so Phone , at once'to Gilbert.Bros: Mink Ranch, phone, collect God_ kind . and helpful.. coring Mrs. erich 1483J4 or ' 1483n. Jennings' ' illness, including ..Dr. Mel . Corrin, Mr. Russ.' Johnstone and Bill for ambulance service,. FINANCING A CAR:' r. Before you buy :ask • about our • Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage: J. A. 1VfcDonagh; Insurance Agent, me cards,' 'letters, boxes of fruit ed me, sent 'flowers, fruit, and phone .Dungannon . 61-5: and lovely ilo�wers while I .was candy,to neighbors" who . made' Sanitary Sewage Disposal ' in the hospital, also all who came trips o Londori,.;minded crhildre•' to visit me.' , and did' other kind acts iw,e wish r ,Septic 'tanks, cess, -pools, etc., , f . aped with sani- Isabel ' Ritchie.. t to' express our heartfelt thanks. �g • pumped and cls 1 Special thanks• to the Holyrood a °M>yI. slo • • On oars Wom;en's Institute,' Mr, Ernest . ,Better Cattle' For Better Livinig, Ackert and. the• nurses and doe tors I ' the Recreational Centre Lucknow, on 'Tuesday, December'' ' tt . f '�'�'r Ir i' � `n b Rcrtrrgot iexros l ipieriertte siotw tcoe �a i 13th, in aid of Mr. and Mrs.. �a,a,"t...:,t�...,,.;�.a�.t„�.�,�t'�'' ,�ta��r Allan Barger. Carruthers . orch= • estra. Lunch, counter in 'hall: all who made kind. enquiries. and, all who sent flowers ;and ,cards:: •• CARD OF THANKS. I wish to ,thank all who sent • To all kind' friends . who ' vi. it-'.� . ..�ertoo Cattle. :Breeding at Association "Where Better Bulls Are' Used" • tory modern equipment. Al We wish to sincerely thank the work .guaranteed. ' Write Louis 1 neighbors and ,friends • for ;their. Z ..Brussels,.w..phone:: • When . we .:moved to Blake; R.R• t. assistance wli 42-r-0, Brussels. Lucknow. Their kind help was indeed a 'pp . REAL ESTATEreciate�i. Mr, and Mrs: Duncan. MacCon=. WANTED— listings on farms; homes . businesses, "small .hold-^ nen- , HOf�ES `TO BE' HOME ' Ernest, Gaunt wishes -'to' 4. sin- I' FOR CHRIST1V1fAS r hugs,, properties all descriptions. Contact John Hall, 'phone 26, 1 c•.erely thank those - who so ,kind : Jim O'Donnell of Holyr'ood,. ent for W.L.1 Lucknow, Ont., ag ly remembered him while in the who'. has been hospitalized or Stevenson Real ' Estate, Moult• hospital, These thoughtful re- I about three .months, hopes to be Forest.• •memlbrarrces. -were ' indeed --ap• -home--far Christrnaq: Hospital, —, ,. preciated. .. .i • He is in t. Joseph's osp NOTICE y London, receiving treatment for w I. wish:. to, sincerer thank all osteomyelitis, an 'infection of the. To Ratepayers ;In , 1 those who so kindly remernbered bone marrow, resulting. from The•Township: Of Ashfield , me ,with cards andgifts when 'I, g p ow striking 1'Tii shirr a sharp blow ' Application ,forms are avail- I was' in hospital. Special thanks on• the swathes during . harvest- able from the :undersigned for , and nurses, •ing operations: in •September. to �Dr Corrin anyone . wishing to have his or Mrs. Ezra Stanley. 'Jim has had several blood: her property transferred to the transfusions' to aid in checking support of the. Ashfield Town I wish to e cpress my appre the infection. Progress is sa s- ship • School. Area from a school eis<tion and thanks to all my • factory, and • Jinn is hopeful that Section withdrawing, from the it et d$ and ,neighbors who.sent gifts �.• and ` cards w'h le spending 'a cast can roe ''put on the limb Area. soon, to permit him rejoininghis R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas•, • the. past week in. Victoria Ilos W,family at 1101yrood for Christ. •.�:,ttm;rav m -. '..nr�uwiiaro . _ '::m ,- ...� - . >wr: .tr.--4- arx�.::xis;; Z•t= . 41..:.,..,.: ••,,,.�w•4x...=,.., rti................�..:,M•r>x:..-tgr.. Mia �. '4. .:• x...__x......:.......v..--....r., A hf eft �Townslii Serol Area vital. mas, r ' " at Kii icardine • and St. Jos- eph's Hospitals. ' :Jim• and Betty O'Donnell. We invite you to check on •t the quality of calves sir Cur ;beef bulls. You will see that they are better than averag< for quality, deed, 'conversion and will make good herd rr., --d •placenients or beef:. This means -more money in your pockets which in act from these better cattic utility will make for..better, living s i . Phyllis oore. n,.11.l. 7,. Luckriow. Ontario. yllis Grade or purebred, Dairy'or Beef. or Crossbreeding, can_d:o•.not better. than: to breed your females artificially 1 our; `.bulls, be your. ;herd large or. small. W . Our rates are modest, For Service or more. information, call.collect to: CLINTON HU'2-3441,.or KINCARDINE 460, Between .1;30 and 10 a.m. week days Bet , 'i.30 . and 9.30 'am. Sundays and holidays The• conception rate will average. the same as with , •p . ural, service where a sure 'breeding bull is used. �r+.'•Z::::Ws''G.1'cY•rub••TxJC.�r:.Y.:]^.:`a.rxCa+:.X'%r>[xs41k �•:ye . •n' t �r .r„RYM+x:•mtnilr,3A1.i. ..-•� iit11�IR!.:;. ���„ip lib'•t'r lii0.111.�IY�tY�i/��birp4YOi.INfilrO��tr�t • -f