The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-10-31, Page 6• SIX
and Mrs. Wilfred Lamber-
lais and family of Hamilton spent.
"The week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Labertus, also visited with.
the Edwin Meyer family ,and
Dennis Dalton,
Mr.. and Mrs. Jahn Kinney &
tbree children, Lynne, Pat and
•--john ' Jr, and Mrs. Jack, Kinney
Detroit spent the week -end at
.yrs,• J. Kinney's home here.
?5r., Peter Lierman visited
with relatives at Langton over
`Te Week -end..'
Mrs. Dan. Doyle, Margaret. ,Anii.
and two boys of, Detroit and Miss
rxgaire't Foley of Sitrathroy
ire wee.! --end visitors' --'at- the
•;;none of Michael Foley.
_,, The, anasgruerade dance held in.
the parish hall last Friday night.
Isms very well patronized, with
prizes for children'S costumes
going to'. Kathleen Dalton, Brian
Dalton, Denise Dalton, and: Dan
sy . 'rayue; for adults,.. Mrs., Jas.,
Nelson, . R. R. ..7, Luc t ; Mass
Nary.. Boyle of Goderich Lloyd
Ashton. of. Lucknow and 'Harvey
'Culbert of Dfungannon.
The C.W.L. held their• month-
ly meeting in the tall ; last Mon-
day evening withgood' attend -
amine. 'Filial plans were made for
the 'Fall FeStival to be 'held, this
sljtilkiclay evening 'commencing; at
18,30 p.m.. with, a Iver fine Pro -
gown "far awed` Ik?y dance. to.
Cann rs . 'Orchestra . and the
WS., Walter A•d
are, ' ent of. .
the 1C.1N'.L. aeeozn an'ied ;WIMP.
M! Lierman, Mrs, Mark Dalton
and Mrs, Ray Dalton 'attended
the Stratford :Deanery meeting
of the C,.g and
Marys 'last
W,L,, 1�n . St.a
ildren�of London spent
day with the Walter Clare fam-
Mr., and Mrs. Jas:' Courtney &
children visited with Thos, Mc-
Cann and Miss 'Carrie McCann
of St. Augustine on Sunday.
drawl for 20 prizes,
After the meeting on Monday
evening colored pictures of the
East and .ether European•k count-
ries ies were shown by Miss Antoin-
ette Dalton, covering visits to
many siaces of interest 'while
with the United: States Military
in Korea, 'etc. : ; '
Other week -end visitors' here
were M. George Arts of Luean,
and Wm, Van Osch . of Toronto
at the. Van Osch home; M. and
Mrs, Len Woodley and Darlene.
of Toronto at the Clifton Austin
hone; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mor-
an of London -at the Frank Mor-
an holcne; Mr. and. Mrs.. J,; Pitz-'
gera11 of Stratford.. and Miss. lV c-
Quell n—off; W. ihitechurch, Joseph-
1Vlurphy of Toronto atthe home
ell Mrs. P. Murphy; Miss Fran-
ces Gilmore of Landon with the
Ed Gilmore 'family; Miss '.Delores
Dalton of Detroit at the hone
oi' Mark Dalton; Clarence Do
iherty of Toronto, Arnold Mars-
man, Douglas Frayne and Peter
Van Osch sof London . Eldon iAus-
tin of London. • •
Mr. John McCormack of Kin-
cardine was a Sunday visitor at;,
the home of Mr. .and. Mrs. H.
Lambertus, •
Miss Mary Clarice of Auburn
visited with Frances' Dalton over
the ''week -end.
Mrs. Wm. Lannon, . Donna and:
friend and Mr., and .Mrs. M. Law
of 'London . visited friends here
on Sunday., •
Held Prenuptial Shower
—Ma—Harold Harold Kington- was
hostess at her home for .a : mis-
cellaneous shower for, her sister-
in-law, . Miss Jean • Errington,
bride -elect. ; 'ilhe living rooms
were attractively decorated and
a .specially decorated chair with
bridal trimming was arranged
for Jean before the 35.'guests.
Betty Durnin played on 'the
piano "Here comes the bride'
as Jean was ushered in. A 'nock
wedding' was'staged 'with the
following taking part: Mrs. Wan..
Wareing, minister; Helen Little,
bride; Joyce Little, groom;, . El-
eanor Alton, bridesmaid; Betty
Dwain, 'best man; Lorene Er-'
ririgton, flower • girl; 1Diane. Er-
rington, ring bearer, which made
,amusing entertainment. Eleanor
Alton was pianist for the mock
NS, '1956,
1955'Pontiae, fully equipped,,:,,,,.,.,.!.,!,...,.!.,,,.,,,,,..!,,.�
Two' 1955 Standard. Chev. Sedans,, tally equipped $1,895
1954 Chev. Powerglide Coach, fully equipped .,!,.,.., $1,495
1952 Ford Sedan .,5 995
1952 Chem Deluxe Sedan $1,095:
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A, Number lof Stake. Trucks in 1947 and 1948 Models.
1951 Mercury 1 -ton. Pick -Up ., ::.,..., . $ 495
1951 Chev..2-ton Stake $ 750
1950 1 -ton GMC Panel r ' $ 495
Two 1949 Ford Panels $ 325
1949 1 -ton 'GMC Panel converted to a bus $ 495
1949 Chev. 4Z -ton 'Plek--4Tp : . $ 425
.. ,, ,:..,,..5.. $ 395 -.
1849:-CLey._ %-•ton.-:P-ick-Up ., .!....,.,Wa .r
Huron -County's Foremost 'Died Car Deader$,
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Cities Service. Dealer -- • Phone :73x, Brussels
Wedding. Diane and Lorene then
• as a. miniature bridalcouple,
brought in a :pretty • wagon 'load-.
ed . with'. gifts:'. Mrs. Harvey ..A1
ton . read an address of best
wishes, to the bride:.'Jean thank-
ed . them.. for their lovely gifts.
After lunch the party of friends
•went to Jean's house to see her
Mr; and • Mrs, Lorne Badman,
Barbara and Pamela of Camber'
are visitors with. Mr. anti Mrs.
7Ea'rold Errington..
Visitors on Sunda, with Mr.
arid Mrs. Cecil• Blake were Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton ' of
Atwood, Mr,. and Mrs.. William.
Faulds, Bob ,.':and' Helen of ,St..
George. .
Visitors with. ' Mrs. • S: 'J. 'Ki1-
Patrick were Mr. and Mrs. F • ed
Anderson -of Lucknow and r.
and Mrs. Rich Kilpatrick & fam
ily. of Ashfield:
Mr. Wm. Caesar , and brother
Jack Caesar on ,Saturday attend-
ed . 'the funeral of . 'their uncle,
Mr. ,Adolphus Caesar, age. 73, of
Akron, 'Ohio. , He was , a son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cae-
sar; 6th Con., Ashfield: He went
as a :young man to Akron" and
spent the greater part of his life
in -that city.: He is ;.survived by:
a son, and daughter of Akron.
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:Mrs. Catherine ' O'Neil' • and
Mases' Mary . ,and. Helen. Collison
were guests et " the Howell -Coll-
ison wedding` at 'Preston,.. Mary
was , bridesmaid • for her sister
Joan .
• Mrs. Mary Wain and Mrs. Or-
val ' •'Wilson and ' Susan spent
Wednesday. afternoon' . at Hannan,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart
and Mr. Wm. Ruth spent .Thurs-
Playafternoon --at—Brow Mr:
James Wilson . spent. Wednesday
eveningat the same tome..
Mr and Mrs. Jas.. Wraith spent,
Tuesday afternoon at 'Evan
Keith's. ,
Mrs. Duncan Thompson re-
turned home on Saturday, after
spending the past month with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Willits and
family, Uxbridge. : ' '„
.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown &
Reg spent Sunday with Mr. "Ed
McCallum & Clarence and Mrs.
May Jackson, Wroxeter,
Bethany Parin, 'Forum met 'on
'Monday night at the home. of Mr;
and Mrs. Alex Whytock.• . •
The Westford Willing. Work-
ers held their .second' meeting at
the.•horne of Mrs, Jack Barr on
°libber 22nd. We opened the
ata ai r zr :ru
Disci and Esso Extra Gasoline
Always look to :Imperial
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meeting with •our '•theme. song
'The More We Get Together",
The . roll call was . "Ifow I pre-
pared my ;material" and was ans—
wered by 11 girls. The minutes
of. the last meeting Were read
by- • the secretary, Mrs. Delbert.
Medley and adopted. Our assSst.
ant leader dictated notes.. on
"Altering the Pattern" ' and "F
Full, Seam"., Eaeh girl made a
flat" fell .seanii.• The next meet--
eet- •frig will be field at the home O
Elda Wall on October 3001: ' A
dainty Lunch *as 'served by tisk
poetess. Sharon .Hodgins than
ed, the hostess.